學術及專業服務 / Academic Services |
- 國科會人文處科學教育學門(含多元族群科教)計畫-複審委員
- 社團法人台灣數位學習與內容學會(TELDCA) 秘書長
- 「國際學生能力評量計畫 Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development PISA 2025」國家調查執行團隊-專家諮詢顧問
- 教育部推動中小學數位學習精進方案-輔導與陪伴計畫辦公室-協同主持人
- 教育部推動中小學數位學習精進方案-高級中等學校-輔導教授
- 教育部數位人文創新人才培育計畫-專家顧問
- 國科會人文處科學教育學門、資訊教育學門、醫學教育學門專題研究計畫-初審委員
- 國科會人文處人文及社會科學研究卓越計畫-初審委員
- 國科會人文處延攬科技人才審查委員
- 國科會大專學生研究計畫-審查委員
- 國科會大專學生研究計畫創作獎-審查委員
- 教育部教學實踐研究計畫-審查委員
- PISA 2021審題、閱卷委員
科技部資訊教育學門「科技輔助科學學習」主題研究群召集人 (2018-2020)
- 105年中小學數位輔助學科閱讀計畫輔導專家
- 全球華人創造力學會第一屆理事
- 臺南市國小獨立研究競賽-數理類評審委員
- 國立中山大學「2016跨領域工程專題競賽與成果展」決賽評審委員
- 教育部中小學科學教育計畫專案審查委員
- PISA 2015審題委員
- 高雄市國小教師甄選自然科試題委員
- 評論人,嘉義大學眼動儀研究論文工作坊(2010, 2011)
- 國科會科教處2012科學教育研究發展白皮書共同作者
- 中區縣市教師甄選國中地球科學科試題委員
- 101年學生運動參與情形調查及學校體育統計年報計畫之諮詢暨規劃委員
承辦研討會 |
- 議程委員會副主席 (IPC co-chair),the 27th Global Chinese Conference on Computers in Education (GCCCE 2021)
- 子會議主席,C9: 教育技術創新、政策與實踐,affiliated to the 26th Global Chinese Conference on Computers in Education(GCCCE 2022)
- 子會議副主席,C9: 教育技術創新、政策與實踐,affiliated to the 25th Global Chinese Conference on Computers in Education (GCCCE 2021)
- Workshop Organizer, Workshop on The Applications of Information and Communication Technologies in Adult and Continuing Education affiliated to the ICCE 2016-2021
- 工作坊主席, ICT輔助成人與繼續教育工作坊affiliated to the Global Chinese Conference on Computers in Education (GCCCE 2016-2017)
- 子會議主席,8: 電腦輔助科學學習(TESL),affiliated to the Taiwan E-Learning Forum (TWELF2020)
- 子會議副主席,C9: 教育技術創新、政策與實踐,affiliated to the 24th Global Chinese Conference on Computers in Education(GCCCE 2020)
- Workshops Coordination Chair: The 21th Global Chinese Conference on Computers in Education(GCCCE 2017)
- Workshop Organizer, Workshop on The Applications of Information and Communication Technologies in Adult and Continuing Education affiliated to the International Symposium on Emerging Technologies for Education (SETE 2016)
- Workshops Coordination Co-Chair: The 20th Global Chinese Conference on Computers in Education
- 承辦2016第十屆數位學習科學主題研究群研討會
- Co-Chair, Track 10. Motivational and Affective Aspects in Technology-Enhanced Learning (MA-TEL@ICALT2016), affiliated to the 16th IEEE International Conference on Advanced Learning Technologies - ICALT2016
- Workshop Organizer, Workshop on The Applications of Information and Communication Technologies in Adult and Continuing Education affiliated to the ICCE 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015
Guest Editor, the 2015
special issue “Developing and applying TPACK for
pedagogical improvement” in The Asia-Pacific Education
Researcher (SSCI journal).
- 工作坊主席, ICT輔助成人與繼續教育工作坊affiliated to the Global Chinese Conference on Computers in Education (GCCCE 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015).
- 子會議主席,C4: 科技於高等教育、成人學習與人力績效,affiliated to the 20th Global Chinese Conference on Computers in Education(GCCCE 2016)
- 子會議副主席,C4: 科技於高等教育、成人學習與人力績效,affiliated to the 19th Global Chinese Conference on Computers in Education(GCCCE 2015)
- 承辦2013國科會科教處科學教育學門薪火相傳研討會
- 承辦2013第七屆數位學習科學主題研究群研討會
期刊編輯 |
- Associate Editor, Frontiers in Psychology (SSCI)
- 副主編,
- Guest Editor, the special issue “Research in STEM education” in The Asia-Pacific Education Researcher (TAPER) (SSCI)
- Guest Editor, 數位學習科技期刊(TSSCI), 2017 電腦輔助科學學習特刊
- Guest Editor, the special issue “Developing and applying TPACK for pedagogical improvement” in The Asia-Pacific Education Researcher(TAPER)(SSCI)
期刊審查 |
- Reviewer, Journal of Rsearch in Scicence Teaching (SSCI journal)
- Reviewer, Evaluation and Program Planning (SSCI journal)
- Reviewer, Learning: Research and Practice (SSCI journal)
- Reviewer, Journal of Biological Education (SCI journal)
- Reviewer, EURASIA Journal of Mathematics, Science and Technology Education (SSCI journal)
- Reviewer, Cognition and Instruction (SSCI journal)
- Reviewer, Research in Science & Technological Education (SSCI journal)
- Reviewer, International Journal of Science Education (SSCI journal)
- Reviewer, Educational Psychology (SSCI Journal)
- Reviewer, The Journal of Continuing Education in the Health Professions (SCI journal)
- Reviewer, Journal of Computers in Education
- Reviewer, Journal of Research in Science Teaching (SSCI journal)
- Reviewer, Leaning and Individual Difference (SSCI journal)
- Reviewer, Science Education (SSCI journal)
- Reviewer, Computers & Education (SSCI journal)
- Reviewer, Interactive Learning environments (SSCI journal)
- Reviewer, Educational Technology & Society (SSCI journal) 2013)
- Reviewer, Journal of Engineering Education (SSCI journal)
- Reviewer, Australasian Journal of Educational Technology (SSCI journal)
- Reviewer, The Internet and Higher Education (SSCI journal)
- Reviewer, The Asia-Pacific Education Researcher (SSCI journal)
- Reviewer, International Journal of Science and Mathematics Education (SSCI Journal)
- Reviewer, Innovations in Education and Teaching International (SSCI journal)
- Editorial Board Member, The Turkish Online Journal of Educational Technology
- Reviewer, Journal of Geoscience Education
- 編輯委員,通識學刊-理念與實務
- Reviewer, 台灣科技大學人文社會學報
- Reviewer, 數位學習科技期刊 (TSSCI)
- Reviewer, 教育與心理研究期刊 (TSSCI)
- Reviewer, 教育科學研究期刊((TSSCI)
- Reviewer, 科學教育學刊 (TSSCI)
- Reviewer, 幼兒教保研究期刊
- Reviewer, AERA (American Educational Research Association) annual meeting
- Reviewer, NARST (National Association for Research in Science Teaching) annual meeting
- Reviewer, ICCE (International Conference on Computers in Education) annual meeting
- Reviewer, GCCCE (Global Chinese Conference on Computers in Education )
- Reviewer, ICALT
- Reviewer, AECT International Conference on the Frontier in e-Learning Research 2013 (AECT-ICFER 2013)
- Reviewer, 2013 台灣數位學習發展研討會 (TWELF)