Yi-Chun Chang

張宜君 國立臺灣師範大學教育學系副教授
研究專長: 教育社會學、 社會階層與流動、人口與勞動市場、 性別教育、量化研究

Yi-Chun Chang, Associate Professor, Department of Education, National Taiwan Normal University
RESEARCH INTERESTS: Sociology of Education, Social Stratification and Mobility, Demography and Labor Market, Gender Education, Quantitative Methodology
E-MAIL: yichunc@ntnu.edu.tw
Assistant Professor, Department of Education, National Taiwan Normal University
Assistant Professor (Non-tenure Track), Department of Education, National Taiwan Normal University
Postdoctoral Fellow at Population Studies Center, University of Michigan
Ph.D., Sociology, National Taiwan University
M.A., Sociology, National Taiwan University
B.A., Sociology, National ChengChi University

Yi-Chun Chang



  • 2012

    本文以 1999 年臺灣 921 地震為例,討論社會不平等如何導致受災風險的差 異,以及災後重建對社會不平等的影響。從社會脆弱性的觀點出發,我們認為 階級、族群與城鄉差距是造成民眾受災風險差異的主要因素,並且造成了災後 的社會不平等。本研究採用「臺灣教育長期追蹤資料庫」(Taiwan Education Panel Survey)2001年調查之第一波國中學生及家長問卷,該調查標示了部分受災戶。 我們發現地震災害的風險確實不是中立的,首先,臺灣的低技術工人與自營作 業者(包括部分農民)特別容易受災、資本家與經理人則較少受災;原住民與 客家族群在地震中傷亡比率也偏高;此外,城市居民的受災風險遠低於鄉村居 民。其次,為了同時控制風險分布並估計災後重建的影響,我們引進了處方迴 歸模型來估計在地震發生兩年之後,受災戶與非受災戶兒童的幸福感以及心理 憂鬱程度、家戶所得、家庭遭受經濟危機的機率的差異。結果發現,雖然受災 戶家庭及學童在上述四個方面都比非受災戶更糟,但是將受災風險隨機化之 後,災後重建的過程並沒有導致上述指標的惡化。換句話說,災區內的社會不 平等不是來自災後重建過程,而是來自受災風險的不平等,易於受災使得弱勢 者更弱勢。這個結論建議,災後重建不應只給予受災戶補償,而應改善災區的 社會不平等。
    (與林宗弘合著)(with Thung-Hong Lin) 全文連結

  • 2013

    (與林宗弘合著) (with Thung-Hong Lin) 全文連結

  • 2014

    本研究在臺灣升學主義脈絡下,討論家庭在暑假期間提供學生系統性的暑期活動,是否能夠有效提升中學生的各項分析能力及其階級差異;並檢視過去暑期活動相關研究在方法論上的爭議,採用固定效果模型(fixed effects model)解決學生暑期活動安排可能存在的自我篩選的內生性問題,為理論提供更細緻的實證分析。本研究採用台灣教育長期追蹤資料庫(TEPS)第一波至第三波國中樣本,分析結果發現高社經地位家庭能夠提供子女更多參與結構性暑期活動的機會;再者,結構性暑期活動的影響效果依分析能力類型而異,除了才藝課程的負向影響之外,大多有助於學生各項分析能力的提升,但影響效果十分有限。最後,非勞動階級背景的學生參與學業相關課程及閱讀課外書籍獲益的程度高於勞動階級背景的學生;而參與語言及電腦相關課程則對非勞動階級的學生較有益。本文結果在理論及方法論層次上,回應並補充過去研究觀點,並於文末討論教育制度的變化可能如何影響暑期活動的效果與方向,及其對於學生的衝擊。全文連結

  • 2015

    While disaster studies researchers usually view risk as a function of hazard, exposure, and vulnerability, few studies have systematically examined the relationships among the various physical and socioeconomic determinants underlying disasters, and fewer have done so through seismic risk analysis. In the context of the 1999 Chi-Chi earthquake in Taiwan, this study constructs three statistical models to test different determinants that affect disaster fatality at the village level, including seismic hazard, exposure of population and fragile buildings, and demographic and socioeconomic vulnerability. The Poisson regression model is used to estimate the impact of these factors on fatalities. Research results indicate that although all of the determinants have an impact on seismic fatality, some indicators of vulnerability, such as gender ratio, percentages of young and aged population, income and its standard deviation, are the important determinants deteriorating seismic risk. These findings have strong social implications for policy interventions to mitigate such disasters.
    (with Lin, Kuan-Hui Elaine, Gee-Yu Liu, Chuang-Han Chan, Thung-Hong Lin, and Chin-HsunYeh) 全文連結

