Introductary Examples

Compare two results

The objective is to show the efficiency of the mean when compared with the median using a large simulation where both estimators are applied on a sample of U(0,1) uniformly distributed random numbers.

Step 1. Define a function for sampling

one.simulation <- function(N=100) {
    # N defaults to 100 if not supplied
  x = runif(N)
  return(c(mean(x), median(x)))

Step 2. Generate a \(2 \times 10000\) matrix

results = replicate(10000, one.simulation(200)) # 

Two kernel densities

k1 = density(results[1,])   # results[1,] is the 1st row
k2 = density(results[2,])

Step 3. A pretty picture

xrange = range(k1$x, k2$x)
plot(k1$x, k1$y, xlim=xrange, type="l", xlab="Estimated value", ylab="")
lines(k2$x, k2$y, col="red")
legend(x="topleft", bty="n",lty=c(1,1),col=c("black", "red"),legend=c("Mean", "Median"))


A simple case

## Registered S3 method overwritten by 'quantmod':
##   method            from
## zoo
## [1] "BTC-USD"

  x0=NULL;for (i in seq(reps)){
  x0=c(x0,mean(sample(Y,s,replace = TRUE)))

abline(v=mean(Y0),lwd=3,col="red",lty=2) # population mean
abline(v=mean(Y),col="blue") #sample mean
abline(v=mean(x),col="green") #bootstrap mean

Use R boot()

Step 1. Define a function for computing the median

samplemedian <- function(x, d) { 
# d is a vector of integer indexes
  return(median(x[d]))  # The genius is in the x[d] notation

Step 2. Generate a normally distributed sample with 50 obs

data <- rnorm(50)      # Generate a dataset 
## [1] 0.2502838

Step 3. Generate 2,000 bootstrap replications

b  <-  boot::boot(data, samplemedian, R=2000) 
##           [,1]
## [1,] 0.1959390
## [2,] 0.6252099
## [3,] 0.7172471
## [4,] 0.1959390
## [5,] 0.4578366
## [6,] 0.2896740

The standard deviation of bootstrapping data:

## [1] 0.2315454

Check bootstrap intervals:, conf=0.95, type="basic")
## Based on 2000 bootstrap replicates
## CALL : 
## = b, conf = 0.95, type = "basic")
## Intervals : 
## Level      Basic         
## 95%   (-0.3087,  0.7207 )  
## Calculations and Intervals on Original Scale

Simulation-based inference

This is in the context of testing for time-series dependence in stock market returns data.
The code here does the idea of Kim, Nelson, Startz (1991).We want to use the distribution of real world returns data, without needing assumptions about normality.
The null is lack of dependence (i.e. an efficient market).So repeatedly, the data is permuted, and the sample ACF is computed. This gives us the distribution of the ACF under H0: independence, but while using the empirical distribution of the returns data.

Case 1: Testing if ret is an independent time series

Step 1. Prepare the data: 10-year daily returns on Microsoft, 2007/1/3 to 2024/6/6

## [1] "MSFT"

Step 2. Prepare the time series of returns

ret= MSFT[,"MSFT.Adjusted"] |>
  log() |>
  diff() |>

ret= as.matrix(ret)
## [1] 4417

By t, there are 4417 observations

Step 3. Compute The 1st autocorrelation from the sample above.

phi=acf(ret, 1, plot=FALSE)$acf[2]
## [1] -0.1091192

Step 4. Obtain 1000 draws to generate the distribution of the 1st autocorrelation

set.seed = 101
simulated1 = replicate(1000, acf(ret[sample(seq(t), replace=FALSE)], 1, plot=FALSE)$acf[2])

Step 5. The 95% confidence interval

quantile(simulated1, probs=c(.025,.975))
##        2.5%       97.5% 
## -0.02979108  0.03041340

Step 6. The 99% confidence interval

quantile(simulated1, probs=c(.005,.995))
##        0.5%       99.5% 
## -0.03728414  0.03540463

Under the null of independence, we can reject the null significantly.

Finally, we visualize the result.
plot(density(simulated1), xlim=sort(range(c(phi, density(simulated1)$x))),col="blue")
abline(v=quantile(simulated1, probs=c(.025,.975)), lwd=2, col="purple")
abline(v=phi, lty=2, lwd=4, col="yellow")

Case 2: Testing if the mean of ret is significantly different from 0. Ho: mu=0

## [1] 0.06874052

Step 1. Obtain 2000 sub-samples to generate the distribution of the mean

set.seed = 101
simulated2 = replicate(5000, mean(sample(ret,3000, replace=F)))
cat("Sample mean is", mu, "\n")
## Sample mean is 0.06874052

Step 2. The 95% confidence interval

quantile(simulated2, probs=c(.025,.975))
##       2.5%      97.5% 
## 0.03375978 0.10446726

Step 3. The 99% confidence interval

quantile(simulated2, probs=c(.005,.995))
##      0.5%     99.5% 
## 0.0236874 0.1168051

So we cannot reject the null at both significance levels.

