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1 「西方」如何影響日本的「中國研究」?--以日本福特基金會論爭為例 邵軒磊、Shao, Hsuan-lei 中國大陸研究 52:3 2009.09[民98.09] 20090900 頁71-90 中文(Chinese) 美國區域研究、現代中國研究、福特基金會事件、戰後日本、學術社群、 Asia/Ford Foundation、American area studies、Postwar Japan、Modern China studies、Academic community、 「福特亞細亞基金會事件」是現代日本中國學界最重要的論爭之一,內 容為美國在1962 年時以巨額資金補助特定研究,造成一波學界關於學術倫 理問題之討論。由此引發了日本學界對「研究主體性」之認識與反省,也使 學界群體逐漸走向對立,造成各界對文革觀感完全不同。論爭中主要的批判 在於「學術研究對於社會的責任、亞非拉美觀點與發展路徑的關係、對美國 區域研究方法的批判與認識」三個層次。本文從知識系譜角度出發,試圖解 釋此期間日本中國學界如何接受西方思潮(特別是美國),包括知識論上的 「科學主義」、方法論上的「區域研究」與發展觀上的「西方近代化路徑」 三個面向。 “The Asia-Ford Foundation Event” was one of the most important debate on China studies in Japan. Triggered by US Ford Foundation’s large amount of research grant, the event created heated discussion over academic ethics and “subjectivity of research” in Japan’s academic community, and made academic community divided over China’s Cultural Revolution. The main issues included researcher’s social responsibility, Asian/African/Latin American development approach, and critiques on area studies in the US. This paper attempts to explain how Japanese academic community accepts “western(especially American)research methods” and three aspects will be addressed, which include “scientific principle” in Epistemology, “area study” in methodology, and “Western model” in modernizing process.
2 中國威脅論之解析--以日本相關研究文獻為例 邵軒磊、Shao, Hsuanlei 中國大陸研究 55:3 2012.09[民101.09] 20120900 頁85-105 中文(Chinese) 中國威脅論、亞洲身分認同、戰後日本、China Threat、Asian-identity、Post-war Japan、 由於中國國力快速成長,「中國威脅論」從20 世紀末開始成為重要議 題,不但成為全球學界爭論的焦點,甚至影響中國之外交政策。本文討論戰 後日本學界、輿論界的中國威脅論。日本在三方面與台灣有較高的相似性: 與中國有地緣相鄰關係、而又具有文化相似性、以及民主政治制度的社會。 本研究整理戰後日本中國威脅論的系譜研究指出:日本中國威脅論有著獨特 的面貌與思考邏輯,前期是以美國為軸心,後期則直接面對中國。 Due to rapid growth of China’s national power, “China Threat” has become an important issue since late 20 th Century. It involves not only academic debates over power issue, but also China’s diplomatic policy. This article, by examining academic and public opinions, discusses discourse of “China Threat” in the post-World War II Japan. This essay argues that the “China Threat” discourse in Japan had a unique development: in earlier stage it followed whatever discourse raised by the US in the context of the Cold War system, but in later stage Japan’s discourse originated from its direct engagement with China.
3 中國研究議程之系譜--以日本國際政治學會會誌為例 邵軒磊、Shao, Hsuan-lei 問題與研究 51:3 2012.09[民101.09] 20120900 頁23-53 中文(Chinese) 中國研究、日本國際政治學會、系譜學、區域研究、國際關係史、China studies、Japan Association of International Relations、Genealogy、Area-studies、Diplomat-history、 近年臺灣學界常有對「中國研究」方法與議程的改進呼聲,本文試圖介紹日本國關學界的中國研究,提供本土中國研究及發展之參考點。本文主要討論「中國研究」在學科定位與學科史上,以什麼樣的方式演變?而在日本國際關係的主要社群中,「中國研究議程」呈現什麼樣的特色?本文以「日本國際政治學會」所編輯刊物國際政治為核心,對其中的中國研究相關論文加以分析並歸類。時間範圍是1957-2008年,討論二戰結束後,日本國際政治學界對於中國的研究方法、研究觀點、主要研究成果之系譜。並以其中的專論、研究筆記為核心研究材料,佐以其他重要著作與當時學界大事加以說明。結果顯示,雖然主要占多數的中國研究成果屬於「國際政治史」,但近年來「區域研究」的篇數增加,漸有並駕齊驅之勢;同時「理論研究」研究也穩定發展中。其次不論是國際政治史與區域研究,都在引進西方理論的同時,保有傳統研究方式,呈現辯證發展的變化。 Currently, there has been an increasing voice to reconsider the methodology and agenda of "China studies" within the Taiwanese academic community. With this respect, this paper introduces the China studies achieved by the Japanese academic community to support the developmental basis of China studies in Taiwan. Two questions lead the argument in this paper: (1) what is the transformation of the contemporary China studies in the Japanese international relations (IR) community? and (2) what characteristics are presented from the China studies agenda within their IR field? This paper analyzes and categorizes China studies publications written in the Kokusaiseiji (IR), edited by the Japan Association of International Relations (JAIR), in order to answer the two aforementioned questions. The time scope of publications and research notes spans from 1957 to 2008, and can be embodied to present Japan's perspectives on the China studies methodology, opinion, and genealogy, especially after the end of World War II. In addition, some relevant books and major social events in Japan are demonstrated as well for discussion.This paper shows that most of Japan's China studies publications can be described as the works of "international political history," and that the amount of publications focusing on "area studies" is increased recently to the level comparable to the former area. During such transformation, the study of "IR Theory" is steadily developing as well in Japan. Moreover, this paper finds that the Japanese style of dialectics in both international political history and area studies research are consisted of Western element but also retain the traditional mode of the IR theories.
