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Note: This page is for the past semester. See the archives for historical course documents.

Course Name: CSU0007 Basic Electronics 基礎電子學 (Fall 2020)
Instructor: Chao Wang 王超
Teaching Assistant: Eric Mei 梅志碩
Course Meetings: Tuesdays 9:10–10:00 and Fridays 15:30–17:20, in room E302, Gongguan Campus
Office Hours: Wednesdays and Fridays, 8-10am (room 511, Applied Science Building, Gongguan Campus), or by appointment
Midterm Exam: Nov 13, Friday 14:20–16:20, in class
Final Exam: Jan 15, Friday 14:20–16:20, in class

This course is offered as an all-English course. 此門課程為全英語授課.


Course Syllabus

This course is designed for first-year undergraduate students, in particular for those who major in computer science and information engineering. The goal is to unveil some part of the “mysterious connections” between physics and computing systems. It is our hope that through this course, students will acquire basic skills to explore modern computing systems such as those for Internet of Things (IoT).


  • Homework 45% (will count the highest six out of seven assignments)
  • First Exam 20%
  • Final Exam 25%
  • Participation 5%
  • Attendance 5%

Course Schedule

# Date Topic Reading
1 Sep 15, 18 The Circuit Abstraction Chapter 1; Appendix A.1
2 Sep 22, 25, 26 Resistive Networks Chapter 2 to Sec. 2.5
3 Sep 29 The Node Analysis Method Sec. 3.1-3.3 (except Sec. 3.3.3)
4 Oct 6 Superposition Sec. 3.5 up to Example 3.16
5 Oct 13, 16 Thevenin’s Theorem, Norton’s Theorem, and Their Applications Sec. 3.6
6 Oct 20, 23 Nonlinear Circuits and Basic Analysis Sec. 4 up to Sec. 4.3
7 Oct 27, 30 Approximation and The Small-Signal Analysis Sec. 4.4-4.5
8 Nov 3, 6 The Digital Abstraction Sec. 5
9 Nov 10, 13 review session on Nov 10 ; Midterm Exam on Nov 13
10 Nov 17 Discussion of Exam Questions
11 Nov 24, 27 The MOSFET Switch Sec. 6.1-6.8 (self-study: Sec. 6.8.1)
12 Dec 1, 4 Amplification: Concepts and Applications Sec. 6.9 and more
13 Dec 8, 11 The MOSFET Amplifier Sec. 7.1-7.6
14 Dec 15, 18 MOSFET Circuit Analysis Sec. 7.6-7.7 (skip BJT)
15 Dec 22, 25 Advanced Analysis and Difference Amplifier Chapter 8
16 Dec 29 Difference Amplifier Chapter 8
17 Jan 5, 8 Selected Topics and Review
18 Jan 12, 15 Final Exam on Jan 15


[1] Agarwal, Anant and Lang, Jeffrey H. Foundations of Analog and Digital Electronic Circuits. Morgan Kaufmann; 1 edition (July 18, 2005). ISBN 978-1558607354 (Required)

Purchase a copy of the book from Elsevier, books.google.com, etc. You may also read it at the NTNU library.

See the archive (link at the top of this page) for the lecture notes for this course.

Additional References

  • Link <– A great introduction to semiconductor science, from the EE department at National Taiwan University.
  • Neamen, Donald A. Semiconductor physics and devices: basic principles. New York, NY: McGraw-Hill. 2012. (NTNU library; also, Google Scholar) (I personally found this textbook wonderful)


Students in need should bring your considerations to the instructor.

Academic Integrity

Please reflect on the university’s motto: Sincerity, Integrity, Diligence, Simplicity. Anyone found to be cheating or helping someone else cheat will receive zero score for that assignment.

Homework Assignment

Students should submit all their homework assignments via Moodle.

  • Homework1; due on October 6th, 9AM.
  • Homework2; due on October 27th, 9AM.
  • Homework3; due on November 10th, 9AM.
  • Homework4; due on December 4th, 9PM.
  • Homework5; due on December 19th, 9PM.
  • Homework6; due on Jan 5th, 9PM, 2021.
  • Homework7 (bonus); due on Jan 14th, 5PM, 2021.