I joined the mountain climbing club and went into the wild frequently. I enjoy the process of hiking for a long distance and finally reaching the summit. Furthermore, I learn how to cooperate with people with different backgrounds because we need overcome the inconvenience and risks in the mountains. I was shocked by how the riverbed remained dry during the rainy season. Such situation happened more often in recent years according to my observation. It was problematic that I was forced to find other places to fetch water as the guide of a team. I believe I am strongly aware of environmental issues and the challenges people would face, which motivates me to pursue further study in hydrology field
- 2021 能高安東軍 6 日:第一次上山那麼思念平地的人
- 2021 白姑大山 3 日:新手司機讓我們嚇很多跳
- 2021 北大武山 1 日:坐夜車去爬山就是省錢
- 2021 郡大山 1 日:第一次上山前可以在南投市區走走
- 2020 志佳陽大山 1 日:說走就走的單攻
- 2020 羊頭山 1 日:輕鬆好走生態又豐富的單攻路線
- 2020 畢祿山 1 日:國慶日上畢祿山
- 2020 合歡山主峰 1 日:去武嶺健行暖身用的百岳
- 2020 南湖群峰 4 日:帶領百岳新手姐姐們登上南湖
- 2020 七彩湖、六順山 6 日:會師真D感動
- 2020 武陵四秀 3 日:第一次當副領、吃箭竹
- 2020 巒安堂上西巒大山 3 日:第一次當16人領隊
- 2019 合歡西峰 1 日:平易近人的百岳風景
- 2019 大壩群峰 4 日:會師颱風前的安寧
- 2018 玉山 4 日:第一次抽玉山就上手!
- 2018 南華山 2 日:第一次上山,迎新大山遇到下大雨、朋友高山症