4 中日戰爭時期各方「華僑論述」分析 邵軒磊、Shao, Hsuanlei 問題與研究 54:3 2015.09[民104.09] 20150900 頁127-148 中文(Chinese) 中日戰爭、政治認同、南洋華僑、論述、國族主義、Discourses、Nationalism、Overseas Chinese、Political identity、Sino-Japanese War 中日第二次戰爭(即對日抗戰,1937~1945年)時期,交戰各方為爭奪南洋華僑群眾支持,遂發展政治論述(discourse)。由於「國族」(nation)並非東亞固有觀念,因此華僑國族認同成為當時重要課題。本研究將以戰時各方之調查報告、政策文獻、外交檔案為核心,研究「國共汪日」四方之華僑政治論述基礎、主要政策與華僑群體的應對過程。研究發現:華僑社群原接受中國傳統思想,以各種親屬與文化關係維繫對中國認同,故國民政府在當時以各種團體為中介,實行「抗日救國」的國族主義論述;與此對立,日本帝國宣傳「東亞共榮」之階層秩序,以現代型主權國家認同試圖取代傳統認同。此外,還有汪政府以亞洲主義為主軸,主張使用「亞洲民族」之觀念;延安政府主要跟隨國府之國族主義,但亦提出扶植華僑獨立與解放殖民地的左翼政治主張。綜上所述,鑑於戰時對華僑的政治論述之多元性,乃是觀察東亞近現代政治論述與華僑國族認同之良好參考點。 During the Second Sino-Japanese War, a.k.a. War of Resistance (1937~1945), both China and Japan attempted to gain support from overseas Chinese using their different political discourses. The concept of "nation" was not originated in East Asia but highly propagandized during this war period. This article analyzed and compared various discourses on overseas Chinese mobilization submitted by four actors-Chiang (Choung-ching government), Wang (Nanking government), Mao (Yen-an government), and Empire Japan-using documents, reports and diplomatic files at that time. This article found that overseas Chinese basically accepted the traditional Chinese thought and were connected by kinship to be an identical group. The Choung-ching government emphasized on nationalism in order to appeal overseas Chinese to "Defend Japan, Save Nation". On the other hand, Japan presented "Greater East Asia" to overseas Chinese to seek their corporation. The Nanking government adopted the viewpoint similar to Japan while promoting Sun Yet Sen's "Great Asianism," but the discourse was not complete. Finally, Mao's discourse followed those of the Choung-ching government, while encouraging anti-colonization and independence with a leftist perspective. In conclusion, this study on multiple discourses on overseas Chinese may provide a historical reference in East Asian political studies.
5 亞信會議與中共近期反恐作為 邵軒磊、Shao, Hsuanlei 戰略安全研析 110 2014.06[民103.06] 20140600 頁12-18 中文(Chinese) 亞信會議、亞洲安全、亞洲問題、CICA
6 亞信會議與到「一帶一路」--中國大陸外交戰略評析 邵軒磊、Shao, Hsuanlei 展望與探索 13:11 2015.11[民104.11] 20151100 頁42-58 中文(Chinese) 中國大陸外交、亞洲觀、亞信會議、地緣政治、攻勢現實主義 「一帶一路」作為中國大陸大戰略構圖已然明顯,其以中亞內陸帶作為亦為外交重心。本文認為,自去年中國大陸於上海召開亞洲相互協作與信任措施會議,宣示之「亞洲」概念為其思想核心。本文將依此脈絡,討論亞信會議以降,此一國安外交理念之內容與實質,以及討論未來東亞國際局勢與中國大陸外交戰略。研究顯示:中國大陸本次高度重視「亞洲」論述,試圖以此在未來取得話語權。因此,依照地緣政治理念,美「中」在東亞權力板塊上的擠壓,將更劇烈。綜合上述說明,本研究提出「島鏈間國家」做為描述東亞國際權力結構解釋圖像。
7 人工智慧與法律資料分析之方法與應用:以單獨親權酌定裁判的預測模型為例 黃詩淳、邵軒磊、Huang, Sieh-chuen、Shao, Hsuan-lei 國立臺灣大學法學論叢 48:4 2019.12[民108.12] 20191200 頁2023-2073 中文(Chinese) 人工智慧、機器學習、法律資料分析、梯度提升法、親權、子女最佳利益、法之可預測性、Artificial intelligence、Machine learning、Legal analytics、Gradient boosting、Child custody、Best interest of the child、Predictability of law
8 人工智慧與酒駕刑度估計--深度學習卷積神經網路量刑模型之實踐 邵軒磊 月旦法學 312 2021.05[民110.05] 20210500 頁105-116 中文(Chinese) 法實證研究、量刑、酒駕、卷積神經網路、深度學習
9 人工智慧與酒駕刑度估計--深度學習卷積神經網路量刑模型之實踐 邵軒磊 月旦法學 312 2021.05[民110.05] 20210500 頁105-116 中文(Chinese) 法實證研究、量刑、酒駕、卷積神經網路、深度學習
10 以人工智慧讀取親權酌定裁判文本:自然語言與文字探勘之實踐 黃詩淳、邵軒磊、Huang, Sieh-chuen、Shao, Hsuan-lei 國立臺灣大學法學論叢 49:1 2020.03[民109.03] 20200300 頁195-224 中文(Chinese) 法律資料分析、親權酌定、類神經網路、文字探勘、人機協作、Legal analytics、Custody case、Artificial neural network、Text mining、Human-machine collaboration
11 作為研究方法的系譜學 邵軒磊、Shao, Hsuanlei 政治科學論叢 34 2007.12[民96.12] 20071200 頁151-174 中文(Chinese) 方法論、尼采、社會科學、知識論、系譜學、傅柯、Epistemology、Foucault、Genealogy、Nietzsche、Social science、Methodology
12 全球「自」理︰在思想史脈絡中實踐負責任的大國角色 石之瑜、邵軒磊、Shih, Chih-yu、Shao, Hsuan-lei 問題與研究 51:2 2012.06[民101.06] 20120600 頁1-33 中文(Chinese) 中國崛起、全球治理、政治思想、知識史、國際經濟典範、Global governance、History of ideology、International economic regime、Political thought、Rising China 當代中國政治領導人及公共知識分子努力營造中國是一個「負責任的大國」形象。雖然他們審慎地觀察外界如何期待中國,但是他們卻又未必願意滿足外界對於所謂「負責任」的定義。在全球化時代,外界總是關心中國是否能夠參與解決、減緩或預防各種全球治理問題。不過,不論是古典的或當代的中國政治思想,往往強調反躬自省,因此中國政府在體現對自身的世界責任時,幾乎無例外的都以中國能妥善處理與全球治理相關的內部問題為目標,以確保中國自己不成為全球問題為職志。相較於歐美發達國家勇於標舉全球治理的實質責任,北京領導人更關心如何分攤全球治理的責任,尤其在意全球治理不能侵犯各國的國家主權。這種防禦心態有其歷史背景,但是必須回溯中國的當代思想史脈絡,才能夠充分掌握中國政府對全球治理的消極情感及其相應主張。更符合中國思想史的全球治理,應該是全球「自」理。這樣思維一旦養成,就超越了單純是為了擺脫強權干涉中國的動機,而進一步對當代全球治理的方法論形成挑戰。 Both the political leaders and intellectuals in China want to present the image of her being a responsible country in the world. Their understandings of responsibility are not directed at an external audience, although they closely watch what the latter expects of China. In the global age, the expectation is always about China's contribution to conflict resolutions, and alleviation and prevention of global problems, whatever it may be. The Chinese political thoughts, classic as well as modern, are so grounded in their cultural and ideological background that their introspective nature determines that Chinese narratives on their nation's duty in the world unanimously point to China's responsibility for handling its domestic problems well enough to avoid causing global troubles. Xi Jinping's widely circulated quote during his trip to Mexico in 2008 reveals a deep mutual misperception between Chinese narrators and China's criticizers. For Xi Jinping and his colleagues, China has no intention to lead the world, or to provide the world any philosophical guidance regarding their future, or even to participate in initiating problem solving regimes. The Chinese care more about the mode and process of global governance than any substantive value and goal of global governance. Specifically, the Chinese want to make sure that global governance does not infringe upon the national sovereignty of China. This defensive mentality which has a root in Chinese history of political thoughts prepares China's unique style of global governance through self-governance. While this is a style meant to avoid rendering any excuse to other major powers seeking opportunities to intervene in China, once on track, its political thought underpinning inevitably challenges the prevailing liberalistic methodology of global governance.
