


經濟部地址:10015 臺北市福州街15   總機:02-2321-2200


政策方針 /









Policy Goals and Guiding Principles:

 In the 21st century, the government needs to be an innovative, flexible, responsible, and constantly evolving learning team. To these ends, the MOEA through its ability to deliver an innovative, high-quality, and rapid response to the needs of business and the public, and the MOEA will serve a guiding role for business sector, develop an even more active partnership with private businesses, optimize the utilization and effectiveness of the nation's overall resources, enhance administrative efficiency, improve the domestic investment environment, and lead the economy through fair competition towards liberalization and internationalization, nourishing a vigorous private sector. The ministry will devote its efforts not only to guiding Taiwan's economy through the short-term obstacles it faces, but also to laying a solid foundation for long-term industrial growth

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上次修改日期: 2008/09/17。