
  1. Tony Szu-Hsien Lee, Ming-Chyi Huang, Kuen-Hong Wu, Cheng-Yi Huang, Lian-Yu Chen, Su-Chen Fang, Chuan-Hsi Chen, Chia-Chun Hung, Chun Lin, Yang-Lin Lin, Lien-Wen Su, Yi-Jia Wu, Tsung-Hsian Lee, Huei-Yu Tsai.(2023). Co-Occurrence of Gaming Disorder and Drug Dependence in People who Use Stimulants during the Era of COVID-19 Pandemic in Taiwan. The 85th Annual Scientific Meeting, College on Problems of Drug Dependence. June 17~21 2023. Denver, Colorado, USA.
  2. Chia-Chun Hung, Ming-Chyi Huang, Lian-Yu Chen, Kuen-Hong Wu, Cheng-Yi Huang, Yun-Lien Lai, Su-Chen Fang, Chuan-Hsi Chen, Chun Lin, Yang-Lin Lin, Lien-Wen Su, Yi-Jia Wu, En Chao, Tony Szu-Hsien Lee. (2023). Resilience as a mediator of amphetamine dependence and psychiatric symptoms in deferred prosecuted individuals who use amphetamine in Taiwan. The 85th Annual Scientific Meeting, College on Problems of Drug Dependence. June 17~21 2023. Denver, Colorado, USA.
  3. Tony Szu-Hsien Lee, Ming-Chyi Huang, Kuen-Hong Wu, Cheng-Yi Huang, Lian-Yu Chen, Su-Chen Fang, Chuan-Hsi Chen, Chia-Chun Hung, Chun Lin, Yang-Lin Lin, Lien-Wen Su, Yi-Jia Wu, Tsung-Hsian Lee, Huei-Yu Tsai. (2022). Characteristics and drug dependence of deferred prosecuted individuals with methamphetamine use in Northern Taiwan. NIDA International Poster Session, Virtual Scientific Meeting, 2022 NIDA International Forum, June 9-10, 2022.
  4. Chia-Chun Hung, Cheng-Yi Huang, Tony Szu-Hsien Lee, Yu-Hsuan Joni Shao, Su-Chen Fang. (2022). The Sex and Age Difference on Suicide Risk of Patients with Methamphetamine Use Disorder: Results from the 18-Year Nationwide Cohort Study. NIDA International Poster Session, Virtual Scientific Meeting, 2022 NIDA International Forum, June 9-10, 2022.
  5. En Chao, Yi-Chien Ku, Hung-Ping Chung, Chia-Yu Hsu, Yuan-Hao Cheng, Freya In-Chu Hsu, Yi-Chia Tsai, Tony Szu-Hsien Lee (2022). Using Machine Learning to Build a Predictive Model of No Recidivism- A Pilot Analysis Using Decision Tree. NIDA International Poster Session, Virtual Scientific Meeting, 2022 NIDA International Forum, June 9-10, 2022.
  6. 李思賢(2021)藥物施用者復原與社會復歸的文化觀點。論壇主持人,東西會通、飲水思源、多元包容、開創新局:社會科學的傳承與創新。第四屆社會科學本土化學術研討會,彰化師範大學。Oct 1-3, 2021.
  7. 李思賢(2021)建置毒品施用者之復原與社會復歸:介紹美國物質成癮與心理健康服務部的定義與反思台灣本土現況。第四屆社會科學本土化學術研討會,東西會通、飲水思源、多元包容、開創新局:社會科學的傳承與創新。彰化師範大學。Oct 1-3, 2021. 藥物濫用防治,6(2),1-14。http://dx.doi.org/10.6645/JSAR.202106_6(2).1。
  8. Wei, Y. L., Chang, C. H., Chang, L. Y., Chao, E., Liu, S. Y., & Lee, T. S. H. (2020). AI Ethics Principles: International practices versus local implementation in Taiwan. EASST + 4S Joint Conference, Prague, Czech Republic. August 18th-21st, 2020.
  9. Ku, J., Metzger, D., Duc, N., & Lee, T. S. H. (2020). The intersection of financial strain, self-control, and non‐violent property crime among marijuana use. College on Problems of Drug Dependence Virtual Meeting. June 2020.