13 六方會談前期協商之過程論分析 邵軒磊、Shao, Hsuan-lei 全球政治評論 40 2012.10[民101.10] 20121000 頁89-113 中文(Chinese) 中國崛起、朝鮮半島問題、多邊機制、東北亞安全、六方會談、China rising、Korean peninsula、Multilateral mechanisms、Northeast Asia security、Six-party talks
14 初探車禍判決中法院認定之過失比例之因素 康心宥、郭恩佳、邵軒磊、黃詩淳 月旦法學 305 2020.10[民109.10] 20201000 頁206-221 中文(Chinese) 車禍、與有過失、損害賠償、法律資料分析、迴歸分析
15 大學男女學生宿舍的空間權力與身體規訓分析 邵軒磊 性別平等教育季刊 32 民94.08 20050800 頁75-79 中文(Chinese) 大學、宿舍、空間權力、身體規訓
16 大數據與法資訊學--機器提取裁判內容要素之實踐 邵軒磊、吳國清、黃詩淳 月旦裁判時報 71 2018.05[民107.05] 20180500 頁46-52 中文(Chinese) 大數據、毒品判決、法資訊學、文字探勘、法院判決
17 從數位典藏到數位人文--以日本東洋文庫之經驗為案例 邵軒磊、大澤肇、Shao, Hsuan-lei、Osawa, Hajime 興大人文學報 55 2015.09[民104.09] 20150900 頁101-123 中文(Chinese) 日本、歷史語言文獻、東洋文庫、數位人文、數位圖書館、Asian history、Digital libraries、Digital humanities information technology、Japan、Toyo bunko 近期東亞各地之研究機構紛紛開始進行典藏「數位化」,以及發展數位人文研究(digital humanities)方法。本文將介紹日本東洋文庫數位圖書館(digital library)與數位資料庫(digital database)的設置情況,並總結其他日本研究機構創建數位資料館之經驗,裨益未來相關建制之參考。本文內容包括:東洋文庫發展簡介、當館之歷史資料數位化專案以及日本其他數位檔案館之情況。本文歸納在日本進行數位化經驗中,主要的困難與解決方案,包括:著作權問題上,建議可優先使用無著作權物(如政府出版物、明信片等),並修改相關法律;其次,在計畫開始時即建立研究者與資訊工程師之互動團隊設定詮釋資料(metadata);第三、為避免資料重複製作,各館需要加強其他數位圖書館(檔案館)之橫向協調。 Recently, many research institutions in East Asia have begun to digitizate reserved books and to develop digital humanities studies one after another. This paper introduces setting cases of digital library and digital database in Japan and summarizes experience of the other research institutions in establishing digital data library, in order to benefit institutionalizing in the future. This paper describes development of Toyo-bunko, its digitization project for library historical material, and situation of the other Japanese digital archives. It also concludes main appearing difficulties and their solutions in digitization, including the first suggestion to preferably use those without copyright (such as government’s publication, postcard and others) and check related laws of copyright; secondly, to establish interaction group between researchers and information engineers to set metadatas at the beginning of the plan; thirdly, various libraries shall strengthen horizontal coordination among the other digital library (archives), to avoid duplication of data production.
18 戰前東洋史學之觀念與知識系譜 邵軒磊、Shao, Hsuan-lei 東亞觀念史集刊 3 2012.12[民101.12] 20121200 頁335-337+339-360 中文(Chinese) 中國研究、日本、知識系譜、東洋史、漢學、Academic community、China-studies、Genealogy、Japan、Knowledge、Sinology
19 戰後初期日本「中國研究」的延續與斷裂 邵軒磊、Shao, Hsuan-lei 臺灣東亞文明研究學刊 5:1 2008.06[民97.06] 20080600 頁215-235 中文(Chinese) 中國研究、日本
20 戰後日本現代中國研究的基礎:學科/制度的探索 邵軒磊、Shao, Hsuan-lei 東亞研究 39:2 2008.07[民97.07] 20080700 頁147-174 中文(Chinese) 現代中國研究系譜、區域研究、現代化、戰後日本、學術制度、Academic system、Genealogy of China-studies、Modernization、Postwar Japan、Social science 戰後日本面臨的轉變契機帶動了中國研究的轉型。主要的轉型體現在三個方面,在行政制度上走向學政分離、學術資源配置的改變以及在大學分科中將「中國」作為科學方法的研究對象。本研究藉由制度史與學科史的角度來看日本現代中國研究的基礎,用以描繪當時「組織資源/知識資源」兩個層次的互動風貌。 After the World War Ⅱ, the changes of Japan brought about the revolution of China-studies. The main difference manifests in two aspects: separation of academia and politics in the administrative system, and scientific studies of China in universities. This article examines the origin of Japan's modern China-studies using the dialectic approach of “discipline/ institute” in order to describe the interaction between “organizational resources/knowledge resources” at that time.
