



A. Journal Papers:

  1. 博士論文 (PDF file)

  2. Yeh, Y.H., K.J. Chen and Y.B. Tsai (1984). A study of seismicity in the Chiayi-Meishan area, southwestern Taiwan, Bull. Geophys., NCU, 26, 73-84. ( PDF file)

  3. Chen, K.J. , Y.H. Yeh and Y.B. Tsai (1985). A study on complex demodulation of the magnetic total intensity data of Taiwan, Bull. Inst. Earth Sci., Academia Sinica, 5, 125-136. (PDF file)

  4. Chen, K.J. , Y.H. Yeh, C.S. Tsai and S.C. Yuan (1988). Gravity and microearthquake studies in the Nankan-Taoyuan area, northeastern Taiwan, Proc. Geol. Soc. China, 31, 1. 125-139. (PDF file)

  5. Chen, K.J. , Y.H.Yeh, C.H. Lin and H.Y. Yen (1989). Gravity survey in the Minghsiung-Peikang area, southwestern Taiwan: Possible westward-extension of the Meishan fault, Proc. Geol. Soc. China, 32, 1, 63-78. (PDF file)

  6. Chen, K.J., Y.H. Yeh (1991). Gravity and microearthquakes studies in the Chinshan-Tanshui area, northern Taiwan, Terrestria, Atmospheric and Oceanic Sciences 2, 35-50. (PDF file)

  7. Yen, H.Y., Y.H. Yeh , C.H. Lin, K.J., Chen , Y.B., Tsai (1995). Gravity survey of Taiwan, J. Phys. Earth, 43, 683-696. (PDF file)

  8. Chen, K.J., Y.H. Yeh, H.Y. Yen, and C.H. Lin (1995). Seismological studies in the Chinshan fault area, Proc. Geol. Soc. China., 38, 335-353. (PDF file)

  9. Chen, K.J. , Y.H. Yeh, and C.T. Shyu (1996). Qp structure in Taiwan area and its correlation to seismicity, Terrestria, Atmospheric and Oceanic Sciences 7, 4, 409-429. (PDF file)

  10. Jeng, Y., S.H. Chen, and K.J. Chen (1997). Shallow seismic waves attenuation in unconsolidated layers, Petrol. Geol. Taiwan, 31, 135-154.

  11. Chen, K.J. (1998). S-wave attenuation structure in the Taiwan area and its correlation to seismicity, Terrestrial, Atmospheric and Oceanic Sciences, 9, 1, 97-118. (PDF file)

  12. Jeng, Y., K.J. Chen , and J.S. Wang (1999). Investigation of a fault zone in urban environments by shallow reflected and reflected-converted waves, Jour. Geol. Soc. China 42, 43-62.

  13. Sun, R., J. Chow, and K.J. Chen (2001). Phase correction in separating P- and S- waves in elastic data, Geophysics, 66, 1515-1518. (SCI) (PDF file)

  14. Chen, K.J., C.M. Wang, S.K. Hsu and W.T. Liang (2001) . Geomagnetic basement relief of the northern Taiwan area, Terrestrial, Atmospheric and Oceanic Sciences, 12, 3, 441-460. (NSC87-2119-M-003-001) (PDF file)

  15. Chen, K.J. , C.H. Lin, and C.J. Hsieh (2002). Mapping attenuation structures of the volcanic area in northern Taiwan, Western Pacific Earth Sciences, 2, 273-290. (NSC85-2111-M-003-007) and (NSC88-2625-Z-003-001) (PDF file)

  16. Chen, K.J., K. Chao, Y. T. Tseng, C. H. Lin, and C. H. Chang (2003).Temporal change of Q s -1 in the 1999 Chi-Chi earthquake fault area, Taiwan, Terrestrial, Atmospheric and Oceanic Sciences, 14, 2,145-158. (SCI) ( NSC-89-2921-M-003-002-EAF (PDF file)

  17. Lin, C.H., Y.I. Liu, C.Y. Liu, K.J. Chen and Y.H. Yeh (2003). Earthquake clustering relative to lunar phases in Taiwan, Terrestrial, Atmospheric and Oceanic Sciences, 14, 3, 289-293. (SCI). (PDF file)

