
  1. Ku, Y-C., Chung, H-P., Hsu, C-Y., Cheng, Y-H., Hsu, F. I-C., Tsai, Y-C., Chao, E., & Lee, T. S.-H.* (2023). Recidivism of individuals who completed Schedule I drug deferred prosecution treatment: A population-based follow-up study from 2008 to 2020 in Taiwan. International Journal of Mental Health and Addiction, https://doi.org/10.1007/s11469-023-01034-w (*Corresponding. SSCI. IF=8.0, Ranking(1/21) = 4.8% in Substance Abuse. SJR=1.267, Ranking (106/564) = 18.79% in Psychiatry and Mental Health. FWCI =0. Cited =0)
  2. Wu, M. C., Hung, C. C., Fang, S. C., & Lee, T. S.-H.* (2023). Change of home visit frequency by public health nurses predicts emergency escorts for psychiatric patients living in the community: A retrospective medical record review. Frontiers in Public Health, 11:1066908. doi: 10.3389/fpubh.2023.1066908. (*Corresponding. SSCI. IF=5.2, Ranking(25/180) = 13.9% in Public, Enviromental & Occupational Health. SJR=1.125, Ranking (107/611) = 17.51% in Public Health. FWCI =0. Cited =0)
  3. Yueh, H.-P., Wang, G.-Y., & Lee, T. S.-H.* (2022). The cognition, information behaviors, and preventive behaviors of Taiwanese people facing COVID-19. Scientific Reports, 12(1). https://doi.org/10.1038/s41598-022-20312-6 (*Corresponding. SCI. IF=4.6, Ranking(22/73) = 30.14% in Multidisciplinary Sciences. SJR=0.973, Ranking (13/144) = 9.03% in Multidisciplinary. FWCI =0. Cited =0)
  4. Lee, T. S.-H., Liu, Y.-H., Huang, Y.-J., Tang, W.-K., Wang, Y., Hu, S., Lin, C.-P., Li, C.-S. R., & Hung, C.-C. (2022). Clinical and behavior characteristics of individuals who used ketamine. Scientific Reports, 12(1). https://doi.org/10.1038/s41598-022-04832-9 (SCI. IF=4.6, Ranking(22/73) = 30.14% in Multidisciplinary Sciences. SJR=0.973, Ranking (13/144) = 9.03% in Multidisciplinary. FWCI = 0.97. Cited = 2)
  5. 李思賢 (2022)。施用成癮藥物者的復元與復歸社會的挑戰。中華心理衛生學刊,35 (2),111-116。https://doi.org/10.30074/FJMH.202206_35 (2).0001 (TSSCI)
  6. 白鎮福、李宗憲、吳思穎、黃韻儒、李思賢 * (2022)。施用影響精神藥物者之以全人為導向的復元與社會復歸架構:社區服務機構之文本分析。中華心理衛生學刊,35 (2),181-214。https://doi.org/10.30074/FJMH.202206_35 (2).0004 (*Corresponding. TSSCI)
  7. Fu, M. M., Chen, R. Y., Fu, M. W., Kao, H. C., Kao, H. C., Chan, H. L., Fu, E., & Lee, T. S.-H.* (2022). Life Satisfaction of US-trained Dental Specialists in Taiwan. International Dental Journal 72 (2), 194-202. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.identj.2021.12.001 (*Corresponding. SCIE. IF = 3.3, Ranking (30/91) = 33% in Dentistry, Oral Surgery & Medicine. SJR= 0.733, Ranking (29/145) = 20% in Dentistry (miscellaneous). FWCI = 無. Cited = 0)
  8. Fan, C. Y., Huang, J. C. T., Liu, C. H. Chen, C. H., Chang, J. H., Chen, J. W., Huang, S. K., Lee, T. S.-H.*, & Huang, E. P. C. (2022). Comparison of stigmatization and mental health between physicians and nurses in the early COVID-19 pandemic outbreak. Journal of Acute Medicine, 12(2), 81-83. https://doi.org/10.6705/j.jacme.202206_12(2).0007 (*Corresponding. IF = 0.6, SJR=0.178, Ranking (68/102) = 66.7% in Emergency Medicine. FWCI =0. Cited=0.)
  9. Shiu, C., Chen, W. T., Hung, C. C., Huang, E. P., & Lee, T. S.-H.* (2022). COVID-19 stigma associates with burnout among healthcare providers: Evidence from Taiwanese physicians and nurses. Journal of the Formosan Medical Association, 121(8), 1384-1391. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jfma.2021.09.022 (*Corresponding. SCI. IF=3.2, Ranking(69/167) = 41.32% in Medicine, General & Internal. SJR=0.856, Ranking (639/2501) = 25.55% in Medicine (miscellaneous). FWCI = 5.76. Cited = 15)
  10. Sung, C. W., Chen, C. H., Fan, C. Y., Chang, J. H., Hung, C. C., Fu, C. M., Wong, L. P., Huang, E. P. C., & Lee, T. S.-H.* (2021). Mental health crisis in healthcare providers in the COVID-19 pandemic: a cross-sectional facility-based survey. BMJ Open, 11(7), e052184. https://doi.org/10.1136/bmjopen-2021-052184 (*Corresponding. SCI. IF=3.007 Ranking(86/172) = 50.0% in Medicine,General & Internal. SJR=0.982 Ranking(494/2489) =19.8% in Medicine (miscellaneous). FWCI=2.48. Cited=6).