  • 2015

    (與林宗弘合著) (with Thung-Hong Lin) 全文連結

  • 2016

    In this study, we examine the educational effects of sibship sex composition using data from the 2002 and 2007 waves of the Taiwan Social Change Survey (N = 11,608). The results show that men with older siblings, especially older sisters, have higher educational attainment, while women with younger siblings have lower educational attainment. Moreover, the positive effect of having an additional older sibling on educational attainment is only present among older cohorts and larger families, but not younger cohorts or smaller families. These results imply that parental son preference in educational investment among Taiwanese parents will likely disappear once social norms no longer support son preference, especially in the current low fertility context. Hence, we anticipate that the gender gap in educational attainment will continue to diminish.
    (with Jui-Chung Allen Li) 全文連結

  • 2016

    本研究不同於過去以個體、平均薪資的觀點討論勞動市場變遷,而是以工作取代個人、分配替代平均,引進工作取徑(job approach)與相 對分配方法(relative distribution method),來描繪勞動市場35年來工作機會結構的變遷,並以區域勞動市場的分析架構,解釋可能影響因素。 延續偏向技術性勞動的科技改變(skill-biased technological change)的理論觀點,檢視產業結構變遷對勞動市場工作機會分布變化的影響。研究結果發現:勞動市場的整體工作機會分布的趨勢為高薪工作機會先增後減,而低薪工作機會先減後增,但近年有往兩極化發展的趨勢。再者, 工作機會分布的變化,主要受到產業結構轉型影響,後工業化促使工作 機會兩極化,在製造業從業人口維持穩定的情況下,產業結構變遷的影響主要表現在服務業的內部分化,高技術服務業提供了大量的高薪工作機會,使勞動市場進一步兩極分化。此結果在政策上說明了要減緩勞動 市場惡化或工作機會分布不均等問題,應該將關注視角轉移至服務業內部分化效果,才能真正有效地達到穩定勞動市場的目的。 全文連結

  • 2017

    在聯合國國際減災辦公室及政府間氣候變遷小組的風險分析架構上,本研究將地震風險視為地震危害度 (hazard)、人口與建物暴露性 (exposure) 與脆弱性(vulnerability) 三項風險 (risk)因素的總體函數。我們以集集地震為分析案例,整合危害度、暴露性與脆弱性三類因素對房屋倒塌與人員死亡進行兩步驟的因果分析,以Poisson 迴歸模型進行估計。結果顯示,地震危害度、人口與建物暴露性與社會經濟脆弱性對集合式住宅倒塌棟數與全倒戶數皆有影響,即使在控制集合式住宅倒塌棟數與房屋全倒戶數之後,前述三項風險因素對地震死亡人數仍具統計顯著效應。其中地震的災害變量與人口建物暴露變量的效果最顯著,震動強度、斷層經過與集合式住宅倒塌三者加上其交互作用,是造成集集地震死亡的首要因素。相較之下社會脆弱性變量 ( 性別比、幼年人口、家戶所得、所得標準差) 雖然較弱但仍有顯著效應,會擴大集合式住宅棟數、全倒戶數與死亡人數。在學術上,本研究突顯跨領域理論與數據整合對分析與理解地震災難風險的重要性。在實務上,本研究建議應強化都市規劃、區域計畫、建築法規與社會扶助等機制,以降低對地震災害的暴險率與社會脆弱性。
    (與林冠慧、林宗弘、葉錦勳、劉季宇、詹忠翰、胡伯維合著)(with Kuan-Hui Elaine Lin, Thung-Hong Lin, Bo-Wei Hu, Chin-Hsun Yeh, Chung-Han Chang, Gee-Yu Liu) 全文連結

