differentiable curve🚧
0. speed: parameter 1. tangent : gradient of position 2. normal : variant of tangent 3. distance 4. area 5. curvature 6. principal curvature 7. shape operator 8. energy
1. curve p(t) = (x(t), y(t)) 2. ds ‖p′(t)‖ = √x′(t)² + y′(t)² = ds 3. length s(t) = ∫₀ᵗ ‖p′(t)‖ = ∫₀ᵗ √x′(t)² + y′(t)² 4. tangent T(t) = p′(t) / ‖p′(t)‖ = normalize(dp/dt) 5. normal N(t) = p″(t) / ‖p″(t)‖ = normalize(dT/dt) 6. binormal B(t) = T(t) × N(t) 7. curvature κ(t) = ‖p′(t) × p″(t)‖ / ‖p′(t)‖³ 8. torsion τ(t) = [(p′(t) × p″(t)) ∙ p‴(s)] / ‖p′(t) × p″(t)‖²
arc length reparameterization (tangent normalization) x. length s(t) (strictly monotone increasing) y. inverse of s(t) t(s) z. reparameterization p(s) = p(t(s)) a. arc length ‖p(s1) - p(s2)‖ = |s1 - s2| b. ds ‖p′(s)‖ = 1 c. curvature κ(s) = ‖T′(s)‖ = ‖N(s)‖ = ‖p″(s)‖ = 1/r d. torsion τ(s) = ‖B′(s)‖ 1. tangent T(s) = p′(s) = dp/ds 2. normal (scaled) κ(s) N(s) = p″(s) = dT/ds 3. normal N(s) = p″(s) / ‖p″(s)‖ = normalize(dT/ds)
2d frenet frame { dT/ds = κ N { dN/ds = - κ T 3d frenet frame { dT/ds = κ N { dN/ds = - κ T + τ B { dB/ds = - τ N
differentiable surface🚧
normal curvature
normal plane a plane containing normal vector. normal section a curve from intersection of normal plane and surface. geodesic curvature / normal curvature (scalar form) { κg = κ cos(γ) γ is angle between binormal B { κn = κ sin(γ) and surface normal n geodesic curvature / normal curvature (vector form) κ = κn + κg geodesic curve κg = 0 Meusnier's theorem all curves on a surface passing through a given point p and having the same tangent line at p also have the same normal curvature at p.
principal curvatures
Euler curvature formula κθ = κ₁ cos²(θ) + κ₂ sin²(θ) principal curvature { κ₁ = H + sqrt(H² - K) { κ₂ = H - sqrt(H² - K) Gaussian curvature K = κ₁κ₂ determinant K = Ag(p) / A(p) 加了鄰居後的面積比率 Ag(p): spherical image gauss map area mean curvature 1 ⌠2π H = —— | ‖x″θ(t)‖dθ 每個方向(角度0到2π)的曲線的曲率的平均 2π ⌡0 H = (κ₁+κ₂)/2 = Euler curvature formula at θ = 45° H = -½(∇∙n⃗) = -div(n⃗)/2 Hn⃗ = ½ ∇A(p) / A(p) = grad(area)/2area 垂直移動後的面積比率 curvature special case 1. K = 0 developable surface / ruled surface in 3D 2. H = 0 minimal surface / harmonic
shape operator
directional derivative ∇vf change of f(x,y) at point p in direction v. tangent vector T(v) = ∇vp change of position p at point p in direction v. shape operator S(v) = -∇vn change of normal vector n at point p in tangent vector v. shape operator = tangent vector (if we skip scalar) 那就是排骨酥湯阿幹 eigenvalues of shape operator = principal curvatures https://math.stackexchange.com/questions/3665865/
0th-order derivative is position x 1st-order derivative is tangent vector T 2nd-order derivative is hessian matrix H that is composed of normal N and binormal B shape operator = normal change in tangent direction = tangent = 1st-order derivative transformation matrix of shape operator = derivative of shape operator = 2nd-order derivative (hessian) eigenvalues of transformation matrix of shape operator = eigenvalues of hessian = principal curvatures sum of eigenvalues of transformation matrix of shape operator = sum of eigenvalues of hessian = trace of hessian = laplacian = mean curvature * 2