  10. Lee, T. S. H. (2019). Efforts can reduce selection bias by strengthening perinatal consent for child participation in a school-based drug prevention program. The 81th Annual Scientific Meeting, College on Problems of Drug Dependence. June 15~19 2019. San Antonio, Texas, USA.
  11. Liu, Y. H., Hung, C. C., Huang, C. C., Muggleton, N. G., Li, C. S. R., Lee, T. S. H., & Lin, C. P. (2019). The performance of working memory and brain changes in chronic ketamine users. The 81th Annual Scientific Meeting, College on Problems of Drug Dependence. June 15~19 2017. San Antonio, Texas, USA.
  12. Liu, Y. H., Hung, C. C., Huang, C. C., Lee, I. T., Chen, C. M., Duann, J. R., Lee, T. S. H., Li, C. S. R., Muggleton, N. G., Lin, C. P. (2018, Jun). The effects of adolescent ketamine exposure on brain morphology and function in chronic users. 2018 OHBM Annual Meeting, Singapore.
  13. Ain, Q. U., Dahar, M. A., & Lee, T. S. H. (2019). The hidden harm: Child academic performance is negatively impacted by heroin using parents in Pakistan. The 81th Annual Scientific Meeting, College on Problems of Drug Dependence. June 15~19 2017. San Antonio, Texas, USA.
  14. Lee, T. S. H., Metzger, D., Hung, C. C., & Lee, J. J. (2017). Prevalence rates and associated factors of micturition and HIV infection in ketamine users in Taipei. The 79th Annual Scientific Meeting, College on Problems of Drug Dependence. June 16~22 2017. Montreal, Canada.
  15. Lee, J. J., Li, C. S. R., Zhang, S., Hung, C. C., & Lee, T. S. H. (2017). Drug use pattern, risk behavior and psychosis in ketamine users. The 79th Annual Scientific Meeting, College on Problems of Drug Dependence. June 16~22 2017. Montreal, Canada.
  16. Hung, C. C., Liu, Y. S., Huang, C. C., Li, C. S. R., Duann, J. R., Lin, C. P., & Lee, T. S. H. (2017). More impact on brain volume change of chronic ketamine users with adolescent onset. The 79th Annual Scientific Meeting, College on Problems of Drug Dependence. June 16~22 2017. Montreal, Canada.
  17. Lu, C. C., Hunag, G. S., Lee, T. S. H., Chao, E., Chen, H. C., Chu, S. J., Liu, F. C., Kao, S. Y., Hou, T. Y., Chen, C. H., Lyu, S. Y., & Chang, D. M. MRI contributes to accurate and early diagnosis of non-radiographic hla-b27 negative axial spondyloarthritis. 2017 acr/arhp annual meeting. November 3-8 2017. San Diego, California, USA. Journal of Translational Medicine, J Transl Med 19, 298 (2021). https://doi.org/10.1186/s12967-021-02959-3 (2020 SSCI = 5.531, Ranking (41/140)=29.3% in Medicine, research & experimental. SJR = 1.576, Ranking (742/7125)=10.4% in Medicine.)
  18. Lee, T. S. H., Tang, S. F. & Hung, C. C. The prevalence of ketamine abuse amongst vocational school adolescents in Taiwan. The 78th Annual College on Problems of Drug Dependence Meeting. June 11-16, 2016. Palm Spring, California, USA.
  19. Hung, C. C., Li, C. S. R., Zhang, S., Hu, S., Duann, J. R., & Lee, T. S. H. Cognitive dysfunction and altered cerebral functional connectivity in chronic ketamine users. The 78th Annual College on Problems of Drug Dependence Meeting. June 11-16, 2016. Palm Spring, California, USA.
  20. Lee, T. S. H., Festinger, D. S., Dugosh, K. L., Liao, W. T., Lin, Y. Z., Seymour, B., Yang, S. L., & Wu, H. C. Translating and validating a chinese version of the risk and needs triage in Taiwan. 2015 International Conference on Global Health: Prevention and Treatment of Substance Use Disorders and HIV in Hangzhou, China on April 22-24, 2015.
