¤@¡B¬ã¨s¦¨ªG²¤¶ ¥»¹êÅç«Ç¦h¦~¨ÓP¤O©ó±´°Q¡u®ðÔÅܾE¤U»OÆW»P¾Fªñ¦a°Ïªº°¤ô¯S©ÊÅܤƤάÛÃö¾÷¨î¡v(Table1)¡C¯S§O¬O°w¹ï¡u¤j¤Ø«×Àô¬yªºªø´ÁÅܾE¹ï»OÆW»PµØ«n¦a°Ï¤é©]Åܤư¤ô¨Æ¥ó(diurnal rainfall events; ¦p¤È«á¹ï¬y)¤§¼vÅT¡v³oÓijÃD¦³¤@¨t¦Cªº¤ÀªR¤Î¦¨ªG¡A¬ã¨s¤º®e¥]¬AÆ[´ú (§t½Ã¬PÆ[´ú¤Î´ú¯¸Æ[´ú) ¸ê®Æ¤Î¼Ò¦¡¼ÒÀÀ(§t¥þ²y¼Ò¦¡¤Î°Ï°ì¼Ò¦¡)¸ê®Æªº¤ÀªR¡A¤ÀªRªº®É¶¡¤Ø«×¥]¬A:®ðÔ¥§¡³õ¡Bªø´ÁÁͶաB¦~¥N»ÚÅܤơB¦~»ÚÅܤơB©u¤º¾_ÀúÅܤơA¥H¤Î¥¼¨Ó®ðÔÅܾE¤Uªº±À¦ô¡C ³z¹L¦hºØÆ[´ú¸ê®Æªº¤ÀªR«á§Ú̵o²{¡G(1) »OÆWªº¤é©]Åܤư¤ô¨Æ¥ó¡A¨ä®É¶¡¤À¥¬¦³°Ï°ì©Ê®t²§¡A¥B¦¹®t²§»P¡u¤j¤Ø«×»P°Ï°ì¤Ø«×¤é©]Àô¬y¤§¶¡ªº¥æ¤¬§@¥Î¡v¦³Ãö¡]Huang and Wang, 2014; Huang and Chang, 2018a¡^¡C(2) »OÆW»PµØ«n¦a°Ï±ö«B©uªº¾W±°¤ô¤Î¤È«á¹ï¬y°¤ô¬Ò¦s¦bµÛªø´ÁÁͶÕÅܤơA¥B¦¹ÁͶÕÅܤƩM¤j®ðÀô¬y¼ö¤O¡B°Ê¤O¹Lµ{ªºªø´ÁÅܾE¦³Ãö¡]Huang and Chen, 2015a; Chang and Huang*, 2016¡^¡C(3)¡u»OÆW¦a°Ï¤È«á¹ï¬y°¤ô¤§ªø´ÁÁͶաv¦s¦bµÛÅãµÛªº°Ï°ì©Ê®t²§¡A¥B¦¹®t²§¥ç¬O¨ü¨ì¤j¤Ø«×Àô¬yÅܾEªº¼vÅT¡]Huang et al., 2015b¡^¡C(4)»OÆW¦a°Ï¤È«á¹ï¬y°¤ôªºµo¥ÍÀW²v¤Î°«B±j«×·|¨ü¨ì¤j¤Ø«×Àô¬y©u¤º¾_Àú²{¶H¡]Huang and Chang, 2018b¡^¡AªF¤Ó¥¬v®ü·Åªº¦~»ÚÅܤƼvÅT (Huang et al., 2019a)¤Î¦~¥N»ÚÅܤƼvÅT (Huang et al., 2018c)¡C ¦¹¥~¡A³z¹L¦hºØCMIP5¡B6¡]Coupled Model Intercomparison Project Phase 5¡BPhase 6¡^®ðÔ¼Ò¦¡¸ê®Æ¤ÀªR¡B°Ï°ì¼Ò¦¡°¤Ø«×¸ê®Æ¤ÀªR¡A§ÚÌÀ˵ø¤F¤£¦P¼Ò¦¡¹ïªF¨È(§t»OÆW)¦a°Ï¥¼¨Ó°¤ôÅܤƤ§±À¦ôµ²ªG¡C§Ú̪º¬ã¨sµo²{¡G(1) 18 ÓCMIP5¼Ò¦¡¤¤¥HCMCC-CM¼Ò¦¡³Ì¯à´x´¤ªF¨È¦a°Ï±ö«B©u¤é©]Åܤư¤ô¤§®ÉªÅ¤À¥¬±¡ªp¡C¦¹¼Ò¦¡±À¦ô¥¼¨Ó»OÆW»PµØ«n¦a°Ï¨ü¨ì¡u¨ãªF²¾¶Ç¼½¯S©Êªº°¤ô¨t²Î¼vÅT¡v¤§¾÷·|±NÅܦh¡]Huang and Wang, 2017¡^¡C(2) ±N¥þ²y¼Ò¦¡¸ê®Æ³z¹LWRF¼Ò¦¡¶i¦æ°Ê¤O°¤Ø«×«áªºµ²ªG¡A¯à¦³®Ä§ïµ½¼Ò¦¡ªí¼x»OÆW®L©u¤é©]Åܤư¤ô¨Æ¥óªº®É¡BªÅ¤À¥¬¯S©Ê¡]Huang
et al., 2016a¡^¡A¥B¦¹¤èªk¥ç¾A¥Î©ó§ïµ½¼Ò¦¡ªí¼xµØ«n»P§f§º¦a°Ï®L©u¤é©]°¤ôªº®É¡BªÅ¯S©Ê¤À¥¬¡]Huang