Finally, visualize the result.
plot(density(simulated2), xlim=sort(range(c(mu, density(simulated2)$x))),col="blue")
abline(v=quantile(simulated2, probs=c(.025,.975)), lwd=2, col="purple")
abline(v=mu, lty=2, lwd=4, col="yellow")

Estimator Performance: How Good Are OLS estimators

Step 1. Define parameters

set.seed(123456) # Set the seed for reproducible results

reps <- 1000 # Set the number of repetitions at the top of the script
par.est <- matrix(NA, nrow = reps, ncol = 4) # Empty matrix to store the
                                             # estimates 
b0 <- .2 # True value for the intercept
b1 <- .5 # True value for the slope
n <- 1000 # Sample size
X <- runif(n, -1, 1) # Create a sample of n observations on the 
                     # independent variable X

Step 2. Replications

par.est1 =par.est2 =par.est3 =par.est4 <- NULL
for(i in 1:reps){ # Start the loop
errors=rnorm(n, 0, 1)
Y <- b0 + b1*X + errors # The true DGP, with N(0, 1) error
model <- lm(Y ~ X) # Estimate OLS model
vcv <- vcov(model) # Variance-covariance matrix
par.est1 <- c(par.est1, model$coef[1]) # Put the estimate for the intercept
                               # in the first column
par.est2 <- c(par.est2, model$coef[2]) # Put the estimate for the coefficient on
                               # X in the second column
par.est3 <- c(par.est3, sqrt(diag(vcv)[1])) # SE of the intercept
par.est4 <- c(par.est4, sqrt(diag(vcv)[2])) # SE of the coefficient on X
} # End the loop

DGP \(Y=b{_0}+b{_1}{\times}X+errors \approx rnorm(n, b{_0}+b{_1}{\times}X,1)\)

Step 3. Compute error measures of coefficient estimates

\[ AB=E[|\beta-b|] \\ MSE=E[(\beta-b)^2] \]

# Absolute Bias of beta
ab.beta0 <- mean(abs(par.est[ , 1] - b0))
ab.beta1 <- mean(abs(par.est[ , 2] - b1)) 
mse.beta0 <- mean((par.est[ , 1] - b0)^2)
mse.beta1 <- mean((par.est[ , 2] - b1)^2)

Step 4. Compute standard deviation of coefficient estimates

sd.beta0 <- sd(par.est[ , 1]) # SD of the intercept estimates <- mean(par.est[ , 3]) # Mean SE of the intercept
sd.beta1 <- sd(par.est[ , 2]) # SD of the coefficient on X estimates <- mean(par.est[ , 4]) # Mean SE of the coefficient on X

Step 5. Visualization: histogram of 1,000 simulated SD for \(\beta_0\)

par(mar = c(5, 5.25, .5, .5))
H0=hist(par.est[ , 3], breaks = 25, col = "gray50", xlab = "", ylab = "",
 main = "", axes = FALSE)
axis(1, cex.axis = 1.25)
axis(2, cex.axis = 1.25, las = 2)
title(xlab = expression("Standard Error Estimates for"~beta[0]),
 cex.lab = 1.5)
title(ylab = expression("Frequency"), line = 3.75, cex.lab = 1.5)
abline(v = sd.beta0, lwd = 4)
text(sd.beta0*0.96, max(H0$counts)*0.9, 
     substitute(paste("SD of ", hat(beta[0]), "=", v ),list(v=round(sd.beta0,4))),
     cex = 1.5,col="red")

Step 6. Visualization: histogram of 1,000 simulated SD for \(\beta_1\)

par(mar = c(5, 5.25, .5, .5))
H1=hist(par.est[ , 4], breaks = 25, col = "gray50", xlab = "", ylab = "",
 main = "", axes = FALSE)
axis(1, cex.axis = 1.25)
axis(2, cex.axis = 1.25, las = 2)
title(xlab = expression("Standard Error Estimates for"~beta[1]),
 cex.lab = 1.5)
title(ylab = expression("Frequency"), line = 3.75, cex.lab = 1.5)
abline(v = sd.beta1, lwd = 4)
text(sd.beta1*0.96, max(H1$counts)*0.9, 
     substitute(paste("SD of ", hat(beta[1]), "=", v ),list(v=round(sd.beta1,4))),
     cex = 1.5,col="red")

Step 7. Compute coverage probability

The function

coverage <- function(b.est, se.est, b.true, level = .95, df = Inf){
  # b.est= parameter estimate, 
  # se.est= standard error,
  # b.true= true parameter value, 
  # level=confidence level, 
  # df=degree of freedom  
  qtile <- level + (1 - level)/2 # Compute the proper quantile
  lower.bound <- b.est - qt(qtile, df = df)*se.est # Lower bound
  upper.bound <- b.est + qt(qtile, df = df)*se.est # Upper bound 
  # Is the true parameter in the confidence interval? (yes = 1) <- ifelse(b.true >= lower.bound & b.true <= upper.bound, 1, 0)
  cp <- mean( # The coverage probability
  mc.lower.bound <- cp - 1.96*sqrt((cp*(1 - cp))/length(b.est)) # Monte Carlo error  
  mc.upper.bound <- cp + 1.96*sqrt((cp*(1 - cp))/length(b.est))  
  return(list(coverage.probability = cp, # Return results
              ci = cbind(lower.bound, upper.bound),
              mc.eb = c(mc.lower.bound, mc.upper.bound)))
#Read CP function

cp.beta0 <- coverage(par.est[ , 1], par.est[ , 3], b0, df = n - model$rank)
cp.beta1 <- coverage(par.est[ , 2], par.est[ , 4], b1, df = n - model$rank)

Step 8. Coefficient estimate \(\beta_0\) and its 95% confidence intervals for randomly selected 100 simulated samples.