  11. Chiang, Y. C., Lin, Y. J., Li, X., Lee, C. Y., Zhang, S., Lee, T. S.-H.*, Chang, H. Y., Wu, C. C., & Yang, H. J. (2021). Parents’ right strategy on preventing youngsters’ recent suicidal ideation: a 13-year prospective cohort study. Journal of Mental Health, 1-9. https://doi.org/10.1080/09638237.2021.1979490 (*Corresponding. SSCI. IF=3.681, Ranking (55/131) = 41.98% in Clinical Psychology. SJR=0.865, Ranking (603/2489) = 24.2% in Psychiatry and Mental Health. FWCI = 無. Cited = 4)
  12. Huang, C. T., Sung, C. W., Chen, C. H., Fan, C. Y., Liu, C. H., Lee, T. S.-H., Huang, E. P. (2021). The impact of previous epidemic disease on mental health in physicians and nurses during COVID-19 pandemic. American Journal of Emergency Medicine, 48: 367-368. doi: 10.1016/j.ajem.2021.01.082. (SCI. IF=4.093, Ranking(8/32) = 25% in Emergency Medicine. SJR=0.823, Ranking (12/94) = 12.76% in Medicine (miscellaneous). FWCI =3.02. Cited = 11)
  13. Lee, T. S.-H., Wu, Y. J., Chao, E., Chang, C. W., Hwang, K. S., Wu, W. C. (2021). Resilience as a mediator of interpersonal relationships and depressive symptoms amongst 10th to 12th grade students. Journal of Affective Disorders, 278, 107-113. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jad.2020.09.033 (SSCI. IF=6.533, Ranking(29/212) = 13.67% in Clinical Neurology. SJR=1.791, Ranking (20/302) = 6.6% in Clinical Psychology. FWCI=2.21. Cited=19)
  14. Wong, L. P., Chiu, C.-J., Alias, H., Lee, T. S.-H., Hu, Z., & Lin, Y. (2021). Preventing re-emergence of COVID-19: A national survey of public risk perceptions and behavioural intentions concerning travel plan among Taiwanese. Frontiers in Public Health, 9. https://doi.org/10.3389/fpubh.2021.710508 (SSCI. IF=6.461, Ranking(18/182) = 9.8% in Public, Environmental & Occupational Health. SJR=1.298, Ranking (67/588) = 11.3% in Public Health, Environmental and Occupational Health. FWCI=0.37. Cited=2)
  15. 趙恩、陳國緯、李思賢 * (2021) 台灣公民面對新冠肺炎疫情初期之焦慮症狀與防疫作為之趨勢。台灣公共衛生雜誌,40 (1),83-96。10.6288/TJPH.202102_40 (1).109115 (*Corresponding author. TSSCI)
  16. 趙恩、陳國緯、李思賢 * (2021) 愛情還是麵包:代表性 vs. 時效性與研究倫理。台灣公共衛生雜誌,40 (1),99。 (*Corresponding author. TSSCI)
  17. 劉湘瑤、張震興、張瓅勻、趙恩、李思賢 * (2021) 人工智能倫理的挑戰與反思。資訊社會研究專刊,41,27-64。 https://doi.org/10.29843/JCCIS.202107_(41).0003 (*Corresponding author. TSSCI)
  18. Lu, C. C., Huang, G. S., Lee, T. S.-H., Chao, E., Chen, H. C., Guo, Y. S., Chu, S. J., Liu, F. C., Kao, S. Y., Hou, T. Y., Chen, C. H., Chang, D. M., & Lyu, S. Y. (2021). MRI contributes to accurate and early diagnosis of non-radiographic HLA-B27 negative axial spondyloarthritis. Journal of Translational Medicine, 19, 298. https://doi.org/10.1186/s12967-021-02959-3 (SCI. IF=8.448, Ranking (25/139) = 17.9% in Medicine, Research & Experimental. SJR=1.570, Ranking (211/2484) = 8.49% in Medicine (miscellaneous). FWCI = 無. Cited = 2)
  19. 李宗憲、白鎮福、束連文、吳思穎、黃韻儒、林毓恩、顧以謙、李思賢 * (2021) 建置毒品施用者之復原與社會復歸:介紹美國物質成癮與心理健康服務部的定義與反思台灣現況。藥物濫用防治,6 (2),1-14。 https://doi.org/10.6645/JSAR.202106_6 (2).1 (*Corresponding author.)
  20. Wu, C. Y., & Lee, T. S.-H.* (2020). Impact of parent-child relationship and sex on trajectories of children internalizing symptoms. Journal of Affective Disorders, 260(1), 167-173. https://doi.org/https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jad.2019.09.016 (*Corresponding author. SSCI = 4.839, IF= 6.533,Ranking (25/143) = 17.5% in Psychiatry. 2020 SJR = 1.892, Ranking (21/291) = 7.2% in Clinical Psychology. FWCI =1.7. Cited =29)
  21. Chao, E., Hung, C. C., Lin, C. P., Ku, Y. J., Ain, Q. U., Metzger, D. S., & Lee, T. S.-H.* (2020). Adherence among HIV-positive injection drug users undergoing methadone treatment in Taiwan. BMC Psychiatry, 20(1), 346. https://doi.org/10.1186/s12888-020-02764-0 (*Corresponding. SCI. IF=4.144, Ranking (71/156)=45.5% in Psychiatry. SJR = 1.437, Ranking (84/537) = 15.64% in Psychiatry and Mental Health. FWCI =0.46. Cited = 4)
  22. Fu, M. M., Chen, R. Y., Kao, H. C., Wang, C. H., Chan, H. L., Fu, E., Lee, T. S.-H.* (2020). Life satisfaction of Taiwanese dental graduates received residencies in the U.S.: a cross-sectional study. BMC Medical Education, 20(1), 129. https://doi.org/10.1186/s12909-020-02032-5 (*Corresponding. SSCI ,IF= 2.463. Ranking (117/264) = 44.3% in Education. 2020 SJR = 0.809, Ranking (289/1543) = 18.7% in Education. FWCI =1.22. Cited =3)
