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研究成果 Publications

一、英文期刊發表論文 (refereed SCI journals)
二、英文專書論文 (refereed book chapters)
三、英文期刊發表論文 (non-SCI journals)
四、中文期刊發表論文 (refereed)
五、學術研討會論文 (英文)
六、學術研討會論文 (中文)

五、學術研討會論文 (英文): 133 presented/published, 5 scheduled

*: 通訊作者 | _: 第一作者 | IF: SCI 期刊影響因子 | ∆: 引用次數

138. Wang, C.-C., Y.-Y. Lan, and Y.-H. Chen, 2023: An assessment of cloud microphysical characteristics of three Mei-yu rainfall systems in Taiwan as simulated by a cloud-resolving model. EMS Annual Meeting 2013, 3-8 Sep 2023, Bratislava, Slovakia, Session: UP1.3, EMS2023-121.

137. Wang, C.-C., and S.-Y. Huang, 2023: Simulation and diagnosis of interactions across scales in frontal convective vortices during the Mei-yu season in Taiwan. AOGS 2023 Annual Meeting, 30 Jul-4 Aug 2023, AS59-A018.

136. Wang, C.-C., and S.-H. Chen, 2023: High-resolution time-lagged rainfall forecasts for typhoons and predetermination of their qualities through machine learning. AOGS 2023 Annual Meeting, 30 Jul-4 Aug 2023, AS19-A009.

135. Wang, C.-C., and S.-H. Chen, 2023: Predicting rainfall forecast quality of westbound typhoons in Taiwan through machine learning. The 28th International Union of Geodesy and Geophysics (IUGG) General Assembly 2023, IAMAS (Meteorology), M30 (tropical meteorology), 11-20 Jul 2023, Berlin, Germany, IUGG23-1394 (poster).

134. Wang, C.-C., and S.-H. Chen, 2023: Predicting rainfall forecast quality of westbound typhoons in Taiwan through machine learning. The 15th International Conference on Mesoscale Convective Systems (ICMCS-XIV), 22-25 May 2023, Fort Collins, Colorado, USA, S8.5, 4:35 PM (online).

133. Song, P.-W., and C.-C. Wang, 2023: An evaluation study of cloud-resolving time-lagged ensemble forecasts for Typhoon Megi (2022). Seventh Taiwan-Philippines Earth Sciences International Conference, 6-7 Feb 2023, Tainan, Taiwan, Poster M4.

132. Wang, C.-C., 2023: Time-lagged ensemble quantitative precipitation forecasts for three landfalling typhoons in the Philippines using the CReSS model. Seventh Taiwan-Philippines Earth Sciences International Conference, 6-7 Feb 2023, Tainan, Taiwan, 6 Feb, Met Session, 10:45 AM, http://www.edsrc.ncku.edu.tw/tpesic/Agenda.php.

131. Wang, C.-C., H.-C. Kuo, S.-H. Chen, Y.-H. Chen, and K. Tsuboki, 2022: Cloud-resolving time-lagged rainfall ensemble forecasts for typhoons in Taiwan: Examples of Saola (2012), Soulik (2013), and Soudelor (2015). AOGS 2022 Virtual Annual Meeting, 1-5 Aug 2022, AS66-A014, https://www.meetmatt-svr.net/timetable/presenterSchedule?CfId=4&AuthorFname=&PMode=Oral&DayId=20&SlotId=24&SId=1.

130. Wang, C.-C., and C.-H. Tsai, 2022: Application and evaluation of time-lagged typhoon quantitative precipitation forecasts for the Philippines using a cloud-resolving model. AOGS 2022 Virtual Annual Meeting, 1-5 Aug 2022, AS63-A006, https://www.meetmatt-svr.net/timetable/presenterSchedule?CfId=4&AuthorFname=&PMode=Oral&DayId=20&SlotId=24&SId=1.

129. Chiu, H., and C.-C. Wang, 2022: The extreme precipitation research in the southeastern mountains of Yilan, Taiwan under the weak synoptic weather condition. AOGS 2022 Virtual Annual Meeting, 1-5 Aug 2022, AS06-A004, https://www.meetmatt-svr.net/timetable/presenterSchedule?CfId=4&AuthorFname=&PMode=Oral&DayId=17&SlotId=22&SId=1.

128. Wang, C.-C., and T.-Y. Yeh, 2022: A comparative study on km-scale simulations of the extreme rainfall event along the northern coast of Taiwan on 2 June 2017. AOGS 2022 Virtual Annual Meeting, 1-5 Aug 2022, AS06-A002, https://www.meetmatt-svr.net/timetable/presenterSchedule?CfId=4&AuthorFname=&PMode=Oral&DayId=17&SlotId=22&SId=1.

127. Wang, C.-C., S.-H. Chen, Y.-H. Chen, and K. Tsuboki, 2022: Cloud-resolving time-lagged rainfall ensemble forecasts for typhoons in Taiwan: Examples of Saola (2012), Soulik (2013), and Soudelor (2015). International Conference on Heavy Rainfall and Tropical Cyclone in East Asia (virtual meeting), 1-3 Mar 2022, Day 1: 03:45 UTC, https://www.isee.nagoya-u.ac.jp/news/meetings/2022/20220224-3.html.

126. Wang, C.-C., M.-S. Li, C.-S. Chang, P.-Y. Chuang, S.-H. Chen, and K. Tsuboki, 2022: Ensemble sensitivity analysis and predictability of the extreme rainfall event over northern Taiwan on 2 June 2017. International Conference on Heavy Rainfall and Tropical Cyclone in East Asia (virtual meeting), 1-3 Mar 2022, Day 1: 03:30 UTC, https://www.isee.nagoya-u.ac.jp/news/meetings/2022/20220224-3.html.

125. Wang, C.-C., and C.-A. Hsieh, 2021: Influences of different Mei-yu frontal orientation and moving speed on rainfall in northern Taiwan: Idealized simulations. AOGS 2021 Virtual Annual Meeting, 1-6 Aug 2021, AS20-A002, https://meetmatt-svr.net/Timetable/SlotScheduleAll?CfId=3&PMode=Oral&DayId=13&SlotId=17&SId=1.