  • 2017

    本研究延申排序理論的概念,討論勞動市場結構變遷對新進勞動者教育報酬的影響。本研究將進入勞動市場時期而形塑的集體經驗稱為「勞動市場世代」,應用階層線性模型分析世代共享的市場結構樣貌對教育報酬變遷的影響。研究結果發現:高等教育報酬隨世代而下降,而勞動市場轉型能充分解釋此變遷趨勢。勞動市場的供需結構對高/低技術勞動者造成不同的影響,高等教育擴張降低了高技術勞動者的教育報酬,同時緩減低技術勞動者的不利位置,而相左力量的科技發展則產生完全相反的效果。勞動市場的工作機會分布兩極化發展,僅提升高技術勞動者的教育報酬,而不利於低技術勞動者,特別是當整體高薪工作增加,只有利於原本就處於優勢位置的高技術勞動者。 全文連結


  • 2020

    近年來,臺灣社會輿論關注所得差距擴大、特別是世代之間所得差異的原因與後果。本文採用臺灣社會變遷基本調查,以內部估計模型(Intrinsic estimator, IE)分離人口學關注的年齡、時期與世代三個時間因素(age, period, cohort, APC)對臺灣民眾所得差異的影響,發現除了年齡、時期、教育、階級、性別等因素之外,有顯著的世代差異。戰後到1972年以前出生的嬰兒潮世代,享有經濟成長時期所帶來的所得優勢,而1978年後出生的年輕世代則普遍的所得較低。勞動市場供需結構是可能的影響機制,包括高教擴張提升技術勞動供給以及服務業低薪工作增加等,但多種外部因素的影響機制仍需後續研究深入探討。
    (與林宗弘合著) (with Thung-Hong Lin) 全文連結

  • 2020

    階層化研究是社會學領域中傳統但不可或缺的部分,從個體層次 的社會地位取得研究取徑,到宏觀層次的社會階級流動研究,台大社 會系都在此傳統領域中回應新現象、接合理論,引領台灣階層化研究 領域之發展。社會階層化領域以大量的實證研究為基礎,地位取得研 究取徑及社會流動研究皆仰賴大型調查資料,台大社會系與中央研究 院投注大量的資源與心力,參與或主導全台大規模的問卷調查,為台 灣社會階層化研究提供實證資料基礎。無論理論進展或資料蒐集,台 大社會系在台灣社會階層化領域發展都扮演關鍵角色。 全文連結

  • 2021

    Prior research studying the relationship between family background and curricular tracking estimates conditional logistic regressions without considering the sample selection, and finds small or non-robust effects. Given that sample selection bias may underestimate of the effects of family background on later schooling, we analyze Taiwan Education Panel Survey (TEPS) and compare models with and without adjusting the selection bias. We find that the effects of family background on curricular tracking become stronger in the Heckman two-stage probit model for selection bias than in the simple logistic regression. These results imply family background may play a more important role in students’ curricular choice than documented in the literature.
    (with Jui-Chung Allen Li and Jing-Yu Tsao) 全文連結

  • 2021

    過去聚焦系所選擇的性別差異之研究,視性別為個人特質,而家庭是性別信仰的守門人,但本研究意圖以互動視角將個人性別放置於其所處的性別環境。本研究結合STEM教育及手足結構兩大研究傳統,檢視手足性別組成對個人選組的影響。採用臺灣教育長期追蹤資料庫2001年高中生第一波樣本,分析結果顯示數學能力及自我教育期望與選擇自然組之間存在顯著正相關,且對女生的影響高於男生。擁有相異性別手足的學生傾向遵循性別傳統的選擇,有姊妹會增加男生選擇STEM教育的機會,而擁有兄弟則會降低女孩進入STEM課程的可能性,但此效果存在於家長從事非專業工作的家庭。此結果意味著手足的性別組成對個人教育機會的性別不對稱影響,可能從垂直分層轉成水平分化—選組行為運作。 全文連結

  • 2022
  • 2022

    臺灣社會輿論關注貧富差距,特別是不同世代之間的所得差異與「世代正義」議題。然而,所得世代差異同時混雜了整體經濟循環及勞動者生命階段、以及其教育程度與社會階級等因素的影響,其中有時間因素的多重效果即人口學關注的「年齡 (Age) 、時期 (Period) 與世代 (Cohort) 」(簡稱APC) 效果。由於長期追蹤資料較多屬單一或少數世代的限制,在研究方法上,本研究希望以多次調查的橫斷面資料整併之後,運用APC的概念拆解所得的世代差異。本研究整合了多期橫斷面的家庭收支調查家內之個人所得,時間為1990~2020,並以APC內部估計模型同時呈現年齡、時期與世代的拆解效果,主要發現臺灣社會個人所得差異的變化趨勢如下:(1)個人所得的教育與階級差異擴大:雖然大學畢業生的平均收入下降、研究所以上的收入仍有提升;資本家與自營作業者、技術工人與非技術工人之間的差異隨著時間擴大,以及(2)戰後嬰兒潮與千禧世代之間收入差異持續顯著未見縮減。在結論與討論有改善調查方法的實務建議。
    (與林宗弘、李俊穎合著) (with Thung-Hong Lin and Chun-Yin Lee) 全文連結