  18. Chen, K.J., B. Chiu, and C.H. Lin (2006). A search for a correlation between time change in transfer functions and seismic energy release in northern Taiwan, Earth, Planets and Space, 58, 981-991. (SCI). (PDF file)

  19. Lin, C.H., L.W. Hsu , M.Y. Ho , T.C. Shin , K.J. Chen and Y.H. Yeh (2007). Low-Frequency Submarine Volcanic Swarms in the Southwestern End of the Okinawa Trough, GRL. 34, L06310~L06314. (SCI). (PDF file)

  20. Chen, K.J., Y.R. Ho, B. Chiu, J.S. Wang, R. Sun, and C.H. Lin. (2007). Correlation between time change in modulus of short-period geomagnetic variation and seismic energy release in Taiwan, Terrestrial, Atmospheric and Oceanic Sciences, 18, 3, 577-591.  (SCI).(PDF file)

  21. Lin, C.H., Y.H. Yeh, M. Ando, K.J. Chen, T. M. Chang and H.C. Pu (2008), Twin earthquake sequences: Evidence of static triggering in the strong convergent zones of Taiwan, Terr. Atm. Ocean., 19, 6, 589-594. (PDF File)

  22. Chen, K.J. , B. Chiu, J.S. Wang, C.Y. Lee, C.H. Lin and K. Chao (2011), Geomagnetic Anomaly at Lunping before the 1999 Chi-Chi Earthquake (Mw=7.6) in Taiwan, Natural Hazards, 58, 3, 1233-1252.

  23. .Chou, Y.M., T.Q. Lee, S.R. Song and K.J. Chen (2011), Magnetostratigraphy of marine sediment core MD01-2414 from Okhotsk Sea and its paleoenvironmental implications, Marine Geology, 284, 149-157.  (PDF File)

  24. Chang, C.C., G.Y. Liu, K.J.Chen, C.H. Huang, Y.M. Lai, and T.K. Yeh (2017, Jul). The effects of acollaborative computer-based concept mapping strategy on geographic science performance in junior high school students. EURASIA J. Mathematics, Science and Technology Education. V13(8), 5049~50601

  25. Huang, C.H., C.Y. Lee, Y.C. Kao, and K.J.Chen,201812月)。以複數解載 與衰減構造解算震源P 波加速度時 間函。西太平洋地質科學 WESTERN PACIFIC EARTH SCIENCESV15-18. P131~152 . (PDF file)

  26. Lee, C.Y., J. Liu, Y.C.Kao, C.H. Huang, R.H. Ma, L.C. Wang and K.J.Chen,201812月)。以複數解載法分析竹子湖強震站最大地動加速度的 異常放大現象。西太平洋地質科學,WESTERN PACIFIC EARTH SCIENCESV15~18, p153~174. (PDF File)

  27. 謝建成, 呂智惠, 陳光榮 (2019), 不同卡片分類法效益比較之研究, 圖書資訊學研究 V13, 115-139. (PDF File)

B. Conference papers

  1. Chen, K.J. , Y.H. Yeh, C.H. Lin and H.Y. Yen (1988). The possibility of westward extension of the Meishan fault, The second Taiwan Symposium on Geophysics.

  2. Yeh,Y.H., W.C. Liang, K.J. Chen , and C.T. Shyu (1991). Anisotropy in the crust of northern Taiwan determined by S-wave splitting, The third Taiwan Symposium on Geophysics. (in Chinese)

  3. Chen, K.J. , Y.H. Yeh, and C.T. Shyu (1992). Three-dimensional Qp structure beneath Taiwan, Annual meeting of the Geological Society of China.

  4. Chen, K.J., Y.H. Yeh, and C.T. Shyu (1992). Three-dimensional Qp structure in the crust and the upper mantle beneath Taiwan, Western Pacific Geophysic Meeting(II), AGU, Hong-Kong.

  5. Yeh, Y.H., H.Y. Yen and K.J. Chen (1992). A status report of gravity, topographic, and geomagnetic data archieves of Taiwan, The 3rd International CODATA Conference, Beijing.

  6. Chen, K.J., Y.H. Yeh, and C.T. Shyu (1993). Qp structure in Taiwan area, Annual Meeting of the Chinese Geophysical Society.

