
Course Name: CSU0049 Analog and Digital Computing Elements 類比數位運算元件 (Fall 2024) Instructor: Chao Wang 王超 Teaching Assistant: Chin-Hao Yeh 葉晉豪

Aug 21, 2024

Course Name: CSC0056 Data Communication 資料通訊 (Fall 2024) Instructor: Chao Wang 王超 Teaching Assistant: Yu-Ting Chiang 蔣毓庭 Course Meetings: Fridays 09:10–12:10 (Mostly online, except

Aug 21, 2024

Course Name: CSU0033 Operating Systems 作業系統 (Spring 2024) Instructor: Chao Wang 王超 Teaching Assistant: Sheng-Yi Hung 洪盛益 Course Meetings: Mondays 15:30–17:20 and Fridays 10:20–11:10,

Jan 17, 2024

Course Name: CSC9006 Real-Time Systems 即時系統 (Spring 2023) Instructor: Chao Wang 王超 Teaching Assistant: Yi-Hsuan Tseng 曾翊瑄 Course Meetings: Thursdays 14:20-17:20 @ room S204,

Dec 18, 2022

Course Name: 00UB9L1 English (III): English for Science 英文(三):科學英文 (Spring 2022) Instructor: Chao Wang 王超 Teaching Assistant: Guo-Hao Li 李

Dec 23, 2021

Course Name: CSU0032 Engineering Mathematics 工程數學 (Spring 2023) Instructor: Chao Wang 王超 Teaching Assistant: Michelle 李佳芸 Course Meetings: Tuesday 09:10–12:10 @ room B103, Gongguan

Sep 21, 2021

Course Name: CSU0032 Engineering Mathematics 工程數學 (Spring 2022) Instructor: Chao Wang 王超 Teaching Assistant: Po-Hsuan Chou 周柏瑄 Course Meetings: Tuesday 09:10–12:10, Gongguan Campus, classroom

Sep 21, 2021

Course Name: CSU0032 Engineering Mathematics 工程數學 (Fall 2023) Instructor: Chao Wang 王超 Teaching Assistant: Tzu Han Chiang 江子瀚 Course Meetings: Wednesdays 14:20–17:20 @ room

Sep 21, 2021

Note: This page is for the past semester. See the archives for historical course documents. Course Name: CSC9006 Real-Time Systems 即時系統 (Spring 2021) Instructor: Chao Wang 王

Feb 2, 2021

Note: This page is for the past semester. See the archives for historical course documents. Course Name: CSC0065 Special Topic: Information Systems 資訊系統專論 (Fall 2020)

Aug 17, 2020