  23. Hung, C. C., Liu, Y. H., Huang, C. C., Chou, C. Y., Chen, C. M., Duann, J. R., Li, C. R., Lee, T. S.-H.*, & Lin, C. P. (2020). Effects of early ketamine exposure on cerebral gray matter volume and functional connectivity. Scientific Reports, 10(1), 15488. https://doi.org/10.1038/s41598-020-72320-z (*Corresponding. 2020 SCIE ,IF= 4.379, Ranking (17/73) = 23.3% in Multidisciplinary Sciences. 2020 SJR = 1.240, Ranking (10/135) = 7.4% in Multidisciplinary. FWCI =0.78. Cited =14)
  24. Wong, L. P., Hung, C. C., Alias, H., & Lee, T. S.-H.* (2020). Anxiety symptoms and preventive measures during the COVID-19 outbreak in Taiwan. BMC Psychiatry, 20(1). https://doi.org/10.1186/s12888-020-02786-8 (*Corresponding. 2020 SCIE ,IF= 3.460, Ranking (71/156) = 35.5% in Psychiatry. SJR = 1.437, Ranking (84/537) = 15.64% in Psychiatry and Mental Health. FWCI =4.8. Cited =98)
  25. Lee, M. J., Wu, W.-C., Chang, H-C., Chen, H-J., Lin, W-S., Feng, J. Y., & Lee, T. S.-H.* (2020). Effectiveness of a school-based life skills program on emotional regulation and depression among elementary school students: A randomized study. Children and Youth Services Review, 118. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.childyouth.2020.105464 (*Corresponding author. 2020 SSCI ,IF =2.393, Ranking (9/44) = 20.5% in Social Work. 2020 SJR = 0.816, Ranking (209/1315) = 15.9% in Sociology and Political Science. FWCI =0.43. Cited =10)
  26. Lee, T. S.-H., Liu, S.-Y., Wei, Y.-L., & Chang, L.-Y. (2020). A comparative study on ethics guidelines for artificial intelligence across nations. In Innovative Technologies and Learning (pp. 289-295). https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-030-63885-6_33 (查無 JCR 資料. SJR=0.249, Ranking (180/455)=40.4% FWCI = 查無. Cited = 1)
  27. Chiu, Y. H., Lee, T. S. H., Chao, E., Chen, I. F., Liu, F. C., Chiu, C. H., Chen, H. C., Chang, D. M., Chu, S. J., Kuo, S. Y., & Lu, C. C. (2020). Application of classification criteria of Sjogren’s syndrome in patients with sicca symptoms: Real-world experience at a medical center in Taiwan. Journal of the Formosan Medical Association, 119, 480-487. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jfma.2019.06.012 (SCIE, IF=3.282, Ranking (40/315)=12.7% in Medicine, General & Internal. SJR = 0.708, Ranking (926/2448) = 37.8% in Medicine. FWCI = 查無. Cited = 5)
  28. Hung, C. C., Zhang, S., Chen, C. M., Duann, J. R., Lin, C. P., Lee, T. S. H.,* & Li, C. S. R. (2020). Striatal functional connectivity in chronic ketamine users: A pilot study. American Journal of Drug & Alcohol Abuse, 46(1), 31-43. https://doi.org/10.1080/00952990.2019.1624764 (*Corresponding. SSCI. IF = 3.829, Ranking (10/37) = 27% in Substance Abuse. 2020 SJR = 1.415, Ranking (291/2448) = 11.9%. FWCI =1.83. Cited =18)
  29. Hung, C. C., Su, L. W., Yen, M. Y., Chuang, P., Yang, H. J., & Lee, T. S.-H.* (2019). Effectiveness of a brief information, motivation and behavioral skills program on stage transitions and lapse for individuals who use ketamine. Drug and Alcohol Dependence, 204, 107509. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.drugalcdep.2019.06.012 (*Corresponding. SSCI, IF = 4.492, Ranking (8/54) = 14.8% in Substance Abuse. 2020 SJR = 1.783, Ranking (5/123) = 4.1% in Toxicology. FWCI =0.31. Cited =3)
  30. Lee, T. S.-H., Sun, H.-F., & Chiang, H.-H. (2019). Development and validation of the short-form Ryff's psychological well-being scale for clinical nurses in Taiwan. Journal of Medical Sciences, 39(4), 157-162. https://doi.org/10.4103/jmedsci.jmedsci_191_18 (FWCI =0.55. Cited =4)
  31. Lee, T. S.-H., Hung, C. C., Lin, C. K., & Chiang, H. H. (2019). Controlled randomized trial of walking exercise with positive education on cardiovascular fitness and happiness in retired older adults. Geriatric and Gerontology International, 19(9), 879-884. https://doi.org/10.1111/ggi.13733 (SSCI, IF= 2.730, Ranking (15/36) = 41.7% in Gerontology. 2020 SJR = 0.823, Ranking (116/632) = 18.4% in Nursing. FWCI =0.12. Cited =2)
  32. Lee, T. S.-H., Tzeng, W. C., & Chiang, H. H. (2019). Impact of Coping Strategies on Nurses' Well-Being and Practice. Journal of Nursing Scholarship, 51(2), 195-204. https://doi.org/10.1111/jnu.12467 (SSCI, IF=3.176, Ranking (4/123) = 3% in Nursing. 2020 SJR = 1.009, Ranking (78/632) = 12.3% in Nursing. FWCI =4.48. Cited =21)
  33. 李思賢、徐倩、蔡孟璋 (2019)。分流處遇模式的提出與推行:以高雄毒品犯緩起訴分流處遇為例。藥物濫用防治,4 (2),57-74. https://doi.org/10.6645/JSAR.201906_4 (2).3
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  35. Lin, W.-S., Chen, H.-R., Lee, T. S.-H., & Feng, J. Y. (2019). Role of social anxiety on high engagement and addictive behavior in the context of social networking sites. Data Technologies and Applications, 53(2), 156-170. https://doi.org/10.1108/dta-09-2018-0076 (SCI. IF=0.704, Ranking(149/156) =82.3%. SJR=0.382, Ranking (86/260) = 33% in Multidisciplinary.FWCI =1.15. Cited =9)
