
Home | Research Field | Publications | Our Group | Instruments | CReSS Forecast

研究成果 Publications

一、英文期刊發表論文 (refereed SCI journals)
二、英文專書論文 (refereed book chapters)
三、英文期刊發表論文 (non-SCI journals)
四、中文期刊發表論文 (refereed)
五、學術研討會論文 (英文)
六、學術研討會論文 (中文)

二、英文專書論文 (refereed book chapters): 1 published, 1 in press

*: 通訊作者 | _: 第一作者 | IF: SCI 期刊影響因子 | ∆: 引用次數

2. Wang, C.-C.*, S.-H. Chen, P.-Y. Chuang, and C.-S. Chang, 2023: Quantitative precipitation forecasts using numerical models: The example of Taiwan. In Numerical Weather Prediction: East Asian Perspectives. S.-K. Park (ed.), Springer (in press).

1. Wang, C.-C.*, C.-H. Tsai, B. J.-D. Jou, and S. J. David, 2022: Time-lagged ensemble quantitative precipitation forecasts for three landfalling typhoons in the Philippines using the CReSS Model, Part I: Description and verification against rain-gauge observations. In Atmosphere Special Issue Reprint: 50th Anniversary of the Metaphorical Butterfly Effect since Lorenz (1972): Multistability, Multiscale Predictability, and Sensitivity in Numerical Models. B.-W. Shen, R. A. Pielke Sr., and X. Zeng (eds.), MDPI, 159-188, ISBN: 978-3-0365-8911-4, https://doi.org/10.3390/books978-3-0365-8911-4.
(Oct, IF = 2.900 [58/94], ∆ = 0; SJR = 0.661 [112/371], ∆ = 0)