Jia-Ling Koh
Department of Computer
Science and Information Engineering
National Taiwan Normal
E-Mail : jlkoh@csie.ntnu.edu.tw
Tel: 886-2-77346683
Fax: 886-2-29322378
- B.S. in Computer Science from National Chiao Tung University, Taiwan, 1991.
- M.S. in Computer Science from National Tsing Hua University, 1993.
- Ph.D. in Computer Science from National Tsing Hua University, 1997.
- Assistant Prof. at Department of Computer and Information Education, National Taiwan Normal University, 1997.
- Associate Prof. at Department of Computer and Information Education, National Taiwan Normal University, 2001.
- Associate Prof. at Department of Computer science and Information Engineering, National Taiwan Normal University, 2006.
資料庫系統(Database System)
資料探勘(Data Mining)
機器學習(Machine Learning)
KDD (Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining) Lab
1. Jia-Ling Koh and Cheng-Wei Chen, “Category-aware
Sequential Recommendation with Time Intervals of Purchases,” submitted to the
29th International Conference on Database Systems for Advanced Applications
(DASFAA 2024).
2. Jia-Ling Koh,
Po-Jen Wen, Wei Lai, “A Meta-Learning Approach for Category-aware Sequential
Recommendation on POIs,” submitted to the 29th International Conference on
Database Systems for Advanced Applications (DASFAA 2024).
3. 1.
CY Chiu, HY Lane, JL
Koh, ALP Chen, “Multimodal depression detection
on instagram considering time interval of posts,”
Journal of Intelligent Information Systems 56 (1), 25-47, 2021.
4. Pei-Hao Wu, Avon Yu, Ching-Wei Tsai, Jia-Ling Koh,
Chin-Chi Kuo, Arbee LP Chen, “Keyword
extraction and structuralization of medical reports,”
Health Information Science and Systems, 8(1), 1-25, 2020.
5. Yin-Hsiang
Liao and Jia-Ling Koh,
“Question generation through transfer learning,” International Conference on
Industrial, Engineering and Other Applications of Applied Intelligent Systems,
IEA/AIE 2020.
6. Pin-Hua Wu,
Jia-Ling Koh,
Arbee L.P. Chen, “Event Detection for Exploring
Emotional Upheavals of Depressive People,” in Proc. the 34th ACM/SIGAPP
Symposium on Applied Computing (ACM SAC 2019). (Best paper award)
7. Yi-Hui
Lee and Jia-Ling Koh,
“Conditional Relationship Extraction for Diseases and Symptoms by a Web
Search-based Approach,” in Proc. 2018 IEEE/WIC/ACM International Conference on
Web Intelligence (WI'18).
8. Jia-Ling Koh, Chia-Ching
Chen, Chih-Yu Chan, and Arbee
L.P. Chen, “MapReduce
skyline query processing with partitioning and distributed dominance tests,” Information Sciences, January 2017, Vol 375, Pages 114–137.
9. Han
Wang and Jia-Ling Koh,
Summarization for Event-related Discussions on a Chinese Social Media Platform,” The 30th International
Conference on Industrial, Engineering and Other Applications of Applied
Intelligent Systems, IEA/AIE 2017.
10. Jia-Ling Koh and Shao-Chun Peng, “A
Maximum Dimension Partitioning Approach for Efficiently Finding All Similar
Pairs,” the 8th International
Conference on Big Data Analytics and Knowledge Discovery (DaWaK
2016), Porto, Portugal, 2016.
11. Jia-Ling Koh, Han Wang, Chen-Yu Huang, Greg Lee, “Automatic
Summary Grading on Narrative Article for English Learner,”
E-Learn: World Conference on E-Learning in Corporate, Government, Healthcare,
and Higher Education, 2015.
12. Wei Chang and Jia-Ling
Koh, “Dynamic Facet
Hierarchy Constructing for Browsing Web Search Results Efficiently,” The 28th International
Conference on Industrial, Engineering and Other Applications of Applied
Intelligent Systems, IEA/AIE 2015.
13. Jia-Ling Koh, Chen-Yi Lin, and Arbee
L.P. Chen, “Finding
k Most Favorite Products based on Reverse Top-t Queries,” International Journal on Very Large Databases, 23(4), Aug., 2014, PP. 541-564 .