  36. Lin, C. L., Lee, T. S.-H.* Hsu, C. C., Chen, C. Y., Chao, E., Shih, S. F., & Hu, H. Y. (2019). Factors associated with post-partum smoking relapse in Taiwan: A trial of smoker’s helpline. Taiwanese Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology, 58 (5), 667-672. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.tjog.2019.07.015 (*Corresponding. SCI. IF= 0.705, Ranking (79/121) = 65.3% in Obstetrics & Gynecology. 2020 SJR = 0.518, Ranking (96/181) = 53% in Obstetrics and Gynecology. FWCI = 查無. Cited = 0)
  37. 姜定宇、趙軒甫、姜忠信、李思賢 (2018)。註冊研究:中華心理學刊新增投稿文類。中華心理學刊,60 (1),i-iii。https://doi.org/10.6129/CJP.201803_60 (1).0000
  38. 吳慧菁、賴擁連、胡純茹、李思賢 (2018)。工作認同、助人態度與工作滿意度相關探討:毒品危害防制中心之個管師為例。藥物濫用防治,3 (3),1-31。http://dx.doi.org/10.6645/jsar.201809_3 (3).1
  39. Chiang, H. H., & Lee, T. S.-H.* (2018). Family relations, sense of coherence, happiness and perceived health in retired Taiwanese: Analysis of a conceptual model. Geriatrics & Gerontology International, 18 (1), 154-160. https://doi.org/10.1111/ggi.13141 (*Corresponding. SSCI, IF = 2.730, Ranking (15/36) = 41.7% in Gerontology. 2020 SJR = 0.823, Ranking (116/632) = 18.4% in Nursing. FWCI =0.94. Cited =10)
  40. Liang, H. J., Ungvari, G. S., Lee, T. S.-H., & Tang, W. K. (2018). Ketamine addiction. Dual Diagnosis, 1, 3. https://doi.org/10.4172/2472-5048.100037
  41. Lai, T.-J., Su, M.-H., Lee, T. S.-H.*, & Yang, H.-J. (2017). Mental Health Problems in Recently Incarcerated Male Adult Drug Users in Taiwan: Patterns, Rates, and Implications for Treatment. International Journal of Mental Health and Addiction, 15(1), 40-52. https://doi.org/10.1007/s11469-016-9663-5 (*Corresponding. SCI. IF=11.555, Ranking(101/142) =71.1%. SJR=0.702, Ranking (244/497) = 49% in Medicine,Psychiatry and Medtal Health. FWCI =0. Cited =1)
  42. Li, C. R., Zhang, S., Hung, C. C., Chen, C. M., Duann, J. R., Lin, C. P., & Lee, T. S.-H.* (2017). Depression in chronic ketamine users: Sex differences and neural bases. Psychiatry Research-Neuroimaging, 269, 1-8. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.pscychresns.2017.09.001 (*Corresponding. SCI. IF= 2.455, Ranking (155/212) = 73.1% in Clinical Neurology. 2017 SJR = 1.412 , Ranking (36/330) =10.9%, FWCI =1.81. Cited =30)
  43. Chiang, H. H., Lin, L., & Lee, T. S.-H.* (2016). Psychometric integrity of the Chinese Happiness Inventory among retired older people in Taiwan. Geriatrics & Gerontology International, 16(7), 865-872. https://doi.org/10.1111/ggi.12568 (*Corresponding. SSCI. IF= 2.351, Ranking (9/36) = 25% in Gerontology. SJR = 0.831, Ranking (41/238) =17.2% FWCI = 0.32. Cited = 7)
  44. Weng, S.-C., Huang, J.-P., Huang, Y.-L., Lee, T. S.-H., & Chen, Y.-H. (2016). Effects of tobacco exposure on perinatal suicidal ideation, depression, and anxiety. BMC Public Health, 16(1), 623. https://doi.org/10.1186/s12889-016-3254-z (SSCI. IF= 4.135, Ranking (83/210) = 39.5% in Gerpublic, Environmental & Occupational Health. SJR = 1.431, Ranking (56/564) = 9.9% in Public Health Environmental and Occupational Health,FWCI = 1.5. Cited = 22)
  45. Lee, T. S.-H., & Tang, S. F. (2016). Ketamine abuse, impulsivity and depression among vocational evening school students. Chinese Journal of Drug Dependence, 25 (1), 97-102. 李思贤、汤淑芳(2016):〈氯胺酮使用、冲动特质与忧郁情形之相关研究:以高职夜校生为例〉。《中国药物依赖性杂志》,25 (1), 97-1f02。(CSSCI)
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  48. Lin, C. K., Hung, C. C., Peng, C. Y., Chao, E., & Lee, T. S.-H.* (2015). Factors associated with methadone treatment duration: a Cox regression analysis. PLoS One, 10(4), e0123687. https://doi.org/10.1371/journal.pone.0123687 (*Corresponding. SCI = 3.240, Ranking (11/62) = 17.74% in Multidisciplinary Sciences. SJR = 1.427, Ranking (26/73) = 35.6% in Multidisciplinary Sciences. FWCI = 1.13. Cited = 30)
  49. Lee, T. S.-H., Chawarski, M., Peng, C., Hung, C., & Metzger, D. (2015). Implementation of drug and HIV risk counseling in MMT programs in Taiwan. Drug and Alcohol Dependence, 146, e173. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.drugalcdep.2014.09.387. (SSCI. IF= 3.349 , Ranking (4/34) = 11.7.%, SJR = 1.885, Ranking (7/125) = 5.6% in Toxicolog)
  50. Lee, T. S.-H., Festinger, D. S., Dugosh, K. L., Liao, W., Lin, Y. Z., Seymour, B., Yang, S. L., Wu, H. C. (2015). Translating and Validating a Chinese Version of the Risk and Needs Triage in Taiwan. Journal of Neuroimmune Pharmacology, 10, 38.