variational geometry
curve stretching energy ∫ ‖p′(t)‖² dt (sum of squared length) curve bending energy ∫₀ˡ κ²(s) ds (euler elastica) (with reparameterization) ∫ ‖p″(t)‖² dt surface stretching energy ∫ ‖∇p(u,v)‖² dudv (laplacian = 0) surface bending energy ∫ (½(κ₁+κ₂))² dA = ∫ H² dA (bilaplacian = 0) (with reparameterization) ∫ ‖∇∇p(u,v)‖² dudv (trival!) 1. become flat surface, ∇p(u,v) = 0 2. off-diagonal of hessian matrix are gone, H = tr(∇∇p)/2 jacobian matrix p′(t) = ∇p hessian matrix x″(u,v) = ∇∇x bending energy ∫ (κ₁+κ₂)²/4 dA = ∫ H² dA Willmore energy ∫ (κ₁-κ₂)²/4 dA = ∫ (H² - K) dA
fundamental form
first fundamental form x-component of dot product of two tangent vectors [xu∙xu xu∙xv] trace = xu² + xv² = grad² ‖Ⅰ‖² = (xu + xv)² [xv∙xu xv∙xv] min ∫ trace => laplace = 0 (membrane energy) second fundamental form x-component of dot product of normal vector and tangent variant? [n∙xuu n∙xuv] ‖Ⅱ‖² = sum sigma² = k1² + k2² [n∙xvu n∙xvv] min ∫ ‖Ⅱ‖² => laplace² = 0 (thin-plate energy) dN/dp ??? fundamental form application tr(Ⅰ) = length² = ‖xu‖² + ‖xv‖² = grad² det(Ⅰ) = area = ‖xu × xv‖ tr(Ⅱ Ⅰ⁻¹) = 2H = k1 + k2 (eigenvalue = principal curvature) det(Ⅱ Ⅰ⁻¹) = K = k1k2 fundamental form application 1. shape operator S = Ⅱ Ⅰ⁻¹ 2. stretching energy ∫∫Ω ‖diag(Ⅰ'(u,v)-Ⅰ(u,v))‖² dudv 3. bending energy ∫∫Ω ‖Ⅱ'(u,v)-Ⅱ(u,v)‖² dudv
Ⅰ = dp∙dp Ⅱ = -dp∙dn Ⅲ = dn∙dn KⅠ + 2HⅡ + Ⅲ = 0
function curve
explicit function
curvature of function curve κ(t) = p″(t) / √(1 + p′(t)²)³ κ(t) ≈ p″(t) when ‖p′(t)‖ << 1 principal curvatures of function surface https://math.stackexchange.com/questions/481060/
implicit function
curvature of implicit curve / isocurve https://math.stackexchange.com/questions/27967/ principal curvatures of implicit surface / isosurface https://math.stackexchange.com/questions/383407/
curvature of isophote https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Isophote
differentiable polyline🚧
discrete curve
discrete curvature 1. dT = dN , edge = 0 , vertex = θ 轉角大小是曲率積分,角平分線是曲率方向 2. curavture: κn⃗ = 2sin(θ/2)n⃗ 3. https://zhuanlan.zhihu.com/p/72083902
differentiable mesh🚧
differentiable mesh
1. gradient 2. laplacian-beltrami
differential form
exterior calculus
exterior algebra
https://reurl.cc/odkpAl https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Marc_Gerritsma/publication/301851033/figure/fig4/AS:667721201102864@1536208548882/Physical-quantities-in-R-3-can-be-associated-with-either-inner-or-outer-oriented-points.png https://images.app.goo.gl/s2Mmvhv51BMkvMER9 http://ddg.cs.columbia.edu/SIGGRAPH06/DECApplications.pdf https://www.cs.cmu.edu/~kmcrane/Projects/DGPDEC/