14. Jia-Ling Koh and I-Chih
Chiu, “An
Efficient Approach for Mining Top-k High Utility Specialized Query Expansions
on Social Tagging Systemsm,” The
19th International Conference on Database Systems for Advanced Applications
(DASFAA 2014).
15. Chen-Yi Lin, Jia-Ling
Koh, and Arbee L.P.
Chen (2013, Aug). Determining k-Most Demanding Products with Maximum Expected
Number of Total Customers. IEEE Trasnaction on
Knowledge and Data Engineering, 25( 8), 1732-1747.
16. J.-L. Koh, K.-T.
Chiang, I.-C. Chiu, “The Strategies for Supporting Query Specialization and
Query Generalization in Social Tagging Systems”, in Database
Systems for Advanced Applications, 18th International Conference, DASFAA 2013,
International Workshops: BDMA, SNSM, SeCoP, Wuhan,
China, April 22-25, 2013. Proceedings, LNCS 7827, pp. 164-178, Springer-Verlag, 2013. (EI)
17. J.-L. Koh, N. Shongwe, and C.-W. Cho, “A
Multi-level Hierarchical Index Structure for Supporting Efficient Similarity
Search on Tag Sets”, in Proc. IEEE International Conference on
Research Challenge in Information Science, RCIS 2012.
18. J.-L. Koh and C.-W. Cho, “Informative
Sentence Retrieval for Domain Specific Terminologies,” the 24th International Conference on Industrial,
Engineering and Other Applications of Applied Intelligent, IEA/AIE 2011.
19. C.Y. Lin, J. L. Koh
and A. L. P. Chen, “A Better Strategy of Discovering Link-Pattern based
Communities by Classical Clustering Methods,” Lecture Notes in Artificial
Intelligence: The 14th Pacific-Asia Conference on Knowledge
Discover and Data Mining, PAKDD 2010, Proceedings, LNAI 6118, 2010. (EI)
20. C.L. Wu and J.L.
Koh, “Hierarchical
Topic-based Communities Construction for Authors in a Literature Database,” Lecture
Notes in
Intelligence: The 23rd International Conference on Industrial
Engineering and Other Applications of Applied Intelligent Systems, IEA/AIE
2010, Proceedings, LNAI 6097, 2010. (EI)
21. J. L. Koh and
Y.L. Tu, “A
Tree-based Approach for Efficiently Mining Approximate Frequent Itemsets,” in Proc. IEEE
International Conference on Research Challenge in Information Science, 2010.
22. Jia-Ling
Koh, Shu-Ning Shin, and Yuan-Bin Don, "An
Approximate Approach for Maintaining Recent Occurrences of Itemsets
in a Sliding Window over Data Streams," in Complex Data Warehousing and
Knowledge Discovery for Advanced Retrieval Development: Innovative Methods and Applicationsm, the series Advances in Data Warehousing and
Mining, IGI Global, 308-327, 2009.
23. Jia-Ling
Koh and C.-Y. Lin, “Concept
Shift Detection for Frequent Itemsets from Sliding Windows over Data Streams,” Lecture Notes in Computer Science: Database Systems for Advanced
Applications, DASFAA 2009 International Workshops,
LNCS 5667, PP.334-348, Springer-Verlag, 2009. (EI)
24. Jia-Ling
Koh and Pei-Min Chou, “Incrementally
Mining Recently Repeating Patterns over Data Streams,” Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence, New
Frontiers in Applied Data Mining, PAKDD 2008 International Workshops, LNAI
5433, pp. 26-37, Springer-Verlag, 2008. (EI)
25. Jia-Ling
Koh and Y.-B. Don, “Approximately Mining
Frequent Representative Itemsets on Data Streams,” Lecture Notes in Computer Science: Proceedings
of 2007 International Workshop on High Performance Data Mining and Applications, T. Washio et al. (Eds.): PAKDD 2007, LNAI 4819, pp. 231–243,
Springer-Verlag, 2007. (EI)
26. Jia-Ling
Koh and
S.-N. Shin, “An
Approximate Approach for Mining Recently Frequent Itemsets from Data Streams,”
Lecture Notes in Computer Science: DaWak’06: Data Warehousing
and Knowledge Discovery Database Systems for Advanced Applications, Springer-Verlag, 2006. (EI)
27. Jia-Ling
Koh and Yu-Ting, Kung, “An
Efficient Approach for Mining Top-K Fault-Tolerant Repeating Patterns,” Lecture Notes in Computer Science: DASFAA’06:
Database Systems for Advanced Applications, Springer-Verlag, 2006. (EI)
28. Chien-Liang Wu,
Jia-Ling Koh, and Pao-Ying An, “Improved
Sequential Pattern Mining Using an Extended Bitmap Representation,” Lecture
Notes in Computer Science: DEXA’05: Database and Expert Systems Applications, Springer-Verlag, 2005. (EI)
29. Jia-Ling
Koh and Pei-Wy Yo, “An
Efficient Approach for Mining Fault-Tolerant Frequent Patterns based on Bit
Vector Representations,”
Lecture Notes in Computer Science: DASFAA’05:
Database Systems for Advanced Applications, Springer-Verlag, 2005. (EI)
30. Jia-Ling
Koh and Shui-Feng
Shieh, “An
Efficient Approach for Maintaining Association Rules based on Adjusting FP-tree
Structure,” Lecture Notes in Computer Science: DASFAA’04:
Database Systems for Advanced Applications, Springer-Verlag, 2004. (EI)
31. Chien-Liang Wu
and Jia-Ling Koh,
“An Effective
Recommendation System for Querying Web Pages,” in Proc. the
workshop on Applications, Products and Services of Web-based Support Systems in conjunction
with the 2003 IEEE/WIC International Conference on Web Intelligence.
