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研究成員 Our Group
一、指導教授 Advisor
二、博士後研究員 Post Doctoral Researcher
三、博士班 Doctoral Program
四、研究助理 Research Assistant
五、碩士班 Master Program
六、其他學生 Other Students
碩士班 Master Program
許捷勝 Jason Hsu, Chieh-Sheng
Hsu, J. C.-S., 2012: 台灣梅雨季強降水系統激發與移行機制之個案模擬研究. M.S. thesis, Department of Earth Sciences, National Taiwan Normal University, 123 pp., https://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/thesis/detail/7581bfb9d0f8035bc98bdc38fd1d8554.
鍾兆軒 Chung, Chao-Hsuan
Chung, C.-H., 2012: 莫拉克颱風之可預報度研究. M.S. thesis, Department of Earth Sciences, National Taiwan Normal University, 132 pp., https://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/thesis/detail/e4911dfa2c36771d37d0abc3929668ba.
林伯勳 Lin, Bo-Xun
Lin, B.-X., 2013: 長期氣候變遷對於侵台颱風個案降雨影響之探討. M.S. thesis, Department of Earth Sciences, National Taiwan Normal University, 144 pp., https://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/thesis/detail/ff26865ebbafbc664737b83f8fc2a17c.
邱炳魁 Chiou, Bing-Kui
Chiou, B.-K., 2014: 台灣梅雨季後造型雨帶之個案模擬研究: 對流胞擾動氣壓之角色 A numerical study on back-building rainbands during the Taiwan mei-yu season: The roles of perturbation pressure associated with convective cells. M.S. thesis, Department of Earth Sciences, National Taiwan Normal University, 148 pp., https://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/thesis/detail/17dc05397b3d069152d12ef00e113a84.
莊璧瑜 Chuang, Pi-Yu
Chuang, P.-Y., 2015: 雲解析模式對臺灣梅雨季豪大雨定量降水預報技術之評估研究 An Evaluation of Quantitative Precipitation Forecast Skill for Mei-Yu Heavy-Rainfall Events in Taiwan by a Cloud-Resolving Model. M.S. thesis, Department of Earth Sciences, National Taiwan Normal University, 144 pp., https://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/thesis/detail/660ce6019dc1fb59cd262019406a9dd7.
王紹霖 Wang, Shao-Lin
Wang, S.-L., 2015: 台南荷西時期氣候與現代氣候比較分析 The climate difference between Dutch Formosa and current Tainan. M.S. thesis, Department of Earth Sciences, National Taiwan Normal University, 41 pp., https://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/thesis/detail/aec53daea81996f62ed21d1209be5702.
李茂正 Li, Mao-Cheng
Li, M.-C., 2015: 康芮颱風 (2013) 結構演變與對流降水關係之研究 A study on the structural evolution of Typhoon Kong-Rey (2013) and its relationship with convective precipitation, 143 pp., https://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/thesis/detail/fe492ddf282d8166df8762c8ca53f002.
林冠宇 Lin, Kuan-Yu
Lin, K.-Y., 2017: 應用位渦反演探討莫拉克颱風 (2009) 的結構對台灣降水之影響 A study on the impact of the structure of Typhoon Morakot (2009) on its rainfall in Taiwan through the application of potential vorticity inversion. M.S. thesis, Department of Earth Sciences, National Taiwan Normal University, 132 pp., https://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/thesis/detail/9e72f2218f234f065fd2a5a3e515cb43.
蘇南州 Su, Nan-Chou
Su, N.-C., 2017: 哈格比颱風 (2008) 雨帶結構與演變之模擬研究 A numerical study on rainband structure and evolution of Typhoon Hagupit (2008). M.S. thesis, Department of Earth Sciences, National Taiwan Normal University, 104 pp., https://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/thesis/detail/ea5b1ef6ee20a1ade9fcdc0dc56c92ed.