  51. Chen, W. T., Guthrie, B., Shiu, C. S., Wang, L., Weng, Z., Li, C. S., Lee, T. S.-H., Kamitani, E., Fukuda, Y., & Luu, B. V. (2015). Revising the American dream: how Asian immigrants adjust after an HIV diagnosis. Journal of Advanced Nursing, 71(8), 1914-1925. https://doi.org/10.1111/jan.12645 (SSCI. Ranking (6/181) = 3.3% in Nursing. 2020 SJR = 0.948, Ranking (15/146) = 10.3% in Nursing. FWCI = 1.67. Cited = 11)
  52. Liao, D.-L., Huang, C.-Y., Hu, S., Fang, S.-C., Wu, C.-S., Chen, W.-T., Lee, T. S.-H., Chen, P.-C., & Li, C.-s. R. (2014). Cognitive Control in Opioid Dependence and Methadone Maintenance Treatment. PLoS One, 9(4), e94589. https://doi.org/10.1371/journal.pone.0094589 (FWCI = 1.25. Cited = 36)
  53. Chan, C. H., Hung, C. C., Li, R. S. H., Lee, T. S. H., Chawarski, M., & Metzger, D. (2014). The effects of behavioral drug and risk counseling on methadone patients in Taiwan. International Journal of Neuropsychopharmacology, 44-47. (SCI. Ranking (39/356) = 11% in Clinical Neurology. 2020 SJR = 1.897, Ranking (25/314) = 8% in Pharmacology FWCI = 查無. Cited = 查無)
  54. Yang, H. J., Wu, J. Y., Huang, S. S., Lien, M. H., & Lee, T. S.-H. (2014). Perceived discrimination, family functioning, and depressive symptoms among immigrant women in Taiwan. Archives of Women’s Mental Health, 17(5), 359-366. https://doi.org/10.1007/s00737-013-0401-8 (SJR = 1.059 , Ranking (40/189) =21.1%,FWCI = 0.51. Cited = 17)
  55. Tang, J., Zhang, Y., Li, Y., Liu, L., Liu, X., Zeng, H., Xiang, D., Li, C. S., & Lee, T. S.-H.* (2014). Clinical characteristics and diagnostic confirmation of Internet addiction in secondary school students in Wuhan, China. Psychiatry and Clinical Neurosciences, 68(6), 471-478. https://doi.org/10.1111/pcn.12153 (*Corresponding author. 2020 SCIE = 5.188, Ranking (33/156) = 21.2% in Psychiatry. 2020 SJR = 1.609, Ranking (224/2448) = 9.2% in Medicine. FWCI = 0.27. Cited =15)
  56. Chiang, Y. C., Lee, T. S.-H., Yen, L. L., Wu, C. C., Lin, D. C., Hurng, B. S., & Chang, H. Y. (2013). Influence of stressors and possible pathways of onset of seventh graders' suicidal ideation in urban and rural areas in Taiwan. BMC Public Health, 13, 1233. https://doi.org/10.1186/1471-2458-13-1233 (FWCI = 查無. Cited =7)
  57. Fu, T. S. T., Tuan, Y. C., Yen, M. Y., Wu, W. H., Huang, C. W., Chen, W. T., Li, C. S. R., & Lee, T. S.-H.* (2013). Psychometric properties of the World Health Organization Quality of Life Assessment - Brief in methadone patients: a validation study in northern Taiwan. Harm Reduction Journal, 10, 37. https://doi.org/doi:10.1186/1477-7517-10-37 (*Corresponding author. SSCI. FWCI =0.5. Cited =21)
  58. Chen, W. T., Shiu, C. S., Yang, J. P., Lee, S. Y., Lee, T. S.-H., Simoni, J. M., Bao, M. J., & Lu, H. Z. (2013). Fatigue and Sleep Disturbance Related to Perceived Stress in Chinese HIV-Positive Individuals: A Mixed Methods Study. Journal of AIDS and Clinical Research, 4(6). https://doi.org/10.4172/2155-6113.1000214 (FWCI =0.67. Cited =20)
  59. Chen, W. T., Shiu, C. S., Yang, J. P., Simoni, J. M., Fredriksen-Goldsen, K. I., Lee, T. S.-H., & Zhao, H. (2013). Antiretroviral Therapy (ART) Side Effect Impacted on Quality of Life, and Depressive Symptomatology: A Mixed-Method Study. Journal of AIDS and Clinical Research, 4, 218. https://doi.org/10.4172/2155-6113.1000218 (FWCI =1.01. Cited =37)
  60. Chou, Y. C., Shih, S. F., Tsai, W. D., Li, C. S. R., Xu, K., & Lee, T. S.-H.* (2013). Improvement of quality of life in methadone treatment patients in northern Taiwan: a follow-up . BMC Psychiatry, 13, 190. https://doi.org/doi:10.1186/1471-244X-13-190 (*Corresponding author. SCI. FWCI = 0.54. Cited = 24)
  61. Lee, T. S.-H. (2013). Quality of Life among Injection Drug Users Living with or without HIV/AIDS in Taiwan: A Case Control Group Design. Journal of AIDS and Clinical Research, 04(03). https://doi.org/10.4172/2155-6113.1000199 (FWCI =0.11. Cited =3)
  62. Chiang, H. H., Chien, L. H., Lin, J. S., Yeh, Y. H., & Lee, T. S.-H.* (2013). Modeling psychological well-being and family relationships among retired older people in Taiwan. International Journal of Mental Health Nursing, 22(1), 93-101. https://doi.org/10.1111/j.1447-0349.2012.00840.x (*Corresponding author. SSCI. FWCI = 0.94. Cited = 19)
  63. 葉蓁、李思賢 *(2013)。個人、家庭、學校面向探討高中職學生憂鬱相關因素。中等教育,64(2),136-153.(* 通訊作者)
  64. 董巧玲、李思賢 *(2013)。高中職夜校學生進出高風險場所之情形與其相關因素研究。中等教育,64(1),44-63。(* 通訊作者)
  65. Lee, T. S.-H. (2012). Penile Bead Implantation in Relation to HIV Infection in Male Heroin Users in Taiwan. Journal of AIDS and Clinical Research, S1, 018. https://doi.org/10.4172/2155-6113.S1-018 (FWCI = 查無. Cited =4)
  66. 馮嘉玉、晏涵文、李思賢、高松景(2012)。臺灣地區國中同儕性騷擾現況及其相關因子之研究。健康促進與衛生教育學報,38,49-70。 (Cited = 4) Ferng, J. Y., Lee, T. S.-H., Yen, H. W., & Gau, S. J. (2012). Sexual Harassment Victimization and Related Factors of Junior High School Students in Taiwan. Journal of Health Promotion and Health Education, 38, 49-70.