124. Wang, C.-C., and M.-S. Li, 2021: Ensemble-based sensitivity analysis of the extreme rainfall event along the northern coast of Taiwan on 2 June 2017. AOGS 2021 Virtual Annual Meeting, 1-6 Aug 2021, AS20-A001, https://meetmatt-svr.net/Timetable/SlotScheduleAll?CfId=3&PMode=Oral&DayId=13&SlotId=17&SId=1.

123. Wang, C.-C., 2021: The effects of asymmetric latent heating on typhoon movement and structure near Taiwan: Morakot (2009), Fanapi (2010), and Kong-Rey (2013). The 14th International Conference on Mesoscale Convective Systems and High-Impact Weather in East Asia (ICMCS-XIV), 28-30 Apr 2021, Nanjing. China.

122. Wang, C.-C., and N. V. Nguyen, 2020: Time-lagged cloud-resolving ensemble quantitative precipitation forecasts for an extreme rainfall event in central Vietnam. Proceedings, 2020 Conference on Weather Analysis and Forecasting. 13-15 Oct 2020, Taipei, Taiwan, A2-48.

121. Wang, C.-C., and C.-A. Hsieh, 2019: Idealized simulation on the impacts of different Mei-yu frontal orientation and moving speed on rainfall over northern Taiwan. Severe Weather and TAHOPE Planning Workshop, 14-16 Oct 2019, Taipei, Taiwan.

120. Chen, S.-H., and C.-C. Wang, 2019: Developing a quality index for cloud-resolving typhoon rainfall forecasts in Taiwan based on machine learning. EMS Annual Meeting 2019, 9-13 Sep 2019, Copenhagen, Denmark, Session: OSA1.3, P26, EMS2019-466.

119. Wang, C.-C., S.-K. Ma, and R. H. Johnson, 2019: A modeling study on the influences of Sumatra island and synoptic features on tropical cyclone formation in the Indian Ocean. EMS Annual Meeting 2019, 9-13 Sep 2019, Copenhagen, Denmark, Session: UP1.3, P138, EMS2019-62.

118. Kuo, H.-C., S. Tsujino, C.-C. Huang, C.-C. Wang, and K. Tsuboki, 2019: Dynamic efficiency of latent heat release and the rapid intensification of Supertyphoon Haiyan (2013). AOGS 16th Annual Meeting, 28 Jul-2 Aug 2019, Singapore, AS14-A038, https://doi.org/10.1175/MWR-D-18-0149.1.

117. Wang, C.-C., C.-Y. Lee, and S.-H. Chen, 2019: Medium-range cloud-resolving time- lagged typhoon ensemble prediction and the re-forecasts of Haiyan (2013) using CReSS. The 6th Philippines-Taiwan Earth Sciences International Conference, 20-22 May 2019, Clark, Pampanga, the Philippines, Session III: Meteorology, 40.

116. Wang, C.-C., and S.-H. Chen, 2019: High-resolution time-lagged ensemble quantitative precipitation forecasts for typhoons in Taiwan using the Cloud-Resolving Storm Simulator. 2019 Taipei Severe Weather and Extreme Precipitation (SWEP) Workshop, 24-26 Apr 2019, Taipei, Taiwan, D1-06, 19-20.

115. Wang, C.-C., and S.-H. Chen, 2019: High-resolution time-lagged ensemble quantitative precipitation forecasts (QPFs) for typhoons in Taiwan using the Cloud-Resolving Storm Simulator (CReSS). The 4th WMO Workshop on Monsoon Heavy Rainfall (MHR-4): Science and Prediction of Monsoon Heavy Rainfall, 16-18 April 2019, Shenzhen, China, Session: Tropical Cyclones.

114. Wang, C.-C., S.-K. Ma, and R. H. Johnson, 2019: The influences of Sumatra island and synoptic features on tropical cyclone formation in the Indian Ocean: A numerical study. The 13th International Conference on Mesoscale Convective System and High-Impact Weather (ICMCS-XIII), 6-8 Mar 2019, Naha, Okinawa, Japan, Session 7: Tropical Cyclone (III), A315-I.

113. Kuo, H.-C., S. Tsujino, C.-C. Huang, C.-C. Wang, and K. Tsuboki, 2019: Diagnosis of the dynamic efficiency of latent heat release and the rapid intensification of Supertyphoon Haiyan (2013). The 13th International Conference on Mesoscale Convective System and High-Impact Weather (ICMCS-XIII), 6-8 Mar 2019, Naha, Okinawa, Japan, Keynote Session: K103, https://doi.org/10.1175/MWR-D-18-0149.1.
(invited keynote)

112. Wang, C.-C., S.-K. Ma, and R. H. Johnson, 2019: A numerical study on the influences of Sumatra Island and synoptic features on tropical cyclone formation in the Indian Ocean. American Meteorological Society (AMS) 99th Annual Meeting. Symposium on Tropical Cyclones and Extreme Monsoon Precipitation: Prediction, Impacts, and Communication, 6-10 Jan 2019, Phoenix, USA, Abstract ID: 352998, Poster No. 728.

111. Wang, C.-C., 2018: Cloud-resolving heavy-rainfall quantitative precipitation forecasts (QPFs) in Taiwan and the TAHPEX project. 2018 ACTS Workshop: Toward Improvements on Severe-Weather Forecast Benefited from the International Joint Field Experiment in 2020, 26-27 Nov 2018, Taipei, Taiwan.

110. Wang, C.-C., 2018: The past, present, and future typhoon rainfall in Taiwan: Quantitative estimation using a cloud-resolving model. Symposium on Severe Weather and Climate Change---Academia Sinica Frontiers of Sciences and Humanities Seminar Series (in celebration of the 90th Anniversary of Academia Sinica), 16 Nov 2018, Academia Sinica, Taipei, Taiwan.

109. Wang, C.-C., C.-W. Chien, and S.-H. Chen, 2018: Evaluation and characteristics of typhoon quantitative precipitation forecasts in Taiwan by the 2.5-km CReSS model at short and medium ranges. 2018 VOTE Meteorology Workshop, 5-8 Nov 2018, Taipei, Taiwan, 15.

