文字方塊: Leopold was not only a gifted violinist, keyboard and organ player, he was also quite famous as a music pedagogue in Austria and Europe. Moreover, he stuffed his house full of musical instruments and he educated his children at home. In short, Wolfgang was born in a musical home 





文字方塊: Roy as papa in movie Amadeus







Pa pa~Leopold Mozart









文字方塊: Ma ma is a woman with friendly and nice temper . However she did not live long. She died when I was 21 years old. And I think that's because of the awful city~ Paris. I will never forget  how they treat me and my poor mother.
Ma Ma~ Anna Maria Mozart







Sister~ Nannel Mozart





文字方塊: Wolfgang's sister known by the affectionate diminutive ''Nannerl', was born in 1751. She was a remarkable musically talented child. Although her abilities to play the keyboard would soon be overshadowed by Wolfgang, five year her junior. 





文字方塊: Anton Mozart was a successful portrait artist of the 1500’s—alas a artist largely forgotten today, except he is an ancestor of mine. The detail shows him holding an sketchpad , taking note so he could draw himself into the picture.















圓角矩形圖說文字: Hey..guys..come here!! Let me  take you around through Salzburg.




























文字方塊: This picture is a farm from Germany. It was once run by my great great great great...grandfather. Austria is also famous as her chocolate. If you come here, don't forget to offer yourself a Turkish coffee and Mozartkugeln .   










文字方塊: This is place where I was born.



文字方塊: Nannel's house.