  67. Lee, T. S.-H., Chen, Y. P., Chang, C. W. (2011). Gender differences in the perceived self-efficacy of safer HIV practices among polydrug abusers in Taiwan. Comprehensive Psychiatry, 52(6), 763-768. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.comppsych.2010.10.015 (*Corresponding author. SSCI. FWCI=0.39. Cited = 9)
  68. 李商琪、林春秀、李思賢 *(2011)。使用俱樂部藥物青少年保險套使用之情形:以計畫行爲理論與原型/意願模式之調查研究。臺灣性學學刊,17(2),31-52。(* 責任作者 Cited = 1)
  69. Chou, P. C., Chao, Y. M., Yang, H. J., Yeh, G. L., & Lee, T. S.-H.* (2011). Relationships between stress, coping and depressive symptoms among overseas university preparatory Chinese students: a cross-sectional study. BMC Public Health, 11, 352. https://doi.org/10.1186/1471-2458-11-352 (*Corresponding author. SCI. FWCI = 1.09. Cited =33)
  70. Lee, T. S.-H., Shen, H.-C., Wu, W.-H., Huang, C.-W., Yen, M.-Y., Wang, B.-E., Chuang, P., Shih, C.-Y., Chou, Y.-C., Liu, Y.-L. (2011). Clinical characteristics and risk behavior as a function of HIV status among heroin users enrolled in methadone treatment in northern Taiwan. Substance Abuse Treatment, Prevention, and Policy, 6(1), 6. https://doi.org/10.1186/1747-597X-6-6 (*Corresponding author. SSCI. FWCI=2.27. Cited = 31)
  71. Chang, C. W., Huang, C. W., Wu, W. H., Wang, B. E., Liu, Y. L., Shen, H. C., & Lee, T. S.-H. (2011). Psychometric properties of the Chinese craving beliefs questionnaire for heroin abusers in methadone treatment. BMC Psychiatry, 11, 39. https://doi.org/10.1186/1471-244X-11-39 (*Corresponding author. SCI. FWCI = 查無 Cited = 8)
  72. Chen, M. J., Lee, T. S.-H.*, Jeng, H. M., & Chiu, W. H. (2011). Mental health in workplaces in Taipei. Taiwanese Journal of Psychiatry, 25 (1), 26-31. (*Corresponding author. TSSCI) (FWCI = 查無. Cited = 查無)
  73. 盧俊吉、賴振宏、陳政宏、李思賢、蔡建松、郭三元、張德明(2011)。全身性紅斑性狼瘡病患接受心臟手術分析。中華民國風濕病雜誌,25 (1-2),69-78。Lu, C. C., Lai, J. H., Chen, C. H., Lee, T. S.-H., Tsai, C. S., Kuo, S. Y., & Chang, D. M. (2011). Cardiac surgery in patients with systemic lupus erythematosus: a medical center's experience in Taiwan. Formosan Journal of Rheumatology, 25 (1&2), 69-78. (FWCI = 查無. Cited = 查無)
  74. 戴舜邦、陳政宏、盧俊吉、王甯棋、李思賢、張德明(2011)。核周型抗嗜中性球細胞質抗體與感染之關聯性。中華民國風濕病雜誌,25 (1-2),79-87。Tai, S. B., Chen, C. H., Lu, C. C., Wang, N. C., Lee, T. S.-H., & Chang, D. M. (2011). Association between perinuclear antineutrophile cytoplasmic antibodies and infection: a retrospective study. Formosan Journal of Rheumatology, 25 (1&2), 79-87. (FWCI = 查無. Cited = 查無)
  75. Lu, C. C., Wang, Y. C., Lai, J. H., Lee, T. S.-H., Lin, H. T., & Chang, D. M. (2011). A/H1N1 influenza vaccination in patients with systemic lupus erythematosus: safety and immunity. Vaccine, 29(3), 444-450. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.vaccine.2010.10.081 (SCI. FWCI=3.41. Cited = 42)
  76. Hwang, S. L., Lee, T. S.-H., & Chao, Y. C. (2010). Men's and women's sexual behavior in Taiwan: Intersectional effects of cohort, gender, education, and marital status. Formosan Journal of Sexology, 16 (2), 1-18. 黃淑玲、李思賢、趙運植(2010)。世紀之交台灣人性行爲分析:世代、性別、教育及婚姻狀態之交織差異。臺灣性學學刊,16(2),1-18。https://doi.org/10.6784/FJS.201010.0001 (Cited = 5.) (FWCI = 查無. Cited = 查無)
  77. 李金治、李思賢、陳天順、盧玉玫、林勳(2010)。金門縣婦女對接種人類乳突病毒疫苗之意向及相關因素研究。健康促進暨衛生教育雜誌,30,1-16。(責任作者) Lee, C. C., Lee, T. S.-H.*, Chen, T. S., Lu, Y. M., & Lin, X. (2010). Factors associated with women intention of the human papillomavirus vaccination study in Kinmen. Health Promotion and Health Education Journal, 30, 1-16. (FWCI = 查無. Cited = 查無)
  78. 李思賢(2010)。女性海洛因注射者之愛滋感染情形與保險套使用行為意向階段之調查研究。台灣公共衛生雜誌,29(3),238-246。Lee, T. S.-H. (2010). A survey of HIV sero-prevalence and condom use among women who injected heroin. Taiwan Journal of Public Health, 29 (3), 238-246. (TSSCI) (FWCI=0.32. Cited = 2)
  79. 李思賢、吳憲璋、黃昭正、王志傑、石倩瑜(2010)。毒品罪再犯率與保護因子研究:以基隆地區爲例。犯罪學期刊,13(1),81-106。Lee, T. S.-H., Wu, S. C., Huang, C. C., Wang, C. C., & Shih, C. Y. (2010). Drug recidivism rates and protective factors: Using Keelung as an example. . Journal of Criminology, 13 (1), 81-106.