32. Jia-Ling.
Koh and A.L.P. Chen, “Efficient
Query Processing in Integrated Multiple Object Databases with Maybe Result
IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering, Vol. 14, No. 4, pp. 691-708, 2002. (SCI, EI).
33. Jia-Ling
Koh and A.L.P. Chen, “An Approach
to Querying Multiple Object Databases,” Journal of Information Science and Engineering, Vol.
18, No. 2, pp. 281-310, 2002.(SCI).
34. J.-H. Chen and Jia-Ling
Koh, “An Image
Classification Strategy based on Association Rules of Color-blocks,” in Proc.
the National Computer Symposium, 2001.
35. C.-C. Fang and Jia-Ling
Koh, “An efficient
Strategy for Mining Temporal Frequent Item Sets,” in Proc. the
National Computer Symposium, 2001.
36. Jia-Ling
Koh and W.D.C. Yu, “Efficient
Feature Mining in Music Objects,” Lecture Notes in
Computer Science: DEXA’01: Database and
Expert Systems Applications, pp. 221-231, Springer-Verlag, 2001. (EI)
37. Jia-Ling
Koh and W.D.C. Yu, “Efficient
Mining Strategies for Frequent Sequential Patterns in Music Databases,” in Proc.
2000 Asia Pacific Conference on Multimedia Technology and Applications (2000),
38. Jia-Ling
Koh, C-S Lee, and A.L.P. Chen, “Semantic
Video Model for Content-based Retrieval,” in Proc. IEEE
International Conference on Multimedia Computing and Systems, (1999),
39. Jia-Ling
Koh and A.L.P. Chen, “Integrated
Media and Alphanumeric Database Systems Based on Object Concepts,” in Proc.
9th Workshop on Object-Oriented Technology and Applications, (1998),
40. Jia-Ling
Koh, “Integration and
Query Processing for Object and Multimedia Databases,” Ph.D. Dissertation, Department of Computer Science, National Tsing
Hua University, June 1997.
41. Y-H. Chang, Jia-Ling
Koh and A.L.P. Chen, “An
Object-Oriented Approach to Modeling and Querying in Multimedia Information
Systems,” in Proc.
International Conference of Multimedia Information System - ICMIS97.
42. Jia-Ling
Koh, A.L.P. Chen, Paul C.M. Chang, and James C.C.
Chen, “A Query
Language and Interface for Integrated Media and Alphanumeric Database Systems,” Lecture Notes in Computer Science: DEXA’97:
Database and Expert Systems Applications, pp.508-518,
Springer-Verlag, 1997. (EI)
43. A.L.P Chen, P.S.M. Tsai, and Jia-Ling Koh, “Identifying
Object Isomerism in Multidatabase Systems,” Distributed and Parallel Databases: an
International Journal, 4(2) (1996), pp.143-168,
Klewer Academic Publishers. (SCI, EI).
44. Jia-Ling
Koh and A.L.P Chen, “Query
Execution Strategies for Missing Data in Distributed Heterogeneous Object
Databases,” in Proc. IEEE The
16th International Conference on Distributed Computing Systems,
(1996), pp.466-473.