21 抗戰勝利與總體戰--論《中國抗戰力調查》與相關史料 邵軒磊 中華軍史學會會刊 21 2016.09[民105.09] 20160900 頁153-174 中文(Chinese) 對日抗戰、總體戰、中國抗戰力調查、日本史料
22 政治模擬研究法初探:以戰略三角理論之檢証為例 邵軒磊、Shao, Hsuan-lei 全球政治評論 53 2016.01[民105.01] 20160100 頁67-82 中文(Chinese) 方法論、模擬外交、政治科學、國際關係、戰略三角理論、Diplomatic simulation、International relations、Methodology、Political science、Strategic triangle theory 自政治學/國際關係學理論常有關於學科屬性是否為「科學」之爭論。傳統國際關係與政治行為研究主要以案例研究為基礎,又分外交史研究、體系模型研究、文化心理研究三種解釋路徑。準此,本研究嘗試製造實驗情境,以「模擬」方法,設計受試者扮演決策者,彼此談判互動,並以此互動記錄作為研究資料,並藉此檢証「戰略三角理論」。在論文中試圖討論三個子題:其一、這種模擬與理論的關係,在方法論上是否可能成立?其二、在這些模擬情境中,是否能再檢証(verification)國際關係學中的理論?其三也是最後一點,本文亦試圖討論這些情境與模擬的預測性與限制性。 There are always disputes with if political science / international relations theories has "scientificity". Since research scope of national government level is too large to be representated, international relations and diplomatic behavior research is mainly based on case studies of diplomatic history, system model, or psychological analysis. Therefore, whether it has the "scientific facor" -- including "universal, repeatability and predictability" ---- is a common cause of academic debate. This study attempts to manufacture experimental conditions in order to "simulating" approach, designed a player to play "deciders", who negotiates interact with each other, and writes interactive record as research datas. In the paper, author attempts to discuss the three sub-themes: firstly, the relationship between this simulation and theory, the possibility of the establishment of the methodology? Secondly, in the context of these simulations, whether it can confirm the theory of international relations? Thirdly, we also tried to discuss these scenarios and predictive modeling and restrictive, and trying to academic discussion, "Political Science / International Relations" as a discipline, which is its meta-theory.
23 文字探勘技術輔助主題分析--以「中國大陸研究」期刊為例 邵軒磊、曾元顯、Shao, Hsuanlei、Tseng, Yuen-hsien 問題與研究 57:1 2018.03[民107.03] 20180300 頁29-62 中文(Chinese) 中國大陸、主題分析、自動歸類、知識探勘、學術系譜、Academic genealogy、Mainland China studies、Topic analysis、Automatic clustering、Knowledge mining
24 文革後日本中國研究之轉型 邵軒磊、Shao, Hsuan-lei 問題與研究 46:3 2007.07-09[民96.07-09] 20070700、20070800、20070900 頁155-172 中文(Chinese) 現代中國研究系譜、文化大革命、亞洲學、民國史觀、戰後日本、Genealogy、Culture revolution、Asian studies、R.O.C. perspective、Postwar Japan
25 新住民相關親權酌定裁判書的文字探勘:對「平等」問題的法實證研究嘗試 邵軒磊、黃詩淳、Shao, Hsuan-lei、Huang, Sieh-chuen 國立臺灣大學法學論叢 49:特刊 2020.11[民109.11] 20201100 頁1267-1308 中文(Chinese) 法律資料分析、自然語言處理、詞頻-倒數文件頻率法、平等、新住民、法實證研究、主成分分析、Legal analysis、Natural language processing、NLP、TF-IDF、Equality、New immigrants、Empirical legal studies、Principle component analysis
26 日本「亞洲學」之系譜 邵軒磊、Shao, Hsuan-lei 問題與研究 49:專刊 2010.04[民99.04] 20100400 頁79-99 中文(Chinese) 亞洲學、朝貢體系、殖民學、現代中國研究系譜、戰後日本、Asia studies、Tribute system、Colonial studies、Genealogy of modern China studies、Postwar Japan 日本的世界觀核心──「亞洲學」(アジア研究,包括東洋學、東亞學等概念)作為日本近代發展的關鍵性思想,對於日本國族的建立起了關鍵性的作用。亞洲學從戰前對「中國學」的衍生物,戰後因為軍事色彩,亞洲學在日本中國學界中長期無聲,而現在卻是日本用以與 世界對話的重要基礎概念。本文藉由對日本思想界中亞洲學所承載的觀念的研究,整理作為思想系譜的亞洲學歷史,用以說明戰後亞洲學呈現的特色以及與戰前亞洲學的不同。亞洲學的系譜有三點核心意識:作為日本民族自身的投射;作為日本藉以對「內/外」對話的知識 體系;將亞洲視為空間性存在。亞洲學不但是日本用以與西方對話的產物,其本身正是東西方文化對話的產物,藉由對此呈現的學術考察,也就能更明白東西方百年的互動軌跡。
27 日本右翼思想源流:尊王攘夷、天皇主權、排西蔑中、愛鄉主義 邵軒磊 思想 23 2013.05[民102.05] 20130500 頁253-269 中文(Chinese) 日本、右翼思想、尊王攘夷、天皇主權、排西蔑中、愛鄉主義
28 日本近代政治思想中之民主與國族主義 邵軒磊、邵軒磊、Shao, Hsuan-lei、Shao, Hsuanlei 國家發展研究 14:2 2015.06[民104.06] 20150600 頁1-21 中文(Chinese) 日本帝國、政治思想、民主、東亞、國族主義、Democracy、East Asia、Japanese Empire、Nationalism、Political ideology 「民主與國族主義」常被視為用以理解現代政治變遷與國家發展模式;然而上述概念在東亞世界歷史發展,具有相當特殊性。本文試圖以日本為例,討論日本現代化初期政治思想家,詮釋民主與國族主義之不同思維,列舉出數種理論模式。本文試圖闡述其主要特色為:其一、「東亞民主」實為學習西方思想之產物,其目的為加強「國族認同」,兩者具有共生關係。其二、東亞國族主義起因於救亡圖存。日本在近代化初期,一方面效法西洋民主,二方面亦恐懼甚至試圖排除西洋,因此日本政治思想家亦在「民主/國族」兩者觀念問之取捨。第三、另一個影響日本思潮之條件為中日關係,兩者呈現反差;足見,「束/西文明」與「中/日文明」之交互作用,亦體現在日本思想之中。本文試圖介紹並比較近現代初期之日本政治思想,提供學者研究東亞政治理論之切入點,以為當前發展研究究東亞思想之補遠。 