  80. 林國甯、許銘能、胡益進、李思賢(2010)。私立幼托機構人員腸病毒通報意圖及其相關因素研究。台灣公共衛生雜誌,29(2),159-168。Lin, K. N., Shiu, M. N., Hu, Y. J., & Lee, T. S.-H.* (2010). A study on factors related to behavioral intention for enterovirus notification by private kindergarten staff. Taiwan Journal of Public Health, 29 (2), 159-168. (*Corresponding author. TSSCI. Cited = 2) (FWCI = 無. Cited = 0)
  81. Shih, F. J., Lin, Y. S., Smith, M. C., Liou, Y. M., Chiang, H. H., Lee, T. S.-H., & Gau, M. L. (2009). Perspectives on professional values among nurses in Taiwan. J Clin Nurs, 18(10), 1480-1489. https://doi.org/10.1111/j.1365-2702.2008.02728.x (SCI. FWCI=0.34. Cited = 28)
  82. Lee, T. S.-H. (2009). HIV susceptibility and risk behaviors amongst female heroin offenders in Taiwan. Formosan Journal of Sexology, 15 (2), 53-64. (FWCI = 查無. Cited = 查無)
  83. 鄭麗媛、李思賢、陳政友(2009)。合作學習與訊息回饋策略對修習健康與體育教材教法之學生學習成效的影響。健康促進與衛生教育學報,32,65-86。Cheng, L. Y., Lee, T. S.-H.*, & Chen, C. Y. (2009). Influence of cooperative learning and information feedback strategies on students’ performance of methods and materials for health and physical education teaching. Journal of Health Promotion and Health Education Contents, 32, 65-86. (*Corresponding author.) (FWCI = 查無. Cited = 查無)
  84. 林頡翔、李思賢、范巧逸(2009)。計程車司機工作壓力、因應行為與生活滿足感之關係健康促進與衛生教育學報,32,87-106。Lin, J. S., Lee, T. S.-H., & Fan, C. Y. (2009). Work stress, coping behavior and life satisfaction among taxi drivers. Journal of Health Promotion and Health Education Contents, 32, 87-106. (*Corresponding author.) (FWCI = 查無. Cited = 查無)
  85. Lee, T. S.-H. (2009b). A study on the stigma of HIV/AIDS toward female injection heroin user. International Chinese Sexology Journal, 9 (4), 49-56. (FWCI = 查無. Cited = 查無)
  86. 晏涵文、劉潔心、李思賢、馮嘉玉(2009)。臺灣國小、國中、高中職學校性教育成果調查研究。臺灣性學學刊,15(2),65-80。Yen, H. W., Liu, C. H., Lee, T. S. H., & Ferng, J. Y. (2009). A study of the outcomes on sexuality education of elementary, junior high, senior high and vocational schools in Taiwan. Formosan Journal of Sexology, 15, 65-80. https://doi.org/10.6784/FJS.200910.0065 (In Chinese. Cited = 7)
  87. 游錦雲、李思賢、李蘭、陳玉佩(2009)。兒童內化行為問題測量工具的建立及其信效度研究。測驗學刊,56(3),295-319。Yu, C. Y., Lee, T. S.-H., Yen, L. L., & Chen, Y. P. (2009). The development of children internalizing problem behavior scale: A reliability and validity study. Psychological Testing, 56 (3), 295-319. (*Corresponding author. TSSCI. Cited = 4)
  88. 李思賢、林國甯、楊浩然、傅麗安、劉筱雯、林商棋(2009)。青少年毒品戒治者對藥物濫用之認知、態度、行為與因應方式研究,青少年犯罪防治研究期刊,1(1),1-28。Lee, T. S.-H., Lin, G. N., Yang, H. J., Fu, L. A., Liu, H. W., & Lee, S. C. (2009). A qualitative study of knowledge, attitude, practice, and coping regarding drugs amongst adolescent drug offenders. Journal of Research in Delinquency and Prevention, 1 (1), 1-28. https://doi.org/10.29751/JRDP.200906.0001 (Cited = 2)
  89. 任全鈞、李思賢(2008)。台灣地區中文監獄化量表之編制與初步信效度檢驗。犯罪學期刊,11(2),1-32。Jen, C. C., & Lee, T. S.-H. (2008). Development and psychometric assessment of a Chinese prisonization scale in Taiwan. Journal of Criminology, 11 (2), 1-32. https://doi.org/10.29607/ZHWHGX.200812.0001 (In Chinese) (FWCI = 查無. Cited = 查無)
  90. 盧幸馡、李思賢(2008)。女性海洛因使用者共用注射針具和稀釋液行為與愛滋感染之初探。台灣公共衛生雜誌,27(2),158-169。Lu, H. F., & Lee, T. S.-H. (2008). An exploratory study of sharing injecting equipment and HIV infection among female heroin users. Taiwan Journal of Public Health, 27 (2), 158-169.( FWCI=0.33. Cited = 2)
  91. 傅麗安、趙運植、李思賢(2008)。異性戀男性偶發性交行爲與保險套使用傾向:以軍人爲例,臺灣性學學刊,14(1),37-48。Fu, L. A., Chao, Y. C., & Lee, T. S.-H.* (2008). Casual sex and condom use of heterosexual men: A study of conscripts. Formosan Journal of Sexology, 14 (1), 37-48. https://doi.org/10.6784/FJS.200803.0037 (*Corresponding author.) (FWCI = 查無. Cited = 查無)