45. Jia-Ling
Koh and A.L.P. Chen, “Schema Integration
and Query Processing of Object-Oriented Multidatabase
Systems, ” in Proc. 7th Workshop on Object-Oriented
Technology and Applications, (1996), pp.350-356.
46. A.L.P Chen, J.L. Koh, T.C.T. Kuo,
and C.C. Liu, “Schema
Integration and Query Processing for Multiple Object Databases,” Integrated Computer-Aided Engineering: Special Issue on Multidatabase and Interoperable Systems, 2(1)
(1995), pp.21-34, Wiley Interscience. (SCI,
47. Jia-Ling
Koh and A.L.P. Chen, “A
Mapping Strategy for Querying Multiple Object Databases with a Global Object
Schema,” in Proc.
IEEE International Workshop on Research Issues in Data Engineering -
Distributed Object Management (RIDE-DOM‘95), pp.
50-57, (1995).
48. Jia-Ling
Koh, W.F. Wang, A.N.J. Wu, S.C.S. Chen, and
B.S.P. Lin, “Accessing
Remote Database Through A Uniform Interface,” in Proc. 8th
International Joint Workshop on Computer Communication(JWCC‘93), pp.F4-3-1-F4-3-9(1993).
49. Jia-Ling
Koh and A.L.P. Chen, “Integration
of Heterogeneous Object Schemas,” Lecture Notes in Computer
Science: Entity-Relationship Approaches - ER’93:
Proc. 12th International Conference on the Entity-Relationship Approach,
pp.297-314, Springer-Verlag, 1993. (EI)
計畫名稱 |
計畫編號 |
執行期間 |
職稱 |
序列推薦少量學習技術之研究 |
國科會 112-2221-E-003-015 - |
2023/8/01~2024/7/31 |
主持人 |
產品評論摘要生成技術之研究 |
科技部 111-2221-E-003-012- |
2022/8/01~2023/12/31 |
主持人 |
結合使用者評論之產品面向推薦內文生成技術 |
科技部 110-2221-E-003-012- |
2021/8/01~2022/7/31 |
主持人 |
結合多重研究策略驗證具理論基礎之心理健康素養架構 |
科技部 110-2511-H-003-011-MY3 |
2021/8/01~2024/7/31 |
共同主持人 |
基於使用者評論意見之可解釋性產品推薦 |
科技部 109-2221-E-003 -016 - |
2020/8/01~2021/7/31 |
主持人 |
以深度學習方法進行事實問題產生之研究 |
科技部 108-2221-E-003
-010 - |
2019/8/01~2020/7/31 |
主持人 |
臺大醫神-精準醫療人工智慧輔助決策系統子計畫- 開發自動化建置「臺大醫院腦中風登錄資料庫」之人工智慧計畫 |
科技部 |
2019/12/01~2021/12/31 |
協同主持人 |
憂鬱症電子病歷資料分析與風險預測 |
中國醫藥大學附設醫院與亞洲大學合作平台計畫 |
2017/10/01~2018/9/30 |
協同主持人 |
由電子病歷資料探勘支援憂鬱症醫療決策之資訊 |
科技部 106-2221-E-003-028- |
2017/8/01~2018/7/31 |
主持人 |
智慧醫療系統之研究 |
中國醫藥大學附設醫院與亞洲大學合作平台計畫 |
2016/10/01~2017/9/30 |
協同主持人 |
巨量資料相似配對搜尋及常見鄰居樣式探勘之研究 |
