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the title of each lecture.
Date:Tuesday, 11th June 2024, 09:00–10:00 TST (GMT+8),
online on Zoom Speaker:
Dr. Bogdan Raita, Georgetown University Title:
Self improving size estimates in compensated compactness
We review some recent results in compensated compactness, concerning primarily concentration effects of PDE-constrained sequences. We show that Müller's \( L \log L \) bound
\( \Phi(Du) \geq 0, \, Du \in L^q(\mathbb{R}^n) \implies \Phi(Du) \in L \log L_{\text{loc}} \)
for \( \Phi = \det \) and \( q = n \) holds for quasiconcave \( \Phi \) which are homogeneous of degree \( q > 1 \). This contrasts similar Hardy bounds which hold only for null Lagrangians.
Date:Tuesday, 11th June 2024, 09:00–10:00 TST (GMT+8),
online on Zoom Speaker:
Robin Neumayer, Carnegie Mellon University Title:
The Saint-Venant inequality and quantitative resolvent estimates for the Dirichlet Laplacian
Among all cylindrical beams of a given cross-sectional area, those with circular cross sections are the most resistant to twisting forces. The general dimensional analogue of this fact is the Saint-Venant inequality, which says that balls have the largest torsional rigidity among subsets of Euclidean space with a fixed volume. We discuss recent results showing that for a given set \( E \), the gap in the Saint-Venant inequality quantitatively controls the \( L^2 \) difference between solutions of the Poisson equation on \( E \) and on the nearest ball, for any Hölder continuous right-hand side. We additionally prove quantitative closeness of all eigenfunctions of the Dirichlet Laplacian.
This talk is based on joint work with Mark Allen and Dennis Kriventsov.
We present new developments in the theory of compact Calderón-Zygmund operators. In particular, we give a new formulation of the \( T1 \) theorem for compactness of CZ operators, which, compared to existing compactness criteria, more closely resembles David and Journé’s classical \( T1 \) theorem for boundedness and follows from a simpler argument. Our methods generalize to treat a class of "localized" operators on a Hilbert space — we apply this abstraction to characterize the compact pseudodifferential operators on \( L^2(\mathbb{R}^n) \). Additionally, we discuss the extension of compact CZ theory to weighted Lebesgue spaces via sparse domination methods.
This talk is based on joint works with Mishko Mitkovski, Paco Villarroya, Cody Waters, and Brett Wick.
Date:Tuesday, 14th May 2024, 15:30–16:30 TST (GMT+8),
online on Zoom Speaker:
Dr. Riju Basak, National Taiwan Normal University Title:
Wave equation on Hardy spaces
The sharp fixed-time estimates for the solution of the Cauchy problem associated with the standard Euclidean Laplacian on Lebesgue and Hardy spaces were first studied independently by A. Miyachi and J.C. Peral in 1980. However, the sharp fixed-time estimate is still not available for many operators, especially on Hardy spaces for \(0 < p < 1\).
In this talk, we shall discuss fixed-time estimates for the solution of the
wave equation associated with the twisted Laplacian. This talk is based on a
joint work with K. Jotsaroop.
This presentation collects joint
work with C. Mora-Corral, J. Cueto, H. Schönberger, P. Radu
and M. Foss.
Interest in nonlocal gradients has increased in the last
decades due to development of nonlocal modeling in a variety
of fields, including mechanics and materials science. We
start by defining nonlocal gradients in a general context,
where their calculation depends on a general kernel. Our
goal is to explore the structural properties of spaces
associated with these gradients. From a functional analysis
perspective, we seek kernels that make these spaces useful
for studying variational problems and, consequently,
applicable to physical models. Beyond the theoretical
groundwork, we delve into the mathematical intricacies of
these new functional spaces. These spaces are essential for
understanding nonlocal phenomena and capturing behavior that
local models might miss. Nonlocal gradients find practical
applications in solid mechanics, particularly in finite
elasticity. Additionally, we establish connections between
nonlocal models derived from nonlinearly elastic models and
the well-known Eringen’s nonlocal model of linear
elasticity. Remarkably, these solid mechanics models can be
seen as a special case of state-based peridynamics, a
continuum theory designed to address material failure where
classical elasticity theories fall short.
Date:Tuesday, 30th April 2024, 15:00–16:00 TST (GMT+8),
online on Zoom Speaker:
Dr. You Wei-Chen, National Taiwan University
In this talk, we introduce the concept of \beta-dimensional BMO space \( BMO^{\beta}(\mathbb{R}^n) \) and the associated John-Nirenberg inequality.
We will discuss the mapping properties of Riesz potentials within \( BMO^{\beta} \) spaces, focusing specifically on the Morrey spaces and weak Lebesgue spaces \( L^{\infty,\lambda}(\mathbb{R}^n) \).
Additionally, we present that \( I_{\alpha}f \in BMO^{\beta+\alpha} \) is
actually a necessary and sufficient condition for \( f \in BMO^{\beta} \)
when \( f \) is a non-negative function.
Date:Tuesday, 23rd April 2024, 15:30–16:30 TST (GMT+8),
online on Zoom Speaker:
Li, Macquarie University
Schatten Properties of Calderon–Zygmund Singular
Integral Commutator on stratified Lie groups
Schatten class estimates of the commutator of Riesz transform in \( \mathbb{R}^n \) link to the quantised derivative of A. Connes. A general setting for quantised calculus is a spectral triple \( (\mathcal{A}, \mathcal{H}, D) \), which consists of a Hilbert space \( \mathcal{H} \), a pre-\( C^* \)-algebra \( \mathcal{A} \), represented faithfully on \( \mathcal{H} \) and a self-adjoint operator \( D \) acting on \( \mathcal{H} \) such that every \( a \in \mathcal{A} \) maps the domain of \( D \) into itself and the commutator \( [D, a] = Da - aD \) extends from the domain of \( D \) to a bounded linear endomorphism of \( \mathcal{H} \). Here, the quantised differential \( \partial a \) of \( a \in \mathcal{A} \) is defined to be the bounded operator \( i[\mathrm{sgn}(D), a] \), \( i^2 = -1 \).