  92. 李思賢、趙運植、吳藹薇(2007)。台灣地區單身且有性經驗軍人使用保險套的意向。台灣公共衛生雜誌,26(4),312-323。Lee, T. S. H.,* Chao, Y. C., & Wu, A. W. (2007). Examining the intention to use condoms among single and sexually active conscripts. Taiwan Journal of Public Health, 26 (4), 312-323. (TSSCI. FWCI = 查無. Cited = 0)
  93. Wu, W. C., Chang, H. Y., Yen, L. L., & Lee, T. S.-H. (2007). Changes in health risk behaviors of elementary school students in northern Taiwan from 2001 to 2003: results from the child and adolescent behaviors in long-term evolution study. BMC Public Health, 7, 323. https://doi.org/10.1186/1471-2458-7-323 (FWCI=0.51. Cited = 10)
  94. Wu, W. C., Kao, C. H., Yen, L. L., & Lee, T. S.-H. (2007). Comparison of children's self-reports of depressive symptoms among different family interaction types in northern Taiwan. BMC Public Health, 7, 116. https://doi.org/10.1186/1471-2458-7-116 (FWCI=0.17. Cited = 19)
  95. 楊雅淳、邱靜絜、高千雲、李思賢(2007)。強制性交犯與猥褻犯在父權心態與對被害人同理心之初探。臺灣性學學刊,13(1),1-11。Yang, Y. C., Chiu, C. C., Kuo, C. Y., & Lee, T. S.-H.* (2007). A study of attitudes of patriarchy and empathy for victims between rapists and molesters. Formosan Journal of Sexology, 13 (1), 1-11. https://doi.org/10.6784/FJS.200704.0001 (*Corresponding author, In Chinese) (FWCI = 查無. Cited = 查無)
  96. Lee, T. S.-H. (2006). Sexual violence victimization and condom use in relation to exchange of sexual services by female methamphetamine prisoners. Taiwan Journal of Public Health, 25(3), 214-222. (TSSCI. FWCI=0.15. Cited = 4)
  97. 李思賢、張弘潔、李蘭、吳文琪(2006)。家庭及學校的社會資本與國小學童內化行為問題之關係。中華心理衛生學刊,19(3),231-254。Lee, T. S.-H., Chang, H. C., Yen, L. L., & Wu, W. C. (2006). Social capital of family and school: Its relationship with elementary school children’s internalizing behavioral problems. Formosa Journal of Mental Health, 19 (3), 231-254. (TSSCI. In Chinese. Cited = 8) (FWCI = 查無. Cited = 查無)
  98. Lee, T. S.-H., Fu, L. A., & Fleming, P. (2006). Using focus groups to investigate the educational needs of female injecting heroin users in Taiwan in relation to HIV/AIDS prevention. Health Education Research, 21(1), 55-65. https://doi.org/10.1093/her/cyh041 (SSCI. FWCI=1.71. Cited = 17)
  99. Lee, T. S.-H. (2005). Prevalence and Related Factors of Needle-Sharing Behavior among Female Prisoners. Journal of Medical Sciences, 25(1), 27-31. (TSCI. FWCI=1.46. Cited = 10)
  100. Lee, T. S.-H., Yen, L.-L., & Chen, L.-T. (2004). Children’s Behavioral Problems, Inter-Parental Conflict, and Maternal Psychological Distress. Journal of Medical Sciences, 24 (4), 185-190. https://doi.org/http://jms.ndmctsgh.edu.tw/2404185.pdf (TSCI. Cited = 2)(FWCI = 查無. Cited = 查無)
  101. Shih, Y. T., Shih, S. F., Chen, N. S., Lee, T. S.-H., Chen, C. S., & Tayback, M. (2004). A national survey of physicians’ attitudes toward protecting human research participants in Taiwan. Eubios Journal of Asian and International Bioethics, 14 (2), 42-48. (Cited = 1) (FWCI = 查無. Cited = 查無)
  102. 李思賢、高千雲(2004)。性侵害犯非自願團體心理治療:台北監獄再犯預防認知行爲療法成效之初探。犯罪與刑事司法研究,3,1-25。DOI: 10.29861/CCJI.200409.0001 (Cited = 1)
  103. 李思賢、吳藹薇(2003):〈A review of school-based programs on HIV/AIDS prevention〉。《人文與社會》,3,97-106。
  104. 李思賢、趙運植(2003)。台灣地區某單位軍人愛滋相關知識與高危險性行為之探討。臺灣性學學刊,9(2),63-75。DOI: 10.6784/FJS.200309.0063 (Cited = 2)
  105. 李思賢(2002):〈台北監獄性侵害犯強制治療方案之需求與困境〉。《人文與社會》, 2,7-22。
  106. 李思賢、趙育慧、黃沛銓、吳慶蘭、呂瑩純(2002)。全國醫學生性知識來源、性態度與性行為調查。臺灣性學學刊,8(2),15-27。(Cited = 2)
  107. Yen, L. L., Chen, L. K., Lee, T. S.-H., Hsiao, C. H., & Pan, L. Y. (2002). Child and adolescent behaviour in long-term evolution (CABLE): A school-based health lifestyle study. IUHPE – Promotion and Education, Suppl. 1, 33-40. https://doi.org/10.1177/10253823020090010115 (FWCI=0.28. Cited = 43)






