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Note: This page is for the past semester. See the archives for historical course documents.

課程名稱: CSU0007 Basic Electronics 基礎電子學 (Spring 2020)
授課教師: 王超
課程助教: 余承恩
上課時間: 每週一 9:10-12:10 in room C007, 公館校區
期中考試: 四月20日四月27日, in class
期末考試: 六月15日, in class
Office Hours: 每週二週三 9:10 - 11:10, 每週四 16:00-17:00, in room 511, 公館校區應用科學大樓, or by appointment


Course Syllabus




  • Homework 40%
  • First Exam 25%
  • Final Exam 25%
  • Participation 5%
  • Attendance 5%

Course Schedule

# Date Topic Reading Homework
1 Mar 2 The Circuit Abstraction Sec. 1.1-1.6; 1.8
2 Mar 9 Resistive Networks (1) Chapter 2 up to Example 2.19 Homework 1
3 Mar 16 Resistive Networks (2) Chapter 2 up to Example 2.29
4 Mar 23 Network Theorems Sec. 3.1-3.3.2; 3.5 (before 3.5.1); 3.6 Homework 2
5 Mar 30 Nonlinear Elements Sec. 3.6-4.2
6 Apr 6 Nonlinear Analysis Sec. 4.3-4.4
7 Apr 13 First Review and Selected Topics Sec. 4.5 Review Questions
8 Apr 20 The Digital Abstraction Sec. 5.1-5.3; 5.6
9 Apr 27 First Exam
10 May 4 The MOSFET Switch (1) Sec. 6.1-6.4; 5.5 Homework 3
11 May 11 The MOSFET Switch (2) Sec. 6.5-6.8
12 May 18 The MOSFET Amplifier (1) Sec. 6.8-6.9; 7.1-7.3 Homework 4
13 May 25 The MOSFET Amplifier (2) Sec. 7.3-7.5; 7.7; 2.6; skip Examples 7.13-7.18
14 Jun 1 MOSFET Amplifier Analysis Sec. 7.5-7.7 Homework 5
15 Jun 8 The Small-Signal Analysis Chapter 8 Bonus Homework
16 Jun 15 Final Exam
17 Jun 22 Difference Amplifier Example 8.3 in Sec. 8.2
18 Jun 29 Arduino and Some Electronic Experiments


[1] Agarwal, Anant and Lang, Jeffrey H. Foundations of Analog and Digital Electronic Circuits. Morgan Kaufmann; 1 edition (July 18, 2005). ISBN 978-1558607354 (Required)


Students in need please bring your considerations to the instructor.

Academic Integrity

請謹記本校校訓: 誠、正、勤、樸。舞弊或協助他人舞弊者以零分計算。
Please reflect on the university’s motto: Sincerity, Integrity, Diligence, Simplicity. Anyone found to be cheating or helping someone else cheat will receive zero score for that assignment.

Homework Assignment

共五次作業,參閱 Course Schedule 。作業請一律至 Moodle 繳交.
Five homework assignments in total. See the course schedule. Students should submit all their homework assignments via Moodle.