108. Wang, C.-C., 2018: Heavy-rainfall quantitative precipitation forecasts in Taiwan using a cloud-resolving model. Proceeding, 2018 Taiwan-Philippines International Conference on Slopeland Disaster Prevention, 23 Oct 2018, Taipei, Taiwan, S4-4, 59.

107. Chen, C.-T., S.-H. Lo, C.-C. Wang, and K. Tsuboki, 2018: Quantifying human impact to the rainfall extremes associated with tropical cyclone. EMS Annual Meeting: European Conference for Applied Meteorology and Climatology (ECAC), 3-7 Sep 2018, Budapest, Hungary, UP3.1, EMS2018-207.

106. Wang, C.-C., and S.-H. Chen, 2018: Application of time-lagged cloud-resolving ensemble quantitative precipitation forecasts in Taiwan for Typhoon Morakot (2009). EMS Annual Meeting: European Conference for Applied Meteorology and Climatology (ECAC), 3-7 Sep 2018, Budapest, Hungary, OSA1.4, EMS2018-23.

105. Wang, C.-C., G. T.-J. Chen, and C.-H. Ngai, 2018: A morning convective rainfall event over southwestern Taiwan in the Mei-yu season under weak synoptic conditions. AOGS 2018 Annual Meeting, 3-8 Jun 2018, Honolulu, Hawaii, USA, AS49, AS49-A010, https://doi.org/10.2151/jmsj.2018-051.

104. Wang, C.-C., P.-Y. Chuang, and S.-T. Chen, 2018: Idealized cloud-resolving simulations of Mei-yu rainfall in Taiwan under uniform southwesterly flow. AOGS 2018 Annual Meeting, 3-8 Jun 2018, Honolulu, Hawaii, USA, AS35, AS35-A004.

103. Chen, S.-H., and Wang, C.-C., 2018: Medium-range cloud-resolving typhoon rainfall ensemble forecasts for Taiwan through time-lagged approach. AOGS 2018 Annual Meeting, 3-8 Jun 2018, Honolulu, Hawaii, USA, AS05, AS05-A046.

102. Johnson, R. H., C. M. Fine, P. E. Ciesielski, C.-C. Wang, S.-K. Ma, and R. K. Taft, 2018: Role of Maritime Continent topography in tropical cyclone formation over the Indian Ocean. The AMS 33rd Conference on Hurricanes and Tropical Meteorology, 15-20 Apr 2018, Ponte Vedra, Florida, USA, Session: Tropical cyclones I, 3B.3.

101. Wang, C.-C., and S.-H. Chen, 2018: Application of time-lagged cloud-resolving ensemble quantitative precipitation forecasts in Taiwan for Typhoon Morakot (2009). AOGS-EGU Joint Conference 2018, 4-8 Feb 2018, Tagaytay, Philippines, NH-A094.

100. Wang, C.-C., and S.-H. Chen, 2017: Improvement and Ensemble Strategy of Heavy-Rainfall Quantitative Precipitation Forecasts using a Cloud-Resolving Model in Taiwan. Workshop on Disaster Risk Reduction in Extreme Climate, 23 Nov 2017, Taipei, Taiwan, 37-40.

99. Kuo, H.-C., Y.-H. Chen, C.-C. Wang, and Y.-T. Yang, 2017: Influence of southwest monsoon flow and typhoon track on Taiwan rainfall during exit phase: Modeling study of Typhoon Morakot (2009). Abstracts, the Six WMO International Workshop on Monsoons (IWM-VI), 13-17 Nov 2017, Singapore, Paper no. 68-O, p.220, https://doi.org/10.1002/qj.3156.

98. Wang, C.-C., S.-H. Chen, and C.-S. Chang, 2017: Time-lagged ensemble quantitative precipitation forecasts for three typhoons in Taiwan using the 2.5-km CReSS: Saola (2012), Soulik (2013), and Soudelor (2015). The 12th International Conference on Mesoscale Convective Systems and High-Impact Weather in East Asia (ICMCS-XII), 17-20 Oct 2017, Taipei, Taiwan.
(invited keynote)

97. Wang, C.-C., 2017: Effects of past climate change on tropical cyclone rainfall near Taiwan: Case studies using a cloud-resolving model. Fourth International Conference on Earth System Modelling (4ICESM), 28 August-1 Sep 2017, Hamburg, Germany, 4ICESM-38 (oral).

96. Wang, C.-C., and S.-H. Chen, 2017: Application of time-lagged cloud-resolving ensemble quantitative precipitation forecasts for typhoons in Taiwan: Saola (2012), Soulik (2013), and Soudelor (2015). The Fifth Taiwan-Philippines Earth Sciences International Conference, 16-19 Jul 2017, Chia-yi, Taiwan, Meteorological Section II, Paper 7, p.36.

95. Wang, C.-C., 2017: Application of time-lagged cloud-resolving ensemble forecasts to landfall typhoons in the Philippines. The South China Sea Science Conference (SCSSC) 2017, 3-8 Jun 2017, Kaohsiung, Taiwan, AS section, paper 8.

94. Wang, C.-C., H.-C. Kuo, R. H. Johnson, B.-K. Chiou, and C.-Y. Lee, 2017: Numerical simulation of back-building and merging processes of convective cells without the cold pool in two extreme-precipitation events in Taiwan. 2017 Taipei Severe Weather and Extreme Precipitation (SWEP) Workshop, 22-24 May 2017, Taipei, Taiwan, O-102.

93. Wang, C.-C., 2017: A feasible strategy of cloud-resolving typhoon ensemble quantitative precipitation forecasts with large domain and extended range through time-lagged approach. 2017 APEC Typhoon Symposium---The Challenges and Opportunities for Typhoon and Flood, 2-4 May 2017, Taipei, Taiwan, Met-2-3.

92. Wang, C.-C., 2017: Cloud-resolving heavy-rainfall quantitative precipitation forecasts and ensemble strategy. The First International Workshop of the World Meteorological Organization (WMO) World Weather Research Program (WWRP) Southern China Monsoon Rainfall Experiment (SCMREX) Research Development Project (RDP), 12-13 Apr 2017, Beijing, China, 34.