Theories of democracy often use "democracy and nationalism" to understand modern political change and patterns of national development. However, in the historical development of East Asia, these ideas are quite unusual. This article discusses how Japanese political theorists in the early democratization period interpreted the concepts of democracy and nationalism, identifying several theoretical strains and showing how while nationalism and democracy developed at the same time in Japan, Japanese political thinkers had different interpretations of the relationship between the two concepts. This article attempts to elaborate on the main characteristics of Japanese interpretations of the relationship between democracy and nationalism. First, "East Asian democracy" is a product of studying Western thought. Its objective is strengthening national identity, implying a symbiotic relationship between democracy and nationalism. Second, East Asian nationalism originated from a struggle for national survival. While on one hand Japan imitated Western democracy, on the other hand it viewed the West with fear and even hostility. This paradox caused Japanese political theorists to waver between democracy and nationalism. Third, another factor which influenced Japanese thought was Sino- Japanese relations. The dialectical interaction of Eastern/Western civilization and of Chinese/Japanese civilization is evident in the focus of Japanese political thought. This study attempts to introduce and compare early-modern Japanese political thought in order to provide a new angle for research on East Asian political theory.
29 機器學「習」:以文字探勘法探索習近平時期之大外宣戰略 邵軒磊、Shao, Hsuan-lei 中國大陸研究 62:4 2019.12[民108.12] 20191200 頁133-157 中文(Chinese) 文字探勘、機器學習、大外宣、習近平、Text mining、Grand external propaganda strategy、Xi Jinping、Machine learning
30 機器學習與日本研究的對話:以中國社會科學院《日本學刊》為例 邵軒磊、Shao, Hsuan-lei 臺灣東亞文明研究學刊 17:2=34 2020.12[民109.12] 20201200 頁77-105 中文(Chinese) 日本研究、機器學習、自然語言處理、文字探勘、知識社群、Japanese studies、Machine learning、Nature language processing、Text mining、Knowledge communities
31 機器學習與日本研究的對話:以中國社會科學院《日本學刊》為例 邵軒磊、Shao, Hsuan-lei 臺灣東亞文明研究學刊 17:2=34 2020.12[民109.12] 20201200 頁77-105 中文(Chinese) 日本研究、機器學習、自然語言處理、文字探勘、知識社群、Japanese studies、Machine learning、Nature language processing、Text mining、Knowledge communities
32 殖民之後:港臺知識份子的國族認同案例研究 邵軒磊、李徽典、Shao Hsuan Lei、Lee Hui Tien 香港社會科學學報 47 2014.秋-冬[民103.秋-冬] 20140900、20141200 頁1-27 中文(Chinese) 後殖民主義、香港、殖民地、認同、臺灣、知識份子、Colony、Hong Kong、Identity、Post-colonialism、Taiwan、Intellectuals
33 法律資料分析與文字探勘:跨境毒品流動要素與結構研究 邵軒磊、吳國清、Shao, Hsuanlei、Wu, Kou-ching 問題與研究 58:2 2019.06[民108.06] 20190600 頁91-114 中文(Chinese) 法律資料分析、跨境毒品、文字探勘、厚資料、Cross-border drug、Text mining、Thick data、Legal analytics
34 生物政治權力與文化意識形態--以「赤腳醫生」政策為例 邵軒磊、Shao, Hsuan-lei 人文社會科學研究 6:3 2012.09[民101.09] 20120900 頁1-21 中文(Chinese) 方法論、文革、生物政治、合作醫療、赤腳醫生、Bare-foot doctors、Bio-politics、Cooperative medical system、Cultural revolution、Mainland China 中國大陸農村問題是民生問題中的關鍵,而醫療衛生問題關係是農村問題中的關鍵。在文革時期針對「缺醫少藥」的需要,推廣「合作醫療/赤腳醫生」模式,一般認為使農村的基本醫療得以穩定實施,但實行改革開放後,農民的醫療服務水準卻反而倒退,這樣的反差原因為何?雖然,赤腳醫生制度是否在「真正成功」值得商榷,本文討論此一制度所帶來的政治利益與維繫穩定的可能,用以討論「此一制度與國家發展之關係」。本文以傅柯(Michel Foucault)的生物權力理論,同時以政治管理和意識形態兩種視角,整理了關於赤腳醫生與合作醫療的種種現象與研究,包括赤腳醫生的歷史、赤腳醫生與合作醫療的制度分析,赤腳醫生的特色與其意識形態背景。本文發現,生物政治學途徑能夠關注「權力/身體」的關係,將國家力量與社會福利政策結合討論,擁有特殊「政治/經濟/意識形態」模式,同時相較於其他的研究途徑更能有效解釋中國赤腳醫生行為。 The village problem is the key point of livelihood, and the medial system is the key point of the village problem. Since the Culture Revolution period, Mainland China began to promote a model of health institution –"Collaborative Medial/ Bare-foot Doctor" System. It was generally believed that the system had allowed peasants to access medical care more easily. This paper intends to use the perspective of biology, with the two approaches of political system management and ideology, to explore the phenomenon of "barefoot doctors" and collaborative medial system, including their history and the analysis of how they worked with the medical system, their characteristics, as well as its ideological base. Bio-politics focus on "power/body" relations, thus, the most important mission of modern nations is to interlink to public health policy and medical system for ensuring the increasing of production. So that, health institution of "Politic/Economic/Ideology" becomes the government's demonstration of its care for the social welfare of the disadvantaged.