  • 2022

    (與林宗弘、李俊穎合著) (with Thung-Hong Lin and Chun-Yin Lee) 全文連結


  • 2018-2020

  • 2019-2020

  • 2020-2021

  • 2021-2022

  • 2022-2023


  • 2007-2012

    ●Chang, Yi-Chun. 2007. “Girls’ Power: The Effects of Sibship Sex Composition on Women’s Educational Attainment.” presented at the Annual Conference of Taiwanese Sociological Association, National Taiwan University, Taipei, Taiwan, Nov. 24-25. (in Chinese)
    ●Chang, Yi-Chun. 2008. “The Effects of Ability Grouping on Mathematic Achievement.” presented at the Annual Conference of Taiwanese Sociological Association, Academia Sinica, Taipei, Taiwan, Dec.13-14. (in Chinese)
    ●Chang, Yi-Chun. 2009. “The Effects of Summer Activities on Educational Achievements.” presented at the Annual Conference of Taiwanese Sociological Association, Soochow University, Taipei, Taiwan, Nov. 24-25.presented at the Annual Conference of Taiwanese Sociological Association, Academia Sinica, Taipei, Taiwan, Dec.13-14. (in Chinese)
    ●Chang, Yi-Chun. 2009. “The Effects of Summer Activities on Educational Achievements.” presented at the Annual Conference of Taiwanese Sociological Association, Soochow University, Taipei, Taiwan, Nov. 24-25.presented at the Annual Conference of Taiwanese Sociological Association, Academia Sinica, Taipei, Taiwan, Dec.13-14. (in Chinese)
    ●Chang, Yi-Chun. 2010. “Are Brothers and Sisters Different? The Effects of Sibship Sex Composition on Educational Attainment in Taiwan.” presented at the Third Next-Generation Global Workshop, Kyoto University, Kyoto, Japan, Dec. 11-12.
    ●Chang, Yi-Chun, and Thung-Hong Lin. 2010. “Disaster and Inequality: Class, Ethnicity and Hazard in an Earthquake.” presented at the Annual Conference of Taiwanese Sociological Association, Fu Jen Catholic University, Taipei, Taiwan, Dec. 4-5. (in Chinese)
    ●Chang, Yi-Chun, and Thung-Hong Lin. 2011. “A Disaster of Data? Social Surveys’ Limitations in the 921 Earthquake.” presented at the Annual Conference of Taiwanese Sociological Association, National Taiwan University, Taipei, Taiwan, Dec. 10-11. (in Chinese)
    ●Chang, Yi-Chun. 2011. “Beyond Credential: The Effects of Educational Pathways on Occupational Attainment.” presented at International Symposium for Young Sociologists of Taiwan, Japan and South Korea, Yonsei University, Seoul, Korea, Nov. 11-12.
    ●Chang, Yi-Chun, and Jui-Chung Allen Li. 2012. “Budget Constraints and Son Preference in Educational Investment in Taiwan.” presented at the Annual Meeting of the Population Association of America, San Francisco, CA, USA, May 3-5.

