Course overview

The vision of smart cities emphasizes how intelligent public services may be orchestrated to the benefit of the overall community. To this end, data acquisition, communication, and interpretation lie at the heart of the design and implementation. Through this course, students will acquire problem-solving education in data science and data communication basics, gain hands-on experiences in the subject matter, and learn to discuss complex social issues in smart cities and to propose solutions to them.

This is an entry-level course for those who would like to gain some hands-on experience in data science and communication. Students who would like to take this course should know how to write program already.

The 2024 summer edition of this course will be co-taught by both a professor from National Taiwan Normal University (NTNU) in Taiwan and a professor from Kyushu University in Japan, and will be offered in terms of a 5-day, 16-hour session. Students from both NTNU and Kyushu University will learn together the basics of data science and communication, and will work together on social-issue-based projects and presentations.

The course schedule for 2024 summer:

  • Day 1: Course Overview; Introduction to Smart Cities
  • Day 2: Data Science Basics
  • Day 3: Data Communication Basics
  • Day 4: Student Group Project Workshop
  • Day 5: Student Project Presentations


Do we have physical lectures?

No. We meet online.

What programming language(s) will we use?

Mostly Python. We may touch some C and others if need be.

How do we submit homework assignments?

Via e-mail. See Contact for detail.

What is the grading policy for this course?

See the syllabus in each school’s enrollment system.