  7. Chen, K.J.. and Y.H. Yeh (1994). The correlation between Qp and seismicity in Taiwan area, 1994 AGU Spring Meeting.

  8. Yeh, Y.H., K.C. Chen, H.Y. Yen, W.T. Liang, B.S. Huang, K.J. Chen , B.Y. Kuo, C.H. Lin, J.M. Chiu, Y.T. Yeh, and C.H. Chen (1994). A high-resolution seismic array experiment in the Hualien area, Taiwan, 1994 Western Pacific Geophysic Meeting(III), AGU, Hong-Kong.

  9. Chen, K.J.. And Y.H. Yeh (1995). The Qp and Qs structures in Taiwan area, 1995 AGU Fall Meeting.

  10. Chen, K.J.. , Y.H. Yeh, and Y. Jeng (1995). Variatiions in rise time as an indication of fault, Annual Meeting of the Chinese Geophysical Society.

  11. Chen, S. H., Y. Jeng, and K.J. Chen, (1995). Shallow seismic waves attenuation in unconsolidated layers, Annual Meeting of the Chinese Geophysical Society.

  12. Chen, K.J.. , Y. Jeng, and Y.H. Yeh (1996). Location and configuration of magma bodies beneath northern Taiwan, determined from the Qp and Qs structures, XXI General Assembly, European Geophysical Society (Hague, Netherlands).

  13. Jeng, Y.,S.H. Chen and K.J. Chen (1996). Effects of unconsolidated layers on shallow seismic wave propagation, XXI General Assembly, European Geophysical Society (Hague, Netherlands).

  14. Chen, K.J. and Y.H. Yeh (1996).The attenuation structures of body-wave beneath the Taiwan area, 1996 Western Pacific Geophysics Meeting (Brisbane, Australia).

  15. Shei, C.J., K.J., Chen, Y.H. Yeh, and Y. Jeng (1996). The relationship between the geomagnetic field and the geopressure, The sixth Taiwan Symposium on Geophysics (in Chinese).

  16. Shei, C.J., K.J., Chen, Y. Jeng, and Y.H. Yeh (1996). The relationship between the water volume and the seismicity in the area of Tsengweng Dam , The sixth Taiwan Symposium on Geophysics (in Chinese).

  17. Chen, K.J.. and Y. Jeng, Y.H. Yeh , and C. H. Lin (1996). The coseismic effects in the area of Tsengwen Dam, southern of Taiwan, 1996 AGU Fall Meeting.

  18. Chen, K.J., Y. Jeng and Y.H. Yeh (1997). Analysis of the geomagnetic total intensity data in Taiwan area, by using complex demodulation methos, 8th Scientific Assembly of International Association of Geomagnetism and Aeronomy (Uppsala, Sweden).

  19. Chen, K.J. , Y.H. Yeh and Y. Jeng (1997). Observations of short-period geomagnetic variations in Taiwan area, 8th Scientific Assembly of International Association of Geomagnetism and Aeronomy (Uppsala, Sweden).

  20. Chen, K.J., Y.H. Yeh and Y. Jeng (1997). Geomagnetic observation near dam area, 2nd International Conference on Archaeological Prospection (Japan).

  21. Jeng, Y., K.J. Chen and J.S. Wang (1997). Shallow seismic investigation of a fault zone in Urban environments, XXII General Assembly, European Geophysical Society (Vienna, Austria).

  22. Chen, K.J. (1997). The correlation between Qs structure and seismicity in Taiwan area, Annual Meeting of the Chinese Geophysical Society.

  23. Shei, C.J., K.J., Chen, and Y. Jeng, (1997). The correlation between the water volume and the seismicity in the Tsengweng Dam area, Annual Meeting of the Chinese Geophysical Society.

  24. Hsu, C.C., Y. Jeng, and K.J., Chen (1997). Interpreting shallow 3D structure using 2D seismic data, Annual Meeting of the Chinese Geophysical Society.

  25. Chen, K.J. and Y. Jeng (1998). The attenuation structures of body wave and its tectonic implications in Taiwan area, Annual meeting of European Geophysical Society (Nice, France).

  26. Chen, K.J. and Y. Jeng (1998). Investigaton on shallow faults by seismic t* values, Annual meeting of European Geophysical Society (Nice, France).