et al., 2016b¡^¡C(3) °Ï°ì¼Ò¦¡°¤Ø«×±À¦ô¥¼¨Ó¦]¨ü¨ì¤j¤Ø«×®ðÔÅܾEªº¼vÅT¡A¦UÃþ«¬ªº°¤ô¡]§t¤È«á¹ï¬y¡B¾W±¡B»ä·¤Î¨ä¥L«n¨Óªº°¤ô¨t²Î¡^¹ï»OÆW®L©u°¤ô¶qªº°^Äm±N¦³©Ò¤£¦P¡]Huang
et al., 2016c¡^¡A¨ä¤¤¤È«á¹ï¬yªºÀW²v±N¸û²{¦b¤Ö¡C(4) ³Ì·s¤@¥NªºCMIP6¼Ò¦¡¤¤¡A¥HEC-Earth3 ¨t¦C²£«~¹ï»OÆW¡BµØ«n¤Î§f§º¤È«á¹ï¬y°«B¨Æ¥óªºÀW²v¡B±j«×ªí²{¬°³Ì¦n¡C¤j³¡¤ÀªºCMIP6¼Ò¦¡³£¹w´ú¥¼¨Ó»OÆWªº¤È«á¹ï¬y°«B¨Æ¥ó¦³ÀW²v´î¤Ö¡B±j«×¼W±jªº²{¶H¡C¦¹©M¤j®ðªº°Ê¤O¡B¼ö¤O±ø¥óÅܤƦ³Ãö (Huang et al. 2021a)¡C ªñ¨Ó¡A§ÚÌ¥ç°w¹ï»OÆWªº·¥ºÝ°¤ôÅܤƦb¹L¥h(Huang et al., 2019b) ¤Î¥¼¨Ó(Huang et al., 2019c)¦³¥i¯à·|¦p¦ó¨ü¨ì¤j¤Ø«×Àô¬yÅܤƶi¦æ¬ÛÃö¬ã¨s¡C¨Ã¥B§Ú̧Q¥ÎCESM2-LE¤ÎCMIP6¼Ò¦¡±´°Q¤F»OÆW±ö«B©u°«B©µ¿ð²{¶Hªº¥i¯à¥¼¨ÓÅܾE(Huang et al., 2022a)¡C¥t¤@¤è±¡A§ÚÌ°w¹ï¡u·s¤@¥N½Ã¬P¸ê®Æ¹ï»OÆW°¤ô¯S¦âªºªí²{¯à¤Oµû¦ô»PÀ³¥Î¡v¦³¤@¨t¦C¬ÛÃö¦¨ªGµoªí(Huang et al., 2018d;
Huang et al., 2020; Liu and Huang, 2020; Huang et al., 2021b,c,d;
Hsu et al., 2021a,b)¡C¦¹¥~¡A§ÚÌ¥ç¨Ï¥ÎMODIS½Ã¬PÆ[´ú¸ê®Æ·f°t¦a±Æ[´ú¸ê®Æ¶i¦æ¤ÀªR¡A¤F¸Ñ¤¤«n¥b®q¬K©u¥Í½è¿U¿N¹ï»OÆW³ÀªL¤sÆ[´ú¨ìªºPM10ªº¦~»ÚÅܤƤ§¥i¯à¼vÅT¡A¨Ã±qÀô¬y¡B°¤ô³õªºÅܤƴ£¨Ñ¬ÛÃö°Ê¤O¡B¼ö¤O¸ÑÄÀ (Huang et al., 2016d)¡C¥t¤@¤è±¡A§Ṳ́]¨Ï¥Î½Ã¬P°¤ô¹ï§f§º®L©u¤é¹ï¬y°«Bªº¹L¥hÅܾE¯S¦â¤Î¦¨¦]¶i¦æ¤ÀªR(Huang et al., 2022b)¡C³o¨Ç¬ã¨s¦¨ªG¬Ò¦³§U©ó§Ṳ́F¸Ñ»OÆW»P¾Fªñ¦a°Ïªº°¤ô¦³¥i¯à·|¦p¦ó¨ü¨ì®ðÔÅܾEªº¼vÅT¡C My academic expertise is
in climate data analysis and dynamic mechanism examination of global and
regional precipitation changes. Most of my research has focused
on exploring how climate change affects precipitation changes in Taiwan
(Table 1). In particular, I have conducted a series of studies to prove that
the local afternoon rainfall events in Taiwan are affected by large-scale
circulation changes on multiple timescales. The time scales covered by my
research topics include: climatology, long-term trend, interdecadal
