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Course Name: CSC0056 Data Communication 資料通訊 (Fall 2024)
Instructor: Chao Wang 王超
Teaching Assistant: Yu-Ting Chiang 蔣毓庭
Course Meetings: Fridays 09:10–12:10 (Mostly online, except for the first and the last week, where we will meet in classroom B102, Gongguan-Campus; see the schedule below)
Office Hours: Mondays and Wednesdays, 2–4pm @ room 511, Applied Science Building, Gongguan Campus; or by appointment
Midterm Exam: There is no midterm exam
Final Exam: Week 16, Friday, in class

配合教育部雙語政策,此課程為 EMI 英文授課。


Course Syllabus

Data communication is essential for networked computing systems. The objectives of this course are for students to learn design principles in data communication, to get some ideas of networking systems analysis, and to have some hands-on experience in systems development.

This course is designed for graduate students and senior undergraduates. This course is no substitution for fundamental courses in networking (e.g., Introduction to Computer Networks), and we shall not repeat topics taught therein. We will study the codebase of Eclipse Mosquitto and will learn how to trace and augment an open source implementation at such a scale. Students are expected to be fluent in C and have working knowledge in Linux system. We will learn a bit of Golang (and Python, if time permits).

This course is structured as a hybrid course (數位課程) on Taiwan Online Campus. The lectures are divided into three categories: asynchronous online (learn at your own pace), synchronous online (real-time online class), and traditional face-to-face (physically in classroom). See the course schedule below for detail. Course materials will be posted on Moodle.


  • Homework Assignments 60%
  • Final Exam 30%
  • Online/Offline Participation 10%

Course Schedule

Color scheme: green for asynchronous online lectures (AO); red, synchronous online (SO); blue, face-to-face (F2F).

Week # Type Topic
1 F2F Course Introduction
2 SO Broker-Based Data Communication (1) Model and Design
3 AO Broker-Based Data Communication (2) Implementation
4 AO Broker-Based Data Communication (3) Evaluation
5 SO The Queueing Model
6 AO Poisson Process and Markov Chain
7 AO Queueing Systems (1)
8 AO Queueing Systems (2)
9 AO Case Study: The Aloha System
10 SO Remote Procedure Calls and gRPC
11 SO Data Communication Bus
12 SO Wireless Data Communication
13 AO Time Synchronization
14 SO Communication Error Handling
15 AO Case Study: LoRa and LoRaWAN
16 F2F Final Exam

Textbook and References

We will select materials from the following textbooks and references:


[1] Harchol-Balter, Mor. Performance modeling and design of computer systems: queueing theory in action. Cambridge University Press, 2013. ISBN 9781107027503. (Read it at NTNU library. Our library also owns an e-copy; click here via campus network.)

[2] Bertsekas, Dimitri and Gallager, Robert. Data networks (2nd edition). Prentice Hall, 1992. ISBN 0132009161. (Read it at NTNU library) (author’s page)

Additional References (non-exhaustive):

[1] William Feller. An Introduction to Probability Theory and Its Applications, Volume I (3rd edition). Wiley, 1968. ISBN 0471257087.

[2] Kurose, Jim and Ross, Keith. Computer Networking: A Top-Down Approach (5th edition or newer). Pearson, 2010. ISBN 0136079679.

[3] Ramanathan, Subramanian, and Errol L. Lloyd. “Scheduling algorithms for multihop radio networks.” IEEE/ACM Transactions on networking 1.2 (1993): 166-177.


Students in need are encouraged to bring their considerations to the instructor.

Academic Integrity

All homework assignments and exams must be completed individually and independently, except as specifically allowed by the instructor.

Academic integrity is a key component of your education, which is for your benefit. Anyone found to be cheating or helping someone else cheat will receive zero score for that homework/exam. Please reflect on the university’s motto: Sincerity 誠, Integrity 正, Diligence 勤, Simplicity 樸.

Homework Assignment

All homework assignments will be announced on Moodle.