  21. Lee, T. S. H., Chawarski, M., Peng, C. Y., Hung, C. C., & Metzger, D. Implementation of drug and HIV risk counseling in MMT programs in Taiwan. The 76th Annual College on Problems of Drug Dependence Meeting. June 13-19, 2014. San Juan, Puerto Rico. Drug and Alcohol Dependence, 146, e173. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.drugalcdep.2014.09.387 (2020 SSCI = 4.492, Ranking (5/37)=13.5% in Substance Abuse. SJR = 1.783, Ranking (5/123)=4.0% in Toxicology. Cited = 1)
  22. Lee, T. S. H., Chawarski, M., Metzger, D., Nurhidayat, A., & Hung, C. C. (2013). The feasibility of delivering behavioral drug and risk counseling to methadone patients in Taiwan: An international collaborative research. The 75th Annual College on Problems of Drug Dependence Meeting. June 15-20, 2013. San Diego, CA, USA.
  23. Lee, T. S. H. (2012). The prevalence of club drugs and related risk factors amongst Taiwan adolescents. 2012 NIDA International Forum and the 74th Annual CPDD meeting. Palm Spring, CA, USA.
  24. Lee, T. S. H., Fang, F. C. L., Lin, C. K., Jeng, H. M., & Chien, L. H. (2012). Influence of walking exercise and a psychosocial intervention on psychological well-being and sense of coherence amongst retried senior citizens. The 2nd Asia-Pacific Conference on Health Promotion and Education: Empowerment for Healthy Settings. Fu-Jen University, Taipei, Taiwan.
  25. Lee, T. S. H., Chien, L. H., Fang, F. C. L., Lin, C. K., Jeng, H. M., & Yeh, Y. H. (2012). Successful ageing through walking exercise: A program description. The 2nd Asia-Pacific Conference on Health Promotion and Education: Empowerment for Healthy Settings. Fu-Jen University, Taipei, Taiwan.
  26. Lee, T. S. H., Chien, L. H., & Yeh, Y. H. (2012). Happiness, sense of coherence, perceived health, and BMI amongst retired elders. The 2nd Asia-Pacific Conference on Health Promotion and Education: Empowerment for Healthy Settings. Fu-Jen University, Taipei, Taiwan.
  27. Chiang, H. H., Chien, L. H., Fang, F. C. L., Jeng, H. M., Lin, C. K., Lin, J. S., Yeh, I. H. & Lee, T. S. H.* Using an MIMIC model to assess psychological well-being among retired elders in Taipei. The 2nd World Congress on Positive Psychology, Philadelphia Pennsylvania USA July 23-26 2011. (*Presenter)
  28. Wu, A. W., Yen, L. L., & Lee, T. S. H.* Can learned interpersonal optimism prevent children from engaging in aggressive behaviors? The 2nd World Congress on Positive Psychology, Philadelphia Pennsylvania USA July 23-26 2011. (*Presenter)
  29. Lin, J. S., Chien, L. H., Jeng, H. M., Fang, F. C. L., Lin, C. K., Chiang, H. H., Yeh, I. H., & Lee, T. S. H.* Family relationships, sense of coherence, and happiness among retired elders in Taipei. The 2nd World Congress on Positive Psychology, Philadelphia Pennsylvania USA July 23-26 2011. (*Presenter)
  30. Lee, T. S. H. (2011). Evaluating the impacts of methadone maintenance treatment on heroin abusers in Taiwan: An 18-month follow-up study. 2011 NIDA International Forum and the 73rd Annual CPDD meeting. Hollywood, Florida USA.
  31. Hsu, F. C., Lee, T. S. H., & Wang, Y. Y. An investigation on the effects of movement improvisation on emotion in people living with HIV. 2011 Hawaii International Conference on Education.
  32. Lee, T. S. H., Metzger, D., & Chawarski, M. (2010). Preliminary outcomes of methadone treatment amongst heroin users in northern Taiwan. 2010 NIDA International Forum and the 72nd Annual CPDD meeting. Scottsdale, Arizona USA.
  33. 李思賢(2009):〈編製與評估台灣地區高中(職)生毒品篩檢量表〉。98全國反毒會議學術研討會,臺大醫院國際會議中心,2009.06.03.