par(mar = c(5, 6, .5, .5))
plot(ID[1:100], seq(.05, .4, length = 100), type = "n",
 axes = FALSE, xlab = "", ylab = "")
title(xlab = expression("Randomly Selected 100 Simulated" ~ beta[0]), cex.lab = 1.5)
title(ylab = expression(hat(beta[0])), line = 3.75, cex.lab = 1.5)
axis(1, at = ID[1:100], cex.axis = 1.25)
axis(2, at = seq(.05, 4, .05), cex.axis = 1.25, las = 2)
abline(h = b0, lwd = 2)
for (i in ID[1:100]){
points(i, par.est[i, 1], lwd = 2, col = ifelse(cp.beta0$[i] == 1,
 "gray70", "gray20"), pch = 19)
segments(i, cp.beta0$ci[i, 1], i, cp.beta0$ci[i, 2], lwd = 2,
 col = ifelse(cp.beta0$[i] == 1, "gray70", "gray20"))
legend("topleft", bty = "n", c(expression("CI includes true"~beta[0]),
 expression("CI does not include true"~beta[0])),
  fill = c("gray70", "gray20"), cex = 1.5) 

Step 9. Coefficient estimate \(\beta_1\) and its 95% confidence intervals for randomly selected 100 simulated samples.

par(mar = c(5, 6, .5, .5))
plot(ID[101:200], seq(.25, .8, length = 100), type = "n",
 axes = FALSE, xlab = "", ylab = "")
title(xlab = expression("Randomly Selected 100 Simulated" ~ beta[1]), cex.lab = 1.5)
title(ylab = expression(hat(beta[1])), line = 3.75, cex.lab = 1.5)
axis(1, at = ID[101:200], labels = ID[101:200], cex.axis = 1.25)
axis(2, at = seq(.25, .75, .05), cex.axis = 1.25, las = 2)
abline(h = b1, lwd = 2)
for (i in ID[101:200]){
points(i, par.est[i, 2], lwd = 2, col = ifelse(cp.beta1$[i] == 1,
 "gray70", "gray20"), pch = 19)
segments(i, cp.beta1$ci[i, 1], i, cp.beta1$ci[i, 2], lwd = 2,
 col = ifelse(cp.beta1$[i] == 1, "gray70", "gray20"))
legend("topleft", bty = "n", c(expression("CI includes true"~beta[1]),
 expression("CI does not include true"~beta[1])),
  fill = c("gray70", "gray20"), cex = 1.5)  

Hands-on practices:
1. 請修改Estimator Performance 設定中的errors 為常態分佈 rnorm(n) 和 student t 分佈 rt(n,df),看看結果和殘差分佈有沒有關係。
2. 請修改Estimator Performance 設定中的sample size,比較小樣本和大樣本的差異。

Statistical Properties


  1. What does heteroskedasticity look like?

Step 1. DGP

#set.seed(100484) # Set the seed for reproducible results

reps <- 1000 # Set the number of repetitions at the top of the script
par.est.ncv <- matrix(NA, nrow = reps, ncol = 4) # Empty matrix to store the
                                                 # estimates
sigma.est <- numeric(reps) # Empty vector to store sigma 
b0 <- .2 # True value for the intercept
b1 <- .5 # True value for the slope
n <- 1000 # Sample size
X <- runif(n, -1, 1) # Create a sample of n observations on the 
                     # independent variable X
gamma <- 1.5 # Heteroskedasticity parameter

for(i in 1:reps){ # Start the loop
Y <- b0 + b1*X + rnorm(n, 0, exp(X*gamma)) # Now the error variance is a 
                                           # function of X plus random noise
model <- lm(Y ~ X) # Estimate OLS model
sigma.est[i] <- summary(model)$sigma # Store sigma
vcv <- vcov(model) # Variance-covariance matrix
par.est.ncv[i, 1] <- model$coef[1] # Put the estimate for the intercept
                                   # in the first column
par.est.ncv[i, 2] <- model$coef[2] # Put the estimate for the coefficient on
                                   # X in the second column
par.est.ncv[i, 3] <- sqrt(diag(vcv)[1]) # SE of the intercept
par.est.ncv[i, 4] <- sqrt(diag(vcv)[2]) # SE of the coefficient on X
} # End the loop

Step 2. Visualization

par(mar = c(5, 5.25, .5, .5))
plot(X, Y, ylim = c(-10, 10), axes = FALSE, xlab = "",
 ylab = "", pch = 19)
title(xlab = "X", cex.lab = 1.5)
title(ylab = "Y", line = 3.75, cex.lab = 1.5)
abline(lsfit(X, Y), lwd = 3)
axis(1, cex.axis = 1.25)
axis(2, at = seq(-10, 10, 2), cex.axis = 1.25, las = 2)

  1. Compare to homoskedasticity with sigma set to the average value of the estimates of sigma from the last simulation
sigma <- mean(sigma.est)
#set.seed(100484) # Set the seed for reproducible results
reps <- 1000 # Set the number of repetitions at the top of the script
b0 <- .2 # True value for the intercept
b1 <- .5 # True value for the slope
n <- 1000 # Sample size
X <- runif(n, -1, 1) # Create a sample of n observations on the 
                     # independent variable X
gamma <- 1.5 # Heteroskedasticity parameter

par.est.ncv <- matrix(NA, nrow = reps, ncol = 6) # Empty matrix to store the
                                                 # estimates 
for(i in 1:reps){ # Start the loop
Y1 <- b0 + b1*X + rnorm(n, 0, exp(X*gamma)) # Y1: Heteroskedasticity
Y2 <- b0 + b1*X + rnorm(n, 0, sigma) # Y2: Homoskedasticity, same average
                                     # sigma as Y1 
model1 <- lm(Y1 ~ X)   # LS model 1
model2 <- lm(Y2 ~ X)   # LS model 2