91. Wang, C.-C., 2017: Strategy and experiments of typhoon cloud-resolving quantitative precipitation forecast ensemble for advanced warning. First Workshop on Taiwan and the Philippines Cooperative Project (VOTE) in Meteorology, 6-8 Mar 2017, Philippine Atmospheric, Geophysical and Astronomical Services Administration (PAGASA), Manila, the Philippines.

90. Wang, C.-C., 2016: Cloud-resolving heavy-rainfall quantitative precipitation forecasts (QPFs) in Taiwan with strong topographic control. Mini-Workshop on Microphysics and Precipitation Processes of Heavy Rain Systems, 16 Dec 2016, NTU-DAS, Taipei, Taiwan.

89. Wang, C.-C., and P.-Y. Chuang, 2016: Evaluation of mei-yu heavy-rainfall forecasts for Taiwan by the CReSS Model: Performance and impact of model resolution. 16th EMS Annual Meeting and 11th European Conference on Applied Climatology (ECAC), 12-16 Sep 2016, Trieste, Italy, NWP7, EMS2016-358.

88. Wang, C.-C., and P.-Y. Chuang, 2016: Evaluation of mei-yu rainfall forecasts for Taiwan by the CReSS model: Performance and impact of grid spacing. AOGS 2016 Annual Meeting, 31 Jul-5 Aug 2016, Beijing, China, AS32, AS32-A022.

87. Wang, C.-C., G. T.-J. Chen, and K.-H. Ho, 2016: A diagnostic study of mei-yu frontal retreat and associated low development near Taiwan: The event of 13-14 Jun 2012. AOGS 2016 Annual Meeting, 31 July-5 August 2016, Beijing, China, AS32, AS32-A023.

86. Lee, D.-I., J.-H. Jeong, C.-C. Wang, and I.-S. Han, 2016: Dominant processes of extreme rainfall-producing mesoscale convective system over southeastern Korea: 7 July 2009 case. International Conferences on Mesoscale Convective System and High-Impact Weather (ICMCS-XI), 25-28 Apr 2016, Busan, Korea, S9-1, https://doi.org/10.5194/nhessd-3-6459-2015.

85. Wang, C.-C., and P.-Y. Chuang, 2016: Evaluation of mei-yu rainfall forecasts for Taiwan by the CReSS model: Performance at cloud-resolving versus convective-permitting resolutions. International Conferences on Mesoscale Convective System and High-Impact Weather (ICMCS-XI), 25-28 Apr 2016, Busan, Korea, P-2.

84. Wang, C.-C., H.-C. Kuo, B.-K. Chiou, C.-Y. Lee, and R. H. Johnson, 2016: Back-building and merging processes in stationary rainbands without the cold pool: Study of two cases in Taiwan with extreme rainfall. International Conferences on Mesoscale Convective System and High-Impact Weather (ICMCS-XI), 25-28 Apr 2016, Busan, Korea, S2-2.
(invited keynote)

83. Wang, C.-C., and C.-C. Huang, 2015: Understanding extreme typhoon quantitative precipitation forecasts (QPFs) in Taiwan by the 2.5-km CReSS Model: An update. 2015 Conference on Weather Analysis and Forecasting, 15-17 Sep 2015, Taipei, Taiwan A2-20, 6 pp.

82. Wang, C.-C., and C.-C. Huang, 2015: Evaluation of typhoon rainfall forecasts for Taiwan by the 2.5-km CReSS model: An update. AOGS 2015 Annual Meeting, 2-7 Aug 2015, Singapore, AS02, AS02-A012.

81. Wang, C.-C., and B.-K. Chiou, 2015: Back-building process in the rainband of 11-12 June 2012 with extreme rainfall in Taipei. AOGS 2015 Annual Meeting, 2-7 Aug 2015, Singapore, AS02, AS02-A011.

80. Wang, C.-C., 2015: The more rain, the higher the scores: The key to understand model quantitative precipitation forecast ability for extreme typhoon rainfall. The 26th International Union of Geodesy and Geophysics (IUGG) General Assembly 2015, IAMAS (Meteorology), M11 (tropical cyclones), 22 Jun-2 Jul 2015, Prague, Czech Republic, IUGG-3079.

79. Chen, S.-H., C.-C. Wang, and C.-S. Chang, 2015: Medium-range cloud-resolving typhoon rainfall ensemble forecasts for Taiwan through time-lagged approach. Fifth International Summit on Hurricanes and Climate Change, 9-14 Jun 2015, Chania, Crete, Greece, P-69.

78. Wang, C.-C., L. Tseng, C.-C. Huang, and B.-X. Lin, 2015: Quantifying the effects of long-term climate change on typhoon rainfall near Taiwan using a cloud-resolving model. Fifth International Summit on Hurricanes and Climate Change, 9-14 Jun 2015, Chania, Crete, Greece, Abstract 8.

77. Chen, S.-H., C.-C. Wang, and C.-S. Chang, 2015: Medium-range cloud-resolving typhoon rainfall ensemble forecasts for Taiwan through time-lagged approach. 2015 US-Taiwan Extreme Precipitation and Weather Workshop, 29-30 May 2015, Taipei, Taiwan, P-19.

76. Wang, C.-C., 2015: Mechanisms of back-building and cell merger in rainbands with extreme rainfall in Taiwan: Roles of pressure perturbations. 2015 US-Taiwan Extreme Precipitation and Weather Workshop, 29-30 May 2015, Taipei, Taiwan, P-2.

75. Wang, C.-C., 2015: The more rain, the better the model performs: A key property in categorical statistics to understand model quantitative precipitation forecast (QPF) capability for extreme rainfall events. 2015 International Workshop on Typhoon and Flood (IWTF), APEC Experience Sharing on Hazardous Weather Events and Risk Management, 27-29 May 2015, Taipei, Taiwan, Met Session 1.

74. Wang, C.-C., 2015: Medium-range cloud-resolving typhoon rainfall ensemble forecasts for Taiwan through time-lagged approach: Strategy and performance. 2015 Taipei Severe Weather and Extreme Precipitation (SWEP) Workshop, 25-27 May 2015, Taipei, Taiwan, O-109.