variation, interannual variation, intraseasonal
variation, and future projection. The major achievement of this research group is to
successfully investigate the characteristics and maintenance mechanisms of
afternoon rainfall activities in Taiwan from a new perspective of changes in
multiple timescales. For a long time, the afternoon rainfall convection in
Taiwan has been regarded as a local event mainly modulated by changes in the
local diurnal circulation. However, our research works show that the
activities (frequency and intensity) of afternoon convective rainfall in
Taiwan include long-term trend, interdecadal, interannual, and intraseasonal changes. These changes are not only
regulated by changes in local circulation, but also by changes in large-scale
circulation. In addition, through the application of global climate model
data, our research works have demonstrated the possible impact of future
atmospheric circulation changes on precipitation in Taiwan. These findings
are very important for understanding how the precipitation in Taiwan can be
affected by global climate changes. Recently, we have also expanded research
interests to prove the ability of new satellite precipitation observations
applied for research uses in Taiwan. Table
¥»¬ã¨s«Ç¥D¾Éªº¬ã¨sijÃD²Î¾ã¡CSummary of the work led
by this research group. ªñ´Á¬ã¨s²¤¶¡G ¡P
MJO¹ï©ó´µ¨½Äõ¥d¬K¬î©u¸`¤é¹ï¬y°¤ô¨Æ¥óªº¼vÅT (Huang et al., 2024; npj Clim Atmos Sci) ¡P
¥þ²y·x¤Æ¤U¡A®ü·ÅÅܤƹï»OÆW¥¼¨Ó¤È«á¹ï¬y¬¡°Ê¯S¼xªº¼vÅT (Huang et al., 2023; npj Clim Atmos Sci) ¡P
2022 ¦~ 1-2 ¤ë»OÆW·¥ºÝ°¤ô¯S¼x¤Î¦¨¦] (Huang et al., 2022; Weather and Climate Extremes) ¡P
µØ«n©M»OÆWªì®L°¤ô¯S¼xªº¥¼¨Ó±À¦ô (Huang et al., 2022; JGR-Atmos.) ¡P