  34. 李思賢、晏涵文、馮嘉玉(2009):〈台灣地區高中職校園性騷擾現況及其相關因素之研究〉。第一屆世界華人性學研討會。高雄:樹德科技大學。
  35. 李思賢(2009):〈毒品再犯罪比率與保護因子分析〉。2009年毒品與防治研討會:中華民國犯罪學學會,國立中正大學法學院大法庭,2009.05.26。(Cited=1)
  36. 張君威、李思賢、李文貴、羅時茂、沙堅白、諶立中(2009):〈嚴重精神病人照護體系之國際模式〉。流行病學在臨床精神醫學上的應用,98年度春季學術研討會:宜蘭晶英酒店,2009.05.02-2009.05.03。
  37. 游錦雲、李思賢*、李蘭、陳玉佩(2008):〈兒童內化行為問題測量工具的建立及其信效度研究〉。第八屆海峽兩岸心理與教育測驗學術研討會:昆明、雲南。(*報告人) 測驗學刊,56(3),295-319。(Cited=2)
  38. Lee, T. S. H. (2008). HIV sero-prevalence and condom use stages amongst female injecting heroin users. The 9th Taipei International Conference on HIV/AIDS: Taipei, Taiwan, 27-28 September 2008.
  39. Chang, K. L., & Lee, T. S. H. (2008). HIV susceptibility and risk behaviors amongst HIV-negative female heroin offenders in Taiwan. XVII International AIDS Conference. Mexico City, 3-8 August 2008. 台灣性學學刊,15(2),53-64。https://doi.org/10.6784/FJS.200910.0053 (Cited=6)
  40. Liu, H. W., & Lee, T. S. H. (2008). Gender differences in risk behaviors amongst HIV-positive drug users in Taiwan. XVII International AIDS Conference. Mexico City, 3-8 August 2008.
  41. Lee, S. C., & Lee, T. S. H. (2008). Genital beading as the predictor of HIV status in male drug offenders in Taiwan. XVII International AIDS Conference. Mexico City, 3-8 August 2008. http://www.thebodypro.com/content/confs/aids2008/art48685.html?ic=700102
  42. Chen, Y. P., & Lee, T. S. H. (2008). Gender differences in self-efficacy of practicing HIV safer behaviors among polydrug users in Taiwan. XVII International AIDS Conference. Mexico City, 3-8 August 2008.
  43. 黃淑玲、李思賢、趙運植(2008)。〈世紀之交台灣人性行為分析:世代、性別、教育及婚姻狀態之交織差異〉。「性、身體、親密關係的轉變與融合」學術研討會。高雄市市政府社會局:樹德科技大學。臺灣性學學刊,16(2),1-28。https://doi.org/ 10.6784/FJS.201010.0001 (Cited=2)
  44. Lee, T. S. H. (2008). Unprotected sex with main partner in relation to HIV among injecting drug users in Taiwan. British Psychological Society Annual Conference 2008: Dublin, United Kingdom.
  45. Lee, T. S. H., Sheng, T., & Fu, L. A. (2008). A study on the stigma of HIV/AIDS toward female heroin user. Taiwan AIDS Foundation: the 4th annual meeting: Taipei.
  46. 李思賢(2007):〈青少年藥物濫用之起因:學校輔導系統之觀點〉。如何預防青少年藥癮愛滋研討會。財團法人台北市愛慈教育基金會,臺大校友會館。
  47. 盧幸馡、李思賢(2007):〈女性藥癮者共同注射海洛因行為及其思維之探討〉。「第一屆卓越教學醫學與人文前瞻系列活動」:《醫學人文與社會變遷》研討會:臺北醫學大學,醫學綜合大樓。
  48. 李思賢(2006):〈藥癮再犯罪成因與心理治療介入的可行性:出監毒癮者之回溯性與前瞻性追蹤研究〉。2006公共衛生學會聯合年會:暴力與傷害預防大會。台灣公共衛生學會:臺北市徐州路17號,台大公衛大樓。
  49. Lee, T. S. H., Chao, Y. C., & Wu, A. W. (2006). Examining the intention and usage of condoms among sexually active soldiers: A structure equation model of the Theory of Planned Behavior. The XVI International AIDS Conference: 13-18 August Toronto, Canada.
  50. Lee, T. S. H., Yang, L. C., & Chen, Y. J. (2005). Belief and practice of condom use among women who trade sex for amphetamine in Taiwan. The 3rd Conference on HIV Pathogenesis and Treatment, International AIDS Society: Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.
