A modelling study of possible impacts of Future Climate Change on Strong Typhoons in the Western North Pacific

Home | Team | CMIP5 | Megi | Haiyan | Vongfong | Soudelor | Meranti | Yutu | Thesis


Minimum central pressure (hPa)

Experiment Changes 10101500 10101503 10101506 10101509 10101512 10101515 10101518 10101521 10101600 10101603 10101606 10101609 10101612 10101615 10101618 10101621 10101700 10101703 10101706 10101709 10101712 10101715 10101718 10101721 10101800 10101803 10101806 10101809 10101812 10101815 10101818 10101821 10101900
Present day control 991.381 982.209 976.563 977.823 975.568 975.456 972.665 970.636 970.381 967.781 963.518 962.577 961.84 959.507 959.213 958.752 957.705 953.172 951.675 944.857 938.519 929.513 921.793 915.832 911.625 913.82 935.231 950.423 967.664 974.603 974.652 972.981 972.061
RCP4.5 -0.524 991.813 982.631 977.069 979.067 976.808 975.072 975.099 972.161 967.855 963.97 963.471 963.959 962.08 958.999 959.549 956.271 958.854 957.029 952.761 948.965 942.608 928.057 920.236 915.734 912.149 914.447 933.572 948.613 963.688 970.147 972.026 970.888 969.136
RCP8.5 +0.921 992.101 984.566 981.2 981.208 979.792 977.877 976.895 973.522 972.623 969.377 967.133 963.952 962.221 961.038 955.855 955.882 953.681 949.27 946.529 940.711 937.958 930.687 923.6 915.673 911.792 910.704 932.113 948.799 964.897 972.024 972.756 971.751 968.748

Maximum wind speed (m/s)

Experiment Changes 10101500 10101503 10101506 10101509 10101512 10101515 10101518 10101521 10101600 10101603 10101606 10101609 10101612 10101615 10101618 10101621 10101700 10101703 10101706 10101709 10101712 10101715 10101718 10101721 10101800 10101803 10101806 10101809 10101812 10101815 10101818 10101821 10101900
Present day control 30.6536 38.3042 40.5191 42.3523 44.7848 38.2802 44.4858 49.1732 44.6918 45.5683 46.1354 45.0584 44.5107 44.1225 44.4225 44.6161 43.0705 46.8579 47.1626 53.4373 55.0354 59.2838 61.7707 64.4694 69.2723 63.7088 39.8733 31.5064 32.4258 31.8189 33.027 36.105 42.3379
RCP4.5 -1.1972 30.6227 36.4264 38.6678 41.4805 40.5429 45.2557 41.3711 43.6221 42.5246 46.0626 47.0429 43.741 46.1322 46.0533 42.7346 44.6317 40.9786 43.5608 47.5654 45.7944 51.2479 59.1112 62.485 66.3959 68.0751 65.6255 45.2145 34.9396 33.2547 31.6779 32.8002 37.6384 39.039
RCP8.5 +2.1132 30.5177 37.4314 36.8711 39.488 43.5822 49.9761 48.8763 45.9918 44.8751 43.4575 42.3279 45.8377 43.8448 43.6909 48.8848 50.5575 50.9916 52.3714 53.2197 54.1847 53.9726 56.9501 60.8941 65.8838 71.3638 71.3855 50.3761 35.1908 32.8359 32.8922 39.3884 34.4702 44.5224

Rain water, snow, and graupel mixing ratio (g/kg)

2010's Megi
RCP4.5's Megi
RCP8.5's Megi