A modelling study of possible impacts of Future Climate Change on Strong Typhoons in the Western North Pacific

Home | Team | CMIP5 | Megi | Haiyan | Vongfong | Soudelor | Meranti | Yutu | Thesis


Minimum central pressure (hPa)

Experiment Changes 18102306 18102309 18102312 18102315 18102318 18102321 18102400 18102403 18102406 18102409 18102412 18102415 18102418 18102421 18102500 18102503 18102506 18102509 18102512 18102515 18102518 18102521 18102600 18102603 18102606
Present day control 972.997 970.293 970.808 967.636 957.926 957.503 951.846 948.372 936.358 933.412 922.979 928.295 922.662 926.104 924.363 926.16 921.573 923.52 918.569 919.123 917.728 926.721 928.41 935.146 932.027
RCP4.5 -2.781 973.424 971.291 970.81 967.239 957.286 957.488 952.335 948.465 938.634 936.835 925.362 928.046 923.616 928.245 927.353 927.738 923.482 924.805 920.509 921.479 920.821 928.456 930.557 935.928 932.078
RCP8.5 -4.491 973.744 972.586 971.295 965.957 959.395 959.309 951.999 949.695 935.182 936.021 924.916 928.551 923.286 927.696 928.516 928.625 925.593 926.988 922.219 923.647 923.903 931.328 933.546 937.864 936.406

Maximum wind speed (m/s)

Experiment Changes 18102306 18102309 18102312 18102315 18102318 18102321 18102400 18102403 18102406 18102409 18102412 18102415 18102418 18102421 18102500 18102503 18102506 18102509 18102512 18102515 18102518 18102521 18102600 18102603 18102606
Present day control 39.8556 42.1663 42.6697 43.6162 47.355 47.904 50.2798 49.4566 57.3129 56.1203 61.4924 59.3777 60.5276 59.4685 58.5219 56.3172 61.8169 61.2582 62.5636 62.3359 62.8261 59.5172 58.4414 51.6624 55.2507
RCP4.5 +1.6646 39.8406 41.0219 43.8747 42.359 45.8627 48.4818 49.1251 49.403 54.7519 55.0745 64.4907 57.9339 56.1416 56.3503 59.8934 56.7784 57.7115 58.4506 62.0031 59.3824 60.1613 55.6587 56.9433 52.3609 58.7831
RCP8.5 -2.2722 39.6817 40.8165 44.5491 45.8537 49.4708 46.7791 49.1 50.6138 57.7576 52.2206 60.5539 59.6408 58.525 56.6365 57.79 57.4475 59.1391 54.7821 58.5045 58.1774 60.2548 56.6985 53.4147 50.747 51.1108

Rain water, snow, and graupel mixing ratio (g/kg)

2018's Yutu
RCP4.5's Yutu
RCP8.5's Yutu