  27. Jeng, Y and K.J., Chen (1998). Geomagnetic evidence for the time-selecting concept of Ancient Chinese health promotion, Annual meeting of European Geophysical Society (Nice, France).

  28. Chen, K.J. and Y. Jeng (1999). Thermal structure beneath the northern Taiwan derived from seismic attenuation study: Morphology of magma chambers of the Tatun and Chihsinshan Volcanoes, Annual meeting of European Geophysical Society.

  29. Jeng, Y and K.J., Chen and Y.F. Hsiou (1999). Field measurement of near-surface Q and the origin of estimation errors, Annual meeting of European Geophysical Society.

  30. Chen K.J. and Y. Jeng and R.J. Sun (2000). Thermal structure in subduction zone: Derived from seismic velocity and attenuation in Taiwan area. Annual meeting of European Geophysical Society.

  31. Chen K.J. and Y.H. Yeh and S.W. Roecker (2000). New insights on subduction zone: From the anomaly of V P / VS and QP / QS structures in Taiwan area. Annual meeting of European Geophysical Society.

  32. Chen K.J. and T.K. Chao (2001) Temporal changes in seismic attenuation before and after the 1999 Chichi earthquake (mw=7.7) in the focal region. Annual meeting of European Geophysical Society. (NSC 89-2921-M-003-EAF).

  33. Chao T.K. and K.J., Chen (2001) Temporal changes in seismic attenuation in the focal region of the 1999 Chichi earthquake, Annual Meeting of the China Geological Society.

  34. Hsu S.R. and K.J., Chen (2001) The attenuation model of strong motion in the focal region of the 1999 Chichi earthquake, Annual Meeting of the China Geological Society.

  35. Chen K.J. and H.P. Chiu (2001) Geomagnetic transfer functions at Lunping before and after the 1999 Chichi earthquake (Mw=7.7), IAGA and IASPEI 2001. (NSC 89-2116-M-003-005)

  36. Chen K.J. (2002). Mapping seismic attenuation within volcano area in northern Taiwan. Annual meeting of European Geophysical Society.

  37. Chen K.J. (2002). Temporal Changes of 1/Qs in the Focal Area of the 1999 Chichi Earthquake, Derived From Magnitude Deviation Analysis, 2002 Western Pacific Geophysical Meeting.

  38. Chen K.J. (2003). Time changes of geomagnetic transfer functions at Lunping, Taiwan related to earthquake occurrences, IUGG, 2003.

  39. Chen K.J., K. Chao, Y.R. Ho, B. Chiu, and C.H. Lin (2004). Study on Seismomagnetism in Taiwan, 2004 Joint Assembly in Canada.

  40. Chen K.J., Y.R. Ho, J. S. Wang, and C. H. Lin (2006). A geomagnetic precursor to the 1999 high seismicity in Taiwan, European Geophysical Union, 2006, Vienna, Austria.

  41. Chen K.J., B. Chiu, J.S. Wang, C.H. Lin, and J.Y. Liu, (2007). Variation of induction vectors preceding of the Chi-Chi earthquake in Taiwan, SOHO 19.

  42.  Chen K.J., B. Chiu, J.S. Wang, and C.H. Lin, (2007). Geomagnetic precursors to high-seismicities in Taiwan- Variations in the direction of magnetic vector, IUGG 2007.

  43. J.S. Wang, K.J., Chen, B., Chiu, and C.H. Lin, (2007). Simulation of peak ground acceleration, IUGG 2007.

  44. Chen K.J., B. Chiu, J.S. Wang, C.H. Lin, and K. Chao (2008). Some possible geomagnetic precursors before the 1999 Chi-Chi earthquake (Mw=7.6) in Taiwan, Canada Geophysical Union.

  45. 陳光榮, 葉義雄,蔡義本(1986). 台灣地區地磁觀測及其變化與地震活動性之相關性研究,中國地質學會年會.

  46. 葉義雄,蔡欽舜,陳光榮,,袁時正(1986). 桃園新竹地區活斷層之調查研究重力與微震觀測(II), 國科會防災科技研討會.

  47. 葉義雄, 陳光榮,,王理文,黃維彰(1988). 梅山斷層向西延伸之調查研究, 國科會防災科技研討會.