73. Paul, S., P.-Y. Hung, C.-K. Yang, W.-K. Huang, H.-H. Hsu, C.-C. Wang, and C.-T. Chen, 2015: The performance of DEMETER and CMIP3 GCMs in simulating the monsoonal climate variability over globe: A comparative study. The 18th Pacific-Asian Marginal Seas (PAMS) Meeting, 21-23 Apr 2015, Naha, Okinawa, Japan, PS4-01.

72. Chen, C.-T., S.-H. Lo, and C.-C. Wang, 2014: Assessing possible anthropogenic contributions to the rainfall extremes associated with Typhoon Morakot (2009). AGU Fall Meeting, 15-19 Dec 2014, San Francisco, CA, USA, Session U015.

71. Chen, S.-H., and C.-C. Wang, 2014: A numerical study of an afternoon convection case in Taiwan under weak synoptic forcing. 2014 Conference on Weather Analysis and Forecasting, 16-18 Sep 2014, Taipei, Taiwan, A2-49.

70. Jeong, J.-H., D.-I. Lee, and C.-C. Wang, 2014: An extreme rainfall-producing quasi-stationary mesoscale convective system associated with Changma front on 7 July 2009: Numerical simulation. The 10th International Conferences on Mesoscale Convective Systems (ICMCS-X), 15-18 Sep 2014, Boulder, Colorado, USA, Session 6.4.

69. Chen, S.-H., and C.-C. Wang, 2014: A numerical study of an afternoon convection case in Taiwan under weak synoptic forcing, The 10th International Conferences on Mesoscale Convective Systems (ICMCS-X), 15-18 Sep 2014, Boulder, Colorado, USA, P1.2.

68. Wang, C.-C., 2014: The use of Equitable Threat Score for model quantitative precipitation forecasts over small verification areas: Its issue and correction. The 10th International Conferences on Mesoscale Convective Systems (ICMCS-X), 15-18 Sep 2014, Boulder, Colorado, USA, P1.5.

67. Wang, C.-C., 2014: The dependency of quantitative precipitation forecasts skill on rainfall amount for typhoons in Taiwan by the 2.5-km CReSS model. The 10th International Conferences on Mesoscale Convective Systems (ICMCS-X), 15-18 Sep 2014, Boulder, Colorado, USA, Session 10.4.

66. Wang, C.-C., H.-C. Kuo, and C.-Y. Lee, 2014: Pressure perturbations associated with convective cells in rain-bands of Typhoon Morakot (2009). AOGS 2014 Annual Meeting, 28 Jul-1 Aug 2014, Sapporo, Japan, AS34-A025, 102.

65. Wang, C.-C., 2014: Real-time cloud-resolving (2.5 km) typhoon forecasts for Taiwan using the CReSS model and the evaluation of quantitative precipitation forecasts. AOGS 2014 Annual Meeting, 28 Jul-1 Aug 2014, Sapporo, Japan, AS34-A024, 103.

64. Wang, C.-C., 2014: Cloud-resolving quantitative precipitation forecasts (QPFs) for Taiwan: Model evaluation, characteristics, and implications. The first International Summit on Tornadoes and Climate Change, 25-30 May, Chania, Crete, Greece, Abstract 7, p.25.
(listed as a confirmed speaker on conference website)

63. Lo, S.-H., C.-T. Chen, and Wang, C.-C., 2014: How the different analyses forcing fields affect the tropical cyclone simulation? The AMS 31st Conference on Hurricanes and Tropical Meteorology, 31 Mar-4 Apr, San Diego, California, USA, 15A.6, 40.

62. Wang, C.-C., 2014: Time-lagged high-resolution typhoon ensemble forecasts for Taiwan by the Cloud-Resolving Storm Simulator (CReSS). The AMS 31st Conference on Hurricanes and Tropical Meteorology, 31 Mar-4 Apr, San Diego, California, USA, 15A.7, 40.

61. Wang, C.-C., 2013: High-resolution typhoon virtual ensemble forecasts for Taiwan by the Cloud-Resolving Storm Simulator (CReSS): The 2012 season. Fifth WMO International Workshop on Monsoons (IWM-V), 28 Oct-1 Nov, Macao and Hong Kong, China, 7.

60. Chen, Y.-H., H.-C. Kuo, C.-C. Wang, and Y.-Y. Lin, 2013: Effects of asymmetric latent heating on Taiwan typhoon post-landfall motion. The 2013 APEC Typhoon Symposium, 21-23 Oct, Taipei, Taiwan, AM11.

59. Chen, S.-H., and C.-C. Wang, 2013: A numerical study of an afternoon convection case in Taiwan under weak synoptic forcing. The 2013 APEC Typhoon Symposium, 21-23 Oct, Taipei, Taiwan, AM09.

58. Chen, K.-Y., and C.-C. Wang, 2013: The influence of resolution on typhoon QPFs in Taiwan. The 2013 APEC Typhoon Symposium, 21-23 Oct, Taipei, Taiwan, AM07.

57. Wang, C.-C., 2013: WRF model rainfall forecasts during three Mei-yu seasons in Taiwan: 2008-2010. AOGS 10th Annual Meeting (AOGS 2013), 24-28 Jun, Brisbane, Australia, AS06-A024.

56. Wang, C.-C., B.-X. Lin, and C.-T. Chen, 2013: Effects of long-term climate change on landfalling typhoons in Taiwan: Sinlaku (2008) and Jangmi (2008). Fourth International Summit on Hurricanes and Climate Change, 13-18 Jun, Kos, Greece, Abstract 53, 76.

55. Wang, C.-C., 2013: Typhoon ensemble forecasts by the Cloud-Resolving Storm Simulator (CReSS) at high resolution in Taiwan. 2013 ACTS First Workshop: Advanced Technology on Typhoon Forecasting and its Social Implications, 6-7 Jun, Taipei, Taiwan, 106-119.

54. Chen, C.-T., C.-C. Wang, M. Y.-M. Wang, Y.-H. Hsieh, S.-H. Lo, T.-P. Tseng, and Y.-H. Tung, 2013: Attribution of anthropogenic impact on the changes in extreme weather and climate---Preliminary study with 2009 typhoon Morakot. The 2nd CCliCS Workshop on Climate System Modeling, 1-3 Apr, Taipei, Taiwan.