CMIP6 ¼Ò¦¡¹ïªF«n¨È®L©u¤È«á¹ï¬y°«B¬¡°Êªº¼ÒÀÀ»P±À¦ô (Huang et al., 2021; Journal of Climate) ¡P
¦p¦ó§ó¦³®Ä¦a§Q¥ÎSPEI«ü¼ÆºÊ´úµu´Á¥B§Ö³tµo®iªº°®§ò»P¼éÀã¨Æ¥ó (Li and Huang, 2021; Sci. Total
Environ.) ¡P
¦h½Ã¬P¸ê®ÆÆ[´ú§f§º®q®L©u±Þ©]°¤ôªºªø´ÁÅÜ¤Æ (Huang et al., 2021; Int. J. Appl. Earth Obs.) ¡P
¥þ²y°¤ô½Ã¬PÆ[´ú¸ê®Æªº°Ï°ì©Ê®t²§¡G§f§º®qªºµo²{ (Lee and
Huang, 2023; Earth
and Space Science) ¡P
¦h¤Ø«×Àô¬y¥æ¤¬§@¥Î¹ï§f§º®q¬K©u¤é°¤ôªº¼vÅT (Lee et al., 2021; Scientific Reports) |
¤G¡BºaÅA¨Æ¶µ Ø ®Õ¥~ 1. ¬ì§Þ³¡§d¤j·ß¥ý¥Í¬ö©À¼ú (2018) 2. ¤¤µØ¥Á°ê¦a²y¬ì¾Ç¾Ç·|¤j¹D·s¤H¼ú (2017) 3. ¬ì§Þ³¡Àu¨q¦~»´¾ÇªÌpµe (2017) 4.
¬ì§Þ³¡¸É§U¤j±M®Õ°|¼úÀy¯S®íÀu¨q¤H¤~ (2016-2023) 5. ¦a²y¬ì¾Ç¶°¥Z (Terr. Atmos. Ocean. Sci. Journal) 2017-2018 Àu¨}¼f¬d¤H¼ú 6. ¤¤µØ¥Á°ê¤j®ð¬ì¾Ç´Á¥ZÀu¨}½×¤å¼ú (2018¡B2020) 7. ®ü®l¨â©¤«C¦~¤j®ð¬ì¾Ç¾Ç³N¬ã°Q·|³Ì¨Î½×¤å¼ú (2016) 8. °Ñ»Pªº½×¤åWang et al.
(2015) Àò¬ü°êCBS News³ø¾É Ø ®Õ¤º 1. °ê¥ß»OÆW®v½d¤j¾Ç¯S¸u±Ð±Â (2019-2021) 2. °ê¥ß»OÆW®v½d¤j¾ÇÀu¸u±Ð±Â (2014-2018) 3. °ê¥ß»OÆW®v½d¤j¾Ç107¦~«×¬ã¨sÁZÀu¼ú (2019) 4. °ê¥ß»OÆW®v½d¤j¾Ç111¦~«×±Ð¾ÇÀu¨}¼ú (2022) ¤T¡B¾Ç³NªA°È 1. ¦æ¬F°|¤¤¥¡¨a®`¨¾±Ï·|³ø©eû (2023/8-2025/7) 2. ¦æ¬F°|¨a®`¨¾±Ï±M®a¿Ô¸ß©eû·|²Ä¤Q¤@©¡©eû (»ä¬x²Õ¥l¶°¤H) (2023-2024) 3. ¦æ¬F°|¨a®`¨¾±Ï±M®a¿Ô¸ß©eû·|²Ä¤Q©¡©eû (»ä¬x²Õ) (2021-2022) 4. ¤º¬F³¡¥DºÞ¤¤¥¡¨a®`¨¾±Ï·~°ÈpµeÀË°Qºë¶i±M®×±À°Ê±À°Ê¤p²Õ(·¨a²Õ)©eû (2021-2023) 5. ·s¥_¥«²Ä¤C©¡¨a®`¨¾±Ï±M®a¿Ô¸ß©eû (2023-2024) 6. ·s¥_¥«²Ä¤»©¡¨a®`¨¾±Ï±M®a¿Ô¸ß©eû (2021-2022) 7. ¬ì§Þ³¡¤j®ð¬ì¾Ç¾Çªù½Æ¼f©eû(2021-2023) 8. ¬ì§Þ³¡¨¾¨a¾Çªù®ð¶H²Õ½Æ¼f©eû(2018-2020) 9. ¤¤µØ¥Á°ê®ð¶H¾Ç·|¤j®ð¬ì¾Ç´Á¥Z¥D½s (2021-Now) 10. Associate guest editor of TAO special issue: Taiwan-Philippine VOTE-Meteorology: Typhoon study and
related natural hazard (2021) ¥|¡B
¾Ç³NµÛ§@ (*³q°T§@ªÌ¡F +¬ã¨s«Ç¦¨û) 1.