  48. 葉義雄, 陳光榮, ,顏宏元(1989). 金山斷層之調查研究--重力與微震觀測, 國科會防災科技研討會.

  49. 葉義雄, 陳光榮, ,(1990). 崁腳斷層之調查研究微震觀測, 國科會防災科技研討會.

  50. 葉義雄, 陳光榮, (1991). 金山斷層之調查研究--微震觀測, 國科會防災科技研討會.

  51. 陳光榮,, 葉義雄(1991). 金山淡水地區之微震調查研究, 中國地質學會年會.

C. Reports

  1. 葉義雄, 陳光榮, ,王維豪,蔡義本(1984). 1906年嘉義梅山地震斷層之觀測研究, 中央研究院地球科學研究所, 75頁.

  2. 葉義雄,蔡欽舜, 陳光榮, ,袁時正 (1986). 桃園新竹地區活斷層之調查研究--重力與微震觀測(II), 中央研究院地球科學研究所, 97頁.

  3. 葉義雄, 陳光榮, ,顏宏元,林正洪,王理文,黃維彰(1988). 梅山斷層向西延伸之調查研究, 中央研究院地球科學研究所, 53頁.

  4. 葉義雄, 陳光榮,,顏宏元(1989). 金山斷層之調查研究--重力與微震觀測, 中央研究院地球科學研究所, 46頁.

  5. 葉義雄,陳光榮,(1990). 崁腳斷層之調查研究--微震觀測, 中央研究院地球科學研究所.

  6. 葉義雄, 陳光榮,,葉永田,辛在勤,吳慶餘(1990). 例行地震定位之改進研究, 中央研究院地球科學研究所.

  7. 葉義雄, 陳光榮, (1991). 金山斷層之調查研究--微震觀測, 中央研究院地球科學研究所.

  8. 陳光榮, (1996). 台灣地區地下Qs值的三維構造逆推,國科會.

  9. 陳光榮,(1997), Location and configuration of magma bodies beneath northern Taiwan, determined from the Qp and Qs structures, 國科會.

  10. 陳光榮 (1998). 3-Dimensional structures of Qp and Qs in the Hualien Area, 國科會.

  11. 陳光榮 (1998). 台灣北部地區磁力研究,國科會.

  12. 陳光榮 (1999). 台北盆地剪力波衰減因子的三維構造之逆推國科會(NSC-88-2625-Z-003-001)

  13. 陳光榮 (2000). 台灣地區地磁轉換函數之研究,國科會(NSC-89-2116-M-003-005).

  14. 陳光榮 ( 2001). 921 集集大地震前後震波衰減強度之時間變化,國科會( NSC-89-2921-M-003-002-EAF).

  15. 陳光榮 (2002). 利用強地動紀錄逆推中部地區精密三維衰減構造,國科會( NSC-90-2625-Z-003-003).

  16. 陳光榮 (2003). 台灣地區地震地磁學長期研究 (I),國科會 (NSC-92-2119-M-003-002) .

  17. 陳光榮  (2003). 三維衰減構造在地動峰值之推算,氣象局. (MOTC-CWB-92-E-09) .

  18. 陳光榮(2004). 台灣地區地震地磁學長期研究 (II),國科會(NSC-92-2119-M-003-001).

  19. 林正洪, 詹瑜璋,陳光榮,張道明 (2004). 活動斷層帶之微震研究計畫, 經濟部中央地質調查所(1/3).

  20. 陳光榮(2005). 台灣地區地震地磁學長期研究 (III),國科會(NSC-93-2119-M-003-001).

  21. 林正洪, 詹瑜璋,陳光榮,張道明 (2005). 活動斷層帶之微震研究計畫, 經濟部中央地質調查所(2/3).

  22. 陳光榮(2006).台灣北部地區磁感率變化與地震活動度之相關性研究,國科會(NSC-94-2116-M-003-008).

  23. 林正洪, 詹瑜璋,陳光榮,張道明 (2006). 活動斷層帶之微震研究計畫, 經濟部中央地質調查所(3/3).

  24. 陳光榮(2007).磁感向量變化與地震能量釋放之相關性,國科會(NSC-95-2116-M-003-003).