A modelling study of possible impacts of Future Climate Change on Strong Typhoons in the Western North Pacific

Home | Team | CMIP5 | Megi | Haiyan | Vongfong | Soudelor | Meranti | Yutu | Thesis


Minimum central pressure (hPa)

Experiment Changes 16091012 16091015 16091018 16091021 16091100 16091103 16091106 16091109 16091112 16091115 16091118 16091121 16091200 16091203 16091206 16091209 16091212 16091215 16091218 16091221 16091300 16091303 16091306 16091309 16091312 16091315 16091318 16091321 16091400 16091403 16091406 16091409 16091412
Present day control 998.933 995.043 991.277 988.7 987.85 986.137 984.308 983.24 981.454 978.478 975.62 969.788 967.773 964.299 953.389 949.225 939.558 942.702 938.312 937.692 930.422 932.203 913.054 917.538 923.107 916.176 900.145 915.84 917.425 924.027 934.498 938.69 948.31
RCP4.5 -3.298 999.36 995.125 992.082 992.609 988.368 987.596 985.064 983.253 983.916 980.508 977.069 971.351 968.986 963.373 954.583 949.729 941.576 943.85 937.866 937.859 930.857 933.733 916.604 920.195 924.572 918.514 903.443 919.402 921.51 925.635 934.418 938.166 946.406
RCP8.5 -5.574 999.605 996.351 995.105 994.24 992.618 989.75 988.722 985.931 985.758 982.344 979.026 973.395 968.256 965.537 956.851 952.34 943.942 947.457 940.936 943.1 935.48 936.652 920.345 920.583 925.104 920.252 905.719 922.049 924.26 932.276 937.915 940.075 946.855

Maximum wind speed (m/s)

Experiment Changes 16091012 16091015 16091018 16091021 16091100 16091103 16091106 16091109 16091112 16091115 16091118 16091121 16091200 16091203 16091206 16091209 16091212 16091215 16091218 16091221 16091300 16091303 16091306 16091309 16091312 16091315 16091318 16091321 16091400 16091403 16091406 16091409 16091412
Present day control 20.6889 32.1318 32.1694 33.7258 41.3133 36.3241 36.7054 38.8981 41.4105 40.1529 45.112 44.3822 44.8004 46.137 52.1213 53.1529 57.5304 56.4582 61.0849 56.6545 57.031 61.5494 65.0718 65.2614 60.0496 61.6969 74.869 67.3859 65.1601 58.6914 53.9284 50.5827 45.0532
RCP4.5 -5.4379 20.6781 31.4808 34.0005 33.585 32.982 35.7856 33.469 42.3028 37.5167 41.4603 36.9672 44.6967 45.3314 42.7045 54.1118 52.3767 59.6651 60.4844 61.9626 57.2088 61.882 55.7509 63.8228 63.3179 59.5669 59.7891 69.4311 65.421 64.2687 56.6281 56.9289 50.7098 48.0953
RCP8.5 -7.2248 20.4858 31.6347 31.9495 32.213 31.5476 35.2805 34.4608 39.7783 35.9963 41.4171 39.5524 45.4832 51.9899 47.8989 54.8704 53.799 59.3229 56.9557 60.1427 53.9988 59.8838 59.846 66.3107 63.714 58.7217 60.9205 65.8877 67.6442 66.9628 54.8829 54.9925 51.3201 47.8712

Rain water, snow, and graupel mixing ratio (g/kg)

2016's Meranti
RCP4.5's Meranti
RCP8.5's Meranti