point ∇ edge ∇× face ∇∙ cell scalar ---> vector ---> vector ---> scalar |⋆ |⋆ |⋆ |⋆ cell ∇∙ face ∇× edge ∇ point scalar <--- vector <--- vector <--- scalar ∆ = d⋆d⋆ + ⋆d⋆d
no free lunch: curvature
no free lunch: Laplace–Beltrami operator
discrete Laplace operators: no free lunch 如果在二維空間 三個願望一次滿足 四個願望就不行了
discrete surface
discrete curvature 1. principal https://computergraphics.stackexchange.com/questions/1718 2. mean http://copyme.github.io/flower/mean-curvature/ from vertex 1. angle deficit: K = 2π - sum θᵢ 角錐展開、頂角大小 gaussian curvature: K = (2π - sum θᵢ) / (A(p)/3) 曲率積分 from cell 2. mean curvature: 2Hn⃗ = ∇A(p) / A(p) 角錐壓平、面積最小 3. mean curvature: 2Hn⃗ = -∆x 所有方向的二次微分加總 from edge 4. mean curvature: H(e) = ½β‖e‖ dihedral angle: β 相鄰三角形的法向量夾角,相鄰三角形的轉角。 (concave is positive) 5. shape operator: S(e) = βeeᵀ / ‖e‖² 3x3矩陣 { S(e)e = βe { S(e)v = 0 when e ⟂ v 6. shape operator: S(v) = sum S(e) / (A(p)/3)
discrete gradient 1. hat function 2. barycentric coordinate discrete laplacian (Laplace–Beltrami operator) 1. combinatorial laplacian (min pairwise squared distance) [from mean curvature to edge gradient] 1 ⌠2π —— | ‖x″θ(t)‖dθ ----> div(∇x) = ∆x 2π ⌡0 每個方向(角度0到2π)的曲線的曲率的平均 ---> 鄰邊梯度的微分的總和(無須平均) 所有方向的二次微分加總 2. cot laplacian (min surface area) [from area differential to mean curvature] 2Hn⃗ = ∇A(p) / A(p) ----> grad(voronoi cell) = laplace_cot(vertex) 讓角錐側面積盡量小(側面積→底面積)的頂點移動方向的反方向 https://www.slideshare.net/gpeyre/mesh-processing-course-mesh-parameterization 3. Discrete Differential-Geometry Operators for Triangulated 2-Manifolds (2003) 鈍角改用mixed cell 4. A Laplacian for Nonmanifold Triangle Meshes (2020)
normal 1. length is 1 2. cross product normal type 1. vertex 2. face 3. corner normal reconstruction 1.1 face -> edge 1.2 face/edge -> vertex 2. vertex -> face normal interpolation 1. 角平分線 (normal length = 1, 等腰三角形對稱軸) 2. sphere interpolation (no need normalization)
tangent: principal curvature directions
《Discrete Differential-Geometry Operators for Triangulated 2-Manifolds》
mean curvature 1 1 1 2(pᵢ - pⱼ)∙n⃗ H = ————— sum ( — cot(θᵢⱼ⁺) + — cot(θᵢⱼ⁻) ) ‖pᵢ - pⱼ‖² ————————————— A(pᵢ) (i,j) 8 8 ‖pᵢ - pⱼ‖² ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^ wᵢⱼ κᵢⱼ radius of curvature ‖pᵢ - pⱼ‖² r = 1/κᵢⱼ = ————————————— 弦(pᵢ,pⱼ),i點法向量n⃗ 2(pᵢ - pⱼ)∙n⃗ 半弦長、cos,得到斜邊r symmetric curvature tensor B = [ a b ] where a + c = 2H = tr(Ⅱ Ⅰ⁻¹) [ b c ] ac - b² = K = det(Ⅱ Ⅰ⁻¹) vᵢⱼ = normalize( (pⱼ - pᵢ) - projn⃗(pⱼ - pᵢ) ) solve vᵢⱼᵀ B vᵢⱼ = κᵢⱼ min sum wᵢⱼ (vᵢⱼᵀ B vᵢⱼ - κᵢⱼ)² j
euler elastica http://www.pci.tu-bs.de/aggericke/PC4e/Kap_V/Normalschwingungen.htm discrete mean curvature H = -½(∇∙n⃗) ---> 2Hn⃗ = div(grad(x)) = ∆x discrete stretching energy ∫ ‖∇x‖² dA (∆x = 0) discrete bending energy ∫ ‖diag(∇∇x)‖² = ∫ ‖∇∙∇x‖² = ∫ ‖∆x‖² (∆²x = 0) discrete Willmore energy Wᵢ = sum βᵢⱼ - 2π [Schröder05] discrete curve bending energy ds = (si+1 - si) κ(s) = ‖pi+1 - pi‖ / ds (arc length reparameterization) Ebend = ∫₀ˡ κ²(s) ds = sum { ‖pi+1 - pi‖² / (si+1 - si) }