  51. 彭士軒、張廷碩、李思賢(2005):〈女性性工作者對於保險套使用以及性病之認知及其態度與行為〉。第32屆軍醫學術研究會:國防大學國防醫學院。
  52. 李思賢、李蘭、劉怡慧(2003):〈家庭衝突、父母管教、父母溫暖與國小兒童憂鬱〉。諮商心理與輔導專業國際學術研討會:中國輔導學會,國立臺灣師範大學。
  53. 黃淑玲、李思賢、趙運植(2003):〈比較性交易/色情消費的世代、階級、性別差異〉。發表於「家庭、政治、色情與身體意識的性別現象—台灣地區社會變遷調查第六次研討會」,中央研究院社會學研究所,12月19日。
  54. 李思賢、高千雲(2002):〈性侵害犯再犯預防團體治療方案之評估〉。2002年犯罪問題研究研討會:國立臺北大學。
  55. 李思賢、陳俐婷、李蘭(2002):〈父母教養與國小四年級學童內化行為問題研究〉。中華心理學會年會:國立成功大學。
  56. 李思賢、李蘭、陳俐婷、吳其臻(2002):〈國小四年級學童的內外控與社交孤寂〉。學童健康生活形態研討會:國立臺灣師範大學。
  57. 李蘭、陳麗光、李思賢、蕭朱杏、潘怜燕、邱靜如(2002):〈兒童與青少年行為之長期發展:以學校為基礎之健康生活形態研究〉。學童健康生活形態研討會:國立臺灣師範大學。(Cited=3)
  58. Lee, T. S. H., Hwang, S. L., & Chao, Y. C. J. (2002). Buying sex among soldiers. American Psychological Association: Chicago.
  59. Lee, T. S. H., & Chen, L. T. (2002). The design and reliability of a children social anxiety scale. American Psychological Association: Chicago.
  60. Lee, T. S. H. (2001). Health belief model and human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) testing among female drug abusers in Taiwan. First Scientific Asian Conference in Field Epidemiology: Taipei, Taiwan.
  61. Lee, T. S. H. (2001). Determinants of needle sharing among female drug abusers in Taiwan. First Scientific Asian Conference in Field Epidemiology: Taipei, Taiwan.
  62. Lee, T. S. H., Wu, W. C., Yen, L. L., & Ke, S. R. (2001). Perceived risks and benefits about smoking among school adolescents in Taipei. Presented at the 129th American Public Health Association: Atlanta, GA. (Cited=2)
  63. Lee, T. S. H., Yen, L. L., Liu, C. H., Liu, Q. Y., Ke, S. R., & Wu, W. C. (2001). Effects of two anti-smoking promotion programs among adolescents in Taipei. Presented at the 129th American Public Health Association: Atlanta, GA.
  64. Lee, T. S. H. (2001). AIDS knowledge, perception of AIDS risk, and sexual practices among female drug abusers. Presented at the 129th American Public Health Association: Atlanta. GA.
  65. Lee, T. S. H. (1997). Human sexuality and HIV/AIDS infection in Asian American adolescents in Philadelphia. Philadelphia Public Health Report.
  66. Lee, T. S. H. (1996). Reliability of the AIDS knowledge test. Published as a brief in the reports of School Board of City of Philadelphia.
  67. Lee, T. S. H., Metzger, D. S., Woody, G. E., & Navaline, H. (1999). Longitudinal patterns of HIV risk behaviors among IDUs. Presented at the 61th Annual Scientific Meeting of the College on Problems of Drug Dependence. Acapulco, Mexico.
  68. Lee, T. S. H., Metzger, D. S., Woody, G. E., & Navaline, H. (1999). Methadone maintenance treatment and drug injection: A prospective study. Presented at the 4th Impact International Conference on the Biopsychosocial Aspect of HIV Infection. Ottawa, Canada.
  69. Messiah, M., Metzger, D. S., Davis-Vogel, A., Navaline, H., Lee, T. S. H., & Woody, G. (1999). Evaluation of a procedure that increases retention in follow-up studies of I.V. drug users at risk of HIV infection. Presented at the 61th Annual Scientific Meeting of the College on Problems of Drug Dependence. Acapulco, Mexico.
  70. Navaline, H., Woody, G., Lee, T. S. H., & Metzger, D. (1998). Long-term changes in HIV risk behavior. Presented at the 60th Annual Scientific Meeting of the College on Problems of Drug Dependence. Scottsdale, AZ.






