Associate Professor Tsung-Che Chiang

Department of Computer Science and Information Engineering
National Taiwan Normal University

Tel: +886-2-77346692    Fax: +886-2-29322378    Email


FP-plotter: A small tool to generate F-P plots [download]

In one of our studies we observed how the parameter control mechanisms in differential evolution (DE) work by the fitness-parameter plot (F-P plot). The FP-plotter is a small tool for you to generate F-P plots.

  • Installation

    - Recommended environment: gunplot (definitely required) + Windows + Code::Blocks (or Visual Studio)
    - If you want to build it with Code::Blocks, please add "-U__STRICT_ANSI__" in build options of the project.
    - During the installation of gnuplot, please let it set the path appropriately so that FP-plotter can call it.

  • File Preparation

       - For every single run of using your DE (e.g. jDE) to solve a certain function (e.g. F1), output the following data into four separate files:

  • jDE_F1_run1_F.csv: F values used in mutation

  • jDE_F1_run1_CR.csv: CR values used in crossover

  • jDE_F1_run1_Parents.csv: fitness values of parents (target vectors)

  • jDE_F1_run1_Children.csv: fitness values of offspring (trial vectors)

       - The format of each file is the same. Let's take a look at an example. Assume that we run jDE with four individuals for two generations.

jDE_F1_run1_Parents.csv jDE_F1_run1_F.csv jDE_F1_run1_CR.csv jDE_F1_run1_Children.csv

In generation 1, we take individual 1 (whose fitness is 100) as the parent (target vector). The F value taken to generate the mutant vector is 0.1. Then, 0.9 is used as the CR value to generate the trial vector, i.e. the offspring (whose fitness is 80). Since the offspring is better (assuming minimization problem), it replaces the parent.

  • Execution

- The download package already includes a directory exp containing a sub-directory jDE with some data files. You can run the program immediately to see what FP-plotter generates for you.
- After running FP-plotter with sample data files successfully, you should see several image files (.png). If you do not understand the meaning of these plots, please refer to our paper.
- What you have to do is to generate data files in the above-specified format when carrying out your experiments. All settings related to generation of the plots are in lines 26-39 in main.cpp.



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