surface field🚧
《Directional Field Synthesis, Design, and Processing》
field 多變量函數用在曲面:函數輸入是曲面的參數座標。 directional field 1. n-vector field (usually 2 tangent vectors) 2. parallel transport: f1:(c1,c2) dot e = f2:(c1,c2) dot e c1 = v dot t1 3. connection 連成線 4. principal matching: [see panozzo slide] [see directional tutorial] 5. interpolation singularity 1. umbilic / umbilicus (k1 = k2) 2. wedge 3. trisector singularity by gauss map 以二維向量場為例 待測點周圍逆時針繞一圈,看看向量的輻角變化,轉了幾周,不等於零的都是奇異點 1. 平流 0周 2. source放射/sink內聚 +1周=360度 3. saddle十字流出入 -1周=-360度 4. 轉圈 +1或-1 hairy ball theorem / Poincaré–Hopf theorem 球面上,連續切向量場一定有零(源匯)
tangent vector field
mapping X -> Y fiber 反對應,y對應到的所有x,毛囊y的一堆毛x (fiber) bundle (parameter,field) -> parameter 視作一種投影 萬物->核心。比方說世界萬物->土水風火Doodle God section parameter -> (parameter,field) 取得其中一個元素 得到一個超級向量場,維度包含了參數和場 vector bundle (parameter,vector field) -> parameter
tangent bundle (parameter,tangent plane) -> parameter 輸入:所有切面。輸出:切點(或者是X軸方向) 可以視作一個4維流形。 section of tangent bundle = tangent vector field parameter -> (parameter,tangent plane) 取得其中一個元素 切面以及切點(或者是X軸方向) cotangent bundle 外代數的對偶(不是垂直補集) 切點參數和切線參數互調(也有可能是轉置?)
directional derivative 純量場對向量微分 各個地點,純量對向量做微分,純量對方向微分 方向微分就是梯度在該方向上的投影(點積) covariant derivative 向量場對向量場微分(或者,純量場對向量場微分) 各個地點,向量對向量做微分,向量對方向微分 X值、Y值分別對方向微分,總共兩次 方向微分就是梯度在該方向上的投影(點積) lie derivative 張量場/向量場/純量場對向量場微分
connection vector bundle裝備上covariant derivative 簡單來說,section of vector bundle的方向微分運算子 (超級向量場,超級向量場) -> 超級向量場 切點的參數(u,v)可以重新想成是路徑的起點與方向? 順帶一提,多變量函數的微分就是變換矩陣 超級向量場之中,元素套用transformation得到鄰居 connection Fij ∘ Fjk = Fijk 切面(的向量)實施變換,得到隔壁切面(的向量) 可以沿著路徑複合。不同路徑可能結果不同。 affine connection 切面(的向量)實施仿射變換,得到隔壁切面(的向量) holonomy angle 繞一圈之後的相位差 跟面積成正比、跟高斯曲率總和成正比 trivial connection 任意一個向量場都可以作為connection 相鄰向量差異大小,當作微分算子的計算結果(變換矩陣) 優點:各種路徑結果均相同 flat connection 曲率為零。向量全部指向同一方向? holonomy angle = 0
levi-civita connection
riemannian metric 切面集增加副屬性,引入了距離 每個切面的X軸Y軸訂好位置之後 每個切面的對應點之間,形成一個點集合,定義一個距離函數 換句話說 切面上的每一個點,各有一個專屬的距離函數 所有距離函數總共R^2個,可以看成一個距離函數場 一個距離函數的輸入,是兩個切面(的兩個對應點) 可以想成二維座標距離(切面由切點決定,切點共有R^2個) killing vector field 距離函數場對機靈向量場微分=0 A-orthogonal 所以是 isometry geometric flow levi-civita connection 可微、保距、torsion-free 向量與切線夾角是定值 { Ri(Ti) = Ri(Ti+1) where R is rotation { Ri(Bi) = 0 切線沿著路徑亂走,切線長度與幅角不變化
parallel transport
parallel transport 表面攤平、曲線拉直 切面(的向量)實施變換,移動到隔壁切面 parallel transport 向量場對向量場微分=0,路徑微分版本 微分=0的意義:以路徑方向為準,向路徑看齊 流形表面選出一條路徑(向量場,路徑的方向) 流形表面選出一個切線(向量場,切線r,theta),有初始方向 極座標r,theta可以換成二維座標c1,c2 離散版本的話,就要看每個切面的X軸Y軸座標系統怎麼訂
mesh field🚧
Trivial Connections on Discrete Surfaces (2010) 計算fundamental group的holonomy angle,最小平方解。 Globally Optimal Direction Fields (2013) n-vector alignment dihedral angle 相鄰三角形的法向量夾角,相鄰三角形的轉角。
surface transformation🚧
surface transformation(geometric flow)
isometric mapping => gaussian curvature is the same (theorema egregium) harmonic mapping => ???
