pseudo eigenvalue🚧
pseudo eigenvalue
complex eigenvalue🚧
complex eigenvalue
Cauchy eigenvalue interlacing theorem Gershgorin eigenvalue circle theorem
spectral projection
(A - zI) pencil (A - zI)⁻¹ resolvent / spectra det(A - zI) characteristic polynomial
(zI - A)⁻¹ = z⁻¹(I + A/z + A²/z² + ...)
特徵值shift-inverse調到無限大,環積分之後變成特徵向量外積(特徵分解外積表示法) 用C圈選隔離特徵值,得到其特徵向量。 特徵值相異,X是向量;特徵值重根,X是正規正交矩陣。 -1 ∫ ——— (A - zI)⁻¹ dz = XXᵀ = P spectral projection C 2πi
A - λⱼI Pᵢ = prod ——————— Lagrange interpolation j≠i λᵢ - λⱼ
專著《Eigenvalues of Matrices》
大量特徵值演算法(Sakurai–Sugiura projection)
《A projection method for generalized eigenvalue problems using numerical integration》
《A Density Matrix-based Algorithm for Solving Eigenvalue Problems》
《PFEAST: A High Performance Sparse Eigenvalue Solver Using Distributed-Memory Linear Solvers》
spectral projection那一坨積分 用積分演算法求得(Gaussian quadrature?) 複平面,最大最小特徵值的圓,等距取樣。 自己設定半徑,看要圈多少特徵值。 這樣就得到XXᵀ了。
P = XXᵀ不做共軛分解。 而是隨便亂猜X̃,乘在後面(XXᵀ)X̃。 如果猜得準,導致相消剩下X,猜中特徵矩陣。 拿(XXᵀ)X̃來做Rayleigh–Ritz projection,就這樣。
quadratic eigenvalue🚧
quadratic eigenvalue
generalized eigenvalue🚧
generalized eigenvalue
Ax = λBx. if A - zB is singular then z is an eigenvalue.
matrix pencil: A - zB. regular iff det(A - zB) ≠ 0.
B⁻¹A or AB⁻¹ has same eigenvalue.
PₗAPᵣ = λPₗBPᵣx has same eigenvalue.
Weierstrass canonical form:
⎡ J-zI | 0 ⎤ Pₗ(A-zB)Pᵣ = ⎢------+------⎥ ⎣ 0 | I-zJ ⎦ below J is nilpotent. diagonal are all 0.
generalized Schur decomposition(QZ decomposition)
A = QSZᵀ B = QTZᵀ
biorthogonal decomposition
biorthogonal decomposition / biorthogonalization
VᵀAW = B where VᵀW = I
two-side Rayleigh quotient. generalized eigenvalue. pencil.
VᵀAW ———— VᵀW
雙正交分解演算法(unsymmetric Lanczos iteration)
Lanczos iteration的時間複雜度實在太銷魂,於是有人硬是用Lanczos iteration處理一般矩陣。
linear approximation🚧
linear approximation【尚無正式名稱】
‖A‖ꜰ² = tr(AᵀA) = tr((sum λᵢPᵢ)ᵀ(sum λᵢPᵢ)) =========== tr(sum λᵢ²Pᵢ) = sum λᵢ² tr(Pᵢ) = sum λᵢ² when Pᵀ = P aka A is normal
pseudoinverse = projection = least squares = linear regression = dot product of arbitrary basis linear approximation = dot product of othronormal basis
galerkin method: orthonormal basis dot conjugated gradient method: A-orthonormal residual dot linear feedback system: time series dot (fixedpoint) companion matrix: x x^2 x^3 dot (differential equation eigenfunction) taylor expansion: order-1 to order-n gradient dot
kalman filter: residual dot 正規正交基底的線性組合的線性變換,分別對各個基底點積。 Ax = A(c1q1 + c2q2 + ...) q*Ax = c q*Aq when dot(qi,qj) = 0 點積結果是二次型。正規化之後得到虛擬特徵值,乘上c倍。 c q*Aq/q*q QR分解之GS正交化 Q當作正規正交基底 R是點積 dot(q,a) = q*a
[galerkin method solve linear equation] xk = x0 + subspace = x0 + (α0 b + α1 Ab + α2 A²b) such that dot(b - Axk, q) = 0 餘數通通通過基底q的測試 如果是 linear least squares 應該要改成 min dot(b - Axk, q)
xₜ₊₁ = xₜ - dot(J, F) / dot(J, J) 視作投影公式:F(x)投影到J。 向量投影到梯度,再求得向量到梯度的差距。
can we use them? when use the linearization 1. fixpoint iteration (linear equation) 2. power iteration (linear eigenvalue)
n->n求根 其實就是求特徵值? power iteration? companion matrix? Cayley–Hamilton theorem?
linear approximation🚧
symmetric matrix
「對稱矩陣」。yᵀAx = xᵀAy。
這是仿照dot(y, Ax) = dot(x, Ay)的概念,幾何意義是兩個向量x與y,無論取哪一個實施線性變換,點積仍相同。
positive definite matrix / positive semidefinite matrix
「正定矩陣」。xᵀAx > 0,不討論x = 0。
「半正定矩陣」。xᵀAx ≥ 0,不討論x = 0。
這是仿照dot(x, Ax) > 0的概念,幾何意義是Ax投影到x上面,投影量總是大於0,無論哪種x。換句話說,向量經過線性變換,轉彎幅度少於±90˚,未達半個面。
眼尖的讀者應該注意到了,dot(x, Ax)再除以x的長度平方,就是虛擬特徵值。正定矩陣的虛擬特徵值恆正,於是特徵值恆正。
二次型除以x長度平方,換句話說,向量經過線性變換再投影回去,即是「虛擬特徵值Rayleigh quotient」。
symmetric positive definite matrix
原本定義可以改寫成xᵀAx = xᵀMᵀMx = (Mx)ᵀMx = ‖Mx‖² > 0。代數意義是線性變換之後的長度的平方、恆正。
二次型開根號,換句話說,向量經過線性變換的長度,形成「歐氏長度函數Euclidean length function」。
「矩陣正交」。yᵀAx = 0。xᵀAy = 0。兩式等價。
length / distance
l(x) = ‖x‖ = √xᵀx | d(x,y) = ‖x - y‖ = √(x-y)ᵀ(x-y) lᴍ(x) = ‖Mx‖ | dᴍ(x,y) = ‖Mx - My‖ = ‖M(x - y)‖ = √(Mx)ᵀ(Mx) | = √(M(x-y))ᵀ(M(x-y)) = √xᵀMᵀMx | = √(x-y)ᵀMᵀM(x-y) = √xᵀAx | = √(x-y)ᵀA(x-y)