35 當代西方民主研究論述分析:知識系譜與文字探勘 邵軒磊、Shao, Hsuanlei 哲學與文化 46:2=537 2019.02[民108.02] 20190200 頁33-56 中文(Chinese) 民主、文字探勘、知識系譜、數位人文、資料庫、Democracy、Text mining、Knowledge genealogy、Digital humanities、Database
36 發展理論與世代論述--以戰後日本社會經驗為例 邵軒磊、Shao, Hsuan-lei 東亞研究 46:1 2015.01[民104.01] 20150100 頁35-64 中文(Chinese) 世代論、發展理論、東亞研究、高齡化、論述、Population aging、Discourse、Development theory、East Asian studies、Generation theory 研究者使用發展理論之研究目的,即為觀測未來動向之發展可能性。因此,發展理論學者常使用「現代化理論」、「依賴理論」、「東亞發展論」以及「全球化理論」,用以解釋了19~20世紀的發展趨勢。吾人觀察現今臺灣社會,預期出現年金健保等社會福利問題、經濟發展轉型問題,以及少子高齡化問題,具較諸前述理論背景,有相當不同。因此,本文提出由世代論述觀察社會發展之觀點,尤其著墨於整理日本戰後「世代論」之典範發展。本文由戰後派世代、嬰兒潮世代、後嬰兒潮世代等演變,結合政治論述與其社會演變,印證並強化「世代政治」理論。期能提供「發展理論」之方法論研究,以及觀察臺灣現今社會問題之視角。 The purpose of development theory is to predict future trends. Previous scholars have often used four paradigms to explain political trends in the 19th and 20th centuries, namely modernization theory, dependency theory, the East Asian model, and globalization theory. However, when focusing on problems specifically related to social change in Taiwan, such as changes to welfare, health insurance, economic structures, and population aging, several inappropriate changes can be observed in these development theories. Therefore, the author recommends applying generation theory, especially in which was originally proposed by Japanese scholars, to gain an alternative perspective. This article discusses the theoretical content of generation theory to analyze the theory from a discourse perspective by using Japanesemany generation styles. It contributes to the methodological approach of recent development theories and provides various explanations for social phenomena in Taiwan.
37 社群意識與原鄉敘事--以交工樂隊在美濃社區運動之作用為例 邵軒磊、Shao, Hsuan-lei 人文社會科學研究 9:2 2015.06[民104.06] 20150600 頁1-19 中文(Chinese) 交工樂隊、社群運動、認同、區域政治、美濃水庫、Community movement、Regional politics、Jiao-gong Band、Identity、Meinung Dam 美濃居民在現代化過程中,經歷發展對傳統文化、傳統產業與傳統價值觀之 衝擊,居民「美濃認同」逐漸衰弱。不過,在1990 年代「反水庫運動」的抗爭 過程中,藉由社會運動參與,成功凝聚了美濃當地的「族群/社區/公民」意識, 重新建立鄉土認同。此際,由美濃當地人所組成之交工樂隊,在反水庫運動中使 用歌曲傳唱方式,以原鄉語言描寫了當地人的心聲。本文即以文本與「論述」 (discourse)方式研究分析方式,檢視交工樂園的歌曲之背景與價值脈絡,認為其 為凝聚並「具象」(embodiment)主張的一種方式,配合既有研究文獻、當地訪問和實地考察環境,加以田野調查。並使用文本分析的角度來檢驗交工樂隊的詞 曲文化意涵,其歌詞、歌曲如何以系譜、價值和空間凝聚塑造原鄉。在交工歌曲 之論述中,「原鄉」擁有「絕對性與區隔性」兩種特質, 甚而變成可以認同的對 象物。美濃建構「原鄉情懷」與「區域政治意識」的範例棋式,為社會/文化資 本藉由文藝形式參與和實踐塑造,提供了區域面對轉型之特殊經驗。 Impacted by encroaching urbanization, Meinung, a traditional agriculture town m southern Taiwan, has had to learn to deal with challenges. In defense of a government-proposed dam project, the town mobilized to consolidate its civic leverage through the indigenous Hakka songs to evoke the passion and common bond and to unite the community's identity. The Jaio-gong (Labor Exchange) Band touched the collective community chord with their Hakka music to promote discourse among the people and put forth the embodiment of a united front against the project. The paper examines the process on how Meinung succeeded in converting its indigenous cultural capital force into a powerful political force against the economical capitalism. The paper begins by looking into the band's song lyrics and their origins and conducting a literature review and on-site investigations. We then examine the cultural ingredients of their songs and their lyrics, and how the lyrics combined melody, social values, and physical space to conceptualize homeland that possesses both "absolutism" and "differentiation." Their motto arises from such "nostalgic sentimentalism of home" and "regional political awareness." Social and cultural capital forces can be formed through participation and pragmatism. This paper finally suggests that Meinung community identity is the unique "homeland" concept as the slogan "From Anti-Dam to On-Site Management".
38 立法委員法律提案與其網絡特性研究 邵軒磊、黃詩淳、Shao, Hsuan-lei、Huang, Sieh-chuen 電子商務研究 15:4 2017.12[民106.12] 20171200 頁473-494 中文(Chinese) 社會網絡分析、立法委員、提案、中心性、政黨、Social network analysis、Legislators、Centrality、Party、Co-sponsorship
39 自反而縮:「文革」與日本中國研究學術社群的主體建立 邵軒磊、Shao, Hsuan-lei 國家發展研究 7:2 2008.06[民97.06] 20080600 頁3-28 中文(Chinese) 現代中國研究系譜、學術社群、文化大革命、主體性、戰後日本、Culture revolution、Genealogy、Modern China studies、Post-war Japan、Subjectivity 自1962年福特基金會事件之後,日本中國研究界注意到自我反省的意識,帶來了一波「學術社群的主體性何在」的思維。而隨著文革運動氣氛而逐漸昇高,此一思維轉變為整個日本中國學界自我批判與左翼革命思維高峰。本文從「自我主體性」的觀點,以當時的研討會與代表性著作為研究資料,發掘當時的中國研究者的思想系譜,是將中國文革放在什麼樣的脈絡下來理解。在這段時期的主要特色是:知識論上的主體反省,藉由社會運動與研究者生命歷程結合,而且文革對於日本研究者的意義並非固定,而是在歷次事件中都有改變。研究者逐漸從「我與中國的關係為何?」的問題轉變為直接研究「中國是什麼?」,並由此建立自己的主體性。本文以此視角貫串,將此一歷史嵌合進入中國研究界1962年的福特基金會事件,以及1970年代末開始的「再評價」運動之中。瞭解這波造成整體日本中國研究界甚至整體思想界至今社會主義最大的高峰,不僅能對整體日本中國研究做出瞭解,更能對現在的日本民族主義思維有所認識。 Since the Ford Foundation event in 1962, Japanese China-studies community started to notice thoughts on the identity of academic community. With the Cultural Revolution, these thoughts transformed to become the epiphany of the community's self-criticism and Marxism. This article examined academic discussion and representative research from the perspective of "self identify" to explore the philosophy of China-studies back then. The characteristics of the period are reflection of self identify in ontology, and entering the life of researchers through social movements. Moreover, the meaning of the Cultural Revolution was inconsistent and changed over time. Researchers shifted their focus from "the relationship between Japan and China" to "what is China" and hence established their own identity. This article intends to study the history from the Ford Foundation event in 1962 to the re-evaluation movement in the late 1970's in order to understand the peak of socialism in Japanese China-studies community. It will also be beneficial to understand Japanese Nationalism.