We provide full characterisation of the Schatten properties of \( [M_b, T] \), the commutator of Calder\'{o}n--Zygmund singular integral \( T \) with symbol \( b \, (M_b f(x) := b(x) f(x)) \) on stratified Lie groups \( \mathbb{G} \). We show that, when \( p \) is larger than the homogeneous dimension \( Q \) of \( \mathbb{G} \), the Schatten \( \mathcal{L}_p \) norm of the commutator is equivalent to the Besov semi-norm \( B^{Q/p}_{p,p} \) of the function \( b \); but when \( p \leq Q \), the commutator belongs to \( \mathcal{L}_p \) if and only if \( b \) is a constant. For the endpoint case at the critical index \( p = Q \), we further show that the Schatten \( \mathcal{L}_{Q,\infty} \) norm of the commutator is equivalent to the Sobolev norm \( W^{1,Q} \) of \( b \). Our method at the endpoint case differs from existing methods of Fourier transforms or trace formula for Euclidean spaces or Heisenberg groups, respectively.
This talk is based on my recent work joint with Xiao Xiong and Fulin Yang.
Tuesday, 16th April 2024, 15:00–16:00 TST (GMT+8), online on Zoom Speaker:
Dr. Prasun Roychowdhury, National Center for
Theoretical Sciences Taiwan
The talk is devoted to the complete classification with respect to asymptotic behaviour, stability, and intersections properties of radial smooth solutions to the equation \( -\Delta_g u = e^u \) on Riemannian model manifolds \( (M, g) \) in dimension \( N \geq 2 \). Our assumptions include Riemannian manifolds with sectional curvatures bounded or unbounded from below. Intersection and stability properties of radial solutions are influenced by the dimension \( N \) in the sense that two different kinds of behaviour occur when \( 2 \leq N \leq 9 \) or \( N \geq 10 \), respectively. The crucial role of these dimensions in classifying solutions is well-known in Euclidean space; here the analysis highlights new properties of solutions that cannot be observed in the flat case. This is based on a joint work with Elise Berchio, Alberto Ferrero, and Debdip Ganguly.
Tuesday, 2nd April 2024, 15:00–16:00 TST (GMT+8), online on Zoom
In this talk we establish affine versions of fractional
Moser-Trudinger and Morrey inequalities. These new
inequalities are stronger than the affine Moser-Trudinger
and Morrey inequalities due to Cianchi-Lutwak-Yang-Zhang and
complement the affine fractional Sobolev inequalities of
Haddad-Ludwig. This is a joint work with Y. Li, S. Tikhonov,
D. Yang, and W. Yuan.
Tuesday, 26th March 2024, 15:30–16:30 TST (GMT+8), online on Zoom
Abstract: By definition, a wave is a \( C^\infty \) solution \( u(x,t) \) of the wave equation on \( \mathbb{R}^n \), and a snapshot of the wave \( u \) at time \( t \) is the function \( u_t \) on \( \mathbb{R}^n \) given by \( u_t(x) = u(x,t) \). We show that there are infinitely many waves with given \( C^\infty \) snapshots \( f_0 \) and \( f_1 \) at times \( t = 0 \) and \( t = 1 \) respectively, but that all such waves have the same snapshots at integer times. We present necessary and sufficient conditions for the existence and uniqueness of a wave \( u \) to have three given snapshots at three different times, and we show how this leads to problems in Diophantine approximations and "small denominators", which dates back to the early study of the \( n \)-body problem in \( \mathbb{R}^3 \). We consider generalizations to the Euler-Poisson-Darboux equation and to modified wave equations on spheres and symmetric spaces, as well as some open questions.
Joint with J. Christensen (Colgate), J. Wang (N. China Inst. of Science & Technology), and T. Kakehi (Tsukuba).
Tuesday, 19th March 2024, 15:00–16:00 TST (GMT+8), online on Zoom
Title: Limits of Sobolev Homeomorphisms in Nonlinear
Elasticity Abstract:
Limits of Sobolev homeomorphisms naturally appear in geometric function theory, calculus of variations, and continuum mechanics. In this talk, we discuss essential properties of mappings essential for elastic deformations, focusing on aspects such as continuity, injectivity, and differentiability, as well as Lusin's \( (N) \)- and \( (N^{-1}) \)-conditions. We consider variational problems of nonlinear elasticity, where admissible deformations are given by limits of Sobolev homeomorphisms, and prove the existence of minimizers.
Tuesday, 12th March 2024, 9:00–10:00 TST (GMT+8), online on Zoom
Large datasets often manifest naturally as
multi-dimensional arrays, commonly referred to as tensors.
These tensors may represent diverse phenomena, from sensor
measurements in scientific experiments to user behavior in
recommendation systems. However, real-world data is rarely
perfect, and incomplete entries are common due to various
reasons such as sensor failures, missing observations, or
privacy constraints. In this talk, we introduce a new
nonconvex regularization approach, which can better capture
the low-rank characteristics than the convex approach for
data completion. A minimization algorithm, associated with
the augmented Lagrangian multipliers and the nonconvex
regularizer, will be presented.