par.est.ncv[i, 1] <- coef(summary(model1))[1,1] # Put the estimate for the intercept
                                    # in the first column (model 1)
par.est.ncv[i, 2] <- coef(summary(model1))[2,1] # Put the estimate for the coefficient on
                                    # X in the second column (model 1)
par.est.ncv[i, 3] <- coef(summary(model2))[1,1] # Put the estimate for the intercept
                                    # in the first column (model 2)
par.est.ncv[i, 4] <- coef(summary(model2))[2,1] # Put the estimate for the coefficient on
                                    # X in the second column (model 2) 
par.est.ncv[i, 5] <- coef(summary(model1))[1,1] # SE of the intercept (model 1)
par.est.ncv[i, 6] <- coef(summary(model1))[1,2] # SE of the coefficient on X (model 1)
##            [,1]      [,2]      [,3]      [,4]       [,5]       [,6]
## [1,] 0.23325959 0.4922520 0.1904042 0.4018591 0.23325959 0.05774023
## [2,] 0.17908139 0.4914120 0.1417546 0.2245914 0.17908139 0.05561297
## [3,] 0.19593951 0.5339693 0.2148368 0.4837724 0.19593951 0.05190694
## [4,] 0.16225476 0.4766376 0.2524764 0.4471867 0.16225476 0.05597353
## [5,] 0.09017021 0.3048556 0.1969788 0.3443968 0.09017021 0.06151371
## [6,] 0.17860669 0.4241443 0.2430053 0.5191199 0.17860669 0.05756034

Distribution of \(\beta_0\)

par(mar = c(5, 5.25, .5, .5))
plot(density(par.est.ncv[ , 1]), lty = 2, ylim = c(0, 12), lwd = 3,
 xlab = "", ylab = "", main = "", axes = FALSE)
lines(density(par.est.ncv[ , 3]), lwd = 3,col="red")
axis(1, cex.axis = 1.25)
axis(2, cex.axis = 1.25, las = 2)
title(xlab = expression(hat(beta[0])), cex.lab = 1.5)
title(ylab = "Density", line = 3.75, cex.lab = 1.5)
abline(v = b0, lwd = 2)
text(.1, 8, substitute(paste("True ", beta[0], "=", v ),list(v=b0)), cex = 1.5)
legend("topright", bty = "n", c("Homoskedastic","Heteroskedastic"), lty = c(1, 2), lwd = 3, cex = 1.5,col=c("red","black"))

Distribution of \(\beta_1\)

par(mar = c(5, 5.25, .5, .5))
plot(density(par.est.ncv[ , 2]), lty = 2, ylim = c(0, 6), lwd = 3,
 xlab = "", ylab = "", main = "", axes = FALSE)
lines(density(par.est.ncv[ , 4]), lwd = 3,col="red")
axis(1, at = seq(0, 1, .1), cex.axis = 1.25)
axis(2, cex.axis = 1.25, las = 2)
title(xlab = expression(hat(beta[1])), cex.lab = 1.5)
title(ylab = expression("Density"), line = 3.75, cex.lab = 1.5)
abline(v = b1, lwd = 2)
text(.25, 4, substitute(paste("True ", beta[1], "=", v ),list(v=b1)), cex = 1.5)
legend("topright", bty = "n", c("Homoskedastic","Heteroskedastic"), lty = c(1, 2), lwd = 3, cex = 1.5,col=c("red","black"))

Coverage Probabilities

cp.beta0.ncv <- coverage(par.est.ncv[ , 1], par.est.ncv[ , 5], b0,
 df = n - model1$rank)
## [1] 0.988
## [1] 0.9812512 0.9947488
cp.beta1.ncv <- coverage(par.est.ncv[ , 2], par.est.ncv[ , 6], b1,
 df = n - model1$rank)
## [1] 0.587
## [1] 0.5564824 0.6175176

According to the above-mentioned coverage probabilities, the standard error of \(\beta_0\) is unaffected by heteroskedasticity, with a coverage probability of 0.988 and a 95% error bound of [0.9812512,0.9947488]. However, the coverage probability of 0.587 for \(\beta_1\) with a 95% error bound of [0.5564824,0.6175176] indicates that the OLS estimates of its standard error are too small, on average. This is not surprising because we created a DGP with non-constant error variance as a function of X. The conventional standard error assumes constant variance, which does not hold in this case. Thus, the conventional method for calculating standard errors is not appropriate when heteroskedasticity is present.

So far our simulation has shown that adding heteroskedasticity to the DGP in the form of a positive increase in the variance of the residual as \(X\) increases does not bias our estimates of either \(\beta_0\) or \(\beta_1\). However, it does result in less efficient estimates for \(\beta_1\) that is not captured properly by the conventional method of computing the standard error of \(\beta_1\). You should explore other values for and other forms of heteroskedasticity to see if this always happens.

This leads to the question of whether there is a solution to the problem of getting the wrong standard error estimate for \(\beta_1\), and, if so, how we can use our simulation methods to evaluate it. A common fix for heteroskedasticity is to estimate what are called “robust” standard errors. The term robust implies that the method is capable of generating standard error estimates even in the face of a possible assumption violation—in this case, heteroskedasticity. The robust variance–covariance matrix, which uses the model residuals to better approximate coefficient variability, can be estimated with the vcovHC() function in the sandwich package. We can rerun the simulation, substituting this line of code for vcov() to determine whether robust standard errors actually “work” as they are intended. For simplicity, we will do this by modifying the first heteroskedasticity simulation because we do not need the homoskedastic DGP here.