Huang, W.-R.*, S. B. Koralegedara+, T.-Y.
Chiang+, C.‑A. Lee+, P.-H. Tung+, Y.-T. Chien+, and L. Deng, 2024: The Impact of the
Madden-Julian Oscillation on Spring and Autumn Diurnal Convection in Sri
Lanka. npj Climate and Atmospheric Science. 7,
42. https://doi.org/10.1038/s41612-024-00586-5 (IF: 9.0) Nature ¤l´Á¥Z 2.
Huang, W.-R.*, Y.-T. Chien+, C.-T. Cheng, H.-H.
Hsu, and S. B. Koralegedara+, 2023: The
Role of Sea Surface Temperature in Shaping the Characteristics of Future
Convective Afternoon Rainfall in Taiwan. npj Climate and Atmospheric Science.
6, 198. https://doi.org/10.1038/s41612-023-00528-7
(IF: 9.0) Nature ¤l´Á¥Z 3.
C.-A.+ and W.-R.
Huang*, 2023. Advantages of GSMaP data for
multi-timescale precipitation estimation in Luzon. Earth and Space Science, 10, e2023EA002980. https://doi.org/10.1029/2023EA002980 (IF: 3.68) 4.
Koralegedara, S.B.+, W.-R.
Huang*, P.-H. Tung+ and T.-Y. Chiang+, 2023. El
Niño-Southern Oscillation modulation of springtime diurnal rainfall over a
tropical Indian Ocean island. Earth and
Space Science, 10, e2023EA002832. https://doi.org/10.1029/2023EA002832 (IF: 3.68) 5.
Huang, W.-R.*, S. B. Koralegedara+, P.-H. Tung+
and T.-Y. Chiang+, 2023: Seasonal changes in diurnal rainfall over
Sri Lanka and possible mechanisms. Atmospheric
Research, 286, 106692. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.atmosres.2023.106692 (IF: 5.965) 6.
S.-C., W.-R. Huang*, Y.-C.
Wu, Y.-C. Yu, J.-L. Chu, and B. J.-D. Jou, 2022:
Characteristics and causes of Taiwan's extreme rainfall in 2022 January and
February. Weather and Climate Extremes.
100532. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.wace.2022.100532 (IF: 7.761) 7.
J.+, W.-R.
Huang*, and P.-Y. Liu+, 2022: Comprehensive analysis of
PERSIANN products in studying the precipitation variations over Luzon, Remote
Sens. 14, 5900. https://doi.org/10.3390/rs14225900 (IF: 5.349) 8.
Huang, W-R*,
P.-Y. Liu+, S.-Y. Lee, and C.-H. Wu, 2022a: Changes
in early summer precipitation characteristics over South China and Taiwan:
CESM2-LE and CMIP6 multi-model simulations and projections. Journal of
Geophysical Research ¡V Atmospheres. 127, e2022JD037181. https://doi.org/10.1029/2022JD037181 (IF: 5.217) 9.
Huang, W.-R.*, J. Hsu+, P.-Y. Liu+, and L. Deng,
2022b: Multiple satellite-observed long-term changes in the summer diurnal
precipitation over Luzon and its adjacent seas during 2000¡V2019. International
Journal of Applied Earth Observation and Geoinformation, 110, 102816. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jag.2022.102816 (IF: 7.672) 10.
Wu, C.-H.*, P.-C. Tsai, W.-R. Huang, and S.-Y. Simon Wang, 2022: Winter¡Vsummer
contrast of the 1990s decadal change in relation to Afro¡VAsian monsoons. Climate
Dynamics. 59, 1969¡V1980. https://doi.org/10.1007/s00382-022-06191-7 (IF: 4.901) 11.
Huang S.-H., P.-Y.
Lai, S.-Y. Hwang*, Krishna Borhara, W.-R.
