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Course Name: CSU0032 Engineering Mathematics 工程數學 (Fall 2023)
Instructor: Chao Wang 王超
Teaching Assistant: Tzu Han Chiang 江子瀚
Course Meetings: Wednesdays 14:20–17:20 @ room B101, Gongguan Campus
Office Hours: Mondays and Thursday 2–4pm @ room 511, Applied Science Building, Gongguan Campus; or by appointment
Midterm Exam: Week 8, in class
Final Exam: Week 16, in class

配合教育部雙語政策,此課程為 EMI 英文授課。


Course Syllabus

Engineering mathematics is a core subject in many engineering disciplines, for it introduces a collection of math tools to model dynamical systems and analyzes and estimates their behaviors. For computer science and information engineering, engineering mathematics serves as a mathematical foundation for multimedia information processing, machine learning, and cyber-physical systems (CPS), to name a few.


  1. First-Order Differential Equations
  2. Higher-Order Differential Equations
  3. Laplace Transform
  4. Linear Systems Basics
  5. Fourier Analysis
  6. Applications

Students who would like to take this course must have learned both Calculus and Linear Algebra.


  • 50% Homework assignments
  • 25% Midterm exam
  • 25% Final exam

Course Schedule

Week Topic Textbook Coverage
1 Introduction to Differential Equations (DEs) Chapter 1
2 First-Order DEs (1) Chapter 2
3 First-Order DEs (2) Chapter 2
4 Higher-Order DEs (1) Chapter 3
5 Higher-Order DEs (2) Chapter 3
6 Laplace Transform (1) Chapter 4
7 Laplace Transform (2) Chapter 4
8 Midterm exam
9 Laplace Transform (3) Chapter 4
10 Linear Systems Chapter 10
11 Fourier Series (1) Chapter 12
12 Fourier Series (2) Chapter 12
13 Fourier Integral Chapters 12 and 15
14 Fourier Transforms Chapter 15
15 Discrete Fourier Transforms Chapter 15
16 Final exam

Textbook and References

(Required) Zill, Dennis G. Advanced engineering mathematics. 7th edition. Jones & Bartlett Publishers, 2022. ISBN 9781284240771 (台灣代理商:滄海圖書 0938-723438 link )


Students in need are encouraged to bring their considerations to the instructor.

Academic Integrity

All homework assignments and exams must be completed individually and independently, except as specifically allowed by the instructor.

Academic integrity is a key component of your education, which is for your benefit. Anyone found to be cheating or helping someone else cheat will receive zero score for that homework/exam. Please reflect on the university’s motto: Sincerity 誠, Integrity 正, Diligence 勤, Simplicity 樸.

Homework Assignment

All homework assignments will be announced on Moodle.