  1. We then continue to simulate the version with heteroskedasticity corrected, assess performance of robust standard errors
#set.seed(100484) # Set the seed for reproducible results

reps <- 1000 # Set the number of repetitions at the top of the script
par.est.ncv <- matrix(NA, nrow = reps, ncol = 4) # Empty matrix to store the
                                                 # estimates 
b0 <- .2 # True value for the intercept
b1 <- .5 # True value for the slope
n <- 1000 # Sample size
X <- runif(n, -1, 1) # Create a sample of n observations on the 
                     # independent variable X
gamma <- 1.5 # Heteroskedasticity parameter

for(i in 1:reps){ # Start the loop
Y <- b0 + b1*X + rnorm(n, 0, exp(X*gamma)) # Now the error variance is a 
                                           # function of X plus random noise
model <- lm(Y ~ X) # Estimate OLS model
vcv <- vcovHC(model) # Robust variance-covariance matrix
par.est.ncv[i, 1] <- model$coef[1] # Put the estimate for the intercept
                                   # in the first column
par.est.ncv[i, 2] <- model$coef[2] # Put the estimate for the coefficient on
                                   # X in the second column
par.est.ncv[i, 3] <- sqrt(diag(vcv)[1]) # SE of the intercept
par.est.ncv[i, 4] <- sqrt(diag(vcv)[2]) # SE of the coefficient on X
} # End the loop

cp.beta1.ncv.robust <- coverage(par.est.ncv[ , 2], par.est.ncv[ , 4], b1,
 df = n - model$rank)
## [1] 0.947
cp.beta1.ncv.robust$mc.eb # Simulation error
## [1] 0.9331143 0.9608857

The coverage probability improves to 0.947, with simulation error bounds of [0.9331143, 0.9608857]. Because these bounds include 0.95, we conclude that robust standard errors do, in fact, account for coefficient variability under heteroskedasticity (as we have simulated it here).


We show the impact of multi-collinearity on the bias of parameter estimates DGP

#set.seed(121402) # Set the seed for reproducible results

reps <- 1000 # Set the number of repetitions at the top of the script
b0 <- .2  # True value for the intercept
b1 <- .5  # True value for the slopes
b2 <- .75 
n <- 1000 # Sample size

# Levels of multicollinearity
mc.level <- c(0, .1, .2, .3, .4, .5, .6, .7, .8, .9, .99) 

# Matrix to store SD of the coefficient estimates
sd.betas <- NULL
for(j in 1:length(mc.level)){ # Start the j loop
X.corr <- matrix(c(1, mc.level[j], mc.level[j], 1), nrow = 2, ncol = 2)
X <- rmvnorm(n, mean = c(0, 0), sigma = X.corr) # Create two correlated 
X1 <- X[ , 1]                                   # independent variables
X2 <- X[ , 2]
for(i in 1:reps){ # Start the i loop
Y <- b0 + b1*X1 + b2*X2 + rnorm(n, 0, 1) # The true DGP, with N(0, 1) error
model <- lm(Y ~ X1 + X2) # Estimate OLS model,cbind(coef(summary(model))[2,1]
} # End the i loop

sd.betas <- rbind(sd.betas, cbind(mean(abs([ , 1] - b1)), mean(abs([ , 1]))))

} # End the j loop
par(mar = c(5, 5.5, 2, .5))
plot(mc.level, sd.betas[ , 1], lwd = 3, ylim = c(0, .25), type = "b",
 xlab = "", ylab = "", main = paste("n=",n), axes = FALSE)
axis(1, at = mc.level, cex.axis = 1)
axis(2, at = seq(0, .25, .05), cex.axis = 1.25, las = 2)
title(xlab = expression("Correlation between" ~ X[1]~ "and" ~ X[2]),
 cex.lab = 1.5)
title(ylab = expression("Absolute Bias of "~hat(beta[1])), line = 3.75, cex.lab = 1.5)

Hands-on practices:
1. 請比較n=5000和n=1000 的差異。
2. 請將多元常態改成多元t分佈(MVT::rmt),檢視看看相關性對參數估計偏誤的影響,是否與分佈有關?
Hint: MVT::rmt(n,Sigma=X.corr)

Serial Correlation

set.seed(125842) # Set the seed for reproducible results

reps <- 1000 # Set the number of repetitions at the top of the script
b0 <- .2 # True value for the intercept
b1 <- .5 # True value for the slopes
n <- 50 # Sample size
ac <- .75 # AR(1) parameter
X <- runif(n, -1, 1) # Create a sample of n observations on the 
                     # independent variable X
for(i in 1:reps){
# AR(1) process in the error term 
Y <- b0 + b1*X + arima.sim(list(order = c(1, 0, 0), ar = ac), n = n)
dat <- ts(cbind(Y=Y, X=X),end=c(2024,6),freq=12)

model0  <- dynlm::dynlm(Y ~ X, data = dat)  # Fit Y Without lag Y
modelL1 <- dynlm::dynlm(Y ~ X + L(Y,1), data = dat) # Fit Y With lag Y <- rbind(, cbind(model0$coef[2], modelL1$coef[2]))
## 載入套件:'zoo'
## 下列物件被遮斷自 'package:base':
##     as.Date, as.Date.numeric
par(mar = c(5, 5.25, .5, .5))
plot(density([ , 1]), lty = 2, ylim = c(0, 3), lwd = 3, xlab = "",
 ylab = "", main = "", axes = FALSE)
lines(density([ , 2]), lwd = 3, lty = 1,col="blue")
axis(1, at = seq(-.5, 1.5, .5), cex.axis = 1.25)
axis(2, cex.axis = 1.25, las = 2)
title(xlab = expression(hat(beta[1])), cex.lab = 1.5)
title(ylab = "Density", line = 3.75, cex.lab = 1.5)
abline(v = b1, lwd = 2)
text(0, 1.5, expression("True" ~ beta[1] ~ "= 0.50"), cex = 1.5)
legend("topright", bty = "n", c(expression("With"~ Y[t-1]), expression("Without"~ Y[t-1])), lty = c(1, 2), lwd = 3, cex = 1.5,col=c("blue","black"))