科技部 104-2221-E-003-030- |
2015/8/01~2016/9/30 |
主持人 |
基於使用者偏好及查詢情境之資料搜尋輔助技術研究 |
科技部 103-2221-E-003-033- |
2014/8/01~2015/10/31 |
主持人 |
智產關聯技術開發與應用研究 |
財團法人資訊工業策進會 |
2014/4/01~2014/12/20 |
協同主持人 |
有效提供查詢結果探究篩選之面向查詢技術研究 |
國科會 102-2221-E-003-024- |
2013/08/01~2014/7/31 |
主持人 |
基於雲端科技之英語創新教學與評量研究 |
國科會 101-2511-S-003-057- |
2012/12/01~2014/7/31 |
共同主持人 |
高中職「資通科技領域探究式課程」研發計畫-總計畫:高中資訊科學創新學習(3/3) |
國科會 102-2514-S-003-009- |
2013/9/01~2014/7/31 |
共同主持人 |
有效提供查詢結果探究篩選之面向查詢技術研究 |
國科會 102-2221-E-003-024- |
2013/8/01~2014/7/31 |
主持人 |
基於雲端科技之英語創新教學與評量研究 |
國科會 101-2511-S-003-057-MY3 |
2012/12/01~2015/7/31 |
共同主持人 |
高中資訊科學創新學習計畫-總計畫(2/3) |
國科會 101-2514-S-003-006- |
2012/10/01~2013/8/31 |
共同主持人 |
對社交標籤系統提供瀏覽式查詢之技術研究 |
國科會 101-2221-E-003-025 |
2012/8/1~2013/7/31 |
主持人 |
專有詞彙相關句搜尋及摘要技術之研究 |
國科會 100-2221-E-003-024 |
2011/8/1~2012/7/31 |
主持人 |
資訊科學主題式應用與技術探索計畫 (科學探索計畫)-認識資訊科學體驗學習計畫 (科學探索計畫) (2/2) |
國科會 100-2515-S-003-002 |
~ 2012/4/30 |
主持人 |
資訊科學主題式應用與技術探索計畫 (科學探索計畫)-認識資訊科學體驗學習計畫 (科學探索計畫) (1/2) |
國科會 99-2515-S-003-002 |
~ 2011/4/30 |
主持人 |
線上社交網絡資料之探勘與資訊擷取 |
國科會98-2221-E-003-017 |
~ 2010/7/31 |
主持人 |
卓越數位學習科學研究中心-卓越數位學習科學研究中心(2/3) |
國科會98-2631-S-003-002 |
~ 2010/7/31 |
共同主持人 |
資料連結探勘技術及其應用之研究 |
國科會97-2221-E-003-007 |
~ 2009/7/31 |
主持人 |
卓越數位學習科學研究中心-卓越數位學習科學研究中心(1/3) |
國科會97-2631-S-003-003 |
~ 2009/7/31 |
共同主持人 |
為提供情境感知之資料探勘核心技術研究 |
國科會96-2221-E-003-018 |
~ 2008/7/31 |
主持人 |
大學創新數位教材研究-量身訂做的學習物件與因材施教的學習環境(3/3) |
國科會96-2524-S-003-001 |
~ 2008/12/31 |
共同主持人 |
情境感知推理之資料探勘技術研究 |
國科會95-2221-E-003-011 |
~ 2007/7/31 |
主持人 |
大學創新數位教材研究-量身訂做的學習物件與因材施教的學習環境(2/3) |
國科會95-2524-S-003-012 |
2007/10/31 |
共同主持人 |
概念變動資料流之情境感知探勘 |
國科會94-2213-E-003-010 |
~ 2006/7/31 |
主持人 |
大學創新數位教材研究-量身訂做的學習物件與因材施教的學習環境(1/3) |
國科會94-2524-S-003-014 |
~ 2006/12/31 |
共同主持人 |
資料流探勘技術之研究 |
國科會93-2213-E-003-006 |
~ 2005/7/31 |
主持人 |
有序性資料探勘技術之研究(II) |
國科會92-2213-E-003-012 |
~ 2004/7/31 |
主持人 |
有序性資料探勘技術之研究 |
國科會91-2213-E-003-004 |
~ 2003/7/31 |
主持人 |
個人化網頁資料搜尋服務之研究 |
國科會90-2213-E-003-007 |
~ 2002/7/31 |
主持人 |
電子商務之概念式查詢及產品分析研究 (II) |
國科會89-2213-E-003-006 |
~ 2000/7/31 |
主持人 |
多媒體資料庫之概念式查詢 |
國科會88-2213-E-003-001 |