40 運用機器學習預測法院裁判--法資訊學之實踐 黃詩淳、邵軒磊、Huang, Sieh-chuen、Shao, Hsuan-lei 月旦法學 270 2017.11[民106.11] 20171100 頁86-96 中文(Chinese) 法資訊學、離婚、親權酌定、機器學習、類神經網路、Legal informatics、Divorce、Child custody、Machine learning、Artificial neural network
41 酌定子女親權之重要因素:以決策樹方法分析相關裁判 黃詩淳、邵軒磊、Huang, Sieh-chuen、Shao, Hsuan-lei 國立臺灣大學法學論叢 47:1 2018.03[民107.03] 20180300 頁299-344 中文(Chinese) 親權、子女最佳利益原則、單獨親權、實證研究、法資訊學、資料探勘、決策樹、Child custody、Best interests of the child、Sole custody、Empirical legal study、Legal informatics、Data mining、Decision tree learning
42 醫療訴訟紛爭判決自動特徵標記系統--使醫療裁判預測成為可能 梁志鳴、黃詩淳、廖建瑜、黃序立、邵軒磊、Liang, Chih-ming、Huang, Sieh-chuen、Liao, Chien-yu、Huang, Hsu-li、Shao, Hsuan-lei 月旦醫事法報告 68 2022.06[民111.06] 20220600 頁35-46 中文(Chinese) 文字探勘、自動標記系統、法律資料分析、特徵抽取、醫療糾紛、Text mining、Automatic labeling system、Legal analytics、Feature extraction、Medical disputes
43 關係平衡理論與資料庫實證初探--回顧釣魚臺事件之中日互動 邵軒磊、Shao, Hsuan-lei 東亞研究 47:1 2016.01[民105.01] 20160100 頁1-37 中文(Chinese) 釣魚臺、中國、日本、數位資料庫、認知角色、關係平衡、Diaoyu Island、China、Japan、Realism、Digital database、Balance of relationship 2012年以來,釣島紛爭為近日東亞國際關係的重要關注議題,且涉及兩岸關係,情況複雜。中日雙方當事國在軍事政治外交上逐漸進逼。值此,本文應用「關係平衡(Balance of Relationships)」理論,用以理解中日雙方環繞釣島問題的外交互動。本文並製作「關係資料庫」,並以共現詞頻為方法,表列出「關係」之客觀呈現;並設計關係指數(index of BOR),用以具體實證其關係是否共變。本研究在量化研究上發現,大國間之關係指數在本研究議題上,具有相關共變關係;而在質化研究上,發現「釣島本身」並不直接涉及巨大的領土與政經實力,而是做為反映出「關係」之場所,也更多反映出當事方對東亞周邊秩序的想像。因此,北京方面會注重「歷史、修憲、神社」等「角色認識」問題,日本多以戰後國際法社會之主權框架理解。因此,本文嘗試以新研究工具,證明關係平衡理論有相當之可檢證性。 Since 2012, the Diaoyu Island dispute has become an important issue which concerns contemporary East Asian international relations and involves cross-strait relations as well. The main two parties to the controversy have gradually advanced from diplomatic to militaristic acts. This paper tries to introduce a perspective, the "Balance of Relationship (BOR)," to understand this event and to contribute an important perspective to the dialogue on the "balance of power" theory of international relations. This paper also attempts to construct a "relationship" database, researching the subject objectively by using "co-word analysis," and finding correlations between the great powers in an "index of BOR." On the other (qualitative) hand, BOR attempts to create a long-term stable relationship between parties to avoid security dilemmas, and may be a solution to the current impasse in Sino-Japanese relations. While the islands are small in size with little political and economic strength on their own, they are nevertheless significant as a result of their strategic position in the region. They also reflect more imagined Asian parties in the surrounding order. Therefore, Beijing will raise problems with history, constitutional amendments, and the Yasukumi Shrines. In conclusion, this article tries to prove BOR theory using a new method.