陳詩庭 Chen, Shi-Ting
Chen, S.-T., 2017: 梅雨季西南氣流特性對台灣降水分佈影響之理想模擬研究 Idealized Simulation Study of Rainfall Distribution over Taiwan under Southwesterly Flow with Different Characteristics in the Mei-yu Season. M.S. thesis, Department of Earth Sciences, National Taiwan Normal University, 69 pp., https://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/thesis/detail/36b8f4c4c064b36cddac8f0587d16290.
錢稚偉 Chien, Chih-Wei
Chien, C.-W., 2018: 雲解析模式對侵臺颱風八天定量降水預報技術之評估與特性分析 Evaluation and Characteristics of Eight-Day Quantitative Precipitation Forecast Skill for Typhoons Affecting Taiwan by The CReSS Model. M.S. thesis, Department of Earth Sciences, National Taiwan Normal University, 133 pp., https://doi.org/10.6345/THE.NTNU.DES.015.2018.B07.
馬新凱 Ma, Shin-Kai (2015)
Ma, S.-K., 2018: 蘇門答臘地形以及南海熱帶擾動對印度洋熱帶氣旋生成影響之個案模擬研究 A Numerical Study of the Influence of the Topography of Sumatra Island and Tropical Disturbance over South China Sea on the Formation of Tropical Cyclones in Indian Ocean. M.S. thesis, Department of Earth Sciences, National Taiwan Normal University, 155 pp., https://doi.org/10.6345/THE.NTNU.DES.007.2018.B07.
李孟軒 Li, Meng-Hsuan (2015)
Li, M.-H., 2018: 未來長期氣候變遷對西行侵台颱風個案降雨之影響 An Assessment on the Impacts of Future Long-term Climate Change on the Rainfall of Westward-moving and Land falling Typhoon cases in Taiwan. M.S. thesis, Department of Earth Sciences, National Taiwan Normal University, 174 pp., https://doi.org/10.6345/THE.NTNU.DES.013.2018.B07.
謝竣安 Hsieh, Chun-An (2016)
Hsieh, C.-A., 2019: 不同梅雨鋒面走向與移速對臺灣北部地區降雨影響之理想模擬研究 Idealized Simulation Study on the Impacts of Different Mei-yu Frontal Orientation and Moving Speed on Rainfall in Northern Taiwan. M.S. thesis, Department of Earth Sciences, National Taiwan Normal University, 97 pp., https://doi.org/10.6345/NTNU201900943.
李昭億 Li, Chao-Yi (2016)
Li, C.-Y., 2019: 海燕颱風 (2013) 之雲解析差時系集預報應用研究 Application and Study of Cloud-Resolving Time-lagged Ensemble Forecasts for Typhoon Haiyan (2013). M.S. thesis, Department of Earth Sciences, National Taiwan Normal University, 80 pp., https://doi.org/10.6345/NTNU201900873.
陳常溢 Chen, Chang-Yi (2016)
Chen, C.-Y., 2019: 未來長期氣候變遷對北行侵台颱風個案之降雨影響 A Study on the Impacts of Future Long-Term Climate Change on the Rainfall of Northward-moving Typhoon cases in Taiwan. M.S. thesis, Department of Earth Sciences, National Taiwan Normal University, 185 pp., https://doi.org/10.6345/NTNU201900872.
許嘉真 Hsu, Chia-Chen (2016)
Hsu, C.-C., 2020: 春季華南鄰近地區弓狀回波個案之分析與模擬研究 Analysis and Simulation Study of A Bow Echo Event near South China in Spring. M.S. thesis, Department of Earth Sciences, National Taiwan Normal University, 143 pp., https://doi.org/10.6345/NTNU202000234.
李名翔 Li, Ming-Siang (2017)
Li, M.-S., 2020: 臺灣北部梅雨季極端降水個案之系集分析與可預報度研究 Ensemble-based Analysis and Predictability of An Extreme-precipitation Event over Northern Taiwan in the Mei-yu Season. M.S. thesis, Department of Earth Sciences, National Taiwan Normal University, 190 pp., https://doi.org/10.6345/NTNU202001022.
