The boundedness properties of
Calderón-Zygmund singular integral operators are of central
importance in harmonic analysis, while the corresponding properties
on weighted spaces has been of more recent interest. Indeed, within
the last decade, optimal bounds for Calderón-Zygmund operators
acting on weighted Lebesgue spaces have been obtained using sparse
domination techniques. In addition to this theory concerning
boundedness of Calderón-Zygmund operators, a theory for compactness
of these operators has recently been established. In this talk, we
present the extension of compact Calderón-Zygmund theory to weighted
spaces using sparse domination methods. This work is joint with Paco
Villarroya and Brett Wick.
Date: Thursday, 8th
October 2020, 4:00–5:00 pm JST (UTC+9), online on Zoom
Speaker:Augusto Ponce,
Catholic University of Louvain
Classical works by F. Bethuel and by F. Hang and F-H. Lin have identified the local and global topological obstructions that prevent smooth maps from being dense in the Sobolev space \( W^{1,p}(M^m; N^n) \) between two Riemannian manifolds when \( p < m \). They are related to the extension of continuous maps from subsets of \( M^m \) to \( N^n \). In this talk, I will present some work in progress with P. Bousquet (Toulouse) and J. Van Schaftingen (UCLouvain), inspired by the notions of modulus introduced by B. Fuglede and degree for VMO maps by H. Brezis and L. Nirenberg. I shall explain how one can decide whether a specific Sobolev map \( u : M^m \to N^n \) can be approximated or not by smooth ones, even in the presence of topological obstructions from \( M^m \) or \( N^n \).
Date: Thursday, 15th
October 2020, 10:00–11:00 am JST (UTC+9), online on Zoom
Speaker:Ulrich Menne,
National Taiwan Normal University and National Center for
Theoretical Sciences
Title:A priori
geodesic diameter bounds for solutions to a variety of Plateau
Plateau's problem in
Euclidean space may be given many distinct formulations with
solutions to most of them admitting an associated varifold. This
includes Reifenberg's approach based on sets and Čech homology as
well as Federer and Fleming's approach using integral currents and
their homology. Thus, we employ the setting of varifolds to prove a
priori bounds on the geodesic diameter in terms of boundary
behaviour. This is ongoing joint work with C. Scharrer.
Thursday, 22nd October 2020, 4:00–5:00 pm
JST (UTC+9), online on Zoom
Stolyarov, St. Petersburg State University and St. Petersburg
Department of Steklov Mathematical Institute
I will speak about the limiting case of the Hardy--Littlewood--Sobolev inequality for \( p = 1 \). While the naive extension of HLS to \( p = 1 \) fails and the example that breaks the endpoint inequality is given by approximations of a delta measure, there are a few options how to obtain a correct inequality in the limit case. One of them, suggested by the work of Bourgain--Brezis, Van Schaftingen, and others, is to exclude the delta measures by imposing a linear translation and dilation invariant constraint on the functions in question. Another, suggested by Maz'ja, is based on adding certain non-linearity to the inequality. I will survey new results in this direction.
Date: Thursday, 29th
October 2020, 10:00–11:00 am JST (UTC+9), online on Zoom
I will report
about the theory of minimizing and critical knots under a set of
scale invariant knot energies, the so-called tangent-point energy.
We obtain lower semicontinuity and weak Sobolev-convergence of
minimizing sequences to critical points away from finitely many
points in the domain. Extending earlier work on Moebius-, and O'Hara
energies we also obtain regularity for such critical points. This is
based on joint work with S. Blatt, Ph. Reiter, and N.
Date: Wednesday, 4th November 2020, 4:00–6:00 pm
JST (UTC+9), online on Zoom
Stolyarov, St. Petersburg State University and St. Petersburg
Department of Steklov Mathematical Institute
We discuss the solvability of Dirichlet problems of the type \(-\Delta_{p,w} u = \mu\) in \( \Omega \), \(u = 0\) on \( \partial \Omega \), where \( \Omega \) is a bounded domain in \( \mathbb{R}^{n} \), \( \Delta_{p,w} \) is a weighted (p, w)-Laplacian, and \( \mu \) is a nonnegative locally finite Radon measure on \( \Omega \). We do not assume the finiteness of \( \mu(\Omega) \). We revisit this problem from a potential theoretic perspective and provide criteria for the existence of solutions by \( L^{p}(w) \)- \( L^{p'}(\omega) \) trace inequalities or capacitary conditions. Additionally, we apply the method to the singular elliptic problem \( -\Delta_{p,w} u = \sigma|u|^{-s} \) in \( \Omega \), \(u = 0\) on \( \partial \Omega \), and derive connection with the trace inequalities.
Wednesday, 11th November 2020, 4:00–6:00 pm
JST (UTC+9), online on Zoom
Stolyarov, St. Petersburg State University and St. Petersburg
Department of Steklov Mathematical Institute
The classical Sobolev embedding theorem says that the inequality \( \|f\|_{L^q(\mathbb{R}^d)} \lesssim \|\nabla f\|_{L^p(\mathbb{R}^d)}, \, f \in C_0^\infty(\mathbb{R}^d) \) holds true provided \( \frac{1}{p} - \frac{1}{q} = \frac{1}{d} \) and \( 1 \leq p < d \). The original Sobolev's proof was based on the Hardy--Littlewood--Sobolev (HLS) inequality \( \|I_\alpha \, g\|_{L^q(\mathbb{R}^d)} \lesssim \|g\|_{L^p(\mathbb{R}^d)}, \, \frac{1}{p} - \frac{1}{q} = \frac{\alpha}{d}, \, 1 < p < q < \infty \), where \( I_\alpha \) is the Riesz potential of order \( \alpha \), i.e., a Fourier multiplier with the symbol \( |\cdot|^{-\alpha} \). It is easy to see by plugging \( g = \delta_0 \) (the Dirac's delta) in the role of \( g \) that the HLS inequality is false at the endpoint \( p = 1 \). However, the Sobolev embedding is true in this case, as it was proved by Gagliardo and Nirenberg. The folklore principle, supported by the results of Bourgain--Brezis, Van Schaftingen, and many others, says that the HLS inequality becomes valid when we somehow separate the function \( g \) from the set of delta-measures.