Clustered Data

In the previous example of serial correlation, we saw non i.i.d among the errors based on time—serial correlation. In this example, we examine the consequences of another form of non-independence—clustering. This occurs when the errors among groups of observations are subject to group-wise correlation.

For example, patients are grouped in hospitals and students are grouped in schools. If there is something about those patients (students) that makes them similar to each other within hospitals (schools) in some way even after considering a set of independent variables, then clustering remains in the residuals. Clustered data also arises when there are repeated measures from the same actor. For example, analyses of the votes made by members of Congress or the Supreme Court are clustered by member because each vote is an observation and each member votes on many bills or cases. Similarly, conventional panel data or time-series cross-section (TSCS) can be thought of as clustered data, under which, each cross-section unit (e.g., countries, cities, individual survey respondents) contains several time series observations.

A large literature shows that this data structure can have important consequences for both coefficient estimates and standard errors of statistical models. In particular, it can produce inefficiency, and sometimes bias in coefficient estimates, and lead to estimates of standard errors that are too small. We can illustrate these properties through simulation. In this example, we simulate clustered data and then compare the following strategies for handling it:

   Naïve OLS (i.e., ignoring the problem)
   OLS with “fixed effects” (indicator variables for each group)
   Adjusting the OLS standard errors
   Multilevel modeling (MLM)

In the first part of the simulation, we compare standard OLS, OLS with fixed effects, and MLM coefficient estimates. In the second part, we compare OLS standard errors, a version of robust standard errors that handles clustering, and MLM standard errors. We begin by generating clustered data in the DGP.

We create an object called c.label that groups observations into clusters. We set the sample size to 1,000 and the number of clusters, nc, to 50. In other words, there are 1,000 individuals (e.g., patients, voters, or students) and 50 clusters (hospitals, states, or schools). We set the object \(p\) to 0.50. This parameter, which can vary between 0 and 1, sets the degree to which the data are clustered by controlling the relative amounts of between-cluster variance and within-cluster variance (in this case, the two are equal, see Harden, 2011).

We use the rmvnorm() function to generate two individual-level variables (i.e., variables that are unique to each observation) labeled effect1 and effect2, and two cluster-level variables (variables that are the same within clusters but vary across clusters) labeled effect3 and effect4. The covariances between these pairs of variables are set to 0, the variances of effect1 and effect3 are set to 1, and the variances of effect2 and effect4 are set to \(p\) and 1 − \(p\). We then create an independent variable, \(X\), to use in our models as the sum of effect1 and effect3.

Next, we create an error term, error, to use in our models as the sum of effect2 and effect4. This produces an error term in which half of the variance comes from the cluster level and half from the individual level. By construction, the error term is uncorrelated with the independent variable.

We use our independent variable and our error term to generate the dependent variable as before. Then, we estimate the model where \(Y\) is a linear function of \(X\) three different ways, using

 (1) OLS,
 (2) OLS with fixed effects, and
 (3) MLM

We store the coefficient estimates from each of those three estimators and their standard errors. We also estimate robust cluster standard errors (RCSE) for the OLS coefficients. We will explain more about what RCSEs are below. There is a lot going on in this code, but most of it you have seen before. Take your time working through it to make sure you can see what is happening.

Function to compute robust cluster standard errors (Arai 2011)1

rcse <- function(model, cluster){
M <- length(unique(cluster))
N <- length(cluster)
K <- model$rank
dfc <- (M/(M - 1)) * ((N - 1)/(N - K))
uj  <- apply(estfun(model), 2, function(x) tapply(x, cluster, sum))
rcse.cov <- dfc * sandwich(model, meat = crossprod(uj)/N)


#set.seed(28704) # Set the seed for reproducible results

reps <- 1000 # Set the number of repetitions at the top of the script
par.est.cluster <- matrix(NA, nrow = reps, ncol = 3) # Empty matrix to store
                                                     # the estimates 
se.est.cluster <- matrix(NA, nrow = reps, ncol = 4) # Empty matrix to store
                                                    # the standard errors  
b0 <- .2 # True value for the intercept
b1 <- .5 # True value for the slope
n <- 1000 # Sample size
p <- .5 # Rho
nc <- 50 # Number of clusters
c.label <- rep(1:nc, each = n/nc) # Cluster label
i.sigma <- matrix(c(1, 0, 0, 1 - p), ncol = 2) # Level 1 effects
c.sigma <- matrix(c(1, 0, 0, p), ncol = 2) # Level 2 effects

for(i in 1:reps){ # Start the loop
i.values <- mvtnorm::rmvnorm(n = n, sigma = i.sigma)
effect1 <- i.values[ , 1]
effect2 <- i.values[ , 2]

c.values <- mvtnorm::rmvnorm(n = nc, sigma = c.sigma) # cross-sections
effect3 <- rep(c.values[ , 1], each = n/nc)
effect4 <- rep(c.values[ , 2], each = n/nc)