53. Jeong, J.-H., D.-I. Lee, S.-M. Jang, S.-H. Park, C.-H. You, and C.-C. Wang, 2013: An observational and modeling study of extreme rainfall producing quasi linear convective system associated with Changma front: 7 July 2009 case. The Conference on MCSs and High-Impact Weather in East Asia (ICMCS-IX), 27-30 Mar, Beijing, China, 54-58.

52. Wang, C.-C., H.-C. Kuo, and Y.-H. Chen, 2013: Numerical study and potential vorticity diagnosis on Typhoon Fanapi (2010) near Taiwan: The impact of asymmetrical diabatic heating on storm track. The Conference on MCSs and High-Impact Weather in East Asia (ICMCS-IX), 27-30 Mar, Beijing, China, 223.

51. Wang, C.-C., and C.-S. Hsu, 2012: Numerical study of a westward-propagating rainfall episode near Taiwan during IOP-8 of SoWMEX 2008. The 2nd WMO/WWRP Monsoon Heavy Rainfall Workshop, 10-12 Dec, Petaling Jaya, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, 11.

50. Jeong, J.-H., Lee, D.-I., S.-M. Jang, S.-H. Park, and C.-C. Wang, 2012: An observational and modeling study of extreme rainfall producing quasi linear convective system associated with Changma front: 7 July 2009 case. AOGS-AGU (WPGM) Joint Assembly, 13-17 Aug, Santosa, Singapore, AS32-A027.

49. Wang, C.-C., and J. C.-S. Hsu, 2012: A Numerical study on the organization and propagation of convection near Taiwan during 2008 SoWMEX IOP-8. AOGS-AGU (WPGM) Joint Assembly, 13-17 Aug, Santosa, Singapore, AS32-A007.

48. Wang, C.-C., H.-C. Kuo, T.-C. Yeh, C.-H. Chung, and Y.-H. Chen, 2012: High-resolution quantitative precipitation forecasts and predictability of Typhoon Morakot (2009) with extreme rainfall in Taiwan using the Cloud-Resolving Storm Simulator (CReSS). ICDM 2012 Workshop: Dynamics and Predictability of High-impact Weather and Climate Events, 6-9 Aug, Kunming, China, 146.

47. Wang, C.-C., H.-C. Kuo, T.-C. Yeh, C.-H. Chung, and Y.-H. Chen, 2012: High-resolution simulation and quantitative precipitation forecasts by the Cloud-Resolving Storm Simulator (CReSS) for Typhoon Morakot (2009) with extreme rainfall in Taiwan. Asia-Pacific Natural Hazard Conference 2012, 27-29 Jun, Honolulu, Hawaii, USA, 37.

46. Wang, C.-C., H.-C. Kuo, T.-C. Yeh, C.-H. Chung, and Y.-H. Chen, 2012: High-resolution simulation and quantitative precipitation forecasts by the Cloud-Resolving Storm Simulator (CReSS) for Typhoon Morakot (2009) with extreme rainfall in Taiwan. 2012 APEC Typhoon Symposium, Session: Data Assimilation and Heavy-Rain Prediction (II), 5-6 Jun, Taipei, Taiwan, 42.

45. Wang, C.-C., and Y.-H. Chen, 2012: Interaction among typhoon track, asymmetrical rainfall, and Taiwan topography: A case study of Fanapi (2010). European Geosciences Union General Assembly, 22-27 Apr, Vienna, Austria, AS1.1, EGU2012-ASC-2012-6125.

44. Lee, D.-I., J.-H. Jeong, S.-M. Jang, and C.-C. Wang, 2011: The Doppler radar and high-resolution model analysis of extreme rainfall producing quasi-linear convective system on 7 July 2009, Busan, Korea. AMS 35th Conference on Radar Meteorology, P-15, 26-30 Sep, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, USA.

43. Wang, C.-C., H.-C. Kuo, Y.-H. Chen, and H.-L. Huang, 2011: The effect of asymmetrical latent heating on typhoon movement crossing Taiwan: The extreme case of Morakot (2009). Eighth Asia-Oceania Geosciences Society (AOGS) Annual Meeting, 8-12 Aug, Taipei, Taiwan, AS06-A018.

42. Wang, C.-C., H.-C. Kuo, and Y.-H. Chen, 2011: Impact of asymmetric rainfall and latent heating on typhoon motion crossing Taiwan: Morakot (2009) and Fanapi (2010). AMS Fourteenth Conference on Mesoscale Processes, P-40, 1-4 Aug 2011, Los Angeles, California, USA.

41. Wang, C.-C., Y.-H. Chen, and H.-C. Kuo, 2011: The impact of asymmetrical latent heating on typhoon movement crossing Taiwan: Morakot (2009) and Fanapi (2010). Third International Summit on Hurricanes and Climate Change, 27 June-2 Jul, Ixia, Rhodes, Greece, Abstract 55, 81.

40. Wang, C.-C., Y.-H. Chen, H.-C. Kuo, and H.-L. Huang, 2011: Effects of asymmetric latent heating on the track of Typhoon Morakot (2009) and implications in typhoon forecasting. 2011 International Workshop on Typhoon and Flood, 23-24 Jun, Taipei, Taiwan, 90-91.

39. Wang, C.-C., H.-C. Kuo, and Y.-H. Chen, 2011: Simulation of typhoon Morakot (2009) using the CReSS model and the effect of asymmetric rainfall/latent heating on its motion crossing Taiwan. First ACTS Working Group (WG) meeting, 10 Apr, Taipei.

38. Wang, C.-C., H.-C. Kuo, and Y.-H. Chen, 2011: Effects of asymmetrical latent heating on typhoon movement crossing Taiwan: Morakot (2009) and Fanapi (2010). European Geosciences Union General Assembly, 3-8 Apr, Vienna, Austria, AS1.3, EGU 2011-5265.

37. Wang, C.-C., T.-C. Lin, and K. Tsuboki, 2011: Numerical study on rainbands upstream from mesoscale topography under the influence of approaching typhoon in East Asia. Preprints, Conference on MCSs and High-impact Weather in East Asia (ICMCS-8), 7-9 Mar, Nagoya, Japan, 116-119.

