
背景音樂:Angel`s tale by Hyde

姓名: 林怡彣

生日: 12月3日

星座: 射手座

E-mail: tfg40thwgr5@hotmail.com


興趣: 運動.看小說漫畫.聽音樂.唱歌.買東西.畫畫.嘗試新東西

特技: 儀隊槍法.不自覺散發出殺氣.三秒鐘入睡法(常使用於上課中T-T)

系上活動: 啦啦.系排.系籃(預計啦啦賽後加入)

喜歡的東西: 牛仔褲.可愛的東西.漫畫.音樂.麵食類.冰品.漂亮的人事物



Angel`s Tale

Here in my heart
Memories linger
I hold them sacred
Safe from all others
Angel's tale

A love such a this
Once in a lifetime
Lost in your beauty
Still dreaming of you
Angel's tale

You drove the sinner from me
And shone with such glory
Touching me softly
My breath torn away
in a silver veil
Under skied so pale
Trembling as i watched you
One holy night
Angel\Snow can be warm
Didn't you know that?

Just like a snowflake
Fallimng from heaven
Angel's tale

I kept my feelings from you
The heavens divide us
I longed to tell you
All my heart's desire
If only i have wings
Wings as white as yours
Up into the sky
I'd surely fly
Angel Ah
Yes,on such snowy nights
Memories rivive
Your eternal flame
Burning again secret
Here in my heart
Memories linger
I hold them secred
Safe from all others
Angel's tale