X <- effect1 + effect3 # X values unique to level 1 observations
error <- effect2 + effect4 

Y <- b0 + b1*X + error # True model

model.ols <- lm(Y ~ X) # Model estimation 
model.fe <- lm(Y ~ X + factor(c.label))
model.mlm <- lme4::lmer(Y ~ X + (1|c.label))

par.est.cluster[i, 1] <- model.ols$coef[2] # Coefficients
par.est.cluster[i, 2] <- model.fe$coef[2]
par.est.cluster[i, 3] <- plm::fixef(model.mlm)[2]

vcv.ols <- vcov(model.ols) # Variance-covariance matrices
vcv.rcse <- rcse(model.ols, c.label)

se.est.cluster[i, 1] <- sqrt(diag(vcv.ols)[2]) # Standard errors
se.est.cluster[i, 2] <- sqrt(diag(vcv.rcse)[2])
se.est.cluster[i, 3] <- coef(summary(model.fe))[2,2]
se.est.cluster[i, 4] <- coef(summary(model.mlm))[2,2]
} # End the loop

Visual display of estimators’ bias

par(mar = c(5, 5.25, .5, .5))
plot(density(par.est.cluster[ , 1]), lty = 1, xlim = c(.2, .8),
 ylim = c(0, 20), lwd = 3, xlab = "", ylab = "", main = "", axes = FALSE)
lines(density(par.est.cluster[ , 2]), lwd = 3, lty = 2,col="grey")
lines(density(par.est.cluster[ , 3]), lwd = 3, lty = 3,col="red")
axis(1, at = seq(0, 1, .1), cex.axis = 1.25)
axis(2, cex.axis = 1.25, las = 2)
title(xlab = expression(hat(beta[1])), cex.lab = 1.5)
title(ylab = "Density", line = 3.75, cex.lab = 1.5)
abline(v = b1, lwd = 2)
text(.7, 7, substitute(paste("True "~beta[1]~"=", v ),list(v=b1)), cex = 1.5)
legend("topright", bty = "n", c("OLS", "OLS with FE","MLM"), lty = c(1, 2, 3),
       lwd = 3, cex = 1.5,col=c("black","grey","red"))

Compute coverage probability

# Coverage probabilities

ols.cp <- coverage(par.est.cluster[ , 1], se.est.cluster[ , 1], b1,
 df = n - model.ols$rank)
rcse.cp <- coverage(par.est.cluster[ , 1], se.est.cluster[ , 2], b1,
 df = n - model.ols$rank)
fe.cp <- coverage(par.est.cluster[ , 2], se.est.cluster[ , 3], b1,
 df = n - model.fe$rank)
mlm.cp <- coverage(par.est.cluster[ , 3], se.est.cluster[ , 4], b1,
 df = n - length(plm::fixef(model.mlm)))

Visual display of coverage probabilities of 4 estimators

par(mar = c(5, 5.25, .5, .5))
plot(1, ols.cp$coverage.probability, pch = 19, xlim = c(0, 8),
 ylim = c(.5, 1), lwd = 3, xlab = "", ylab = "", main = "", axes = FALSE)
segments(1, ols.cp$mc.eb[1], 1, ols.cp$mc.eb[2], lwd = 2)
points(3, rcse.cp$coverage.probability, pch = 1, lwd = 3)
segments(3, rcse.cp$mc.eb[1], 3, rcse.cp$mc.eb[2], lwd = 2) 
points(5, fe.cp$coverage.probability, pch = 19, lwd = 3) 
segments(5, fe.cp$mc.eb[1], 5, fe.cp$mc.eb[2], lwd = 2) 
points(7, mlm.cp$coverage.probability, pch = 19, lwd = 3) 
segments(7, mlm.cp$mc.eb[1], 7, mlm.cp$mc.eb[2], lwd = 2) 
axis(1, at = c(1, 3, 5, 7), labels = c("OLS", "RCSE","OLS with FE", "MLM"), cex.axis = 1.25)
axis(2, at = seq(.5, 1, .05), cex.axis = 1.25, las = 2)
title(xlab = "Estimator", cex.lab = 1.5)
title(ylab = "Coverage Probability", line = 3.75, cex.lab = 1.5)
abline(h = .95, lwd = 2, lty = 2)

Measurement Error

Omitted Variable

Heavy-Tailed Errors

Statistical Models


Method 1.

output1=forecast::auto.arima(ret,ic=c("aicc", "aic", "bic")[3])
forecast::auto.arima(y1,ic=c("aicc", "aic", "bic")[3])
## Series: y1 
## ARIMA(0,0,1) with zero mean 
## Coefficients:
##           ma1
##       -0.1239
## s.e.   0.0152
## sigma^2 = 3.102:  log likelihood = -8766.83
## AIC=17537.66   AICc=17537.66   BIC=17550.44

## Series: ret 
## ARIMA(0,0,1) with non-zero mean 
## Coefficients:
##           ma1    mean
##       -0.1175  0.0687
## s.e.   0.0154  0.0233
## sigma^2 = 3.09:  log likelihood = -8757.71
## AIC=17521.41   AICc=17521.42   BIC=17540.59

Method 2.

forecast::auto.arima(y2,ic=c("aicc", "aic", "bic")[3])
## Series: y2 
## ARIMA(2,0,1) with zero mean 
## Coefficients:
##          ar1      ar2      ma1
##       0.0925  -0.2608  -0.3061
## s.e.  0.0423   0.0179   0.0431
## sigma^2 = 1.013:  log likelihood = -5700.39
## AIC=11408.77   AICc=11408.78   BIC=11433.95