36. Jeong, J.-H., D.-I. Lee, S.-M. Jang, and C.-C. Wang, 2011: Development environment of mesoscale convective systems associated with the Changma front during 9-10 July 2007. Preprints, Conference on MCSs and High-impact Weather in East Asia (ICMCS-8), 7-9 Mar, Nagoya, Japan, 29-32.

35. Wang, C.-C., H.-C. Kuo, Y.-H. Chen, and C.-H. Chung, 2010: Roles of steering flow, latent heating, and Taiwan topography on Typhoon Morakot (2009). Third SoWMEX/ TiMREX Science Workshop, 3-5 Nov, Taipei, Taiwan, Session 5.5, 99-100.

34. Jeong, J.-H., D.-I. Lee, S.-M. Jang, and C.-C. Wang, 2010: Development mechanisms of mesoscale convective systems accompanied with the Chang-ma front in 9-10 July 2007. Third SoWMEX/TiMREX Science Workshop, 3-5 Nov, Taipei, Taiwan, Session 4.5, 84-93.

33. Wang, C.-C., H.-L. Huang, and G. T.-J. Chen, 2010: The warm-season diurnal rainfall propagation in East Asia: An update and application in the Taiwan Mei-yu season. Third SoWMEX/TiMREX Science Workshop, 3-5 Nov, Taipei, Taiwan, Session 2.2, 27.

32. Jeong, J.-H., D.-I. Lee, M. Jang, S.-M. Jang, and C.-C. Wang, 2010: A case study on development mechanisms of mesoscale convective systems accompanied with the Chang-ma front. Seventh Asia-Oceania Geosciences Society Annual Meeting, 5-9 Jul, Hyderabad, India, AS17-A006.

31. Wang, C.-C., F.-C. Chien, Y.-W. Huang, and Y.-W. Wang, 2010: An evaluation of WRF model rainfall forecasts during the Mei-yu season in Taiwan. Eos Trans. AGU, 91(26), West. Pac. Geophys. Meet. Suppl., 22-25 Jun, Taipei, Abstract A31E-05.

30. Wang, C.-C., G. T.-J. Chen, and S.-Y. Huang, 2010: Simulation of remote triggering of deep convection by cold outflow over the Taiwan Strait during the Mei-yu season: The 8 June 2007 case. Eos Trans. AGU, 91(26), West. Pac. Geophys. Meet. Suppl., 22-25 Jun, Taipei, Abstract A23B-138.

29. Hong, J.-S., Y.-C. Yu, C.-Y. Huang, F.-C. Chien, C.-C. Wang, M.-Y. Chang, Y.-T. Lin, 2010: Inter-comparison of the model QPF in Typhoon Morakot (2009). International Workshop on Typhoon Morakot (2009), 25-26 Mar, Taipei, Taiwan, 59.

28. Wang, C.-C., 2009: The use of the CReSS model for research. The First Korea-Japan-Taiwan International Joint Research Workshop, 22 Dec, Pukyong National University, Pusan, Korea.

27. Wang, C.-C., P.-L. Chang, and C.-H. Tseng, 2009: Numerical simulation of the 2 April 2007 bow echo near Taiwan. The International Conference on MCSs and High-Impact Weather and Climate in East Asia (ICMCS-7), 11-13 Nov, Seoul, Korea, 73-80.

26. Huang, H.-L., C.-C. Wang, G. T.-J. Chen, and R. E. Carbone, 2009: The role of diurnal solenoidal circulation on propagating rainfall episodes near the eastern Tibetan Plateau. Second SoWMEX/TiMREX Science Workshop, 20-22 Oct, Taipei, Taiwan, 25, https://doi.org/10.1175/2010MWR3225.1.

25. Wang, C.-C., G. T.-J. Chen, and S.-Y. Huang, 2009: An investigation of the 8 June 2007 heavy-rainfall event in central Taiwan. Second SoWMEX/TiMREX Science Workshop, 20-22 Oc, Taipei, Taiwan, 14.

24. Wang, C.-C., H.-L. Huang, and G. T.-J. Chen, 2009: A numerical study on the role of mountain-valley circulation on the propagation of rainfall episodes near the eastern Tibetan Plateau. Sixth Asia-Oceania Geosciences Society Annual Meeting, 11-15 Aug, Suntec Singapore, Singapore, AS14-A003.

23. Wang, C.-C., H.-C. Kuo, and G. T.-J. Chen, 2008: A case study of the low-level mesoscale vortices observed on 5-6 June 2008 near Taiwan during SoWMEX/TiMREX. First SoWMEX/TiMREX Science Workshop, 5-7 Nov 2008, Taipei, Taiwan, 40.

22. Wang, C.-C., 2008: Evaluation of model quantitative precipitation forecast (QPF) in Taiwan during the field phase of SoWMEX/TiMREX 2008. First SoWMEX/TiMREX Science Workshop, 5-7 Nov 2008, Taipei, Taiwan, 43.

21. Wang, C.-C., and W.-M. Huang, 2008: Numerical simulation of a nocturnal convective line case off the southeastern coast of Taiwan during the Mei-yu season. Fifth Asia- Oceania Geosciences Society Annual Meeting, 16-20 Jun, Pusan, South Korea, AS26-A006.

20. Carbone, R. E., V. Levizzani, A. G. Laing, J. D. Tuttle, C.-C. Wang, and H.-L. Huang, 2008: Factors affecting the diurnal cycle of warm season continental rainfall. Precipitation Science Symposium, European Geophysical Union (EGU) 2008 General Assembly, 13-18 Apr, Vienna, Austria.

19. Chen, G. T.-J., and C.-C. Wang, 2007: An overview of Mei-yu research: Before and after the TAMEX project. Proceeding Abstract, Sixth International Conference on Mesoscale Meteorology and Typhoon in East Asia (ICMCS-6), 6-8 Nov, CWB, Taipei, Taiwan, 15.
(keynote, invited)

18. Huang, H.-L., C.-C. Wang, and G. T.-J. Chen, 2007: Numerical study on mechanisms of two propagating precipitation episodes over the East Asia under strong and weak upper-level forcing. Proceeding Abstract, Sixth International Conference on Mesoscale Meteorology and Typhoon in East Asia (ICMCS-6), 6-8 Nov, CWB, Taipei, Taiwan, 65.