~ 1999/7/31 |
主持人 |
畢業學年度 |
論文名稱 |
畢業學生 |
112 |
改進提示學習訓練架構以偵測社交媒體文本之心理健康面向 |
黃筱婷 |
111 |
以非監督式學習之類神經網路進行面向導向之意見摘要 |
方瑞澤 |
110 |
結合購買時間間隔資訊之類別感知序列推薦系統 |
陳正偉 |
110 |
以元學習方法建構個人化類別感知序列推薦模型 |
溫博任 |
110 |
基於面向學習之商品評分預測與解釋文本生成模型 |
簡子芸 |
110 |
以異質網路圖學習病況事件表示法進行死亡風險預測 |
洪翊誠 |
109 |
Towards a Conversational Recommendation System
with Item Representation Learning from Reviews (UU dual degree) |
林佩萱 |
109 |
以類別感知之多任務學習框架增進序列推薦效果 |
賴薇 |
109 |
以句子雙重情境表示法建模改進情緒原因句配對擷取之研究 |
劉秝瑋 |
109 |
以查詢詞標籤輔助指標生成網路之查詢式摘要系統 |
盛貫宇 |
108 |
於有限標示資料下可擴展關係擷取之學習策略 |
黃劭崴 |
108 |
提供具可解釋並改善評論缺漏問題之推薦系統 |
陳佑翔 |
108 |
Fatual Question Generation Model Construction With
Limited Paired Training Data |
蕭雅方 |
108 |
以異質關係進行疾病診斷碼表示法學習之研究 |
羅仕翰 |
108 |
Disease Prediction and Topic Phrase Extraction
from Clinical Reports by Attention-based LSTM model (UU dual degree) |
游雅雯 |
108 |
Question Generation through Transfer Learning (UU dual degree) |
廖盈翔 |
108 |
以遠程監督式學習從中文文本進行關係自動擷取 |
江明潔 |
107 |
Automatic Extraction of Colloquial Symptom from a
Medical Question-Answering System (UU dual degree) |
臧之瑄 |
107 |
從GPS軌跡以遞迴類神經網絡預測個人活動意圖 |
朱修毅 |
107 |
透過使用者行為與廣告特性預測點擊率 |
黃家儀 |
106 |
醫療社群問答系統提問意圖偵測之研究 |
姜博文 |
106 |
賣場文字評論內容自動面向摘要之研究 |
蔡謹安 |
105 |
Search-based Approach for Automatic Relation
Extraction of Diseases and Symptoms |
李怡慧 |
105 |
流行疾病中文新聞面向事實自動擷取之研究 |
許宸瑋 |
105 |
醫療檢驗報告關鍵字擷取與結構化之研究 |
吳培豪 |
104 |
Timeline Summarization for Event-related
Discussions on a Chinese Social Media Platform (UU dual degree) |
王涵 |
104 |
新聞面向事實自動擷取與整合之研究 |
林祺傑 |
103 |
針對問答社群中的事實問題句自動產生答案摘要之研究 |
王思涵 |
103 |
以MapReduce分散式架構有效率進行相似資料配對搜尋之研究 |
彭紹峻 |
103 |
從單一圖型中有效率探勘常見鄰近樣式之研究 |
朱聖池 |
102 |
提供網頁搜尋結果篩選之查詢字詞推薦 |
鄭舜宸 |
102 |
網頁搜尋結果重要面向事實內容自動擷取之研究 |
葉懿萱 |
102 |
Dynamic Generation of a Facet Hierarchy for Web
Search Result |
張崴 |
102 |
英文學習者文章摘要結果自動化評分技術 |
黃楨喻 |
101 |
有效率探勘社交標籤系統中前k名擴展查詢字集之研究 |
邱奕智 |
101 |
對社交標籤系統提出有效率的Top-k 近似查詢處理方法之研究 (UU exchange) |
施柏先 |
101 |
社群標籤系統中查詢結果標籤階層式組織技術之研究 |
邱俊嘉 |
101 |
關聯式資料庫之關鍵字查詢處理技術 |
劉爾剛 |
100 |
有效率找出k個滿足最多客戶需求/喜愛產品之演算法(擔任博士論文 共同指導教授) |
林真伊 |
100 |
社交標籤系統中瀏覽式標籤推薦查詢之研究 |
姜光庭 |
100 |
