We study injectivity for models of Nonlinear Elasticity that involve the second gradient. We assume that Ω ⊂ ℝn is a domain, f ∈ W2,q(Ω, ℝn) satisfies |Jf|α ∈ L1 and that f equals a given homeomorphism on ∂Ω. Under suitable conditions on q and α we show that f must be a homeomorphism. As a main new tool we find an optimal condition for α and q that imply that \( \mathcal{H}^{n-1}(\{J_f = 0\}) = 0 \) and hence Jf cannot change sign. We further specify in dependence of q and α the maximal Hausdorff dimension d of the critical set \( \{J_f = 0\} \). The sharpness of our conditions for d is demonstrated by constructing respective counterexamples.
Date: Tuesday,
14th March 2023,
3:00–4:00 pm TST (GMT+8), online on Zoom
In this talk I
will introduce a type of Sobolev multiplier which appears
naturally in many super critical nonlinear PDEs. We will
briefly study the preduals of the Sobolev multplier spaces
and the boundedness of Hardy-Littlewood maximal operators on
such spaces. Furthermore, the boundedness of maximal
operators on the spaces of Choquet integrals associated with
capacities will also be addressed. The main tools in
tackling these problems rely on classical harmonic analysis
and nonlinear potential theory.
Date: Tuesday, 21th March 2023,
3:00–4:00 pm TST (GMT+8), online on Zoom
The porous medium equation is a degenerate
parabolic type quasilinear equation that models, for
example, the flow of a gas through a porous medium. In this
talk I will present recent results on uniqueness in the
inverse boundary value problem for this equation. These are
the first such results to be obtained for a degenerate
parabolic equation. The talk is based on work with T. Ghosh
& G. Nakamura and T. Ghosh & G. Uhlmann.
Date: Tuesday, 28th March 2023,
3:00–4:00 pm TST (GMT+8), online on Zoom
embeddings among fractional Orlicz-Sobolev spaces with
different smoothness are characterized. The equivalence of
their Gagliardo-Slobodeckij norms to norms defined via
Littlewood-Paley decompostions, via oscillations, or via
Besov type difference quotients is also established. These
equivalences, of independent interest, are a key tool in the
proof of the relevant embeddings. This is joint work with
Andrea Cianchi.
Date: Tuesday, 28th March 2023,
3:00–4:00 pm TST (GMT+8), online on Zoom
embeddings among fractional Orlicz-Sobolev spaces with
different smoothness are characterized. The equivalence of
their Gagliardo-Slobodeckij norms to norms defined via
Littlewood-Paley decompostions, via oscillations, or via
Besov type difference quotients is also established. These
equivalences, of independent interest, are a key tool in the
proof of the relevant embeddings. This is joint work with
Andrea Cianchi.
Date: Tuesday, 11th April 2023,
3:00–4:00 pm TST (GMT+8), online on Zoom
In this talk we discuss how to extend the classical
Bernstein technique to the setting of integro-differential
operators. As a consequence of this, we are able to provide
first and one-sided second derivative estimates for
solutions to fractional equations. Our method is robust
enough to be applied to some Pucci-type extremal equations
and to obstacle problems for fractional operators.
Abstract:In 1980, C. Kenig proved that for every Lipschitz domain Ω in the plane there exists 1 ≤ p0 < 2 so that the Dirichlet problem has a solution for every f ∈ Lp(∂Ω) and every p ∈ (p0, ∞). Moreover, if p0 > 1, the result is false for p ≤ p0. The goal of this talk is to analyze what happens at the endpoint p0; that is, we want to look for spaces X ⊂ Lp0 so that the Dirichlet problem has a solution for every f ∈ X. These spaces X will be either a Lorentz space Lp0,1(∂Ω) or some Orlicz space of logarithmic type. Similar results will be presented for the Neumann problem. This is a joint work with Virginia Naibo and Carmen Ortiz-Caraballo.
Date: Tuesday, 25th April 2023,
3:00–4:00 pm TST (GMT+8), online on Zoom
In this talk, we discuss some bilinear
fractional integral operators introduced by Kenig and Stein.
Also, the Stein-Weiss inequality and its bilinear analogues
will be addressed in Euclidean space and beyond. This is a
joint work with Rajesh K. Singh.
We study
different problems with energy gaps: local and nonlocal
double potential, variable exponent and weights models. We
design the general procedure to construct new examples of
energy gaps and present the numerical scheme that converges
to the global minimiser of the problem. The talk is based on
several joint projects with Lars Diening, Michail Surnachev,
Johanness Srorn and Christoph Ortner.