A modelling study of possible impacts of Future Climate Change on Strong Typhoons in the Western North Pacific

Home | Team | CMIP5 | Megi | Haiyan | Vongfong | Soudelor | Meranti | Yutu | Thesis


Minimum central pressure (hPa)

Experiment Changes 14100418 14100421 14100500 14100503 14100506 14100509 14100512 14100515 14100518 14100521 14100600 14100603 14100606 14100609 14100612 14100615 14100618 14100621 14100700 14100703 14100706 14100709 14100712 14100715 14100718 14100721 14100800 14100803 14100806 14100809 14100812 14100815 14100818 14100821 14100900 14100903 14100906 14100909 14100912 14100915 14100918
Present day control 972.329 970.537 974.33 975.239 972.556 972.409 972.226 970.879 973.131 972.947 973.789 969.744 970.191 967.931 970.653 968.113 966.882 961.74 962.641 960.739 956.744 954.44 950.097 944.559 939.479 939.408 939.309 938.115 935.591 936.825 936.005 931.856 923.378 917.75 916.653 915.385 916.752 920.666 921.693 922.387 924.606
RCP4.5 -2.033 972.756 971.63 975.209 975.504 974.404 974.512 974.665 971.882 971.19 972.086 974.943 972.974 970.507 969.836 970.934 969.286 968.028 965.552 964.361 961.706 956.923 952.125 950.025 944.473 941.28 939.314 939.807 939.821 938.491 938.615 937.949 934.131 926.473 918.819 917.93 917.418 918.129 922.105 923.68 924.188 926.726
RCP8.5 -3.79 973.089 973.238 976.576 977.629 975.389 974.633 973.872 973.064 974.691 971.298 973.985 973.527 974.309 971.801 974.518 972.152 970.367 965.537 961.739 960.767 957.366 953.278 950.129 947.071 942.943 940.128 941.625 940.39 939.731 940.275 938.766 934.367 927.342 921.898 919.175 919.998 920.296 924.88 926.491 926.724 929.69

Maximum wind speed (m/s)

Experiment Changes 14100418 14100421 14100500 14100503 14100506 14100509 14100512 14100515 14100518 14100521 14100600 14100603 14100606 14100609 14100612 14100615 14100618 14100621 14100700 14100703 14100706 14100709 14100712 14100715 14100718 14100721 14100800 14100803 14100806 14100809 14100812 14100815 14100818 14100821 14100900 14100903 14100906 14100909 14100912 14100915 14100918
Present day control 39.9656 49.9344 45.6768 45.8341 41.7136 44.5759 47.9779 42.1299 40.7196 41.415 42.4292 44.6725 41.3219 44.838 36.616 40.7541 43.7198 52.1181 48.4766 42.5505 49.6182 44.7848 50.8786 49.178 51.1225 51.5698 52.6453 49.9089 52.3179 50.5262 50.965 52.9891 58.9307 58.4765 58.3884 56.5094 54.6801 52.1812 51.2184 50.7346 47.1157
RCP4.5 -0.7244 39.9881 49.7861 44.6332 43.7348 40.8537 45.2678 50.8128 47.7905 41.6672 43.4447 36.9127 43.4717 44.6061 38.7108 43.0639 41.5125 41.783 44.4506 44.7995 47.0963 49.391 49.6984 53.7922 52.1655 53.9889 50.4441 50.5025 48.7869 50.9856 48.5787 50.6624 49.905 54.5538 57.3369 58.2063 57.2603 53.4551 53.045 50.6191 50.3803 47.7151
RCP8.5 -0.5488 40.2076 49.7852 44.591 45.622 37.8625 46.4291 40.9639 38.5772 41.0088 42.1154 41.5615 40.1265 40.2806 42.6612 36.3574 37.0098 40.4987 50.3033 46.186 45.8272 46.0685 46.3598 50.0864 49.1012 50.1853 52.0457 48.3045 52.6095 51.8241 53.0763 52.1886 55.7227 56.8309 56.9577 58.3859 55.7213 55.8366 50.4609 51.4278 50.1221 47.3286

Rain water, snow, and graupel mixing ratio (g/kg)

2014's Vongfong
RCP4.5's Vongfong
RCP8.5's Vongfong