isoperimetric inequality 梯度平方和-梯度差平方=面積的兩倍 (‖Fx‖² + ‖Fy‖²) - ‖Fy - ±Fx⟂‖² = ±2(Fx × Fy) local Dirichlet energy - isogonal energy = 2 ⋅ area global
surface transformation 1. isometric: J = Q, Ⅰ = I 2. conformal: J = sQ,Ⅰ = sI 3. equiareal: det(J) = ±1, det(Ⅰ) = 1 surface transformation 1. conformal first fundamental form E = G, F = 0 https://math.stackexchange.com/questions/1514312/ https://math.stackexchange.com/questions/940456/ 2. harmonic first fundamental form minimize trace minimal surface rigid motion of object 2d curve: same speed, curvature 3d curve: same speed, curvature, torsion 3d surface: same first/second fundamental form 3d space: same first fundamental form
mobius transformation
平移 旋轉 縮放 反演 保長 保距 保角 和諧
http://reedbeta.com/blog/conformal-texture-mapping/ http://www.cs.jhu.edu/~misha/Fall09/16-conformalmetrics.pdf
conformal transformation
Conformal Equivalence of Triangle Meshes (2008) [continuous] g' = e^2u g g is metric on reimann manifold [discrete] lij' = lij + ui + uj lij = 2 log wij wij is metric on mesh (every face ijk satisfies triangle inequality) 不必是弧線,可以是直線...
mesh transformation🚧
piecewise affine transformation
piecewise affine alignment
solve A(pᵢ - t) = (p̕ᵢ - t̕) for i = 1,2,3,4 solve A(pᵢ - p₁) = (p̕ᵢ - p̕₁) for i = 2,3,4 [ | | | ] [ | | | ] V = [ p₂-p₁ p₃-p₁ p₄-p₁ ] V̕ = [ p̕₂-p̕₁ p̕₃-p̕₁ p̕₄-p̕₁ ] [ | | | ] [ | | | ] AV = V̕ A = V̕V⁻¹
normal vector of triangle (p₁,p₂,p₃): (p₂ - p₁) × (p₃ - p₁) p₄ - p₁ = ————————————————————————————— sqrt(‖(p₂ - p₁) × (p₃ - p₁)‖) normal vector of triangle (p̕₁,p̕₂,p̕₃): (p̕₂ - p̕₁) × (p̕₃ - p̕₁) p̕₄ - p̕₁ = ————————————————————————————— sqrt(‖(p̕₂ - p̕₁) × (p̕₃ - p̕₁)‖)
surface mapping🚧
shape approximation
D(M₁, M₂) = ∫ₓ (n̕ᵢᵀx̕ᵢ - nᵢᵀxᵢ)² dA 點到切平面距離,平方誤差總和 D(M₁, M₂) = ∫ₓ ‖n̕ᵢ - nᵢ‖² dA 法向量,平方誤差總和
shape metric
《Functional and shape data analysis》
https://di.ku.dk/forskning/research_school/phd_courses/upcoming/international-phd-course-in-nonlinear-statistics/files/ https://di.ku.dk/forskning/research_school/phd_courses/upcoming/international-phd-course-in-nonlinear-statistics/schedule/ Square Root Velocity Function 微分開根號 兩個函數一起重新參數化,SRVF的L2距離保持不變 => REGISTRATION = PARAMETRIZATION 改一改參數化函數就行了 sqrt(r'(t)) => Fisher–Rao Metric 但是那個r(t)要怎麼窮舉咧...要怎麼離散化咧...