44 離婚慰撫金的法律資料分析初探 黃詩淳、李容萱、邵軒磊 月旦裁判時報 84 2019.06[民108.06] 20190600 頁68-82 中文(Chinese) 離婚、損害賠償、慰撫金、金額量定、迴歸
45 革命史觀與戰後日本中國研究之社會主義系譜 邵軒磊、Shao, Hsuan-lei 中國大陸研究 50:4 2007.12[民96.12] 20071200 頁117-138 中文(Chinese) 方法論、社會主義、革命史觀、現代中國研究系譜、戰後日本、Genealogy、Methodology、Modern china studies、Historical perspective of revolotion、Postwar Japan、Socialism 「革命史觀」是日本戰後中國研究的核心觀念之一,尤其在1949 年到 1972 年期間更是學界最主流的「視角/方法」。本文從戰前的社會主義演變 出發,以革命史觀為中心做出整體性回顧,藉由對其中論爭、研究成果、方 法論的整理,描繪出日本現代中國研究的思想系譜。藉此對日本思想史有完 整認識,由此也更能瞭解現今日本看待中國的觀點和立場。革命史觀的方法 論與觀念始於馬克思主義,日本左翼研究者由於戰時受到壓迫而前往中國, 因此擁有中國經驗與珍貴田野資料。之後的發展可分為方法論與中國視角的 雙重問題,而出現不同演變脈絡。1972 年開始革命史觀退潮,自此「中國有 其自身的國家利益」觀點開始興起。本文試圖對革命史觀與戰後日本中國研 究社會主義系譜之完整脈絡加以理解,並且賦予此一史觀歷史與社會上的意 義。 “Historical Perspective of Revolution” is one of the core ideas of China studies in postwar Japan. Especially in 1949-1972, it was the most popular methodology. This article intends to have a better understanding of Japanese history of philosophy, and further enhanced the understanding of perspectives of today’s China and Japan. Their research then evolved into two issues: “methodology” and “viewpoint on China”. However, the Historical Perspective of Revolution declined from 1972, and the viewpoint of “seeing China as a nation-state with its own national interest” emerged. This article attempts to seek a better understanding of the “Historical Perspective of Revolution” and “Genealogy of Socialism in Japanese China- Studies” and finds their historical and social meanings.
46 Less is Better: Constructing Legal Question Answering System by Weighing Longest Common Subsequence of Disjunctive Union Text Minae Lin, Sieh-chuen Huang & Hsuan-lei Shao JSAI-isAI 2022: New Frontiers in Artificial Intelligence 20230406 154–167 英文(English) Textual Entailment、Disjunctive Union Text、Longest Common Subsequence、Legal Analytics、COLIEE 2022、Lexical Features paper link This article is prepared for submission to Competition on Legal Information Extraction/Entailment (COLIEE 2022), an international competitive event organized to focus on information processing and retrieval. The proposed method tackles on how to construct an answering system capable of responding Yes/No legal questions, ultimately recognizing entailment between legal queries from past Japanese bar exams and relevant articles of Japan Civil Code (both in Japanese). We first attempted to extract disjunctive union text from each training query and relevant article(s) with corresponding ‘Y/N’ answers as their labels, eventually forming our reference database (training set). Then the same process was repeated on a sample of different queries and relevant articles yet without a ‘Y/N’ label as the input (testing set). Finally, when constructing our model, the similarity ratio between the test disjunctive union and the training disjunctive union by longest common subsequence was calculated as its basis. As a result, this model achieved an accuracy of 0.6055 in Task 4 (rank 3rd as a team, and 7th as a trial). This is an extremely simple and efficient model capable of satisfactory performance.
47 Prediction Model for Drunk Driving Sentencing: Applying TextCNN to Chinese Judgement Texts Hsuan-Lei Shao, Yu-Ying Huang & Sieh-Chuen Huang JSAI-isAI 2021: New Frontiers in Artificial Intelligence 20230719 3–15 英文(English) Text-classification、 sentencing system、 drunk driving、 convolutional neural network、 deep learning、 TextCNN paper link Drunk driving cases often arouse public concern in Taiwanese society. According to 2013 amended Paragraph 1 of Article 185–3, the Taiwan Criminal Code, a drunk person may face up to a maximum sentence of two years in prison if his/her exhalation contains alcohol of 0.25 mg per liter or more, or blood alcohol concentration is 0.05% or more. The huge volume of “drunk driving” cases becomes a considerable workload for the court and therefore it may be worthwhile developing an automatic sentencing supportive system. This research attempts to train a deep-learning model to predict sentences by inputting the section of “recidivist/facts of the judgement.” The TextCNN (Convolutional Neural Networks) model reached a 73% accuracy rate in four-category sentencing prediction. This research suggests that adopting two kinds of pre-processing methods and a well-trained model directly to unstructured judgement texts without word segmentation can result in a good performance. It opens the possibility of applying different machine learning techniques to legal texts.
48 The softening of Chinese digital propaganda: Evidence from the People’s Daily Weibo account during the pandemic Chang Zhang, Dechun Zhang and Hsuan Lei Shao Frontiers in Psychology 20230228 英文(English) paper link Social media infuses modern relationships with vitality and brings a series of information dissemination with subjective consciousness. Studies have indicated that official Chinese media channels are transforming their communication style from didactic hard persuasion to softened emotional management in the digital era. However, previous studies have rarely provided valid empirical evidence for the communicational transformation. The study fills the gap by providing a longitudinal time-series analysis to reveal the pattern of communication of Chinese digital Chinese official media from 2019 to 2022.
49 Factors Determining Child Custody in Taiwan after Patriarchy's Decline: Decision Tree Analysis on Family Court Decisions Hsuan-Lei Shao,Robert B Leflar and Sieh-Chuen Huang Asian Journal of Comparative Law 20221219 1-17 英文(English) child custody、 best interests of the child、 sole custody、 empirical legal study、 decision tree learning paper link The doctrine of ‘best interests of the child’ has guided courts in determining post-divorce child custody cases in Taiwan since 1996 amendments to the Civil Code. Amended Article 1055-1 requires judges to consider factors such as ‘the age, sex, and wishes of the child’ and ‘the age, occupation, character, health condition, economic condition, and lifestyle of the parents.’ However, previous studies have not clarified which factors judges consider primary. This article collects Taiwanese family court decisions from 2012 to 2017, involving 1,126 children whose parents were both Taiwanese and who both sought to acquire custody, in which Taiwanese district courts granted sole custody to the husband or wife. The article employs decision tree methodology, a commonly used machine learning technology. The article concludes that the three most significant factors considered by Taiwanese judges are first, which parent is the child's current primary caregiver, followed by the wishes of the child and the judge's assessment of parent-child interaction. This result runs counter to widely held beliefs that parental gender and parents’ occupations and economic resources are still prime factors in judges’ contemplation. Decision tree learning, we suggest, can assist parents’ and lawyers’ case evaluations and speed up extrajudicial custody determination arrangements.
50 The Party-Political Situation before the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China and Topic Analysis of Official Media Hsuan Lei Shao 20221007 中文(Chinese)
51 Deep Learning "Xi": Natural Language Processing and Ideological System Model of Xi Jinping's Important Speech Hsuan Lei Shao 20220624 中文(Chinese)