A modelling study of possible impacts of Future Climate Change on Strong Typhoons in the Western North Pacific

Home | Team | CMIP5 | Megi | Haiyan | Vongfong | Soudelor | Meranti | Yutu | Thesis


Minimum central pressure (hPa)

Experiment Changes 15080100 15080103 15080106 15080109 15080112 15080115 15080118 15080121 15080200 15080203 15080206 15080209 15080212 15080215 15080218 15080221 15080300 15080303 15080306 15080309 15080312 15080315 15080318 15080321 15080400 15080403 15080406 15080409 15080412 15080415 15080418 15080421 15080500
Present day control 995.985 992.004 985.946 985.582 985.988 983.304 981.028 979.178 978.047 976.153 970.831 966.783 964.276 955.949 948.992 945.194 942.991 939.213 933.826 933.153 934.424 929.901 922.696 918.724 913.277 907.779 909.445 909.635 913.6 916.326 922.605 925.263 929.996
RCP4.5 -2.525 996.414 991.922 987.25 985.876 987.22 983.789 979.435 977.438 978.124 972.364 969.645 967.621 963.704 957.151 952.293 947.799 945.146 943.928 939.533 938.059 936.661 931.231 922.688 915.567 913.543 910.304 912.137 913.143 917.68 919.055 922.864 924.917 928.298
RCP8.5 -11.805 996.704 993.36 987.98 986.972 987.079 985.447 982.581 980.721 979.811 976.194 972.811 969.238 972.206 956.334 949.062 945.902 947.227 946.55 945.776 947.45 945.876 942.864 936.897 930.675 925.206 919.584 921.895 922.295 924.21 924.512 928.268 928.801 931.792

Maximum wind speed (m/s)

Experiment Changes 15080100 15080103 15080106 15080109 15080112 15080115 15080118 15080121 15080200 15080203 15080206 15080209 15080212 15080215 15080218 15080221 15080300 15080303 15080306 15080309 15080312 15080315 15080318 15080321 15080400 15080403 15080406 15080409 15080412 15080415 15080418 15080421 15080500
Present day control 24.248 28.4851 37.663 31.7678 33.5767 38.5183 33.4802 36.217 36.0329 40.0968 38.7292 44.3152 42.5455 49.8954 48.7084 51.5826 52.1812 54.8218 54.1151 52.0988 49.1976 51.4776 54.9933 58.7661 58.7064 60.5251 56.529 58.6411 57.4969 54.2882 52.0396 51.2145 46.4131
RCP4.5 -2.0244 24.2346 30.3781 34.7867 29.7921 31.0913 32.6836 32.8496 39.2502 36.819 40.1179 42.9149 43.3083 48.4306 48.0263 50.9865 51.8575 50.782 49.2489 50.7221 50.6103 49.7876 53.6384 56.1047 58.5007 58.3074 57.432 53.3997 51.8457 54.2686 51.6787 53.864 50.8829 47.6349
RCP8.5 +0.2033 23.9577 29.6423 38.4058 31.2529 31.844 36.3977 32.9742 36.9245 34.425 36.3834 39.0796 39.1832 47.2483 50.8681 54.5839 52.8085 50.9069 48.9596 49.5058 47.5791 52.1017 49.0719 48.6807 56.8456 60.7284 60.2991 54.7865 56.6294 54.3655 54.3091 53.8066 52.6814 49.4684

Rain water, snow, and graupel mixing ratio (g/kg)

2015's Soudelor
RCP4.5's Soudelor
RCP8.5's Soudelor