17. Chiou, T.-K., C.-C. Wang, and J.-X. Tseng, 2007: A springtime bow echo over the southern Taiwan Strait: The 2 April 2007 case. Proceeding Abstract, Sixth International Conference on Mesoscale Meteorology and Typhoon in East Asia (ICMCS-6), 6-8 Nov, CWB, Taipei, Taiwan, 135.

16. Wang, C.-C., 2007: A numerical study on the 19-20 December 2002 supercell thunderstorms near Taiwan using the Cloud-Resolving Storm Simulator (CReSS). Proceedings, International Workshop on Computational Hydrometeorology and Prof. H. L. Kuo’s Memorial Symposium, 15-17 Oct, National Center for High-performance Computing (NCHC), Hsinchu, Taiwan.

15. Chen, G. T.-J., C.-C. Wang, and H.-C. Chou, 2006: A case study of the 26 November 1997 winter bow echo over northern Taiwan using single-Doppler radar observations. Fifth International Conference on Mesoscale Meteorology and Typhoon (ICMCS-5), 31 Oct-3 Nov, Boulder, Colorado, USA, Session 8.1.

14. Wang, C.-C., G. T.-J. Chen, and S. Chang, 2006: A diagnostic case study on the interaction between Meiyu front and mesoscale convective systems near Taiwan. Third Asia-Oceania Geosciences Society Annual Meeting, 10-14 Jul, Suntec Singapore, Singapore, 59-AS-A1070.

13. Wang, C.-C., G. T.-J. Chen, and R. E. Carbone, 2006: Conditions associated with propagating nocturnal precipitation episodes during the warm-season over the East Asian continent. Second International Symposium on Quantitative Precipitation Forecast and Hydrology, 4-8 Jun, Boulder, Colorado, USA, Session 9.3.

12. Carbone, R. E., D. A. Ahijevych, A. Laing, T. Lang, T. D. Keenan, J. D. Tuttle, and C.-C. Wang, 2006: The diurnal cycle of warm season rainfall frequency over continents. 27th Conference on Hurricanes and Tropical Meteorology, 23-28 Apr, Monterey, California, USA, 13D.1, 1-5.

11. Wang, C.-C., G. T.-J. Chen, and R. E. Carbone, 2005: A preliminary study on the warm-season cloud/precipitation episodes over the East Asian continent under different synoptic weather regimes. Proceedings, Conference on Weather Analysis and Forecasting, 18-20 Oct, Central Weather Bureau, Taipei, Taiwan, ROC, 232-237.

10. Chen, G. T.-J., C.-C. Wang, and S.-C. Yang, 2005: Simulation of wintertime supercell storm over the Taiwan Strait in a subtropical environment. Second Asia-Oceania Geosciences Society Annual Meeting, 20-24 Jun, Suntec Singapore, Singapore, 58-OA-A1167.

9. Wang, C.-C., and G. T.-J. Chen, 2005: Characteristics of warm-season cloud/precipitation episodes over East Asian continent under different synoptic weather regimes. Program and Abstracts Book, Fifth International Scientific Conference on the Global Energy and Water Cycle. 20-24 Jun, Costa Mesa, California, USA, 285.

8. Carbone, R. E., A. Laing, T. D. Keenan, C.-C. Wang, and G. T.-J. Chen, 2005: Conditions associated with warm season rainfall over Africa, Australia, China and the United States. Program and Abstracts Book, Fifth International Scientific Conference on the Global Energy and Water Cycle. 20-24 Jun, Costa Mesa, California, USA, 256.

7. Wang, C.-C., G. T.-J. Chen, and T.-C. Chen, 2004: A modeling study on effects of Taiwan topography on a line convection along the Meiyu front. Proceeding, First Asia-Oceania Geosciences Society Annual Meeting, 5-9 Jul, Suntec Singapore, Singapore, 518.

6. Wang, C.-C., and G. T.-J. Chen, 2002: A climatology of warm season precipitation episodes over East Asia based on satellite observations. Proceedings, International Conference on Mesoscale Convective Systems and Heavy Rainfall/Snowfall in East Asia (ICMCS-3), 29-31 Oct, Tokyo, Japan, 458-463.

5. Chen, G. T.-J., C.-C. Wang, and S. C-S. Liu, 2002: Potential vorticity diagnostics of a Mei-yu front case. Proceedings, International Conference on Mesoscale Convective Systems and Heavy Rainfall/Snowfall in East Asia (ICMCS-3), 29-31 Oct, Tokyo, Japan, 437-442, https://doi.org/10.1175/1520-0493(2003)131<2680:PVDOAM>2.0.CO;2.

4. Carbone, R. E., C.-C. Wang, G. T.-J. Chen, and J. D. Tuttle, 2002: A comparison of warm season precipitation episodes over East Asia and North America by means of GMS satellite and NEXRAD radar data. Proceedings, First International Precipitation Working Group Workshop, 23-27 Sep, Madrid, Spain.

3. Wang, C.-C., and G. T.-J. Chen, 2001: A Comparative study of two leeside mesolow cases with different Froude number in TAMEX. Proceedings, International Conference on Mesoscale Meteorology and Typhoon in East Asia (ICMCS-2), 26-28 Sep, Taipei, Taiwan, 110-118.

2. Wang, C.-C., and G. T.-J. Chen, 2001: Case study of the leeside mesolow and mesocyclone in TAMEX. 海峽兩岸氣象防災科技研發研討會論文及摘要彙編,5 月 16 日,台北,70,https://doi.org/10.1175/1520-0493(2002)130<2572:CSOTLM>2.0.CO;2

1. Wang, C.-C., 1997: A climatology of explosive cyclogenesis in the Northern Hemisphere derived from ECMWF analysis. Seventh Annual Geography Graduate Student Conference, 31 Oct-1 Nov, The Ohio State University, Columbus, Ohio, USA.