Associate Professor Tsung-Che Chiang

Department of Computer Science and Information Engineering
National Taiwan Normal University

Tel: +886-2-77346692    Fax: +886-2-29322378    Email


Tsung-Che Chiang, nsga3cpp: A C++ implementation of NSGA-III, 2014.


From v1.1 to v1.2

  • First of all, I would like to thank Dr. Yuan Yuan, Dr. Hua Xu, and Dr. Bo Wang for sharing their Java implementation of NSGA-III. Then, I would like to thank my student Chen-Yu Lee for identifying the difference between the two implementations and recommending the modification. We followed the way in which Yuan et al. dealt with the condition where the hyperplane cannot be constructed successfully - setting the intercepts by the worst objective values. The results have then been much improved!

  • The actual modification of the codes include:

    (1) adding a function FindMaxObjectives() in alg_environmental_selection.cpp

    (2) modifying the function ConstructHyperplane() in alg_environmental_selection.cpp



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