Date: Thursday, 12th
November 2020, 10:00–11:00 am JST (UTC+9), online on Zoom
In this talk we discuss how algebraic
methods play a role in the sum-product problems in additive
combinatorics. Moreover, we also discuss how sum-product estimates
can be used to make non-trivial progress in geometric measure theory
Date: Wednesday, 18th November 2020,
4:00–5:30 pm JST (UTC+9), online on Zoom
Stolyarov, St. Petersburg State University and St. Petersburg
Department of Steklov Mathematical Institute
The classical Sobolev embedding theorem says that the inequality \( \|f\|_{L^q(\mathbb{R}^d)} \lesssim \|\nabla f\|_{L^p(\mathbb{R}^d)}, \, f \in C_0^\infty(\mathbb{R}^d) \) holds true provided \( \frac{1}{p} - \frac{1}{q} = \frac{1}{d} \) and \( 1 \leq p < d \). The original Sobolev's proof was based on the Hardy--Littlewood--Sobolev (HLS) inequality \( \|I_\alpha \, g\|_{L^q(\mathbb{R}^d)} \lesssim \|g\|_{L^p(\mathbb{R}^d)}, \, \frac{1}{p} - \frac{1}{q} = \frac{\alpha}{d}, \, 1 < p < q < \infty \), where \( I_\alpha \) is the Riesz potential of order \( \alpha \), i.e., a Fourier multiplier with the symbol \( |\cdot|^{-\alpha} \). It is easy to see by plugging \( g = \delta_0 \) (the Dirac's delta) in the role of \( g \) that the HLS inequality is false at the endpoint \( p = 1 \). However, the Sobolev embedding is true in this case, as it was proved by Gagliardo and Nirenberg. The folklore principle, supported by the results of Bourgain--Brezis, Van Schaftingen, and many others, says that the HLS inequality becomes valid when we somehow separate the function \( g \) from the set of delta-measures.
Date: Thursday, 19th
November 2020, 4:00–5:00 pm JST (UTC+9), online on Zoom
Many problems from elasticity or fluid mechanics can be stated as \( \alpha \)-quasiconvex variational problems, a generalized variant of the usual notion of quasiconvexity due to Morrey. In this talk we give an overview of recent results on the (partial) regularity theory for such problems. As a main feature, we outline some novel links between harmonic analysis and the calculus of variations - comprising weighted singular integral estimates, coerciveness and regularity for variational integrals.
This talk comprises joint work with Sergio Conti.
Date: Thursday, 26th
November 2020, 10:00–11:00 am JST (UTC+9), online on Zoom
In this talk, several classes of solutions will be treated for quasilinear elliptic equations of the type: \(-\Delta_{p}u = \sigma|u|^{q} + \mu\) in \( \mathbb{R}^{n} \) in the sub-natural growth case \(0 < q < p - 1\). Here, \( \Delta_{p} \) is the p-Laplacian, the coefficients \( \sigma \) and data \( \mu \) are nonnegative measurable functions (or measures). We will discuss pointwise estimates of solutions, as well as necessary and sufficient conditions for their existence.
Date: Thursday, 3rd
December 2020, 4:00–5:00 pm JST (UTC+9), online on Zoom
I will discuss (L1,Lp) estimates for systems
of PDEs of the form Au = 0, where A is a linear differential
operator with constant coefficients and u is a vector-valued map
satisfying a pointwise constraint of the form u(x) \in C, where C is
a convex cone with sufficiently small aperture. I will collect some
applications of this result to discuss higher integrability for
Sobolev spaces and other spaces of bounded variation. This is joint
work with G. De Philippis, J. Hirsch, F. Rindler and A.
Date: Thursday, 10th
December 2020, 10:00–11:00 am JST (UTC+9), online on Zoom
We will discuss some recent results
about commutators of certain Calderon-Zygmund operators and BMO
spaces and how these generate bounded operators on Lebesgue spaces.
Results in other settings and other examples will be explained.
This talk is based on joint collaborative work.
Date: Thursday, 17th
December 2020, 4:00–5:00 pm JST (UTC+9), online on Zoom
Raita, Max Planck Institute for Mathematics in the Sciences
We will review aspects
of the theory of Compensated Compactness, starting with the
fundamental work of Murat and Tartar and concluding with recent
results obtained jointly with A. Guerra, J. Kristensen, and M.
Schrecker. Broadly speaking, the object of this study is to gain a
better understanding of the interaction between weakly convergent
sequences and nonlinear functionals. The general framework will be
that of variational integrals defined on spaces of vector fields
satisfying linear pde constraints that satisfy Murat's constant rank
condition. We will focus on the weak (lower semi-)continuity of
these integrals, as well as the Hardy space regularity of the