  • 2013-2023

    ●Chang, Yi-Chun, and Thung-Hong Lin. 2013. “How Does the Higher Education Expansion Reproduce Class Inequality? The Case of Taiwan, 1976-2012.” presented at the Annual Conference of Taiwanese Sociological Association, National Chengchi University, Taipei, Taiwan, Nov. 30-Dec. 1. (in Chinese)
    ●Li, Jui-Chung Allen, and Yi-Chun Chang. 2014. “Exploring the Sense of Justice about Grades in Group Projects.” presented at the XVIII ISA World Congress of Sociology, Yokohama, Japan, Jul. 13-19.
    ●Chang, Yi-Chun. 2015. “Job Opportunities and Industrial Transformation in Taiwan, 1978-2012.” presented at the Annual Meeting of the Population Association of America, San Diego, CA, USA, Apr.30-May 2.
    ●Chang Yi-Chun. 2016. “Imaginative Standard Lives: Cohort Difference in Wage Trajectory.” presented at the Annual Conference of Taiwanese Sociological Association, National Dong Hwa University, Huilien, Taiwan, Nov. 26-27. (in Chinese)
    ●Chang, Yi-Chun, and Thung-Hong Lin. 2016 “Cohort Inequality in Income Distribution in Taiwan” presented at the 27th Conference on the Taiwan Social Change Survey, Academia Sinica, Taipei, Taiwan. Nov. 3-4. (in Chinese)
    ●Chang, Yi-Chun. 2016. “Cohort Differences in Return to Higher Education in Taiwan, 1978-2012: The Role of Labor Market Transformation.” presented at the Annual Meeting of the Population Association of America, Washington DC, USA, Mar. 31-Apr. 2.
    ●Chang, Yi-Chun. 2017. “The Effects of Career Trajectory on Retirement Decision.” presented at the Annual Meeting of the Population Association of America, Chicago, IL, USA, Apr. 27-29.
    ●Li, Jui-Chung Allen, Yi-Chun Chang*, & Jing-Yu Tsao. 2018 " Family Background and Curricular Tracking among Taiwanese High School Students " Paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the Taiwanese Sociological Association. Chiao Tung University, Hsin-Chu,Taiwan. Dec.1-2. (*Corresponding Author)
    ●Chang, Chin-fen and Yi-Chun Chang. 2019. " Educational Homogamy and Income Differences among Households: Comparing Korea, Japan and Taiwan in 2006 and 2016. " Paper presented at the 2019 International Conference of ISA Research Committee 06 (RC-06) on “The Family in Modern and Global Societies: Persistence and Change”. Vietnam Sociological Association, Hanoi, Vietnam, October 18-19
    ●Chang, Yi-Chun. 2019. " The Effects of Sibship Structure on the Decision of STEM Curriculum Track in Senior High School " will be presented at the Annual Meeting of Population Association of American. Austin, TX, USA. Apr.10-13.
    ●Li, Jui-Chung Allen, and Yi-Chun Chang*. 2019. “Free Rider in the Classroom: Exploring the Sense of Justice about Grades in Group Projects.” presented at the Annual Conference of Taiwanese Sociological Association, Academia Sinica, Taipei, Taiwan. Nov. 31-Dec. 1. (*Corresponding Author)
    ●Chang, Yi-Chun, Thung-Hong Lin, Chun-Yin Lee. 2020 “Revisit Income Gap between Classes and Cohorts in Taiwan: The Comparison among Social Chang Survey, Family Income Survey, and Human Resources Survey, 1994-2019.” Paper presented at the 35th Conference on the Taiwan Social Change Survey, Academia Sinica, Taipei, Taiwan. Dec. 4. (in Chinese)
    ●Li, Jui-Chung Allen, and Yi-Chun Chang*. 2020. “Free Rider in the Classroom: Exploring the Sense of Justice about Grades in Group Projects.” Paper presented at the Annual Conference of American Sociological Association, San Francisco, USA. Aug 8-11. (online)(*Corresponding Author)
    ●Chang, Yi-Chun. 2020. "The Effects of Entry and Degree Attainment in STEM Major on Earnings among College Graduates." Paper will be presented at the Annual Meeting of Population Association of American. Washington DC, USA. Apr.23-25.
    ●Li, Jui-Chung Allen, and Yi-Chun Chang. 2022. “Calibrating Continuous Ratings with Proxy Respondents in Telephone Surveys.” Paper presented at the American Association for Public Opinion Research, Chicago, IL.
    ●江書葳、張宜君、張育慈,2023,〈不一樣的挫折感?學科挫折感對高中生選組行為之影響〉。《第29 屆臺灣教育社會學論壇》,臺北市:國立臺北教育大學,5/5-6。


  • 2013


  • 2017


  • 2019


  • 2022







Yi-Chun Chang

Yi-Chun Chang


2016/08 – 2023/12 《教育研究集刊》執行編輯
2019/09 – 2022/08 臺灣教育社會學會秘書處學術股長
2022/01 – 2023/12 臺灣社會學會秘書處副秘書長
2022/08 – 迄今 《臺灣教育社會學研究》執行編輯
2024/01 – 迄今 《教育研究集刊》編輯委員
2023/08 – 迄今 國立臺灣師範大國語教學中心教務組組長