Hands-on practices:
1. 請利用Method 2 產生非定態I(1)時間序列,並繪圖看效果。
2. 承上,請產生季節非定態I(1)時間序列,並繪圖看效果。
3. 請參考說明(help),利用Method 2 產生具備季節結構(seasonal ARMA)之時間序列,並繪圖看效果。

Generalized Linear Model

Simulating Logit Function

# Logit probability function
inv.logit <- function(p){ 
return(exp(p)/(1 + exp(p)))

# DGP of binomial process
reps <- 1000 # Set the number of repetitions at the top of the script
b0 <- .2 # True value for the intercept
b1 <- .5 # True value for the slope
n <- 1000 # Sample size
X <- runif(n, -1, 1) # Create a sample of n observations on the 
                     # independent variable X
for(i in 1:reps){ # Start the loop
Y <- rbinom(n, 1, inv.logit(b0 + b1*X)) # The true DGP, Bernoulli trials
model <- glm(Y ~ X, family = binomial (link = logit)) # Estimate logit model
par.est.logit=rbind(par.est.logit, cbind(coef(summary(model))[1,1],
} # End the loop
mean(par.est.logit[ , 1]) # Mean of intercept estimates
## [1] 0.1997882
mean(par.est.logit[ , 2]) # Mean of coefficient on X estimates
## [1] 0.4986062

Mean of intercept estimates is 0.1997882

Mean of coefficient on X estimates is 0.4986062

COmpute Coverage Probability

cp.beta0.logit <- coverage(par.est.logit[ , 1], par.est.logit[ , 3], b0,
 df = n - model$rank)
cp.beta1.logit <- coverage(par.est.logit[ , 2], par.est.logit[ , 4], b1,
 df = n - model$rank)

# Coverage probability for the intercept
## [1] 0.953
# Coverage probability for the coefficient on X
## [1] 0.954

Coverage probability for the intercept is 0.953

Coverage probability for the coefficient on X is 0.954

Panel Data

## 載入需要的套件:maxLik
## 載入需要的套件:miscTools
## Please cite the 'maxLik' package as:
## Henningsen, Arne and Toomet, Ott (2011). maxLik: A package for maximum likelihood estimation in R. Computational Statistics 26(3), 443-458. DOI 10.1007/s00180-010-0217-1.
## If you have questions, suggestions, or comments regarding the 'maxLik' package, please use a forum or 'tracker' at maxLik's R-Forge site:
## 載入需要的套件:plm

Regression in panel data with serial correlation <- function(t=50,N=200,ar1=0.5,type=c("logit","probit")[1])
if (ar1==0) { rep(rnorm(t),times=N)
} else { rep(arima.sim(n=t,list(ar=ar1)),times=N) rep(filter(rnorm(t),filter=ar1,method="recursive"),times=N)
  # Generate level-1 variables
  x1 = rep(runif(t,-1,1),times=N)
  x2 = rep(runif(t,-1,1),times=N)
  b1 = 1  # coefficient for x1
  b2 = -2  # coefficient for x2
  # Generate random intercepts

  RE <- runif(N)
  z= RE[rep(1:N, each = t)]

  # Generate dependent variable
  y0  <- z + b1 * x1 + b2 * x2 +
  if (type=="logit") {Y=rbinom(N*t,1, exp(y0)/(1+exp(y0)))
  } else if (type=="probit") {Y=rbinom(N*t,1, pnorm(y0))}
  DGP.DF <- data.frame(ID = rep(1:N, each = t),# Generate N ID 
                     year = rep(1:t, N),  # Generate t ID 
                     z = z,
                     x1 = x1,
                     x2 = x2,
}, type=c("logit","probit")[2])#;head(mydata)
FEByLSDV=glm(y ~ x1 + x2+factor(ID),family=binomial("logit"),data=myData)
fitByLogit=pglm(y ~ x1 + x2,family=binomial("logit"),data=myData, index="ID")
fitByProbit=pglm(y ~ x1 + x2,family=binomial("probit"),data=myData, index="ID")
##               Estimate Std. Error     z value      Pr(>|z|)
## (Intercept) -0.3286794 0.37860633  -0.8681298  3.853233e-01
## x1           1.6884910 0.05229930  32.2851538 1.130284e-228
## x2          -3.0029094 0.05928341 -50.6534480  0.000000e+00
##               Estimate Std. error    t value       Pr(> t)
## (Intercept)  0.4554853 0.03638902  12.517108  6.018868e-36
## x1           1.6468782 0.05152330  31.963757 3.479219e-224
## x2          -2.9242534 0.05818062 -50.261639  0.000000e+00
## sigma       -0.3356460 0.03862548  -8.689756  3.632178e-18
##               Estimate Std. error   t value       Pr(> t)
## (Intercept)  0.2769019 0.02124464  13.03396  7.842610e-39
## x1           0.8994237 0.02717752  33.09440 3.577298e-240
## x2          -1.6813825 0.03015636 -55.75548  0.000000e+00
## sigma       -0.1993567 0.02200026  -9.06156  1.285983e-19

Hands-on practices:
1. Please modify the program to for a linear panel DGP.
2. Please estimate the model by glmmTMB::glmmTMB and lme4::glmer, and compare the results.

  1. Arai, M. (2011). Cluster-robust standard errors using R. Retrieved from↩︎