Huang, and S.-Y. Wang, 2022: Climate Variability Shifting Immigrated
Rice Planthoppers in Taiwan. Climate Variability Shifting Immigrated Rice
Planthoppers in Taiwan. Climate,
10, 71. https://doi.org/10.3390/cli10050071 12.
Chien, F.-C.*, W.-R. Huang, and B. J.-D. Jou,
2021: Introduction to the special issue on Taiwan-Philippine
VOTE-Meteorology: Typhoon Study and Related Natural Hazard. Terr. Atmos. Ocean. Sci., 32, 613-617.
DOI: 10.3319/TAO.2021.10.13.01 (IF: 0.963) 13. Huang, W.-R.*, Y.-H. Chang+, L. Deng, and P.-Y. Liu+, 2021a:
Simulation and Projection of Summer Convective Afternoon Rainfall Activities
over Southeast Asia in CMIP6 Models. Journal
of Climate, 34,
5001¡V5016. https://doi.org/10.1175/JCLI-D-20-0788.1 (IF: 5.38) 14.
J.+, W.-R.
Huang*, and P.-Y. Liu+, 2021a: Performance assessment of
GPM-based near-real-time satellite products in depicting diurnal
precipitation variation over Taiwan. Journal
of Hydrology: regional studies, 38, 100957. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ejrh.2021.100957 (IF: 5.437) 15.
X. and W.-R. Huang*, 2021: How
long should the pre-existing climatic water balance be considered when
capturing short-term wetness and dryness over China by using SPEI? Science of the Total Environment, 786,
147575. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.scitotenv.2021.147575 (IF:
10.754) 16. Huang, W.-R.*, P.-Y. Liu+, and J. Hsu+, 2021b: Multiple
timescale assessment of wet season precipitation estimation over Taiwan using
the PERSIANN family products.
International Journal of Applied Earth Observation and Geoinformation,
103, 102521. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jag.2021.102521 (IF: 7.672) 17.
S.-H., C.-T. Chen*, S. Russo; W.-R.
Huang, M.-F. Shih, 2021: Tracking Heatwave Extremes from an Event
Perspective. Weather and Climate
Extremes, 34, 100371. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.wace.2021.100371 (IF: 7.761) 18.
C.-A. +, W.-R.
Huang*, Y.-H. Chang+, and S.-M. Huang,
2021: Impact of multiple-scale circulation
interactions on the spring diurnal precipitation over Luzon. Scientific
Reports. 11, 9937. https://doi.org/10.1038/s41598-021-89392-0 (IF: 4.6) Nature ¤l´Á¥Z 19. Huang, W.-R.*, P.-Y. Liu+, J. Hsu+, X. Li, L. Deng, 2021c:
Assessment of near-real-time satellite precipitation products from GSMaP in monitoring rainfall variations over Taiwan. Remote Sensing, 13, 202. https://doi.org/10.3390/rs13020202 (IF: 5.349) 20.
Huang, W.-R.*, P.Y. Liu+,
Y.H. Chang+, and C.A. Lee+, 2021d: Evaluation
of IMERG Level-3 Products in Depicting the July to October Rainfall over
Taiwan: Typhoon Versus Non-Typhoon. Remote
13, 622. https://doi.org/10.3390/rs13040622 (IF: 5.349) 21. Hsu, J. +, W.-R.
Huang*, P.-Y. Liu+, and X. Li,
2021b: Validation of CHIRPS
precipitation estimates over Taiwan at multiple timescales. Remote Sensing, 13, 254. https://doi.org/10.3390/rs13020254 (IF: 5.349) 22.
Deng, L., W.-R.
Huang*, J. Chen, and S.-Y. Wang, 2021: Dissipation process of summer
tropical easterly waves in Western North Pacific. Dyn.
Atmos. Oceans, 93, 101208. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.dynatmoce.2021.101208 (IF: 2.049) 23. Huang, W.-R.*, P.-Y. Liu+,
Y.-H. Chang+ and C.-Y. Liu, 2020: Evaluation
and Application of Satellite Precipitation Products in Studying the Summer
Precipitation Variations over Taiwan. Remote Sensing, 12,
347. https://doi.org/10.3390/rs12030347 (SCI) 24.