阮文德 Nguyễn Văn Đức (2017)
Nguyen, V. D., 2020: 越南中部極端降雨個案之雲解析差時系集定量降水預報研究 Time-Lagged Cloud-Resolving Ensemble Quantitative Precipitation Forecasts for An Extreme Rainfall Event in Central Vietnam. M.S. thesis, Department of Earth Sciences, National Taiwan Normal University, 99 pp., https://doi.org/10.6345/NTNU202001424.
鄧禕婷 Thean Yi Ting (2018)
Thean, Y. T., 2021: 未來氣候變遷對西北太平洋強烈颱風可能影響之模擬研究 A modelling study of possible impacts of Future Climate Change on Strong Typhoons in the Western North Pacific. M.S. thesis, Department of Earth Sciences, National Taiwan Normal University, 179 pp., https://doi.org/10.6345/NTNU202101727.
蔡建鴻 Tsai, Chien-Hung (2018)
Tsai, C.-H., 2021: 雲解析差時系集在侵襲菲律賓颱風定量降水預報之評估研究 An Evaluation Study of Cloud-Resolving Time-Lagged Ensemble on Quantitative Precipitation Forecasts of Typhoons Invading the Philippines. M.S. thesis, Department of Earth Sciences, National Taiwan Normal University, 173 pp., https://doi.org/10.6345/NTNU202101504.
葉亭妤 Yeh, Ting-Yu (2017)
Yeh, T.-Y., 2021: 臺灣梅雨季滯留性雨帶之模擬研究: 2017 年 6 月 2 日個案 Modeling study of A stationary Rainband over Northern Taiwan in the meiyu season: The 2 June 2017 Event. M.S. thesis, Department of Earth Sciences, National Taiwan Normal University, 132 pp., https://doi.org/10.6345/NTNU202101576.
藍于堯 Lan, Yu-Yao (2018)
Lan, Y.-Y., 2021: 雲模式對台灣梅雨降水系統雲微物理特徵模擬能力之評估研究 An evaluation on a cloud model's capability in simulating the microphysical characteristics of Mei-yu precipitation systems in Taiwan. M.S. thesis, Department of Earth Sciences, National Taiwan Normal University, 86 pp., https://doi.org/10.6345/NTNU202101658.
宋俞德 Sung, Yu-Te (2018)
Sung, Y.-T., 2022: 不同初始場在臺灣梅雨季高解析度模式定量降水預報之效益評估研究 An Evaluation of Different Initial Fields on Mei-Yu Season high Resolution Model Quantitative Precipitation forecasts in Taiwan. M.S. thesis, Department of Earth Sciences, National Taiwan Normal University, 114 pp., https://doi.org/10.6345/NTNU202200239.
楊謹瑜 Yang, Jin-Yu (2019)
Yang, J.-Y., 2022: 空氣汙染對於台灣北部午後對流影響之分析與模擬研究 An analysis and modeling study on the impacts of air pollution to afternoon convection in northern Taiwan. M.S. thesis, Department of Earth Sciences, National Taiwan Normal University, 94 pp., https://doi.org/10.6345/NTNU202200646.
張鎮杰 Chang, Chen-Chieh (2019)
Chang, C.-C., 2022: 華南沿海準滯留後造型雨帶之模擬研究: 2013 年 5 月 26-27 日個案 A simulation study of back-building quasi-stationary rainband in South China: The case of 26-27 May 2013. M.S. thesis, Department of Earth Sciences, National Taiwan Normal University, 91 pp., https://doi.org/10.6345/NTNU202201643.
楊立宇 Yang, Li-Yu (2020)
Yang, L.-Y., 2023: 以機器學習研究台灣梅雨季不同降水型態之時空分布與環境分析 A Machine Learning Study of Temporal and Spatial Distribution and Environmental Characteristics of Different Rainfall Situations in Taiwan's Mei-Yu Season. M.S. thesis, Department of Earth Sciences, National Taiwan Normal University, 113 pp., http://doi.org/10.6345/NTNU202300094.
