論文 |
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Tien, H. S. (1998). Research and practice of career counseling in Taiwan. Paper presented at the 106th Annual Convention of the American Psychological Association, August, San Francisco, CA. |
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Tien, H. S. (1998). College students’ perception of career barriers in a Chinese culture. Paper presented at the 24th International Congress of the Applied Psychology, August, San Francisco, CA. |
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Tien, H. S., & Chien, H. (1998). Effects of a career exploration program on Chinese children’s career maturity and vocational self-concept. Paper presented at the 7th National Career Development Association 1998 Global Conference, July, Chicago. |
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Tien, H. S., & Mau, W. (1998). College students’ perceptions of career-related barriers. Paper presented at the 7th National Career Development Association 1998 Global Conference, July, Chicago. |
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Tien, H. S. (1997). The development and validation of the Career Barriers Inventory. Paper presented at the Conference of Social Change and Adolescent Development. Chung-Hua, Taiwan. |
08 |
Tien, H. S. (1997). Career barriers perceived by college students in Taiwan. Paper presented at the 8th Asian conference on vocational and educational guidance, November Taipei, Taiwan. |
07 |
Lee, L., Wu, Y., & Tien, H. S. (1997). The relationship between career self-efficacy and career barriers of college students. Paper presented at the 8th Asian conference on vocational and educational guidance, November Taipei, Taiwan. |
06 |
Tien, H. S. (1997). Career counseling for the twenty-first century: Research and practice in Taiwan. Paper presented at the 8th Asian conference on vocational and educational guidance, November Taipei, Taiwan. |
05 |
Tien, H. S. (1997). The vocational interest structure of Taiwanese high school students. Paper presented at the 105th annual convention of the American Psychological Association, August, Chicago, IL, USA. |
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Tien, H. S. (1997). Help-seeking behavior of the college students in Taiwan. Paper presented at the 6th International Conference, May, Beijing, China. |
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Tien, H. S. (1994). The vocational interest structure of Taiwanese college students. Paper presented at the national conference of the National Career Development Association, January, Albuquerque, NM, USA. |
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Tien, H. S., & Hood, A. B. (1994). A study of Holland's vocational model in Taiwan. Paper presented at the annual conference of the American Educational Research Association. April, New Orleans, LA, USA. |
01 |
Tien, H. S. (1992). A test of Holland's typology in Taiwan: Some factors. Paper presented at the Centennial conventional of the American Psychological Association. August, Washington, D. C., USA. |
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