P.-Y. Liu+ and W.-R. Huang*, 2020: Comparison of the Warm Season Rainfall
Estimations in Taiwan during 2014-2017 from IMERG Version 5 Early, Late, and
Final run Satellite Products. Journal
of Geographical Science. 96, 1-26. (in
Chinese with an English abstract)
https://www.geog.ntu.edu.tw/images/journal/journal78_100/G96-01.pdf (TSSCI) 25. Li X.*, Z.
Wen, and W.-R. Huang, 2020: Modulation of South
Asian Jet wave train on the extreme winter precipitation over Southeast
China: Comparison between 2015/16 and 2018/19. J. Climate, 33,
4065-4081. https://doi.org/10.1175/JCLI-D-19-0678.1 (SCI) 26. Ye, C., L.
Deng*, W.-R. Huang, and J.
Chen, 2020: Comparison of the Madden¡VJulian Oscillation-Related Tropical
Cyclone Genesis over the South China Sea and Western North Pacific under
Different El Niño-Southern Oscillation Conditions. Atmosphere, 11, 183. https://doi.org/10.3390/atmos11020183 (SCI) 27. Liu C.-Y.*, P. Aryastana,
G.-R. Liu and W.-R. Huang, 2020: Assessment of Satellite Precipitation Product
Estimates over Bali Island. Atmospheric
Research, 244, 105032. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.atmosres.2020.105032 (SCI) 28.
Huang, W.-R.*, Y.-H. Chang+ and P.-H. Huang+, 2019a:
Relationship between the Interannual Variations of Summer Convective
Afternoon Rainfall Activity in Taiwan and SSTA(Niño3.4) during 1961-2012:
Characteristics and Mechanisms. Scientific Reports, 9, 9378. https://www.nature.com/articles/s41598-019-45901-w (SCI) Nature ¤l´Á¥Z 29. Huang, W.-R*, P.-Y. Liu+,
J.-H. Chen and L. Deng, 2019b: Impact of Boreal Summer Intraseasonal
Oscillations on the Heavy Rainfall Events in Taiwan during the 2017 Meiyu season. Atmosphere, 10, 205. https://www.mdpi.com/2073-4433/10/4/205 (SCI) 30. Huang, W.-R.*, P.-H. Huang+, Y.-H.
Chang+, C.-T. Cheng, H.-H. Hsu, C.-Y. Tu and A. Kitoh
2019c: Dynamical Downscaling Simulation and Future Projection of Extreme
Precipitation Activities in Taiwan during the Mei-Yu Seasons. J. Meteor. Soc. Japan, 97, 481-499.
https://www.jstage.jst.go.jp/article/jmsj/97/2/97_2019-028/_article (SCI) 31. Wu, Y.-C.*, S.-Y. Wang,
Y.-C. Yu, C.-Y. Kung, A.-H. Wang, S. A. Los., W.-R. Huang, 2019: Climatology and Change of Extreme
Precipitation Events in Taiwan Based on Weather Types. International
Journal of Climatology, 39,
5351-5366. https://rmets.onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/full/10.1002/joc.6159 (SCI) 32. Huang, P.-H.
+ and W.-R. Huang*,
2019: Projections of Extreme Rainfall in Taiwan during the Mei-Yu Season
based on Multiple Sea Surface Temperature Changes. Journal of Taiwan Water Conservancy, 67, 1-11. (in
Chinese with an English abstract) (EI) 33. Lee, C.-A.
+ and W.-R. Huang*,
2019: Changes in Low-Frequency Variations of Autumn Rainfall in Taiwan. Atmospheric
Sciences, 46, 317-337. (in Chinese with
an English abstract) http://mopl.as.ntu.edu.tw/web/ASJ/46/46-3-4.pdf ¤¤µØ¥Á°ê¤j®ð¬ì¾Ç´Á¥ZÀu¨}½×¤å¼ú 34.
Huang, W.-R.* and Y.-H.
Chang+, 2018a: Characteristics and Mechanisms of the Diurnal
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Indian Monsoon Depression: Climatology and Variability, Modern Climatology,
Shih-Yu (Simon) Wang and Robert R. Gillies (Ed.), ISBN: 978-953-51-0095-9, InTech pp45-72 2024Feb
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