2012/Oct/23 (8-bit characters are traditional chinese, encoded in BIG5) When modern Earth Science meets ancient Chinese legends(地球、天文與中國古傳說的對話) Dr Benjamin Fong Chao (Distinguished Research Fellow & Director, Institute of Earth Sciences, Academia Sinica) [趙丰博士/中央研究院地球科學研究所,特聘研究員兼所長] Abstract ======== 中國古傳說裡種種異象與異事,可否、或如何以科學來解釋?邀你來當福爾摩斯, 根据最遠古的實物、文字、記載,推敲以現代科學對地球自然環境的認識和了解, 在這些問題上提供新的思維,試解遠古神秘的謎團。 Ever wonder what were actually said in those most mysterious ancient legends of China eons ago? Can they be explained in terms of our modern knowledge of Earth science? Let's play Sherlock Holmes and explore together and try to offer insightful scientific explanations of what really did happen, based on ancient records, documents, artifacts, and our new ways of thinking. (NB: this colloquium talk will be in Chinese.)