Linking the Global and Spatially Resolved SFR-M* Relations and Molecular Gas Properties of MaNGA Galaxies / Dr Hsi-an Pan (Institute of Astronomy & Astrophysics, Academia Sinica) The galaxy integrated star formation rate(SFR)-stellar mass(M) relation holds important information for understanding the star formation history and evolution of galaxies. Although the SFR-M relation has been reported with a variety of different data sets, their appearance can vary significantly from one to another. In this work, we determine what controls the integrated and the spatially-resolved SFR-M* relation in both star-forming and quiescent galaxies by linking the resolved SFR-M* relation with various galaxy properties such as stellar mass, specific SFR (sSFR), bulge-to-total light ratio, and morphology using MaNGA data (Mapping Nearby Galaxies at APO). In this talk, in addition to MaNGA, I will also introduce the current status of molecular gas observations of MaNGA galaxies. Molecular gas represents the material immediately available for forming new stars. A direct comparison between stellar populations and molecular gas is required to understand the star formation in galaxies. We use CO data to trace molecular gas content in MaNGA galaxies and compare their stellar properties and gas properties, such as gas fraction and star formation efficiency of gas.