謝旻儒 Hsieh, Min-Ru (2020)
Hsieh, M.-R., 2023: 未來長期氣候變遷對西北太平洋超級颱風個案降水潛在影響之模擬研究 The Simulation Studies of Potential Influence of Future Long-term Climate Change on Super Typhoon Precipitation Cases in Western North Pacific. M.S. thesis, Department of Earth Sciences, National Taiwan Normal University, 156 pp., http://doi.org/10.6345/NTNU202300625.
李俊賢 Li, Chun-Hsien (2020)
Li, C.-H., 2023: 冬季東北季風對宜蘭地區降水與氣流分佈影響之理想模擬研究 Idealized Simulation Study of Rainfall and Airflow Distribution over Yilan area under Northeast Monsoon in Winter. M.S. thesis, Department of Earth Sciences, National Taiwan Normal University, 122 pp., http://doi.org/10.6345/NTNU202300886.
陳鑫澔 博士 Chen, Shin-Hau, Ph.D. (2011, direct admission into Ph.D. program)
Chen, S.-H., 2023: 臺灣雲解析差時系集颱風定量降水預報應用研究 An Study of Time-Lagged Cloud-Resolving Typhoon Ensemble Quantitative Precipitation Forecast in Taiwan and its applications. Ph.D. dissertation, Department of Earth Sciences, National Taiwan Normal University, 106 pp., http://doi.org/10.6345/NTNU202301373.
盧昮佑 Lu, Chung-Yeu (2021)
Lu, C.-Y., 2024: 臺灣北部秋季長時間連續降雨個案之合成分析研究 Composite Analysis of Persistent Rainfall Events in Northern Taiwan in Autumn. M.S. thesis, Department of Earth Sciences, National Taiwan Normal University, 164 pp., http://doi.org/10.6345/NTNU202400320.
黃柏瑜 Huang, Po-Yu (2021)
Huang, P.-Y., 2024:「臺灣地區豪大雨預報實驗」之定量降水預報評估研究: 預實驗梅雨個案結果 Evaluation of Quantitative Precipitation Forecasts in the Taiwan Area Heavy-rainfall Prediction Experiment (TAHPEX): Results of Dry-run Mei-yu Events. M.S. thesis, Department of Earth Sciences, National Taiwan Normal University, 266 pp., http://doi.org/10.6345/NTNU202401214.
蘇芳妤 Su, Fang-Yu (2022)
Su, F.-Y., 2025: 人為影響對梅雨極端降雨變化的歸因分析 Attribution of the anthropogenic effect on extreme Mei-yu rainfall. M.S. thesis, Department of Earth Sciences, National Taiwan Normal University, 237 pp., http://doi.org/10.6345/NTNU202500088.
黃品豪 Huang, Pin-Hao (2021)
Huang, P.-H., expect: 應用深度學習預報臺灣北部夏季午後對流之研究 A study to apply deep learning to predict summertime afternoon convection in northern Taiwan. M.S. thesis, Department of Earth Sciences, National Taiwan Normal University.
吳哲維 Wu, Zhe-Wei (2021)
Wu, Z.-W., expect:「臺灣地區豪大雨預報實驗」之定量降水預報評估研究: 預實驗午後雷陣雨 / 颱風個案結果 Evaluation of Quantitative Precipitation Forecasts in the Taiwan Area Heavy-rainfall Prediction Experiment (TAHPEX): Results of Afternoon thunderstorm / Typhoon Events. M.S. thesis, Department of Earth Sciences, National Taiwan Normal University.
易致穎 Yi, Chih-Ying (2022)
Yi, C.-Y., expect: 侵臺颱風路徑與特性對雲解析定量降水預報之影響研究 A study of the influence of track and characteristics on cloud - resolving quantitative precipitation forecast for typhoons affecting Taiwan. M.S. thesis, Department of Earth Sciences, National Taiwan Normal University.
黃凱揚 Huang, Kai-Yang (2023)
李承恩 (2024)
陳和逸 Chen, Ho-Yi (2024)
梁和秋 Lương Thị Hoài Thu (2024)
王玠堯 (suspended)
林耀立 (suspended)
丁偉恩 (2018, suspended)
蘇柏諺 (2019, suspended)
林昱緯 (2022, suspended)