兩個專有詞彙關聯句自動擷取之研究 |
鍾昇宏 |
99 |
兩個專有詞彙概念關聯句組自動擷取技術之研究 |
謝聿承 |
99 |
專有詞彙相關解釋句自動分類組織技術之研究 |
林倚禛 |
99 |
A Multi-level Hierarchical Index Structure for
Supporting Efficient Similarity Search of Tag Sets |
Nonhlanhla Shongwe |
99 |
商品對比意見摘要技術之研究 |
王馨蘭 |
99 |
產品評論特徵自動擷取之研究 |
徐毓雯 |
98 |
專有詞彙之定義式問題答案句自動擷取系統 |
卓晉緯 |
98 |
以字詞類別概念輔助部落格文件分群之研究 |
范喬彬 |
98 |
多個專有詞彙概念解釋句語意關連自動分析組織之研究 |
戴衣菱 |
98 |
以討論人物隱含類別輔助論壇討論句自動分類之研究 |
許翼麟 |
98 |
運用維基百科進行個人微網誌內容主題分析 |
梁哲瑋 |
97 |
新聞論壇多面向分析之研究 |
施佩君 |
97 |
以FP-tree結構為基礎之近似常見項目集探勘法 |
涂益郎 |
95 |
資料流序列中資料項預測方法之研究 |
嚴翠鳳 |
95 |
資料流常見樣式改變偵測方法之研究 |
林靜怡 |
95 |
以資料樣式分群進行變動資料流分類探勘之研究 |
劉育君 |
94 |
近似探勘資料流中最近重複樣式方法之研究 |
周蓓旻 |
94 |
網頁點選資料流中最近瀏覽樣式探勘方法之研究 |
謝俊緯 |
94 |
資料流中常見子圖樣式改變之漸進式偵測 |
蔡明瑾 |
93 |
近似探勘資料流最近常見資料項集之研究 |
石舒寧 |
93 |
以樹首遞迴投影探勘常見XML查詢樣式之研究 |
邱紹禎 |
92 |
以位元序列為基礎探勘容錯重複樣式之研究 |
龔毓婷 |
92 |
以樹首遞迴投影探勘常見子樹結構之研究 |
林真伊 |
91 |
以循序特徵決策數探勘影像分類規則 |
李純琇 |
91 |
以前序樹結構加速探勘意外週期樣式之研究 |
林孝鴻 |
91 |
以位元序列為基礎之容錯常見項目及探勘 |
游佩瑜 |
91 |
考慮密度限制之數值區間關聯規則探勘 |
郭瑞男 |
90 |
以循序特徵關聯方式探勘影像分類規則之研究 |
安寶楹 |
90 |
以調整FP樹狀結構為基礎之關連規則漸進式探勘方法 |
謝水鳳 |
90 |
依使用者查詢及回饋探勘同類型喜好之網頁推薦系統 |
吳建良 |
89 |
有效率探勘時序性常見資料項集合之方法研究 |
房治政 |
89 |
以色塊屬性關聯規則建立影像分類決策之研究 |
陳建宏 |
88 |
多媒體資料特徵群集之探勘 |
潘建宏 |
87 |
音樂資料庫中循序特徵探勘之研究 |
俞大智 |
87 |
近似推論在模糊決策制定之研究 |
楊洸 |
計畫名稱 |
計畫編號 |
執行期間 |
指導學生 |
國中歷史測驗題目自動分析系統 |
105-2815-C-003-044-E |
2016/07/01~2017/02/28 |
李洵 |
對使用者查詢關鍵字自動產生CQA問題句之技術研究 |
103-2815-C-003-045-E |
2014/07/01~2015/02/28 |
霍婷立 |
運用相片社群網站支援旅遊文章自動插圖系統之研究 |
101-2815-C-003-044-E |
~ 2013/2/28 |
郭家祥 |
由網頁搜尋資料自動產生維基百科人物簡介內容 |
100-2815-C-003-018-E |
~ 2012/2/28 |
郭于瑄 |
以視訊社群網站支援3C產品自動問答系統 |
99-2815-C-003-035-E |
~ 2011/2/28 |
李昂珍 |
運用社交標籤提供音樂查詢及個人化推薦之研究 |
98-2815-C-003-021–E |
~ 2010/2/28 |
張家愷 |
學科名詞定義式問答系統之開發與研究 |
97-2815-C-003-028-E |
~ 2009/2/28 |
李可柔 |
部落格意見內容擷取技術之研究 |
97-2815-C-003-029-E |
~ 2009/2/28 |
郭秉璋 |
Information Retrieval for Web News Content |
94-2815-C-003-021-E |
~ 2006/2/28 |
賴婉婷 |
音樂資料曲風自動分類探勘之研究 |
93-2815-C-003-021-E |
~ 2004/2/28 |
李友善 |
影響資料色彩與關健字關聯規則探勘之研究 |
89-2815-C-003-077R-E |
~ 2001/2/28 |
蘇家玉 |
視訊資料庫語意式查詢功能之研究 |
~ 2000/2/28 |
李益豪 |
影像資料庫內容式查詢功能之研究 |
~ 1999/2/28 |
蔡淑珍 |